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Everything posted by 2life
Ya still gotta vote for one of them def59!! My question? Do we really NEED a pres?!! --- Who has been running the country while George has been out there campaining everyday?! I am so mad at Bush anyway-- just happy that Kerry looked good last night!
Saw the movie last night! I thought it was great--- and I have enjoyed the forums at the website! www.whatthebleep.com Someone posted earlier (sorry-- I have short term memory loss!) tht it was just TWI's believing=recieving stuff (which in my opinion was pretty much superstition and bullstuff) Not even close! I think this was about waking up and REALLY living and playing in your life!! I have the belief that this takes a bit of work-- and exploration! and joyfully taking responsibility. I think this movie will be to some like the Passion (the mel gibson film) was to certain Christian groups. It was pretty neat to see certain concepts validated on the BIG screen. Of course-- the people who are attracted to this stuff will probably not be out there 'witnessing ' it and buying hugh blocks of tickets!! There will probably just be a slight nudge along the lines of 'hey-- life not working for ya? got questions? Consider this. And another thing---------THERE ARE SOME PRETTY SMART PEOPLE OUT THERE!! DANG!! I am just sort of blown away that this was even in the theatre!
sirguessalot--- tell me more!! Where did you begin 'following the rabbit'?
LOL!!! let me know!! --> for me sometimes I realize I have a choice--- hummm eat chips? tap? eat chips?... tap? ahh dang-- I just want the chips! . So ... I need to tap on not tapping!! hey-- after the craving for the chips-- tap for being bored- and anxious! As Gary Craig says--- just tap on EVERYTHING!! Sometimes it works-- it might not--- just play and enjoy!!
ckeer!!! That is so cool!!!! Keep in touch!! It seems in the beginning it helps to use it on somewhat tangible/measurable 'stuff'..... like..."even though I really want those potato chips...." and then "even though I STILL really really want those potato chips....." LOL!!
Belle!! I would LOVE to chat!! e mail me!! Jdono44@hotmail.com EFT. I would love to hear your experiences with it! Did you know there are about a billion Chinese people using a form of this everyday?!! It is so simple------ in fact-- I thought that I could not be possibly doing it 'right' so I made an apt with an ND just to make sure. Duh--- and that cost me $100!! So-- what you are getting for FREE------ is it! and thats all of it!! OH-- and definitly subscribe to his newsletter! Thanks for the info about the movie! Definitly looking forward to it. ckeer-- thanks for those links----- interesting stuff. I have been thinking about breath work lately-----
laughing........there is a link from the avatar site to skeptics.com also!! George------ my 'adult' mind says you are probably right. I have wandered down some blind alleys----and enjoyed some 'snake oil' in my time!! Some work-- some don't! But I have the tales to tell!! EFT is the silliest of them all. But I have found that if I can get even my most skepical friends/clients to 'tap' (they don't have to believe it-- ) some of them have been amazed at what happens!! Even my medical Dr--- who is now laughing as she sends some of her patients my way! ( just a very special few!!) Now-- I suspect the 'proof' of why all that works (for SOME) may not be around for awhile........(lol!!)... or may never pass the current sciencetific tests so it did take a 'healthy measure of gullibly' to even try it!! (Mikes lost about 45 lbs-- me 20) But -- I thank you!! There is a balance in there somewhere----- and its nice to know there are those who keep the the rest of us 'grounded'!! so about this movie.....................
George-- you are too funny! Hey-- I tried to subcribe to that magazine--- could not find the $7.50 deal--- only $30 for four issues. Satori--- have I ever told ya I really really like your name?!! Humm... I have never taken a Shaman course .. yet...but that vision quest stuff sounds interesting though!! I do not feel 'compelled' to seek--- or look for new/better/bigger 'beliefs'-- I just like to play.......... and feel.... and I don't want to be a skeptic. Skepticism (to me) just feels a bit restrictive-- and dull. Hey---my experience in TWI taught me that I NEVER EVER want to be THAT RIGHT again. I know what it feels like to have/know all the answers- Interesting experience-- don't want to do it again!! So-- yep--- I'm as open and interested as they come!! Satori-- I think you might be refering to the EFT stuff which has been amazing. (www.emofree.com) .. or maybe the Avatar stuff (www.avataroverdrive.com) -- or maybe the Laughing stuff!! (www.worldlaughtertour.com)... or maybe the..... clown stuff... or maybe.....!!!!!! so--- definitly looking forward to this movie!!!
Thanks for the info!! I absoulutly LOVE things/ideas that have the potential to impact my life!! great website------ interesting links ..... Janet
times have changed... casual .... no bra casually eleagant... bra and socks...
