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Everything posted by 2life
Congratulations!!!! This is wonderful!!! I love it!... you bought a plane... and NOW are learning to fly??!!! THAT is too cool!!!! Both of our kids fly.. our daughter professionally. They speak a whole different language!!
hummm..... Reincarnation is the ONLY way I can believe in.. and understand a benevolent God. I do seem to have 'memories' of a previous life..............sort of like flashes..........and some not so honorable.. or spectacular! Many times when I get into these kind of conversations people seem to remember being 'healers'... or princesses... or neat things. Me? I have a very vivid memory of living in a trailor. Sooo... this life I was in a cult... am I getting 'better'..... ????!!!! About beliefs... "When we perceive that the only difference between us is our beliefs and that beliefs can be created or discreated with ease, the right and wrong game will wind down, a co-create game will unfold, and world peace will ensue."
ok ms wg...........you can spend about 8 hours in a car... .........how about within 8 hours by plane.......you can get just about ANYWHERE!!! I have a couple of buddy passes you can have!! Janet dang... all these suggested places look GREAT!!!!!!!!!
Your Damn right its Dorky!!! and silly!!!!!! The guy you saw on Oprah (I didnt get to see it) was Dr Madan Katarin from Mumbi India. He started this laughter 'movement' (lack of a better word!) and it is all over the Planet!! There are laughter clubs EVERYWHERE!!!! One year 10,000 people shoed up in Denmark!!!!! heres another web site..... www.worldlaughtertour.com I met Dr Katarin and his wife at an International Laughter Symposium a few years ago and got to spend the weekend with them..... it was amazing! Its so simple!! and dorky! So... there are probably events in YOUR town/city!!! Come play!!!!!! I am going to LA because Katarin will be there...........and I can fly free! I work p/t for USAir!
Now ya'all KNOW that Sunday May 6 th is WORLD LAUGHTER DAY right??!!!! :) There are Laughter Events all over the planet! To celebrate this day I (and my daughter) are comming to LA. I know NOTHING about Los Angelos and am somewhat confused by the city maps! The event is in Belevedere Park 4865 E 1st St. 90082. Sunday We are flying in Sat Am........ I would like to take a taxi to a Hotel (Sat Afternoon)....... then Sunday AM take the metro (??) to Belevedere Park....Then the Metro (??) or Taxi back to airport to fly out Sunday Afternoon. If anyone has ANY advice of an area where to look for a hotel for Sat night?!!! I guess it could be near the Park... or somewhere else that would be interesting and easy to get to ! LA is so friggin HUGH ..I would rather not rent a car unless I have to! If anyone wants to come PLAY it should be fun!!!! ( Even though I dont post... I lurk a lot!!) Theres lots of info at www.laughteryoga.com or www.laughangeles.com Thanks!!!
Was your nametag really indicative of your faithfulness to God?
2life replied to Hills Bro's topic in About The Way
dang............ plastic name tags ... T Shirts (the ones that said WC on them!) and sweat pants.............. yep.... those were some sort of status symbols!! too funny! -
This sounds like sooooo much fun!! I said I was going to try to get there but I don't see that happening at this point!! I am getting so spoiled with this free flying stuff that I cant bring myself to actually BUY a ticket! The flights are incredibly full....its hard to travel 'non-rev' this summer!! We were supposed to go to Chatanooga Tues/Wed....could not get there...changed plans at the last minute..ended up in Virginia Beach ( )....but got STUCK there. After an expensive cab ride to the NewPort News airport we got the last seats on a very small plane!! Husband has a problem w/small planes...it took THREE Jack Daniels to help him out!! So..unless that flight in really WIDE open (which its not at the moment)....MY thoughts will be with ya!!! Janet
Tom.. I work there... part time. Usually in the AM.... I work for free travel and health insurance!
Tom... speaking of airports.. do you ever get to CLT?
GReat!!!! I can fly up and meet ya there for dinner or something!!!!! Janet
I have the best of two worlds!!! Part time at the airport... so converstaions are usually about commings and goings..................I drive that little cart that helps people (with special needs!) get frome gate to gate. Everyone has a tale if I ask the right questions. Lots of people in transition.......... going to celebrate births... deaths... new jobs...new lifes......leaving family...going home to family.......comming from/going to military... Its almost like gong to church! Actually I fall in love with humanity.......and because of that ...God......... You've heard that expression... ARE WE SPIRITUAL BEINGS HAVING A HUMAN EXPERIENCE OR ARE WE HUMAN BEINGS HAVING A SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCE....... For some reason this really comes into play at the airport!! I really get to see the human experience!!! my favorite question... Where is your favorite place to travel to ........... Oh ... and then I am a massage therapist...........not much conversation... but lots of communication anyway!!
