A la prochaine
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Everything posted by A la prochaine
Java ... I agree whole-heartedly with your take on TWI and it's manipulation tactics here. Knowing the couple involved, I know for a fact that the wife is 100% whole hog TWI and he's been wavering for some time now. Does that shed a little more light on the situation?
Broke his heart?? WTF....what heart?
PB, I believe this VERY much coming from the mouths of TWI...coming from any other humans on this planet it would be complete insanity...but from TWI...it's completely believable. I'm hoping BIG time that for this man's sake, he sees the truth and walks away from that outfit that has so debilitated so many. : )
OK...the 'ripped' part is scary to me ... only because God knows what I would act like in front of these people. So, I'm for Oenophile's idea... Dinner Parties. Dinner parties with loads of wine and whatever substances happened to join the party. Hank Williams Van Morrison Robert Cray The Director/Producer of the video 'Playing for Change' and all the performers on the video Albert Einstein Nelson Mandela Joni Mitchell Kate Rusby Great Big Sea Mozart John Mayer David Suzuki : )
Newlife, Yes, WE were the ONLY truly blessed ones, WE were the only ones who had the truth, WE were the only ones who could have the 'true' and right dividing of the truth, WE were the reason that the sun shone everyday, WEwere the only Christians who were going to make it into the INNER SACTUM of heaven, WE, WE, WE, WE!!! makes me want to puke. Yes, it was egotistical, and the leader VEEPEE was the #1 egostical man of the cult.
Happy Birthday Paw~!!!!!!
Satori, Don't really know who "you know who you are" is... I'm quite sure it's not me. But all the same, thank you for the music. Alexi is quite amazing.
I haven't read this whole thread...but I must agree with HAM... For John Lynn the acid never wore off. So sad that he never enjoyed a 'real' life but one that was created for him by a drunk and a womanizer.
Chas... Beautiful.
MStar and DWBH, I'm so very very glad you enjoyed that video. It is so very powerful and yes, MStar when I viewed it with my daughter and husband we were all in tears as well. TED.COM is one of the most innovative and remarkable websites I believe out there. I recently viewed a video by Sir Ken Robinson on education....and ever since, I talk everyone's ear off about it that I come into contact with in the schools where I work. (you can do a search for Ken Robinson on TED.com and the video will pop up). But I must not take the credit here. It was my daughter who came home from university this summer and said to me...Mom, you must watch TED.com...it is the rage at school....Oh how I love the youth!!! Dead, stuck in the mud, self-righteous adults bore me to tears. MStar and DWBH ... thanks for NOT being one of those. You've brought a smile to me face! :D
Wowza!!!I just finished watching the video that M-Star posted for DWBH... I have about a mazillion thoughts going thru' my head and I promise I won't share them all with you here today.I must first say that I completely agree with DWBH's post about music.I recently viewed a film (documentary) called Amandla. This documentary deals with the Apartheid issue in South Africa and how that culture fought that war through song. If you can get a hold of the film, it is worth any music junkie's time to watch.Secondly, I have been viewing videos recently on TED.Com.... I can usually watch about one a month as I find them so moving, motivating and life changing.I recently viewed one on music...and it was something completely extra-ordinary. It's about 20 minutes ... and worth every second. enjoy[email= http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/tod_mac...usic.html"]CLICK HERE[/email]Thank you everyone for making my lazy sunday morning.
I ditto Skyrider's post. Chaz..that was perfection!!!
still not working...sigh... had to sign-in in order to post this :asdf:
Paw. I've searched and searched... cannot find this place at the bottom of the front page (i'm assuming that means HOME PAGE) of this website to 'click' and delete these cookies. hmmm???? where it be? is this the 'front page, home page? http://www.greasespotcafe.com/main2/
had to login to post this grrrr.... lost a whole post just while back .. because when i went to click on the 'add reply' it logged me off and it was gone... into the dark channels of cyberspace...
Geisha, I too hate throwing apples into the compost.... So, when my apples start getting a little to ripe for my liking... I freeze them I cut them in quarters... take out the insides then slice them into semi-thin slices and throw them into a zip-lock bag, or a plastic container. When I want to make an apple crisp or anything needing apples... like your delicious recipe... I take them out of the freezer and presto... apples all ready to go. I usually make my crisp with peels... so ... no need to peel. You might need to peel if you are making pies. Bon appetit!
Having the same problem as Rocky. I have to log in ... then once logged-in .. if I happen to change forums ... I get logged out. grrr.... paw... where you be?
Do you believe you will ever be 'de-Wayed'?
A la prochaine replied to A la prochaine's topic in About The Way
Templelady, I believe you have certainly hit the nail on the proverbial head here. But, as far as these two individuals are concerned, I am not quite sure what their 'leaving' agenda might be. Like what Doojable wrote about, I could see these two starting their own thing up. But not sure. Doojable, A beautiful honest post. Thank you for taking the time and sharing all of this with us. It is not easy to be honest and say that we were prideful or thinking that WE thought we could change things or that we remained for reasons like you mentioned about your marriage. I know for myself and my husband, we didn't leave but rather, we got the boot in 1994. Devastation, unanswered questions and complete turmoil was what we lived for several years before I found GS and realized that the leaders that be at the time of our 'booting' were nothing but maniacal a$$holes. Keep those posts coming... -
Do you believe you will ever be 'de-Wayed'?
