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Everything posted by 2life
I don't know if she was ever in divine design......but she is a wonderful artist!! (and wonderful person as well!) I don't think twi appreciated her art! www.rockandrolliconart.com
Lifted Up----- I remember that Indy Limb Home VERY well----------------I too spent my apprentice year there........ (actually ...after THAT year- our first year in residence was a VACATION!!!) . 2life
mean nasty little man.............. ex-- you said it exactly right! I am surprised to see/hear that he is associated with any type of ministry. If thats the case it would seem that he would 'own up ' to all the carnage he left in his wake. But ..of course....mean nasty little men don't admit to those things now do they?!! We were at Gunnison first block of our last year in Res...... it was absoulty horrible. If we had had ANY money we would have just left. Trapped with a rat. To this day TJ would only be referred to as 'Arlenes husband'......... my husband will not even say his name out loud!! But of course.............people change...we all have changed............... ya think? dam n--- thats right--- Gunnison was beautiful................and I never saw it.
If you are walking through the airport in Charlottle NC----- you might see a ticket agent (or many agents) diligently working behind the counter-- or at the gate ---on what appears to be impotant work.... BUT.....its SUDOKO!! Apperently this is a VERY ADDICTIVE game!!!!! I'm afraid to start...........................!!!!!!!
Ronald Mcdonald!!! Yep--- I would LOVE that job!! A few weeks ago I was at 'clown camp'.... and ONE of the official Ronalds was main speaker/trainer. He was not in his Ronald idenity though... He is one of 28 Ronalds---- its a coveted, big bucks gig. He travels all over the world.........follows more rules/guidelines than one can imagine! ie...if he is at a McDonalds in full makeup---- and even if the next appearence is only 15 min away he still has to take off all make-up/costume ,,travel .. and dress again! THAT make-up takes alot of time!! This guy has been doing this for 20years (??!!) and before that was a Ringling Brothers Clown. Incredibley funny , imaginitve speaker!! His presentation was done with his entire body---- with tales to tell!! What a neat guy!! so anyway---------this may be more info than ya wanted to know! :lol: :lol:
If you happen to be passing through the Charlotte Airport (USAirways hub..) let me know!! I now have a REAL (part time) job there with USAirways..... OK-- so its about the FREE travel and incredibly inexpensive health insurance...........(both of us are now self employed!)............. We went to Maine for a day and 1/2 ............ this week we are going to Niagara Falls --- I have to feed my addiction.................Wandering! Let me know--- coffee??!! Beer???!!
I like that 'worth their WEIGHT in gold' stuff!! If that were the case ...I WOULD BE VERY RICH!!!!!! Jim --- that is a wonderful endorsement of a sometimes misunderstood field!! Matilda!... I think your middle son has the right idea... lets see--- make $50 to $80 an hour making people happy and feeling better-- or waiting tables for ..well ... less money! Thats a great way to work your way through college!! and Belle--- anytime we are in the same area--- a free massage for you! (Actually-- That offer stands for any Greasespotcafe people!!) janet
was ah.... incredibly boring. Or maybe it was just us! He was teaching in Zurich for eight days--- sold out and packed auditorium... very ecletic and International group.... Mike lasted about an hour. I lasted the first morning. I am sure it was wonderful....... but for us it felt like the days of 'working the word' (like that Nashville thing ..Harmony of the Gospels..or PFAL 77). This time it would have been 'working the Sutra!' My attention span is limited!! So..... instead .. we bought a Swiss Rail Pass and wandered Switzerland..and a little bit of Germany! The last weekend we were there--- STREET PARADE!! Hundreds of thousands of half naked, decorated TECHNO music lovers hit the city!!! life is amazing at times................ came home ..went to Clown Camp---now THAT was fun!!!! Janet Janet
wow-- this is a part of greasespot that I never come to---- I had no idea what I was missing!! Roy--- you have a great heart.......weather I am on the same page as you or not--- the posts that I have read from you are inspiring/comforting/interesting.............
Ha!! You (watered garden!!) are sooo right!! I started freaking out when I was looking at travel arrangements!! NOTHING is inexpensive in Switzerland (especially Zurich!!) . "Normal" hotels STARTED at about $250/ night! Air Fare--$1400/each!!!! BUT!! being the Priceline.com Lowestfare.com queen that I am........we have 11 nights at the Marriott and air fare for $1250 each!!! And baby I checked...! We ARE booked on a United flight and booked into that hotel!! I even called and got a king bed and a room with a view!! I LOVE THE INTERNET!!!!!!
LOL!! You guys are sssssoooooo wonderful!!!!! OutThere----- serioulsy---- I will do my best to get the pictures or any info you want. I need to go back to the website I looked up to get the informations as to where that mountain is.....or if you get a chance e mail (or post) at least the nearest city!! The Dalai Lama--- I really have no idea as to what to expect---- its amazing what just pushing a few keys on the internet can get you!! Janet
"Chas, are you saying that medicine is imperfect, therefore we should accept any and every new age McSorcery that comes in the name of peace, love and goodness?" Satori---- medicine IS imperfect and you (we) Don't have to accept a dang thing!! BUT if something comes wrapped in peace , love and goodness I would'nt scoff at it!!!! A friend of mine is an Emergency Room Physician.......his licenese plate reads 'Witch Doctor. This man has deicated his life to 'traditonal medicine' ..and is the first to say his profession is about one step away from the implication. Listen to pharmaciuticals being advertised on TV ... how many times have you heard "may cause increased risk if heart attacks and strokes..." or "headaches and insomnia " etc.... AND a person pays BIG BUCKS for these little pills.....!! Oh-- and lets talk about all the products that have been recently taken off the market because they cause heart attacks--- Makes that peace love and goodness sounds good! There ARE people geting results from alternative practices. In all my years of practice (14 as an Licenesed Massage Therapist), I have met numerous alternative practioners---- I cant think of anyone I would consider 'a wolf in sheeps clothing". I would even bet that there are people who are reading this thread who practice Reiki and are sending some "love , Peace and goodness your way!!"
