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Everything posted by 2life
This is one friggin LONG movie!!!! LONG lONG long. Tell me this story could not have been told in ONE and a half hours--- instead of TWO and a half!! Just another war story---just another way of telling the tale of how wonderful it is to fight and die for the 'mother' country. We went to an afternoon movie-- I noticed that I was the only woman in that theatre. Maybe it's a man thing?
WOW! I know this movie has been out for awhile-- its kind of quietly making the rounds........ AND ITS WONDERFUL!! If you/or your kids are into soccer-- this is it!! An Indian (hindu ?) young girl -- crosses all kinds of cultural and family expectations to follow her passion. Just a touch of insight towards our international population.
This is definitly a 'life works' feel good' and they all 'lived happily ever after' movie!! Just watching the three of them-- Robert Duval, Michael Caine and Haley Joel Osmet (??) was a treat! I do have one question-------- what happened to the giraffe?
sneaking over here on the 7th corps thread.. John!! That was an amazing BOLD jump!! Too cool!!!!!!
I have a difficult time discribing things-- but a picture (or movie trailer) says it all!! http://www.sonyclassics.com/wingedmigration/index_flash.html Just watching the trailer makes ya feel good! if this does not work-- on a search engine type in Winged Migration and it comes right up!
This is another movie that is a bit obscure-- but getting amazing reviews!! Its beautiful. Now if for one moment you ever thought that the migrating patterns of birds would not make for interesting viewing... think again!!! Even thought they said no special effects were used in filming the birds-- this is REALLY up close and personal!!! I do not have a clue as to how anyone could do this! OH-- don't go alone---- ya have to have someone to ou and ahhhh with during the movie!! But then--- EVERYONE in the theater LOVED this movie--- EXCEPT my husband!! It just wierded him out!! He thinks he has to re examine the verse in the bible where God takes care and clothes the birds etc.... For the next few days he just kept saying "those poor birds... those poor poor birds....their life is so hard... those poor poor poor birds..."
I thought this was a wonderful movie!! Worth the price of admission just for the scenery!! jardinero-- even 'older' boys wiggled through it!!
Danny and Steve!! Thank you!!! Dan--- I never had a clue as to what that little icon was!! Thanks! Steve!! That was the problem!! You are a genius!!! It is fixed now!! Thanks again for taking the time to help!!!
i don't know what happened!! For some reason I am stuck on Aug 5. I cannot pull up any posts -- anywhere--- posted after Aug 5!!!! I must have pushed a button somewhere!! I am not sure I would even get the response for this!! If you can help please e mail me!! Jdono44@hotmail.com [This message was edited by Kit Sober on December 16, 2003 at 6:28.]
ah come on Ron-- was that the ONLY passage your son read?!! As zix said--- VERY MUCH taken out of context!! ah-- the bible says I can move mountains--- walk on water--- turn water into wine-- (lets talking about the communion thing--- drinking the blood of Jesus-- partaking of the the flesh!!) havent seen a lot of THAT happening either...!! What would happen if that was the ONLY part of the bible your son read........
Tom-- I have thought of that OFTEN!! Can you imagine if I showed up at Emporia with a massage table!! ICK ICK!! Naaa............. I went back to school LONG after we left!!!
"reliving' incidents..........welll......hummm........... I can remember Michael and Tom L. after every dinner time "meal" running back to the basement of Uncle Harry Hall-- to cook potatoes---They were starving! simooon---- flying high huh?---- our daughter (with whom I was pregnant at graduation) will be 'flying high soon--- off to flight school in a few months. (ladies and gentlemen-- this is you Capt. speaking..) Geesh........... I don't even like riding in the car when she is DRIVING!! Remember--- I offered a massage to anyone who can make it to NC! Get you naked bodies over here!!
OMG!! Reading this thread is so much fun!! I'll tell ya why some of us don't post---- only lurk----- our wit -- and wisdom--- not to mention spelling and vocabulary--------- are somewhat limited in all this company!! You guys are WONDERFUL!!!!!! Thanks for keeping this thread ALIVE!!! Janet
Dot--------- I think the candy bar you might be looking for is Pure De-Lite. So far we have only found them at Wal Greens and Walmart. Walmart is cheaper!! To me most of the low carb products are HORRIBLE! But these.......are great....(even if you were NOT on a low carb diet.!!!!... Also Wasa crackers are pretty good---- low carb. (oh --- and those psyllium husks............) Enjoy!
In my next life I want to be a dancer!! I am almost 5'2". Mike is 6'6'. We look a bit silly dancing .......... or maybe we would look silly 'cuz neither of us CAN dance----------- I would love to get that Polka thing going!! But I am a fan of those who can.............
Steve. I just went back and re read this thread. I am so sorry about your wife. That had to be very difficult to watch someone you love go through that. You made a good point--- About looking for other medical conditions. When I see people that are overwieght----- I just want to go up and hug them------- we never know the story they can tell. I hope you are doing well.
Mike and I did the Atkins diet. Lost almost over 50 lbs each. We walk a lot! I love butter! I love cheese. W/ Atkins you can have 'all ya want'!! Ya right---- but there is NOTHING you can put it on --- so whats the point!! So--- I sort of do a modified version of the whole thing--- low carbs---- lots of veggies--- nothing 'white'. W/ Atkins--- it also helps to take physillum husks. With all that protien-- well-- there come other 'problems'!! Also-- when that sweet tooth hits-------- there is a candy bar that is delicious----Called Pure De Lite. This is real Belgium Chocolate---but with a sweetner that doen not affect your insulan levels. We went nuts until we found this candy bar!! (we can only find it at Walmart or Wal Greens) I know ---- Atkins is not really good for ya--- but neither is all the weight! Have fun!!!
2LIFE!! A toast to living life!! Breathing air is a good thing!!! So... raise your glasses............. Janet
Where --- Oh Where --- have all the 9th Corps gone???!!! Did'nt know about THE list! Never saw a jackhammer! (that would be to funny to see!!) Late?!! Never!! I must have been terrified of being late. The first few weeks in residence I use to wake Mike up about four times a night---shaking him- telling him it was time to get up. Poor guy -- would jump up--- look at the clock---get back in bed. About an hour later I would do it again. It's amazing we are still married!! I remember Mike and Tom L. cooking potatoes in the basement of Uncle Harry (there must have been a kitchen of sorts down there) AFTER every meal to fill up!! Janet
I have to agree with Zix--- This was an awsome movie!!! Kinda of makes ya want to 're-think' the iris idenitfying process!! We saw it the first day it came out--- and have not stopped thinking about it. It sort of haunts you!! But then I liked the Bourne Idenity also!! Minority Report is a chilling look into a future. Bourne Idenity is entertainment!! Spider Man I could have done w/o. Star Wars--- ahhh........... a wonderful walk down memory lane!! Now LORD OF The RINGS--------- comlpete emersion into La La land. Dark theatre. Popcorn....... And the world goes away........