A la prochaine replied to A la prochaine's topic in About The Way
Hello everyone, Thank you all who've taken the time to respond.... I've read all the posts and find them all very informative and very perceptive. There are a few wonderful quotes I'd love to bring up: Rascallion, Amen sista' I said many times that learning what I learnt here on GS put those mysterious floating puzzle pieces together and created the real picture of what TWI's agenda was all about. For years I suspected it...but had no real evidence except of course, for the damage to my soul and to others'. Polar Boy, I so agree with you. Those who think they can walk away and think it's 'all gone' are in a heap of trouble in my opinion. they are certainly not being honest with themselves. It's almost like they think they put a certain shirt on and the next day, put on a different shirt and that that somehow changes the person wearing the shirt. It just doesn't work like that. Geisha, :lol: Thanks for the chuckle.In your post I felt you explained many many different avenues to recovery; You went to church and did what you did and realized it was the wrong approach. You went back to school to better yourself. You engaged yourself with situations and people you would have in the past ruled out completely. You returned to church and realized that Christians are people too. You and your husband observed the loss of a young man and the way the family dealt with their loss. The way you described this and compared it to how it would have been handled within those retched walls of Zion in TWI was incredibly revealing. All in all... having done and experienced so many avenues, I believe, helped you to become a more rounded individual who is able to be open to all persons and like you said: Thank you for taking the time to write all this. It was wonderful and I so appreciate it. Bramble, I believe that makes all the difference!.... Years ago, I remember reading about a wonderful drug-rehab program developed by a social worker in Calgary Alberta. The details are sketchy, but I'll do my best to tell you what I remember. It had enormous success and had won awards in its field. It was a very different approach compared to most drug re-hab programs in that the first thing was that the rehab centre was located in one of suburbs of Calgary and not in the downtown core of the city where most of the drug addicts lived. The philosophy behind this was to get them out of their 'comfort' zone. Away from the addicts, street kids, drug pushers...their temptations. Another aspect of the program was... if they came to the centre, they would be given 25$ for having solely come out, but they had to promise to come back the next week and at that time would be given 15$ each visit. Now the social worker said they knew that for many ... the first time they'd come would be solely to get the money in order to pay for their habit. The next time...maybe it would be as well...but each time they would come they'd be out of their environmental comfort zone and spending less and less time with their 'cronies'. At the end the 'user' would start to see another life outside of their street life. They'd see that there was 'life' outside the downtown sleazy area. More and more the addict would spend longer and longer time at the center rather than rushing back to their life on the street. The program was and I hope is still one of the most successful programs of its sort. So I do agree that slipping into another VP associated offshoot cult is about the worse thing you could do for yourself. Rainbow Girl, Thanks for telling your story. It is genuinely a sad sad story when situations like yours and your son would arise in TWI and TWI would want to shun them..treat you like outcasts. There is absolutely NO excuse for this NONE. It is evil, pure evil. It is human nature at its worse. T-bone, I loved your quote from Matthew 7 Honesty and humility.... huge key to all of this unraveling and discovering. The journey can't happen without this. Frank, Ahhhh MUSIC... my true escape... my solice. Yes... music therapy was a very large part of me re-discovering who I was/am. Curmudgeon man, thanks... I don't think I can add anything to this... this is the bottom line! Having known this couple all the time I was in TWI ... I think this is the part that frightens me. Frightens because the 'people' I knew them as, were not necessarily 'NICE GUYS' ... they towed that company line...they lived/breathed that company line. They were the doulosos... they were willing and did all in the name of TWI to the detriment of most they came in contact with. They were determined to move ahead with the 'things of God' ... they wanted to LEAD LEAD LEAD and move up that ladder. So I suppose I must be honest and say... I REALLY don't know these people and who they were before TWI got their clutches on them ... but rather what they became. Hmmmmmm???? Had never thought of it that way.... Thanks. -
Do you believe you will ever be 'de-Wayed'?
A la prochaine replied to A la prochaine's topic in About The Way
Ham, I agree...every journey is an individual one. I think what I'm trying to get at is ... this couple have been 'submersed' in this doctrine for so long...they don't know who/what they are anymore. TWI morphed them into who they became and they obviously liked it in order for them to hang on as long as they did. Yes, they will remove themselves from the problem... but the real problem actually lives within them... -
On another thread I read about a couple who recently have started their exodus from WayWorld. This couple have been in TWI since the early 70's....this is more than 30yrs, maybe 35. That is probably more than 1/2 of their adult lives. My question is... I wonder if leaving TWI will really change things for them? Will they still walk down the street and believe God for it to not rain because they're shopping that day? Will they still believe that they have been taught the greatest truths anyone has ever known since before the 1st century church? Will they despise church goers and believe that those who do are sad sad sad pathetic peons being used by the seed boy himself ... the pope? Will they believe that revelation is right there for them to listen to that still small voice in order to know where to find that bathroom in the dept store? Inquiring minds want to know..... :blink:
Geisha 779, OMG...that's Eric in that first video you posted with Carl Perkins and Johnny Cash... How cool is that! Just finished watching the first video you posted on Cream...what a great trek down memory lane...though I was but a wee-un during those psychedelic years...it put many things in place for me. thanks!
Danny Michel ... saw him last week at a Folk Festivalenjoy: and Suzie Vinnick and Rick Fines.... were also attendies...Rick sat around the campfire one night and sang along til the wee hours ... i was in heaven
I'm posting this for a dear friend ....Saw Melody this summer at the Montréal Jazz Festival as well as in Toronto about a week ago....one of my newer favouritesenjoy seeing her live was seeing something i called PERFECTIONand this is pretty cute as well...
I'm listening to this : 'Bad video...great song This video shows the making of the song: I guess I'm a blues/jazz junkie at heart.Forgot to add... this was Herbie's 72nd or so album.MStar,Who is that playing in that jam session? This music junkie needs to know : )