A la prochaine
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Everything posted by A la prochaine
Chère PAS Pammie, Tu es très très drôle!! :biglaugh: J'aime beaucoup ton FRANGLAIS! Tu es aussi drôle que les Têtes à claques! Merci pour les beaux que tu me donnes!
Chère Pammie, Merci pour le 'link'! C'est formidable! et... aussi... WOW... huit ans de français et tu as survécu! J'ai envoyé le site de jeux à ma fille à Montréal... elle aussi l'a trouvé excellent! Bonne chance avec les traductions :P ohhhh George... vient sauver Pammie! J'ai une bonne site pour toi...directe du Québec... mais le français est très québécois, très vite et des fois difficile à comprendre.... mais extrêmement drôle! Têtes à claques TV
I see so many around here like the good ole' stuff... thought i'd share this... Enjoy this... and more from where that came from
I"m thinking this ... if Alizé's career doesn't last... she will always have a job as an instructor. I see her instructing Table Top Dancing 101, 201 and advanced level too
Mr. Music Man, Who's Charlie McCoy? He has mighty fine chops!!! Chairman of the Sock Drawer, Ala here, holding on to all of her toys... :D I keep smirking for some unknown reason when I watch the video you posted ... it's a most bizarre phenomenon :lol: :blink: :lol: Regarding your video - the guy with the very flat notes he posted these lyrics so that other people could sing along (I guess :huh: ) "Quand je me reveille le matin , You tube. Quand je reve le soir , c'est de toi You tube. Au plein milieu du jour , You tube Tu consumes ma vie , You tube Je ne peux pas aider mais penser à toi J'aime juste les choses que tu fais Autoriser les gens à poster nos vidéos On t'aime You tube J'aime les fondateurs Des asiatiques et des types blancs Mais plus que toi J'aime You tube Quand je me reveille le matin , You tube. Quand je reve le soir , c'est de toi You tube. Au plein milieu du jour , You tube Tu consumes ma vie , You tube You tube , Vous pouvez tous commenter sur moi You tube , Tu me feras l'amour passionement Vous pouvez repondre à ma video si vous le voulez Je posterais juste après Oh je pense que je pourrais Woah Vous pourriez m'ajouter à vos favoris Et je les posterais sur votre bulletin Peut etre meme vous enverais un message Si vous promettez de me repondre Je me connecterais et deconecterais, s'il vous plait Oh vous savez les choses que je ferrais Oh You tube Oh You tube Quand je me reveille le matin , You tube. Quand je reve le soir , c'est de toi You tube. Au plein milieu du jour , You tube Tu consumes ma vie , Tu consumes ma vie , J'ai dis Tu consumes ma vie , Oh You Tube" The words in french are pretty much the straight forward translation of the ones in english. (wanted to use the words 'literal' translation...but I seem to shudder when I think of doing so) :wacko: Now, here is the original version of this song and this is the video that this young french gentleman is clapping to...a couple more notes... Tommy Emmanuel wow.... lush, but yet simple and direct and not too busy. NOT TOO MANY NOTES. I like. There's a certain beauty in simplicity isn't there! :wub: Chatty Nice to see you.
Chairman of the Board... OH MY GOD :o :blink: :o I couldn't believe it was french he was singing... and no comments on my lovely little jazz guitar post I made in the celebration... <_< ok... here goes... maybe someone will notice this one... bb and eric and phil and paul...
Pammie... I just reread my post here and I looked like I was on SCREETCH... I missed a few words there.. I sounded like too much of this ----> was happening. OK... pardon my ignorance but I have to ask... "Yep, screeched myself in by taking a walk along the tickle in fifty knot winds. While it was snowing. It doesn't get anymore Canadian than that." what's the 'tickle'???
i was quite disappointed that our 'chairman of the board' didn't show up for our one year :mellow: anniversary festivities??? :mellow:
:jump: :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump: This thread has kept me up late many a night... But it's been worth every minute!!! :)
Here's the complete floor show for you all: The song is about her having soft skin in her mousse bath.
waysider... present! (btw...what's jukin'?)
you forgot to mention you a canuckster along the way
I want to own a Guild someday... don't know why.. just do. I love their sound. :)
I hear you there Sockster. That's why I have only ever owned one guitar since the age of 14 and am still trying to get it right (playing wise). I figure, if I'm not playing up to snuff, well then, I should stick to my Pontiac rather run out and buy that sleek BMW. I was going to post a poop-load of stuff last night while i was drowning in my youtube tsunami (thanks to YOU KNOW WHO! <_< ) but i decided I'd wait. I was into looking at some of the music that was a part of my life...way way way back when i was even too young to buy my first 45 or album. The stuff my parents had playing in the house, and that I still love. OK... now you've taunted me ... I'll give you a taste. Now remember I grew up in a francophone household, even though I lived in an anglophone community. First of all... I saw this... this woman sings with some of the greatest passion and of course the famous... Milord She was all of 4'8" and was France's greatest singer. She lived a horrible childhood. She was born on the streets of Paris... actually born under a lampost and from the ages 3-6 or more lived in a Brothel of her aunts. Her voice carries the turmoil she survived. Like a french version of Billie Holliday. She was discovered singing on the streets at 16 yrs. old in some of the worse sections of Paris.
