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A la prochaine

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Everything posted by A la prochaine

  1. Belle, HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!!!! :D--> I LOVE IT!!! :D-->
  2. Mr. Ham, Or even better the mindless leader would ask you, "Where was your believing?"
  3. Honestly, I could care less what those morons at that place do. I would LOVE to see them all leave, disappear...whatever. Then, I would love to see all the buildings dismantled (except for Weirwille home and the barn) and the materials used to build a recreation center/auditorium in the town of New Knoxville...GAAAAWWWD knows..those poor townsfolk having to put up with that place all these years. Then, I would love (absolutely) to see the farm returned to the Wierwille sibblings. Either they could sell it at that point and someone have a go at farming that prime agricultural land once again or one of the sibblings could make a living at working the land if they were so inclined. That's my dream.
  4. A discman with discreet looking headphones for when Way Productions start up (or actually they could be used during any presentation or teaching for that matter). You could sit there with this serene 'blessed' face all the while listening to your favourite tunes. You know, the ones with real music and real emotion. :P-->
  5. Brother Strange, This is sooooooooooooooooo strange (yes, pun is intended :P-->) but I was honestly thinking of ressurecting this thread yesterday. This is cosmic!! The Amazing Sea Monkeys must be in the air ... they're not dead, probably just having their fall hibernation. Nice to see a wonderful, familiar face such as your own though. Any Amazing Sea Monkey stories, accounts or events lately? I attended yet another Great Big Sea Concert...now those guys are surely Amazing Sea Monkey brethren...no doubt there!!! Warm fuzzies all over!!! :)-->
  6. Knuckles, Funny! Martinfail...hee hee hee hee hee!! Ya Christmas and New Years in TWI = BORING!!!
  7. Knuckles Welcome! Glad you feel like home here. It's a good place and lots of laughter and healing. Glad to have you with us! :)-->
  8. Can't help you Sir Argyle but I always find it one of the most exciting moments when I find a new band, a new song, a new sound that I like. Better than candy for me :D--> So these Weasels are bluegrass?? By the way... once again I went to see Great Big Sea last night...my legs are killing me from so much dancing ;)--> What a hoot!!! Turns out last night's concert will be broadcast in December on Sympatico.com...you can watch the whole concert on line. Yours truly might be seen in the mosh pit acting like a crazed teenager. :D--> Life can be way too much fun at times!!!! Enough --> ... back to your regularly scheduled program.
  9. Kool, thanks TW... it was neat to see some of the downtown buildings since i never got to see them myself firsthand even though i spent a year in that town. we were so seldom allowed to leave grounds and if we did.. we never had any money to do anything anyhow! what a waste!
  10. Exxie, Interesting question indeed.
  11. UH, Your post certainly addresses some of the failing doctrines of TWI. Unfortunately for me and I think I can speak for others, we took these 'doctrines' as gospel truth and imbedded them into our skull. --> How simple, yet how true. For me I knew this was so, but excused 'top leaders' and their ways thinking that the 'pressure' at the top was so unbearable that the 'adversary' was hitting them doubly hard and therefore, they were only men and they would at times succumb to the pressures. I did not realize that that scum lifestyle was brought on by the doctrine that was propounded. You said it well when you said, Thank you.
  12. Mr. Music Man, Expressive/Amiable for me. There is a test called True Colours. It is a personality test such as this one.. almost to a T ... tho' rather than give names to each personality, they give it a colour. Here is a little blurpy from the first page of the test: ....................... This test is based on Hippocrates' belief that their were 4 distinct personality types in the world...the Sanguine, the Choleric, the Phlegmatic and the Melancholic. Much later, Carl Jung in his 1921 release of Psychological Types, describes these differences as a fundamental basis for understanding human beings. Years later in the 50's ... Katherine C. Briggs and her daughter, Isable Briggs-Myers, developed their well known Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Their theory basically states that what appears to be a random variation in human behaviour is actually quite orderly. As a result, they identified and characterized 16 different types of people. Dr. David Keirsey has been refining the work of Myers-Briggs. He defines four different types of human beings. According to Dr. Keirsey, these four types of people are different in fundamental ways; they want different things, they have different motives, preferences, aims, values, needs, drives, impulses and urges. They think differently; they cognize, conceptualize, perceive, undertand, comprehend and cogitate differently. These differences create natural barriers to interpersonal communications. Dr. Kiersey observed that: "Man's Pygmalion project has been to make all those near him just like him. Fortunately, this project is impossible. To sculpt the other into his own likeness fails before it begins. Remove the fangs of the lion and behold, a toothless lion, not a domestic cat. Attempts to change the spouse, offspring, or student or employee, can create a change, but the result is a scar - not a transformation." ........................... That last paragraph reminded me of a cult I was a part of long, long ago.
  13. Socks, LOL :D--> thewaythinxofthemselvesfirstnotGod
  14. Oaksie, I read that book. I guess I forgot that tidbit of information. So, what you're saying is that VP never attended any ball. Correct?
  15. Yup, He even had a tape of the Way Orchestra made for the occasion (secular stuff pretty much,...actually the only tape I could actually stand listening to for any length of time) and handed the tape out as a gift to those attending the ball. I was told that VP and Mrs. were the hosts of the ball. Supposedly, the ball he was attended was an adjoining ball .. one that was going on simultaneously along with the other ball ??? Not too clear on this. They always seem to give sketchy details about these events. Things seem to make their way to you via some rumour or word a mouth. Of course, things were usually blown right out of proportion by they time I heard them. But, they always seemed to be exaggerated to make the BOTs look like they were walking on water!!
  16. dmiller, Socks might know something about this.
  17. Dear Oeno, But who's the guy in the background with the horns and the jug chugging? :D-->
  18. "We go to the bible and we Read from the pages all the Words that are there and then We know what we read is what We read when we read and because We read it and now we said it And that settles that we read it Since it said what we read and then we...." Oh my God,.... I feel my brain disintegrating :(-->
  19. Sky, Man ... this made me hurl when I saw this. Pretty much anything anyone with any affluence ... be it worldly success or monetary success TWI pretty much gave them the red carpet. And, no matter what these people did or did not do according to TWI standards was excusable behaviour. As long as they served a purpose ... everything and anything was acceptable. puke, puke, puke, puke --> --> :P--> Oh so glad I'm no longer a part of that double standard insane asylum!
  20. Yay...he arrived!!! I spoke to my Ottawa connection today and they said they loved having him with them! Thanx Zach for letting us so much fun!!
  21. Who is this Captain Picard look-alike? Is this you Whitedove?
  22. Socks...yooohooo....where art thou o' Brother??
  23. OM, It's not nice to compare...we just share. That's what I tell me kids.
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