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A la prochaine

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Everything posted by A la prochaine

  1. Bob, It's not working for me :(--> How long should it take to receive the email? I've done it 3x's and still no email from GSC. ??? OH my... now this has posted right through the whole website..holy poop!!! What have I done? --> -->
  2. Ron, Can't imagine you personally experienced what you wrote about ... nah ... Heehee hee hee hee!
  3. OM, Your bubble thinking never ceases to amaze me! -->
  4. Sky, You know...even during those year, that place scared me. I never felt at home. Everything was so 'super-security-ized' that I felt I was on the verge of getting into big trouble at any given moment if I stepped somewhere that I wasn't supposed to be. In the back of mind the thought..."I'm probably NOT supposed to be here and someone is bound to catch me!" was always lurking. I guess for me ... it never felt like HOME as they boasted it was, but rather...just an overly perfectionized piece of property. Sterile is the only word that comes to mind. The feeling was for me institutional. I also felt when I went back home...there was something WRONG with my believing because I didn't live that pristine lifestyle they did at HQ. I felt that I lived below standard. To stand at the face of a beautiful un-cut forest, beside an ocean with the rugged shoreline and the harshness of the rock pertruding from the earth, nothing touched by human hand but only the ravages of the sea, would make me feel far closer to God than that place ever did.
  5. RAF, hee hee hee hee hee hee !!!! :D--> Oak, Aren't you on your honeymoon???
  6. OK, Update on Ala's big win... to see Amos Lee...they want to send me to Vancouver, BC. YIPPEE !!!!! :P--> :D--> :P--> :D--> Never been, but I have a feeling if I go...I will never want to come back home :(--> Doing the little dance of joy in my room right now!!! -->
  7. Congratulations!!! I am very excited for you Cowgirl...you do beautiful work!! You deserve this break!
  8. Skyrider, The more we talk about these goons and that place the more it gets smaller and smaller in my mind. THANK GOD!!! I was just looking at some pictures of the grounds at HQ and did that place ever look empty and cold. Perfert ... yes...not a blade out of place...but cold and lifeless. How did I not see it before! -->
  9. OK.....I have only ONE question...Why in the he!! did VP take so much from this WOMAN? Up until now...VP has no respect for woman. Suddenly, this lady is lacing into him...and she's the best thing since sliced bread. hmmmmmmmmmm???? --> The forgiveness word REALLY caught my eye. Here is a man that is sure of his beliefs...he's taking a stand ... he's telling the religious leaders where to go and setting them straight. Now he wants forgiveness??? For what? Someone feels guilty? What about?
  10. PHEWWWWWW OK, glad the 'did he' 'didn't he' play the guitar wars are over... OK... about the "I had heard that the Bible was the Word of God but I didn't believe it" line... in piffle...VP says...(this is the jist not word for word) that when he came out of seminary school he no longer believed the words "HOLY BIBLE" on the cover. He said the reason for that was because they had studied so much 'around' the scriptures that he had more faith in what 'men' said about the Bible than what the 'Bible' had to say for itself. Could this be what he was refering to?
  11. WhiteDove, I remember seeing a picture of him playing the guitar at some family table/roa setting thing...he was wearing shorts with white shoes (Herb Tarlick style) and a cowboy hat. That's the only time I remember ever seeing him have anything to do with any musical instrument. I remember the picture so vividly because I had no clue he played. Now, the guitar he played seemed very small for him...almost a ukelele size. I think that picture may have actually been in the WAY LIVING IN WONDERLAND...NOT SURE. I felt embarassed about it or something? That has 'fishy' written all over it. NOW, I personally play a little guitar.. and yes, I didn't play for years...and yes I'm NOT that good..but feel embarassed?? HUH???? That is the wierdest thing I have ever heard. I think I felt more embarassed because I neglected playing for so many years...that would be the extent of the embarassment. But not because I played.???? This is bizarro! This doesn't even fit with what we've read so far about his personality in this book. Embarassed = Having a conscience. Conscience ??? Now that certainly doesn't fit??? -->
  12. I will have to COMPLETELY and WHOLE Heartedly have to agree with WASWAY on the Neil Young... Thank you WASWAY! :D-->
  13. OK... I think the second one is the theme song to Magnum PI...but not sure. -->
  14. Mr. Hammie, Congrats!!! Tell me is that a 'gun' in that old ladies apron?? Have eaten moose (and tons of it), deer, partridge, pheasant, rabbit...but squirrel... nope can't say I have... Must be good. :P--> Thanks for sharing this with us.
  15. HOLY HANNAH BATMAN!!! Can you just imagine if we had tried this with VP? or this one : Ya, say that to VP or one of his trained leaders when they were reproving you about what you should have been teaching or not teaching in the fellowship? Can anyone spell 'double standard'?
  16. thanks chatty...for the link thingy... sorry i got so adamant :o--> watching that link again...like my own private concert in my room...
  17. OK... Gotta give you guys an Amos Lee update. Last night as I googled his name looking for more information about this individual I will soon meet, I saw a radio website that had an interview with him you could watch. Well it was about 40 mins. of music and him talking a little...it was fabulous. At the time of the interview which was Mar. 25, 2005...Amos Lee was the opening act for Bob Dylan... YES YOU HEARD ME...BOB DYLAN :P--> then the DJ asked him... so what was it like being the opening act for NORAH JONES last year...YES YOU HEARD ME AGAIN...NORAH JONES!!! :P--> So funny it was... because I have described him as a male 'norah'...go figure... and I said this because some of his instrumentals were very NORAH-like on his album...which during the interview he says...'and yes, it was very gracious of Norah to come and play on my album I just released". So I gets to thinking...ummmmmmmm....gee ALA, you went to see Norah last summer in Toronto...and yes you saw a young man as her opening act...and yes .....DUH.... IT WAS AMOS!! I remember Norah saying...I want to thank 'AMOS' for travelling along with us and so on and so on...' So strange it was...when I heard his name in the very beginning...I kept thinking I know I've heard that name before...I searched a couple of my compilation albums...nope...nothing came up...but when I saw the interview..it all came together! OH, by the way...YOU BLUES fans...he has also opened for BB KING...YES YOU HEARD ME... BB KING!!! Is that bluesy enough for you :P-->...Give Amos another chance...listen to this radio station interview...you might enjoy what you hear. To find the radio link...cause me no have no clue what i'm doing with that stuff... i googled amos lee...then right to the right of his website listed...on the google page there is a small website listed...something WKRW??? radio show interview with Amos or something. enjoy!
  18. Wait til Rosie gets a hold of this guy...it's t*ts up for this poor basta*d! Oh...I did notice that "MIKEOL" found the site...aren't they lucky! --> I also noticed he used the word KARMA on his site as Paw does here in the profile stuff... sheesh...this guy is treading on very thin ice!
  19. Tom and Susie Wishing you a beautiful day filled with LOVE and AMAZEMENT!!! Many years of Joy and Peace Congratulations to both of you! & (Tom) (Susie)
  20. Dear Oak, AREN'T YOU SUPPOSED TO BE AT A WEDDING RIGHT NOW? --> I'm telling Susie what you've been up to!!!
  21. Ditto on what Mr. Music Man said!!!
  22. WW, I've been thinking about this line from the Way Living in Wonderland and it has me puzzled. As we have seen over and over and over again how VP has put things in this book that are half-truths and lies. How he exaggerated the truth to make him look special and certainly 'called out'. That's what got me thinking about this line in the text. This Dr. Lohman. Did he exist and if he did, did VP really say these things to him? Who would have been there who could have substantiated VP's claim when this was written? Probably no one and VP knew this and used it to his advantage if what I am suggesting is true. What did VP mean by 'kid's talk'? Did he mean that kids talk like 'I'm gonna be an astronaut, I'm gonna be a ballerina/vetenarian, I wanna be a bull rider, a cowboy'. Is that what he meant that kids say the darndest things? But I think it interesting that he speaks of it but almost in a 3rd person...completely removed as if it wasn't him saying the stuff, but perhaps someone else and he was just an observer that day he met this Dr. Lohman. That brings me to another question. Was there a Dr. Lohman and did this mission festival really happened in New Knoxville in or around about 1925? All of this does not make me think of someone displaying any 'ministerial' tendencies. Even the townsfolk couldn't believe it. So this means that what he had said that day to Dr. Lohman as well as what VP's brother Harry recounts how he used to teach to the trees ... ect... well it sounds like VP kept his aspirations very hush hush to all those around him. Like he almost lived a 'dual' life. -->
  23. Wow, MICHIGAN.... what a place!!! ;)--> Bingo calling...wowza :P--> Sounds as lively as back home here!
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