Ha! Dang Jumpin Jive.... I had to go look up the meaning of the word vacuous!!!!!! yep... but then..... ya gotta start somewhere! Thanks!!!!
http://www.globalcommunity.org/flash.wombat.shtml I liked it anyway!!! dang... I can't get it to go to the site I wanted it to!!.. I dont know what I am doing wrong!! oh well...................... the wombat was kinda cute!
I would LOVE to stay with you guys!!!! THANKS!!!!! Thats the party! I just don't want everyone to count on me... in case the flights fill up at the last moment! In Feb we got 'stuck' in Los Cabos Mex for and extra day and then Phoenix for two extra nights (well.. I knew that was comming)... so anything can happen! But.. there is an 'art' to non-rev travel and I am doing my best figuring it out!!
I missed it last night!!!!! Who did what? Ex.. was that a good ohmygosh .... or a bad ohmygosh ??!!!!!
This does sound like fun!! I am definitly going to try to make it................ Problem is......... it will be VERY last moment................. Working (p/t) for USAirways has me incredibly spoiled........... I just could not bring myself to buy a ticket (guareneted seat) or fly free (seats available). At the moment there are TONS of seats available! Flight would get in around 2Pm.... next one at 9Pm. on Friday......... So... since I am a bit "ify' ..... I will do my own hotel thing... and transportation. ... So.. I guess what I am saying .... make plans w/o me..... and then I will do the best I can!!!!!!! Love ya!!!!! Janet
This is too cool!!!! I don't know you but I like your name! I have not been to the doctrinal thread to see any of the other discussions....so I am flying a bit blind here! I am looking forward to exploring that link! It seems that quite a few indigious cultures have a natural way to exit the human experience! They call for a party and celebrate thier lives! And then the departing person sits down and shuts down the body systems! Now THAT sounds like a plan!!!! "cuz i am really only a tadpole of a student in all this and mostly just want to let yall know what i'm up to and see if anyone else is interested " I am VERY interested..... THANKS!! Janet
The last time I looked that figure was $274.928,787,690!!! (excuse my ignorance... but is that billions or trillions?) Thats a friggin heck of a lot of money!!!!! On ONE war. come on............. so the benifits to the men and women fighting it are an ok health plan........ a little bit of retirement..... etc.. etc.... so thats ...what.... 1tenth of one percent......... and the rest?
This sounds wonderful! I'd like to come!!!!
I suspect you are right Galen...a good part of that money does stay in the US... supporting US Military... etc.........(and you can't begin to pay those guys ENOUGH!) BUT... we could spend that money on OTHER endevors that would ALSO keep that money in the US. Could you imagine if that amount of money went to education (damn.. hopefully we would have A LOT of pretty smart people running around that could figure how to keep us OUT of war!! )? I could think of lots of places we could spend that money..........and keep in in the US!!!!!
The MOMENT... the most defining MOMENT.... When I heard Ralph D. use the works... "Vic the D ick".... Don't know why.......maybe comming from Ralph.................
I am not quite sure what "Believing" is.... it sounds so surface.......like wishfull thinking...(ala twi style)..... Having said THAT... I do believe that what we believe... and HOW we believe determine our reality. It is entirely possible to not have a clue as to WHAT we are 'believing". (I know what I would like to think I was believing....!!!!) Years ago we did the AVATAR course............ I know... another class... and this one was BIG BUCKS (for us)...but I was thrilled, shocked, amazed at some of the 'transparent beliefs' that were running my life!!!!! Anyway--- Its been a fun subject to explore....... my own consciousness!!! Who said...."I would never die for my beliefs.... I might be wrong"! Its engraved in the stonework oustside the Charlotte Library...... I can identify with it!!!!!! anyway--- lots of free stuff ---- www.avataroverdrive.com
I would bet money that theres more to this story!! Theres gotta be more............. I work for USAirways (part time!) and I have worked at the ticket counter. Thats a rough place!! Granted..some of the agents are a little testy----------- and some (more than I would have thought!) passengers seem to come in ready to get nuts!! Normal NICE people seem to change idenities as soon as they walk through the doors!! Airports just seem to bring out the worst in people sometimes!! Bottom line----How MUCH did the rest of his baggage weigh? 50lbs/bag. two bags. thats the limit. Two carry ons.... thats the limit. BUT--- crutches, wheelchairs, babyseats, strollers and a whole bunch of other stuff does not count toward the two bag limit. PLUS --- the guy could get them on the Handicap law (or something like that) and violations are up and over $20 Grand per incident. Airlines have to accomodate handicap passengers (and thats why I have a job!!!) Again--- I would bet money there is definilty more to this story!!
Hey!! I told WG I'd love to have it! I'll even come to her to get it! Its just a poster............with lots of tales to tell. WG--- how about some pictures of you and hubby in togas.......(plus frame money etc!!)