A la prochaine
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Everything posted by A la prochaine
WWS, Nice to see you back again. :)--> ya... a real sick puppy he was. our fearless head honcho leader (idiot #2) thought the world of this idiot (idiot #1)! Idiot #2 recounted an incident that idiot #1 had told him. the story was told to the whole corps present where idiot #1 told his wife, "Shut-up Woman!" and idiot #2 thought that was a wonderful thing. He used this incident to show us how this guy knew how to control his wife. OH SHEESH....what a sick place that was!
I've read all your wonderful posts here and I wish I had something funny to post. I've thought long and hard...and nothing...absolutely nothing comes to mind. The only funny thing I remember in the way corps was my friend B*B E*chus. We were inseperable. He made me laugh...all day long. We just laughed and laughed and laughed. We were usually laughing at the zealot idiots we saw around campus.
A continuation of my wow year...sigh.... as the year continued and came to a close...by some freghen miracle my brain dead corpse brother got engaged to a corpse sister in town. they are in love... --> so one day...the corpse girl calls me to ask me something or other...we start chatting...and she says...why don't you like your corpse wow brother? (i guess he has said something to her)she said...i think he's wonderful. i think he's great...blah blah blah. i said nothing. i knew whatever i said would eventually be used against me. after she stopped talking the only thing that came out of my mouth was: "ya, but you don't have to live with him." (...YET...hee hee hee hee i thought) they are still in twi, still married. and are the most brain dead couple i have ever known. at one corps advance, i remember him laughing and telling of a story about his youngest son. said that his son was a very, very slow eater. so, he decided to put a timer on the table while his son ate. when the timer went off, if the son had not finished his meal, he would get the wooden spoon. (i believe the boy was about 2 or 3 at the time) so one day, the mother was baking and had set the timer and when it went off, the boy started to cry and got very upset. he was laughing as he recounted this story. can anyone say : pavlov?
Just Loafing, interesting avatar
Lindy, When people sold their homes, they usually made a profit and might have been left with let's say ... a good 10,000 in their bank accounts or more. So, since this was considered 'increase' in TWI's eyes...the chances of them giving a one time lump sum donation was probably what happened more times than none.
Priceless corps moment: when i decided to leave :D--> i'll never forget that feeling of relief. excie, hubby remembers that incident you spoke of. i'll try to get him to post...he says the details are foggie, but he remembers the meeting for sure. lingo bro, i remember it vaguely now. i somehow think i remember the bite marks ... was it a video? anthony was married to a canuck...i think his sense of humour had be a little askew to begin with. :D-->
Bitten by devils? OK, I'm not following here? Was Anth*ny on drugs?
PS, Thank you for your beautiful post. You gave to me a picture of Rochelle I hadn't gotten yet. You really made her human for me somehow. Now, you mentioned that she did spend a considerable amount of time on the coach with vp. I would think if he was such a MOG he could have certainly helped her with her inner anguish. Obviously, it didn't seem to work. I guess we will never really know what did go on behind those closed doors. So sad. My heart does go out to you and all of Rochelle's friends. What a loss. :(-->
How Do You Handle Reproof on Greasespot?
A la prochaine replied to satori001's topic in About The Way
Reproof according to my dictionary means BLAME AND REBUKE. I'm still not interested in either of those either while I was in TWI or here on GS. I would think if we walked away from TWI because of such abuses, we'd try to not exercise any of those practices here on GS. Let's be civil to each other. -
Excie, Glad to see you're breathing again. Hope I didn't cause you too much pain. Oaksie, I remember you posting a while back about your wow year in a humourous fashion. I nearly chocked when I read it the first time. Warning: Excie, if you plan to read it, it might be a good idea to have an oxygen mask at hand. :D-->
Jim, I didn't think you had taken it that way all. But I felt maybe I should clarify, that was all. Glad you enjoyed the story.
How Do You Handle Reproof on Greasespot?
A la prochaine replied to satori001's topic in About The Way
I personally hate these words ... reprove, reproof and rebuke ... let alone what they are and their actions. Doesn't suit me at all. I hopefully left those behind in twi-abuse-land. -
How Do You Handle Reproof on Greasespot?