I had to revise my ebay listing----- The label on the T shirt says XL (yeah!!maybe by 1980 standards!!)
I do a little Reiki. Not like ReikiLady who teaches and has been doing it for 10 years. Some people swear by it. Not me-- but I am more of a 'hands on person". BUT--- My hands do get incredibly warm when doing it--- now what effect that has on the person on my massage table I don't have a clue....but they generally feel better!! Placebos are GOOD things!! What works ..works!! Give me placebos any day...let my brain do the work!!! Actually --- I have seen 'energy work' or 'imaginary therapy' as Satori puts it work as well as meds....(EFT http://www.emofree.com --- ya ya ya -- I know --silly as shi...!!) That person who did bedside Reiki was NOT professional-- incredibly insensitive--- should NOT have done but I gotta tell ya--- there was a part of me that might have undersood why she did it. Come on Satori---- 'trained to shame patients when they request pain medication" How about an over enthuesiastic practioner--- at the wrong place.....wrong time.... While in TWI I remember being sooooo Pasionate ...sooooo Believing I had something to offer ...soooooo BOLD in presenting it (most likely at the WRONG times) I did stupid insensitive stuff--- even at a funeral...and to a dying ones family. I NEVER WANT TO BE THAT RIGHT AGAIN!! ( I sorta miss the passion though...) NO.... she should not have done that----
Holy S...!! Out There!!! I just looked that Mountain/Climb up on the internet!! DANG--- that is quite AMAZING!!! And you are going to climb this?!!! Good for you!!!!! You need a fan club!!! I still don't know where it is---but I will find out.....near the Matterhorn (I LOVE being a tourist!!)?
Out There--- a picture huh?!! I'll be glad to!! Just tell me where to go!!! Most of the time we will be in Zurich....BUT....iteniary is VERY flexible!! The Dalai Lama is teaching for eight days (no-- I am not a Buddhist). Since this guy is all about compassion, forgivness etc we just thought it would be an amazing place to be! Its a very big International event. BUT--- my (and Mikes) attention span being what it is--- we might not make the entire eight days-- so we will wander!! Any suggestions or picture taking missions might work out!! So--- I honestly don't know WHICH I am more excieted about--- 1...Seeing the Dalmi Lama teach in that atmosphere 2...Going to Switzerland or 3...THE INCREDIBLE TRAVEL DEAL I GOT ON THE INTERNET!!! Such a shallow person I am! :o--> so-- nope dmiller--- I have no idea where those wow pins are! (yet!) am I derailing my own thread??
Garth-- thats funny. I dont know if its a marketing tactic or not---I hope someone appreciates it enough to buy it!! We are going to Switzerland in a few weeks---I'm looking for the money!! I put some other "ODD" items on Ebay also...... OUT THERE--- CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is quite and accomplishment!!
It seems that someone /somewhere might want it. Its really kinda neat!! I can fit about one arm in it.............. I put it on Ebay--- It did not want to go back into the cedar chest!! Janet
"But for now he is jsut a kid, he wont see the real value of it, until he is older. " DAMN. Lets see-- a 20 year old who needs his very own personalized BODY ARMOR. THAT has to be every mothers friggin nightmare!!!!!... and in good consciense we send these kids off?
I was planning to see it tomorrow----------but maybe I will just take a bit of a nap and go tonight!! (there was a time in my life that I would not have NEEDED the nap!!)
I am ssooooo laughing!! I just went to the link above about cults. There was one about the EST training-- now know as the Forum. I did the Forum a few years ago-- THOUROUGLY enjoyed it---made sort of a giant shift in my life. BUT! and this is a big BUT...there was HUGH push to go to the next (big bucks) level. It had a 'feel' of the same kind of EGO that I remember in twi. I had absoutly no desire to go futher. So-- What I learned in twi-- how to smell a cult!! Michael did the Forum at a later date--- absoulty HATED every minute........... on the other hand-- lots of people do the EST stuff--- dont get 'hooked' on the organization--and have wonderful results in their lives "one mans religion is another mans cult"...maybe we just need to be SMART about which cult we pick!!!! :)-->
Yes!!!! Lets Play!! I am so exceited that Suz is comming here!!!! ok-- just 'cuz I have to pick her up at the airport as Silly Lilly (she can't miss me in the bright pink wig!)....thats why she is talking all that 'clowing around' stuff!! We have two clown appearances that day so it just works out that way!! So.... we could meet for a beer or two-- or ya'll can come over here...or.....?????!!!!!!! 2life (Janet) Jdono44@hotmail.com
http:/www.emofree.com/depr.htm#menue (I think that link will take you directly into the archives with articles on depression).. Ok--- It does not get any more Natural or non invasive than this!! BELIEVE me ---I KNOW this sounds friggin nuts--- it is such an easy, FREE, anyone can do it any where, anytime, by them selves (but it works INCREDIBLY well within a group!) easy to learn , ya don't even have to beleive it--or even do it 'right'--- its like 'emotional accupunture' (!!???!!) BUt it has been so effective for so many people--- all over the world!! the worst that can happen--- you can have a bit of a laugh doing it!!
I just thought this was pretty cool....and wanted to share!! www.hiddengifts.org/we_are_one/ 2life (plays well with others!!)
We get INCREDIBLE deals w/ www.priceline.com !! For our trip to Zurich in Aug 2005--air plus eleven nights in a five star hotel---$1250/per person!! For Zurich THAT is amazing!! For hotels and car rentals ya can't beat it!! (well--if you can PLEASE let me know!!)