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A la prochaine

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Everything posted by A la prochaine

  1. Shell, Ignore the 'brat' dude in the 'strange' suit! :P-->
  2. Man.. this one is loaded!!! Where does someone begin? I've highlighted in bold what I wanted to address. 1) "the" doctor.. say no more --> 2) he "allows" us to see...blah blah blah... Oh my --> .. ALLOWS... man oh man... how this person has made himself so inferior to 'the' doctor or 'the' doctor made sure he stayed in his place. This seems to work for THE doctor...but not quite sure what Tim is getting outta' all of this? 3)..through 'his' eyes... now tell me.. why didn't the good ole' doctor allow others to share what they saw through their eyes? Sounds like a very one sided situation. 4)...and sometimes it's a bummer...must have been talking about them ranting and raving situations.. or maybe when Tim would stumble upon things he wasn't quite comfortable with??? hmmmmmmmmmmm??? 5)...he lays it out...again, full control 6)...to transmit the commitment and dedication of the ministry...HUH??????? what about God? what about Jesus Christ? what about helping others in need? nope... i guess that wasn't TWI's agenda regarding the way corps.. it was bottom line...promote TWI! 7)...where he can't be himself... a little full of ourselves are we? 8)...osmosis...now i'm really confused? --> osmosis: 2) process by which something is acquired by absorption. (pocket oxford dictionary) You mean to say that all those hours spent in those classes and I could have just absorbed it osmosisly? 9)...feel...see...know...it all seems very 5 senses...sheeshh...not the way corps motto now is it? 10)...privileged...what about TWI being 'privileged' to have people willing to work for nothing and be their salespersons for free? I'm getting sick again
  3. Sudo, Thank you. Yes, this is the actual song I saw on video sitting on my couch a couple of nights ago. I went and purchased the album online that night. Such a longing in his voice and music. Nice guitars...reminds me of Norah Jones' guitarists. Sometimes I hear Vince Gill in his voice, sometimes I hear Van Morrison, sometimes I hear Josee Filiciano... strange, but true. Ever on my musical journey. Enjoy!
  4. OM, I don't think I would want my worst enemy at TWIG!
  5. WW, Mr. Hammie, Do you think I got my point accross? :D-->
  6. ok... here's a name i'm gonna throw out ... and it's not nostalgic...just wanted to know if any of you music junkies have heard of him. Amos Lee? Just purchased his first album...released March/05. Very interesting...like a male version of Norah you could say. Sorry this isn't music of the past...i'm usually the kind of person on the pursuit for new music. Love new sounds...something always a little askew ... that's moi!
  7. Dilva, I must agree with you...at least that's what happened to me. After I was in the Corps...I had no money to buy anything 'up and coming', nor did I have any idea what was out there in fashion because we weren't allowed to go shopping. We were cut off. sigh...I can't believe I lived like this at the age of 21!!! sigh...
  8. Man oh Man...don't even know where to start with this one... but this Tim character was gone by mid 70's if I remember correctly. So it makes me wonder...???
  9. Steve, I was hoping you'd post here. I remember your posts from the last thread on Momentus...you made me sit up and take a look! Thanks. Wow, the stuff about fearing God...that's unbelievable stuff.
  10. Mr. Hammie, And you didn't even try !!!! Genius, pure genius! :D-->
  11. A la prochaine