A la prochaine replied to satori001's topic in About The Way
I decided to look up the word reproof/reprove in my handy dandy Oxford Concise Dictionary. After reading those definitions, I'm not interested in partaking in any such actions. Just a tad too harsh for me thank you very much. I try to stear clear of reprobates myself. -
Jar, Glad you enjoyed my little trip down memory lane. It was healing to write it and laugh. I read it to my husband and we were both spewing all over the screne. I was so messed up after that year. I went into rez with all of these unresolved issues. Especially the hatred I had for this nazi. And, here I was going into the same program he so called had his training in. And to top it all off, now this nazi/brain dead dude is my corpse(?ropos) brother. It made me happy to know I brought some smiles to others here on GS. :D--> JIM, I might not have been physically or sexually abused, but was severally mentally abused. No fun was had by all. :(-->
Forgot something!! Congrats HCW!!!! You must be sooooooo proud of your Jasmine!!! :D--> :D--> :D-->
If I had only known...I would have mentioned those alooooooooooong time ago... :D--> Once I woke up at about 2:00 am and my wow sister was rummaging around in the ashtray...she had run out of cigarettes and she was smoking the butts --> We hated...HATED HATED HATED HATED our wow family coordinator. He was insane I was convinced!! Now, oh no....I feel a choo-choo coming on...sorry... :o--> Quick synopsis of my wow year. ok.. I'm lying ...it won't be so quick I think) Keep in mind now...this was someones great spiritual decision to plunk me in this wow family. OK...I'm sent wow with one other girl and 2 guys (one of which was a corps nazi/brain dead guy). The girl leaves in October to marry this wow guy living in another family in town. They left overnight and there were not seen 'til about a year or 2 later. They got married. So now, I'm stuck with brain dead and this 30 some year old guy who's brain dead too. I mean this in the nicest way...I think this guy was medicated or something. He shook all the time and could barely speak two words. Here's an example of insanity ~ true story. One night I lovingly offer some tea to this guy. I said in my kindest way speak voice...Wow brother, would you like a cup of tea? He says..."Is it available?" At that point I really felt leaving college to do this was a very worthwhile endeavour. The corps nazi was another story. He was hard, insensitive and by the book. Everyone thought he was great. He'd put on the charm when the other wows were around and especially with other nazi leaders. So I trundled along...drinking, smoking staying away, as far away as possible. I only spoke to him when it was necessary. He was so brain dead he wouldn't have noticed I was displeased if it bit him in the a$$. I manage to make it 'til April. By then I'm just trying to survive. Oh...did I mention...this was my apprentice year as well? :P--> In April...my prayers had been answered. I was sent a wow sister. Someone my age who could speak in complete sentences and that I could have a conversation with. Her wow family was split apart because of another wonderful yet too lengthy to explain incredible TWI scenerio. I said nothing about Dumb and Dumber to her. I was just soooooooooo happy to have company. About 2 weeks into her move ..she comes stomping up the stairs, shoves open the door, looks at me with this look to kill and say, " Is he always like this?" (she was referring to the nazi). I simply nodded yes and handed her a cigarette and a drink. It was pointless to go any higher...it was always "our lack of renewed mind" and whatever else they could come up with. One day, in absolute desperation, my wow sister says to me, "We gotta talk to him. We gotta make him understand." I said..."well you can try...but it's futile." So I went along with her plan. One morning while we were having our "FAMILY TIME" reading our bibles, (oh god...I feel like puking) she starts into him. You see we hadn't spoken to him in about a month. We were living under the same roof and never spoke. He never clued in there was a problem. --> She says, "We need to talk." and she starts letting him have it. He sat there nodding and giving this 'don't bother me..I'm drinking my jim jones koolaid' smile with this faraway daze in his eyes. She went on and on getting madder and madder by the minute. He then at the end of it all says with this very calm and unquivering voice, "Is there something I can help you with girls? Can I read you something from the word?" I went upstairs, took out a cigarette, poured myself a tall one and waited til August. ;)-->
Waterbuffalo, HCW lives in Dayton. Daughter goes to school in NK and lives with her mom. HCW, I'm curious. What were TWI's grounds for your dismissal???
LINDY and EXCIE, It tickles me pink to think I made you guys/gals laugh. Ala made a funny! :D-->
HCW, I'm curious. What was TWI's grounds for your dismissal???
Belle, I knew of a couple who also did the same. The guy wasn't corps and she was. So with their 2 kids in tow, they hop along to RC and join the way corps. While they were there, the guy hated it sooooooo much that he left twice (actually ran away I was told)..left his kids and wife. He came back because he loved the wife and kids. They finished the program I believe, but at what expense. Their marriage was hanging by a thread and the guy was a shell of a man at the end of the ordeal. They're still in.
Lindy, = GO AND GROW ...GO WOW. YA...RIGHT...Go and Grow...remember they said you'd grow ten years in one. They just forgot to add the words 'OLD Faster' in the slogan Go and Grow Old Faster.. I swear, I grew 10 years older that year. That was about it! I even started smoking that year and I would even keep a 40 oz bottle of Scotch in my bedroom. AND I WASN'T a drinker nor a smoker before that year.
HCW, Apology accepted. Thank you for your post. It is sincerely appreciated. ;)-->
I have to pipe in here... When I went WOW in '81 I was told by one of the few people making the decisions where to place the WOWs in my country that year, that I was certainly going to be sent to a certain city. This was confirmed to me several times...even though I did not solicite any of this information. Meanwhile, I was dating my husband to be at the time...but we kept things very hush hush. You know, we didn't want people to think we weren't spiritual and keeping our commitments. Well, I guess word got around and the night of commissioning, I opened my envelope and I was not sent the the city I was told. My envelope actually had been stamped twice over. I was sent to a city only 30 minutes from my home town. My parents were already haters of TWI and now I had to tell them I could not go home at all and that I was certainly not going home for Christmas. That went over like a lead balloon. Was the worse year of my entire life. My husband to be was sent wow to the other city. I know they wanted to keep us apart. And they did. For the 4 years we dated before we married, we never lived in the same city. When I think of their f*cking spiritual decisions I want to puke.
Outandabout, OH I WAS HAPPY ALL RIGHT... just too scared to admit it in case someone would call me possessed for 'coping out' on my VOW! Oaksie, Ya that was us. Hubby had been a grad for over 12 years, running a fellowship etc. and poof...it was over.
Nice synopsis John! BRAVO MON AMI!! 'Til I found GS I was in the proverbial dark! I tell you, a whole world unfolded before my eyes and I was free. When I started to read the forums...man, I was hooked. FINALLY I HAD PROOF of what I had felt for all those years I spent in that TWIsted outfit. And I had been outta TWI for nearly 9 years when I found this place. How pathetic is that! -->