Mr. Music Man... Now you've done it... ala is falling into that YouTube Vortex... AGAIN... As i was looking at the Carter Family videos.. I saw this man's music. NOW, there are no words to describe his music. It has surely survived the test of time. There are no words to explain the greatness of this legend. A shortened life due to personal turmoil, he certainly left a plethora of music. Cold Cold Heart and more... Norah doing the same.. yummy
Mr Music Man, Now see what you did.. Had to go and listen to Maybelle... wow... amazing... and what a fantastic article... and thanks for clarifying the size of Martins thingy. I remember my teacher's and her husband's guitars had cedar tops. And I will certainly agree with you... Martins are a fine fine fine acoustic guitar ... with no comparison to any other guitar (IMO). well here she is... Maybelle
mr. music man, nice piano too... hey... Martin D-35...wowza i can hear it now. my guitar teacher's husband had a D-35... amazing sound. my teacher had a D-28... amazing as well... the D-35 was just bigger in body therefore bigger, boomier sound. This was in 1973-74... so same vintage. k..... that's it. :D
I deleted that post in my own special way... when i went to edit i just deleted the whole thing and then i put a happy face instead...cause i know you can't just leave a post empty. no moderator necessary. OK.... i was thinking of that mandolin with those beautiful tuning pegs.. yup...that's it and.... how's come you don't replace the pick guard? and each time i listen to OLD CROW MEDICINE SHOW ... I think of you mr. music man!
Wierwille wouldn't have known an original thought if it bit him in the
Smitty... that was priceless!
Mr. Music Man, I'm touched -_- Wow.. now that's not all your instruments... what about that beautiful mandolin that's part of your avatar? But nonetheless, thank you so much for sharing your picture with me and all of us. Love all that wear by the pick guard on your guitar (Martin right?) and on the banjo too... that's cool!!! I just noticed I did a double post.. i'm gonna try to delete the first one... hmmmm
Mr. Music Man... thank you ... your responses always affirm to me at least someone is listening -_- Wanted to post something here for Valentines... something off the beaten track. A JOURNEY INTO ALA'S YOUTUBE VORTEX! So I started on my YouTube journey... of course ... and began with The Jayhawks... watched a few videos... fell into some Gary Louris videos ... watched a few of those...(lead singer for Jayhawks) then found a sight called Corporate Country Sucks (because there was a link from You Tube from one of the Gary Louris' videos .. most interesting station from Chicago that promotes non-mainstream music) ... stumbled across a few podcasts and interviews there... more time watching those.... then stumbled upon a band promoted as the Greatest Rock band in the World. ... called Drive By Truckers....interesting VERY interesting... sooo watched a few more videos and interviews. (by this time i'm on the television website and you tube is many many many windows away)... so i crawl outta there and go back to search for a some videos of the Drive By Truckers and LOW AND BEHOLD... they have a song called.. FEBRUARY 14th... go figure. So here they are... Drive By Truckers nice guitar work.
Socks... Phewww... i could go on and on and on here... scary thought ... since I go on and on and on with very little prompting around these parts on a good day and now you've just made it a VERY good day... So it's all SOCK's FAULT EVERYONE!!! <------ :P Yes, children do make up various words for certain things.... I'm sure it's their brain development and how they are processing sounds at that time in that particular stage of their personal development. I'm no Dr. ... but I do work for one and we work with children who have difficulty with reading. These children are usually very very bright in most other aspects of learning.. it's just the 'reading' thing isn't happening. To compensate for their lack of reading abilities they sometimes develop great skills in memory (whole reading... just memorizing the word and what it looks like.. combination of certain letters in certain patterns.) These students are usually very weak in phonological memory... meaning... the ability to remember sound. Now when you break it down to the most commom denominator, basically all reading is sound. Our language we speak is based on a code.. meaning... certain sounds put together to form certain words. All letters are symbols, pictures, squiggles on a page representing a certain sound. It is remarkable how we are able to get these children to read who were otherwise on a spiral downward path to failure. Failure I say because without have the ability to read they are bound to a life of hell academically and of course we know that will impact them in every way shape and form. Now... music is something that comes up alot during my tutoring sessions.. meaning I'm talking about sounds ... sounds that are loud, quiet, long and short... we talk about opera singers... about centering a note... and so forth. Much difficulty occurs in reading when a child is unable center the vowel 'notes'. They fluctuate in sounds between the short 'i' sound and the short 'e' sounds... or the short 'o' sound or the 'short 'u' sounds... since these sounds are very close in formation (articulation) in the mouth they are easily confused. That and having poor ability to recall sound is a nightmare happening within their ears. OK... I"M STOPPPING>... bottom line... it's sound ... and music is sound... very powerful sound and put in the right order and combination it can move the human soul like nothing else. (thinking of Mozart here). I wish I understood it more deeply. I'm sure the whole science behind the structure of sound would absolute melt the very few 'neurons' i still have left floating around between my ears. I'm sure it's infinite beauty would almost be too much to grasp! :wacko: