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A la prochaine

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Everything posted by A la prochaine

  1. "It 's memorable to me because a few weeks later I was hit by a car and spent a week in the hospital. My parents brought me the comic book adaptation of the movie,..." Andy, It wasn't you... in was ME... and my dislexic ways :blink: When I read this part... I was thinking.. ok.. he read the comic (I read cartoon as in 'animated') adaptation... so I was thinking... OK... the Disney you saw at the theaters must have been a real people thing...like Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, or Mary Poppins ... not animated. I know, it makes absolutely no sense... :unsure: Welcome to my nightmare :( :wacko: :(
  2. Ok, now I get it! Sudo, I thought it was this...but not sure...something Andy said threw me off... but I just mis-read his post. HINT... I'm feeling very very very very sleeeeeeepppyyyyy :unsure:
  3. "We loathe the tyrants' crowns We deem that chains turn (make) the people into a martyr The thrones are covered with the blood of the peoples In their own blown we shall redden our ennemies." I think the last line should read... In their own BLOOD (not blown) we shall redden our ennemies. Thanks guys and gals.. glad you appreciated my little posts. :D
  4. Sudo, You asked about Mary Lou Williams...if you google her name.. you are SURE to find tons on her. She's done pretty much everything and played with everyone imaginable. In her later years... she taught at Duke University and taught the history of jazz. Her music, notes...etc. have all been archived in the Smithonian...and it is said to be a lifetime work of research. What she documented will probably change the history of jazz as it is known. The album that my husband was introduced to was one that was an interview with instrumentals... from 1978 with Marion MacPartland who still has a show to this day. It is quite the album. Enjoy :D
  5. Sudo, I too, like George thought this song was the Russian Anthem, but I knew it could not be. I have watched The Search for Red October enough times to recognize that piece of music anywhere. By the way, that anthem is one of the most beautiful pieces written. It's melodically so lush. Now, this song is called Varshavjanka, and is a Polish song, written at the end of XIXth century; very popular in Russia during the revolutions of 1905 and 1917. The lyrics are: Varshavjanka The ennemy stacatoes are flying over our heads Black forces are oppressing us In the battle that we were destined for Unknown fates are awaiting us. But we will proudly and boldly raise The banner of the workers' struggle The banner of the great battle of all the peoples For a better world and the holy freedom. Refrain: To a battle bloody Holy and just March, march forward Workers people. Must the worker still starve nowadays ? Brothers shall we keep silent ? Can the sight of the gallows Frighten the young eyes of our brothers at arms ? In the great battle don't let us die without leaving a trace behind Those who have fallen in honor for an idea Their names in our victory songs Shall become sacred to millions of people. Refrain We loathe the tyrants' crowns We deem that chains turn (make) the people into a martyr The thrones are covered with the blood of the peoples In their own blown we shall redden our ennemies. (in case you are all thinking ... WOW :o Ala is an historical brainiac... well.. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but you can thank Google and my media player for this one! :lol: )
  6. Chatty, You sound like you're having a blast (except for the formal wear part) Sudo, If you want some serious nostalgia...check out this Mary Lou Williams and see who she played with...it will blow your socks off! See you...we're off now... won't be back 'til ???? don't know...
  7. Sudo, Yes, jazz and classical music. But he enjoys all genres of music actually, as long as it's well done. I suppose the real difference between him and I ... he listens to a piece of music and says...Wow...did you hear that sus 4th chord resolve itself ... that was amazing! (:huh: <--- me) I say...hey... did you hear that song... it was cool! (by the way... you musicians... I have NO idea if a sus 4th chord actually resolves itself or not... so BACK OFF!! ). I think that is why he respects Wynton Marsalis as much as he does. Wynton is one of the few musicians who has sucessfully played both... Jazz and Classical. Hubby is a huge... Oscar Peterson, Bill Evans, Diana Krall and of late... Mary Lou Williams fan. Gotta run! See you all soon... Chatty, Sounds like you're having a wonderful pyjama party! Hugs to Acts 2 from me. :D
  8. Bon Voyage Kathy... love that "CHATTY-MOBILE" of yours!!! And your Good Morning Pot... I loved it!!! And it was a true Canadian 'good morning' to ya'! Tim Horton's Coffee!!! Hubby believe's it's lazed with drugs...it's so good!!! Sudo, I have no clue who that songstress is??? There were so many in those days... I did see that Ella had recorded Paper Moon.. but it's certainly not her. I thought I'd let you know...that I too will be away this weekend. I'm off to Montréal with the family to visit my daughter at University... but mainly, we have tickets to see Wynton Marsalis. This is part of the Montréal Jazz Festival series performances...they, I guess go on all year round. Anyhow... I saw the tickets advertised this summer for this concert. I checked into it at that time and found that the only tickets available were way way way back ... you know...in the nose-bleed section. Well, about a month or so ago, I was goofing around and checked on the tickets again...and whammo... these amazing tickets amazingly appeared.... I found 2nd row center tickets... :o I was so shocked I called up and asked... 'ARE THESE LIKE.... YOU'LL NEED NECK SURGERY AFTER THE CONCERT CAUSE THEY'RE TOO CLOSE TICKETS OR SOMETHING AND THAT'S WHY THEY HADN'T SOLD???' She said... Oh no... these are the best tickets in the house. The producer just released them for sale this week. (where in the heck is that smiley doing the dance of joy when you need it!) Yes... I couldn't believe it myself!~!!! I've never gotten tickets like this for any show I've attended. Hubby being a trombone man was half stupid when he heard about it :wacko: ... He's been a Wynton admirer for years. Feels that Wynton is certainly ahead of his time. And he's such a brilliant and also very modest man (wynton, not Hubby). With 11 Grammies in your pocket and a Pulitzer Prize... it's enough to make your head spin, :blink: but he seems to keep it all in perspective. I think for him, it's all about the music. Unfortunately, I've not had enough musical training to appreciate him at the level hubby does. Maybe some day??? :( Just the same... MONTREAL...HERE WE COME!!!
