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A la prochaine

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Everything posted by A la prochaine

  1. The Dark Monkey seems so lost --> He lost his way many many many moons ago and has never found his way back home. --> Is there hope for this monkey of darkness? Is it possible to win the dark monkey over with the love of our AmazingSeaMonkeys? Could Brother Argyle's music perhaps calm the beast? Or perhaps the sounds of our AmazingSeaMonkey's band??? So many questions.. so little time. :(--> Sigh. Feeling Being Living and now Sharing
  2. Yummy? --> Sounds barbaric!!!
  3. Notin... Any membership fees??? Let me know. I would love to join. Sounds like so much fun. Such a divers program you are running there!!! Count me in!! And, I will gladly :D--> look after that nametag for you! I'm good with those things and a sharp pair of scissors!
  4. Pheeewww! :o--> Thank the the AmazingSeaMonkeys!! Alrighty then!!! I'm packing my 'papers' now! Research Papers of course! ;)-->
  5. Strange One, Do I have to wear my nametag? I threw mine all out. Does it have to be in the Sonlight room. I go into convulsions when anyone mentions that place!
  6. Girl from Oz, According to Billy Connolly...I believe it's the British whom are the prudes.
  7. Not In Kansas Anymore, Is that 'available'???? HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA !!!!!! :D--> :D--> :D--> Tom the Strange One, I'm there! Can I attend your fellowship.. please,please,please!! I'll bring my own 'papers'! hey i started page 190...there must be some spiritual significance to that!
  8. Searcher and Refiner, Thank you for clarifying this. It is very easy to jump to the defense when someone has been abused in this way. Due to the fact that I was so brutalized verbally in TWI, I try to stay away from any 'attacks' these days.
  9. Sockeroo!!! Your music...that was a blast! Just today a friend of mine was asking me about your music because I had mentioned to them about the other piece here on this thread. They wanted to know if I had heard anymore tunes by you of late... and now here it is.. it just appeared as like by magic...I am truly Amazed! Thank you .. you are sharing the love and loving the sharing! A true OLM you are my brother argyle. Yes.. and I do see the connections... Buddy Holly...Tom the Strange one...it's all coming together for me now. What a cosmic voyage this is! But.. the dark Monkey.. oh no! Not him! but i know if we hold faithful to our Being Living Feeling Sharing he will have no place here! Away with you bad monkey...we have no time for you!
  10. Brother Lingo, Brother Argyle is just a term of endearment I have given our wonderful Brother Socks.. get it.. socks.. argyle.. argyle socks! You could say it's his celtic side. Those Amazing Sea Monkeys love that celtic sea water you know!!! Now, the 'band' I speak of that has adopted the name of our loving little creatures is not Canadian but...AMERICAN... Yes...sadly this is true...I hate to admit it ... but it is true. :(--> They are fine musicians tho'! Brother Lingo, Thank you for all your input. This has certainly helped put some focus on our adventure here. I personally am a fan of folk/celtic/celtic rock music (Brother Argyle can attest to this ... with me indoctrinating him to Great Big Sea) (whom by the way have a part of the Amazing SEAMonkeys name already in it. They are tuned in they really are! But of course, I sway in many many many directions when it comes to musical tastes. If it's well done.. I'm there! Feeling Being Living and now.. Sharing :D-->
  11. Don't remember them Socks?? Sorry. :(--> But I'm sure you have an Amazing story to share with us! OK.. hubby listened to your song and was very delighted! His comments were: He loved your bass line...it was funky and driving. Thought you were a very accomplished guitarist...and enjoyed the jazzy Gretch sound you had. The rhythm drives with this nice guitar sitting on top of it...Well done!! I wrote his comments down while he spoke, to make sure I got his story straight! I understood the meaning of the work 'genre'. I was just looking for someone to help me with what the 'genre' would be for the ASM music. Still need some assistance here. Feeling Being Living Sharing
  12. Brother Argyle, No hubby hasn't listened to it yet.. but I will tie him to the computer and MAKE him listen .. dam it!!! Your diversité idea is a swell ;)--> one Brother Argyle. Now you are certainly the genius behind this whole thing...help me out. What exactly is the sea monkey genre (SMG for short) of music? I need a little input from all you Amazing Sea Monkey Musicians (ASMM) Help me understand what exactly you have in mind for the true ASM roots sound? Yes OLM Argyle, your explanation about living is sharing and sharing is living has told me that we must verily add sharing to our mantra. If you have any questions regarding ASMM or SMG please contact: La gérante of the Amazing Sea Monkeys Ala minkee Being... Feeling... Living... Sharing... ps...as I post this... I am thinking to myself...I must be crazy! Anyone reading this must think I've lost my marbles! Oh, but I can't keep away. It's the darn porridge that keeps calling me!