    Two girls

    Shellers, As an educator I feel that this is certainly a case of harrassment...which is a form of bullying. I believe you have taken some very pro-active steps in trying to rectify this problem. I think Kelly perhaps could make her desires known a little stronger to this shadow child and if she has a hissy fit for Kelly telling on her.. so be it. Kelly will only grow and strengthen from the experience and the child will get the message. Is there a possibility of putting Kelly into another grade 5 class? I would also put what you know and all the details into writing. Then, make a phone call to the principal's superior. The superintendant perhaps. Ask to have a meeting with this individual with all your documentation in tow. Send a copy of your documentation to the principal as well. The superintendant is usually an employee of the Board of Education who deals with complaints regarding either teachers and serious natured problems within the schools. You have taken the right channels ... you addressed the teacher, then the principal, now you might need to go higher. It is done all the time. Remember, you are your child's only advocate. Keep up the great work!
  12. Mr. Hammie, What a visual! :P--> :D--> :P-->
  13. Hello all, Well, I'm here by request. A few days ago I started talking about a certain female jazz pianist called Mary Lou Williams to Ted Ferrell in an email. Anyhow, he suggested that I post something here about her. So if this is boring and trivial...blame Ted! :P--> Well, all I can tell you about her is what I've been told by my husband. He is in LOVE with Mary Lou. My husband studied classical music in his younger days ~ major ~ trombone ~ minor ~ voice. He always had a great appreciation for Jazz and moreso in his later years. He also plays piano, guitar and the accordian (as a child). Therefore, the keyboard was his first introduction to music and has always stuck with him. He's loves the 'chops' as they say in the business. Some of his loves are: Oscar Peterson Bill Evans Diana Krall and of late Mary Lou Williams A very dear friend of ours had been listening to a public broadcasting program where Diana Krall was being interviewed. When asked who were some of her greatest musical influences, she said 2 names...and one of them being Mary Lou Williams. So our friend went out and bought a Mary Lou Williams CD for my husband and he (my hubby) has not looked back since. He says to me that Mary Lou had the most incredible left hand ever. Her knowledge of chords and chord progressions is unfathomable. On this CD, which is an interview done in 1978 with Marian McPartland, (who is the 'Grande Dame' of piano jazz and is now 87 and still has her own radio show), Mary Lou plays and talks and tells of her life. She played in the 20's, 30's and 40's, 50's era of jazz music. She was playing with the Duke (Ellington) at the young age of 12 and sat in for the Duke at the age of 16 when he was ill. Mary Lou played with all the greats and did most if not all of the arranging for these bands when she played with them. She later on taught Jazz at Duke University and passed away in 1981. She is a woman whom I believe, very few will be able to compete with. She seemed to be obscure in the jazz world never hearing of her before. I don't even believe she was mentioned in the Ken Burn Jazz Documentary (but I may have missed it). I believe that her obscurity may be due to the fact that she was a woman, black woman. In the 20's, 30's and 40's...no one played like her and especially a woman! I know there are tons of websites about her. All of her music, scores, arrangements, correspondences are all in the Smithsonian now and jazz archivists are learning more about the jazz world now than ever before because of her well organized, catagorized records. Thank you Mary Lou for sharing your life and talents with this world. That's it! Sudo, I must say...you started a wonderful thread here. I also must say that everytime I click on one of your links.. they don't work for me. I'm sure it's something I'm doing wrong not you. But, I wanted to tell you this because, if I seem out of touch with what is being discussed around here sometimes... it's because I have no clue what you have been listening to. Also, this youngin' here is just too ;)--> young to remember any of that the stuff everyone posts around here! :D--> Thank you again!
  14. OUTANDABOUT, One of my favourite books!!!
  15. -->OH GOD!!! Don't get me started! Works for them basically!
  16. Jan, There were several thread started here on GS regarding the two things you enquire about. A while back someone started a thread on Momentus and some posted of their experiences with that program. Didn't sound too positive to me with what I read. As well, at one time, JAL came on here and posted a few times. It was interesting to read his take on things and how he viewed our thoughts here on GS. I'm sure you could find some of these threads by doing a search on the words Momentus and JAL (he posted under his name). Good luck... I love those words now!!
  17. Chatty, YOU HAVE A LIFE??? HMMMM.... by the number of posts I see under your name... i'm not quite sure about that??? :D-->
  18. me.. have a life... shell...not so quick in your analysis... believe you me... life.. i don't know about that? --> it's probably more.. things have been different lately love you my shellers!!!
  19. NO KIDDING!!! --> In ways I never planned to change ~ like my place of residence ~ 14 times in 7 years! :(--> oh.. just thought of a few more things I never planned on changing... my career plans my schooling years my relationship with my friends, family, etc. my ability to NOT go door to door my NOT wanting to badger people about bible topics my becoming exclusionary to all musics except stuff put out by TWI (oh don't get me going on that one ) basically ~ my whole freakin' life in general! --> ok...enough of this or I might just go and jump off the nearest pile of concordances!
  20. Chatty, Yes we did. I quickly entered the chatroom last night as soon as I saw Shell's plea. Must attend to my admiring public you know :P--> :)-->
  21. Templelady, HAHAHA!!! Nice to have a chuckle so early in the morning! Thank you! Mr. Music Man, I'm so proud of you!
  22. Chatty, I must say...that would certainly be a car I would love to own...wowza...now that is cool looking!! I love it!
  23. oh my... it's soooooooo nice to be missed...i'm running to the chat room right now shell...i promise! xo
  24. Kathy, The Trashmen...hmmmm...they sure do have interesting songs on that albums of theirs... MY Woodie KUK (what does that mean?) BIRDBATH (Now there's a subject for a song if I've ever seen one!) :P--> TUBE CITY (and they say there weren't drugs in them days! ha!! I don't think so!) Thought I'd just pop in to add some irritation to this place :P-->
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