  9. Chatty, Loved your 'NOSTALGIA' pic... how serene. I think it should be our opening pic (if that could ever be done here.. which I doubt) for this thread! And the 'paper moon'... how clever!! :lol: Andy, What great lyrics... I just googled them... so cool.... I never feel a thing is real When I'm away from you Out of your embrace The world's a temporary parking place Mmm, mm, mm, mm A bubble for a minute Mmm, mm, mm, mm You smile, the bubble has a rainbow in it Say, its only a paper moon Sailing over a cardboard sea But it wouldn't be make-believe If you believed in me Yes, it's only a canvas sky Hanging over a muslin tree But it wouldn't be make-believe If you believed in me Without your love It's a honky-tonk parade Without your love It's a melody played in a penny arcade It's a Barnum and Bailey world Just as phony as it can be But it wouldn't be make-believe If you believed in me
  10. Artie Shaw was I feel in a league of his own. The only problem with Artie, was that he was not prepared for what his fame would do to his life. A sorta' tragic tale in many ways. :(
  11. Sudo, Great little song and little movie. I remember seeing the movie when it came out in 1973. The leading actor and his daughter made quite an impact on the screen. He of course made his fame in another movie earlier... with 'Love Story' OK...not dropping any other hints.
  12. George, I believe the term they use in the educational field is... HYPER FOCUSED... there are drugs for this.... : )
  13. OK...couldn't resist... Sudo, The 'TO THE MOON' cartoon...that was priceless. Still chuckling :lol: Chatty, Your goodmornin' pics of the babies...halarious. Yes, how often those little things would wake you and I up in such a wonderful way :blink: I tell my children when they look at me and say... MOM! I Can't believe YOU forgot this! ... "LOOK!!! You guys drove me to this insanity.... don't look at me!!! You're the reason i've got OATMEAL between my ears!" That shuts them up pretty quick! OK... super-derail...but true story... Child #1...never slept thru' the night 'til she was over 2 yrs. old. She had colic and never got any proper sleep patterns from the beginning. Child #2 ... never slept thru' the night 'til God knows when. She had undetected ear infections for the first 4 months of her life. Finally a specialist found the infections and treated them. Again, never slept thru' the night cause of this. Child #3... slept like (as they say.. hahahahaha) like a 'baby'. She'd sleep through anything and would just sleep when she was supposed to. I was so concerned, I took her to my Dr. and said... YES THESE WORDS ACTUALLY CAME OUT OF MY MOUTH....'MY BABY SLEEPS TOO MUCH'. :o :unsure: OH OH... I suddendly realized the insanity of my statement. My Dr. asked me to repeat what I had said, (because he couldn't believe what he had heard). :blink: I said... NOTHING... really, I'm fine... I'll be on my way now. :( You see... I blame this state of insanity entirely on my children and I tell them this daily! :P
  14. Chatty, Don't worry... I feel your pain :unsure:
  15. Chatty, My clue had more to do with the 'initials' than the fashion guru. :)
  16. OMG!!!! :o I think I might have a chance on that one Sudo.... Not sure tho'... I won't guess since I don't want to ruin it for others. ok.... one clue Calvin Klein (am I warm? ) :unsure:
  17. WW, "I saw them in some old newsletters displayed at BG Leonard's 90th birthday party, which we hosted for him. I was just casually leafing through some old ones and you can imagine the jolt I got when my eyes landed on a familiar picture. It was the old "1st Piffle Class" photo I'd seen so many times." Is Evan saying that the actual first pictures of the the 1st PFFIL classes were actually pictures of Leonard's classes and not VP's?
  18. "I remember loy boy sharing at lunch about his glock (sp?) and how he had it in a place where he could reach it quickly. He even said he practiced to see how fast he could load it." Wayfer Not.... OH MY GOD!!! Don't get me started!! :lol:
  19. Merci Sudo, :D Now, Unfortunately, I do not know the movie. The only movie I can recall that has a cool tango scene in it...(and I can actually hear the melody as I'm typing here), was from that great movie...Scent of a Woman. Great film I thought.
  20. Thank You Moon!, Nice to see you. :D By the way, This guessing game that Sudo and Chatty have going has me completely lost. What movie are they talking about? Song? I'm lost. :blink: Why is it I always seem so 'not with the program' around here? :(
  21. Ted and Moony, What a beautiful thing!!! Congratulations from the resident canuck! :P :wub: :P :wub:
  22. OK, another question? what is a podcast??? i'm listening to a podcast by one of my favourite bands...Great Big Sea???? It sounds like an interview but why the different name? :huh: :mellow: :unsure:
  23. Sudo, Thank you for thinking of us... I always feel right behind the 8 ball in this place though. Feel outta' my league ... :( I have a question.... now THIS tango you have posted it's from Moulin Rouge... right???? You now want us to guess the performer??? Is that it? I'm sure I've missed the whole point of your post...but, what else is new! :huh:
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