Ear candling/natural healing people help!
2life replied to Dot Matrix's topic in Health, Wellness, and Fitness
LOL!! Over the years since leaving twi I have found that things (modailites, alternative stuff) that I scoffed and laughed at years ago make a lot of sense NOW! I have learned to 'eat my words' graciously. One thing about 'alternative' medicine-- by the time the patient/client arrives at that practicinars door they have (at times)exausted their traditional medical options. So-- that leaves the the 'scientific proof path a bit lopsided!! But-- completly antedotial--- from MY perspective--- people that are OPEN to the possibility of some of these modalities are a lot Happier group!! They do not seem to be as tightly wrapped -- and more willing to take responsibility for their own well being. They also explore more!! Hey-- it takes a very special pwern to lay there with a wax candle sticking out of their ear!(I've done it--- and am completly surprise that more of you have not!!) And Wacky--- whom I suspect is trained in a lot more modalities than I am----------is so right. There are a number of scientific studies dealing with craino sacral work-- amazing PROVABLE results!! And if you can make your way through those textbooks she mentioned you would see why! Upledger Ints. is a great place to get more info. I guess it just depends on which web site you go to to get your information!! -
State College Pa about the year of ...1985? 86? a WOW named Ernie Harrison. Young guy--- late teens or early twenties. Does anyone have a clue?
cute !! Cute!! Cute!! I am not a fan of that Raymond guy-- but the story line was entertaining!! Just an afternoon of silly stuff!!
Tom, I'm confused too!! Maybe I missed something--- or am to shallow to figure out the 'deeper' meaning!! --> We have friends that LOVED it!! Me-- I would have to put it up there with one of the WORST movies I ever sat through!!
aawwwww...... what a sweet wonderful movie!! Its billed as a comedy--- and yes there are some funny lines----- BUT--- its a romantic, heart felt love story!!! Imagine... having to introduce yourself to the love of your life everyday and then make her fall in love with you!! We should all be so lucky!!!
JeffMedic! I gotta tell ya--- I LOVE your Alice quote!! Since reading it there have been a few times that I have laid in bed-- before breakfast-- trying to come up with six impossible things to believe!! I LOVE it!!!! (Please forgive this itsy bitsy derail of thread)
What a great day!! Happy Happy Birthday!!! Janet
What on TV is loving and has some truths in them that you watch
2life replied to year2027's topic in Entertainment Archives
Reruns of Dharma and Greg!! -
I hope EVERY potential new person gets to see that video!! Oh my God--- what a horrible, DULL, flat, boring group of people!!! There was NOTHING even remotly attractive about that promotion. Granted --we left in the late '80's but the 'feel' of the ministry was so different then. I guess I am just blown away at what twi really turned into. I am just appalled at the ...somthing-- and I don't even know the words!! poor God. "his" people have no energy.
I wish I had read this BEFORE I went to see this movie the other night!! I had only heard good things about it also!! Hey-- and what about all those awards it won? How could we lose!! SKIP IT is an understatement!! This movie can actually DRAIN the energy from you!! Drain-- no a better word is that it can SUCK the energy right out of ya!!
years and years ago I met a 70yr old man in Cherryville Maine. He gave me a tour of some old buildings-- complete with history. At one point I asked him if he was a native--- his relpy "Oh no deareah ....Oh no!...... I didn't move here until I was 2 years old" Just giggled myself silly!! I love Maine--- even the air is different up there!!
Johnny Lingo, About 10 years ago I saw Tom and Margurite in Maine. They live on Mt Desert Island (and what a wonderful place to be!). They had two wonderful sons-- and seemed pretty 'dug' in up there!! Wonderful people!!!!
I went-- by myself-- at noon yesterday -- to see Return of The King. I wanted to write a 'review'--- but it came out almost EXACTLY like Rafael's!!! "Holy God. WOW!!!" Three hours in la la land---w/popcorn and a coke!! Life is good. This is truly the best of the three. I think Golum (sp?) was amazing. More than anything I became very involved with that creature. In the book he seemed just evil-- in the picture he was (at times) addorable. But back to the review--- "Holy God -- WOW"!!!
WOW. Would that Liz be Liz Martin -- of Charleston SC-- one of the famous "Brown Sisters"!! Still in? hummmmmm. too bad.
Where were you 40 years ago when you heard? JFK Assassination
2life replied to Rocky's topic in Health, Wellness, and Fitness
seventh grade civics class--- announcement came over the PA system. Akron Ohio. I went home and told my mom and neighbor-- lots of tears.