  13. Bluze Brother, Wow.. me a manager .. I don't know what to say? I'm speechless...(buit trust me.. that won't last for long!) I've always dreamed of being a part of a musical happening. And I guess this is it!!! Amazing! We need to work on a repetoire. Ohhh this is going to be so much fun!!! Porridge, I feel porridge! Stealth gigs...Brother Argyle, you never cease to Amaze me! So many stories.. so little time. I'm being the love I'm living love I'm feeling love and a good friend of mine told me today I should add.. I'm sharing the love... What do you think??? The French... dose frenchman...dey know...dey know and dey wont tell!! Sacré Bleu!!!
  14. Brother Argyle, :P--> That's an Amazing way to market yourself as a band! I must give them an 'A' for originality!!! You gotta love them Amazing Sea Monkey like musicians. Socks, Who is Snorky?
  15. Brother Lingo, I'm convinced I've found another one of those wonderful OLM's .... John Prine.. just heard the song...Let's Talk Dirty in Hawaiian. I'm in love!!! Got that porridge feeling all over again! How is the rotator cuff by the way? Always being Always feeling Always living
  16. Thanks Brother Lingo, Yes, this very thing was brought up today but at this stage of the game the 'band' is just a little 'garage gig'...nothing too elaborate. They will certainly look into the legal side of things if and when they ever get off the ground. Funny thing was that my friend had had 'schools' of our Amazing Sea Monkeys growing up and was enamoured with the whole idea! Brother Lingo, You are certainly Feeling, Living and Being! The love of those Amazing Sea Monkeys washes over me like a warm bowl of porridge!
  17. Strange Tom The drums.. perfect!!! I love it!! OK, The Amazing Sea Monkeys was a hit! They loved it for their band's name. We shall see what develops. I'm cab see this band playing music and they giving off this oozie-goozie feel to their listeners as their hearts are filled with the love of these Amazing Sea Monkeys . It will be euphoric!!! Feeling ... Being ... Living ...
  18. Lingo Boy!!!! Howdy bro'! That is a braniac idea!!! I have a very good friend here on GS who is looking for a name for his band. I will certainly suggest it! Wowza! I'm inspired! It's Amazing! And if the name doesn't stick for one reason or another, then I'll support Socks/Lingo/Bluzeman and be your first official Amazing Sea Monkeys! groupie! I can feel the love :D--> I can be the love :D--> I can live the love :D--> Strange Tom, Do you play an instrument/sing?
  19. Jessica, Yes, in our little cult world minds he was! :D--> ps.... I totally adore Toby too!!! And I'm old! Cider House Rules was one of my favourite movies ever!
  20. Imbus, Well said. "Do I like being called a liar...NO, but in all things I concider the source. The only source that has any weight at all is my higher power." Thank you for such a well thought out post. As well, Socks. A delight to read.
  21. Wow!!!!!! So much has happened since I've been away! I'm back from my trip to Québec City. I felt the love of the AmazingSeaMonkeys there too. All the french, all the food and all the music. While we were there, there was the Festival de Québec happening...music on the streets, street performers, alien costumed people entertaining the children...it was yes, Amazing!!! I've eaten enough maple sugar butter, maple syrup taffy, maple tea, maple cookies and the pièce de resistance... SUGAR PIE... to last me 'til I visit again! The weather was wet but we survived ... walking the streets of the 17th and 18th century city basking in the Europeen French architecture of those who founded the city in 1608. I was in a dream!!! I could feel the love, be the love and live the love!!! The St. Lawrence Seaway (la fleuve St. Laurent) flows in the front of this majestic city and I am convinced that I saw those Amazing Sea Monkeys popping their heads out of that water and smiling at me. :D--> OLM SOCKS... You've brought music to our beautiful place here and shared it with our beautiful seamonkey brethren. How Amazing!!! Your music...I'm touched! I have a question...(please bare with me). Did you dub over an already existing piece of music?? If not, please accept my apologies for my ignorance. :(--> Your music is beautiful! I'm gonna get hubby to listen to it too! You've made my day back here on GS an Amazing one!
  22. Yes, there is certainly somethin' about them 'canadia' women!!!! :D-->
  23. HEY CHATTY!!!!! :D--> So glad to see you back with us!!!!! It's been too long! We missed you. :(--> Looking forward to having a blast with you here on GS!!! Maybe start up another wonderful music thread again...whatcha' think??? ;)--> Post away honey!!! :P-->
  24. NiKa, I wasn't aware this woman had suffered such tragedy. Oh my ~ :(--> She surely lived that quote then didn't she. I got this quote from a newsletter I get each week on the internet. My daughter signed me up on it ...and I find some wonderful quotes on it.
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