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Everything posted by 2life
Mstar.... I just REALLY sat and looked at the Bread and Puppet web site.... and one of the thoughts that run through my mind is.... HOW THE HELL DID I GET/STAY INVOLVED WITH TWI FOR SO MANY YEARS WHEN THINGS LIKE THAT WERE OUT THERE!!!!!!? Ok ok I probably KNOW the answer... but they were having FUN... and being CREATIVE.... and I was sitting in some frikkin living room. Ya know... if we had had the internet... life would have been different! That Folk Festival looks pretty neat also! There is just so much to do... and see...and experience.....!!!!! I need more time!!! I need more money!!!! Next week we are going to NY for a day or two. Heading to Long Island.
Yikes!! That Bread and Puppet thing sounds... ah... well really interesting!! And they are heading to NC and SC! I will probably wander by! garlic festival? Ya know.. when it comes down to it.. We can CELEBRATE everything!!! I love it!! I guess thats part of our humanity... we like to play together!! In my next life... I would love to be a (successful and unique) street performer!! And travel the world (like Patch Adams and his clowning). Oh wait.. that what the gypsies used to do right? Ok.. I would like to be an honest and entertaining gypsy! A Globe trotting gypsy...playing in the streets................ laughing.............. (with a good health insurance plan and traveling with my own bed) and...............
This will be the best trip ever!! Thanks!!!!!! kevin... thanks for the links!! And the sugestions for dinner! Lands End. yep.. that sounds great! Maps.. I love maps!!! Just holding an atlas increses my heart rate!! Caribou Heard................now thats something ya don't see often!! We did see heards of Buffalo a few weeks ago in WY/ SD though! We are going to rent a car..... From Charlotte we can either get to Alaska via Phoenix.........or Las Vegas. Hummmmm?? ... (sorry Rocky)... I suspect we will spend a day or two in Vegas! Thanks again!!! and again!
Has anyone experienced this? This has always sounded interesting and fun! Or maybe I just long for a community with a yearly festival!!!!
What an amazing thought..............that SOMEPLACE on this planet its a cool 58 degrees!! Thanks for the info! Until this week Alaska had never been on my 'radar' so to speak............HOW that happened I don't know!! This might take more than a few trips 'up there'! This time (as per your suggestion)... Anchorage..and the Alaska Ferry System toward the Kenai Peninsula............ We travel cheap...somewhere between the backpacking and Best Western Range! Unless Priceline.com comes through! Rocky......geeesssshhhh... we could have met for a beer/coffee several times! Unless I can get a direct flight to somewhere from CLT... ALL roads lead to PHX! dmiller........its a good thing we only have to go through that passport process every 10 yrs! sent my passport away in March for renewal... NOTHING changed.....not my address..not even my phone number........... STILL did not get it back until JULY. ALMOST 5 months!! About this USAir thing........if a body retires after working for them for 5 yrs...........and over the age of 50.....(and I passed THAT milestone years ago!) lifetime flying benifits. Three more years is a small price to pay! And ... I drive a golf cart in the airport! p/t :blink:
I would suspect its a scam.... BUT....be assurred.... if it were REALLY really important....and ment just for you... they would find another way to contact ya! (I think) You had a phone listed as Maggie Muggins!! That is too funny!! LOL!!
SOoooooo many choices! I just look at the map of Alaska and drool! Its almost ovewrwhelming!!! Johnny Lingo.........your enthusiam for Alaska is contagious! Defiitly will spend time on the Alaska Marine Hwy......! Now which direction?!! Since I work for USAir........Anchorage is the only place I can fly into for free so I guess we will start from there! (last week I got so tired of 100 degree temp we got on a plane to Philly...it was rainey and 72 degrees.....wandered/ate our way through Center City... came home that afternoon) Janet
What a great trip!! I don't know about you... but I love being a tourist!!! I remember one time when we went to San Fran... there were tons and tons (litterly!) of Sea Lions just lounging around the pier!! I wonder if they are still there.. or maybe its a seasonal thing?
Templelady!! I did not know that! Thanks Belle!! You are in Orlando right?!! Wanna have lunch/dinner someday? I have that silly silly job w/ the airlines so I can feed my addiction!! I love getting on a plane.....! Janet
Very exceited!! I would LOVE some suggestions! We are flying into Anchorage middle of Sept... we can spend one day.. or 10......... rent a car? head north? south? east or west? take the Marine Hwy? Alaska rail? what NOT to miss? Trying to do it as lest as expensive as possible! Johnny Lingo... (or anyone/everyone else!!)..... if ya have the time any ideas would be GREATLY apreciated!!! Thank you!! thank you!! Janet
Husband had it done a few years ago..........best thing he EVER had done! Since the age of 16 he had to wear hard contacts........and they were constantly in/out of his eyes. He had severe stigmatism....(sp!!).... BUT.... be careful! First consult. ... apparently this Dr. operates on anyone/everyone..........not good. Actually scheduled an apt for surgery. Got a second opinion... That Dr spent an hour with us telling him not to do it until the procedure and equipment got better. We listened. Every year we would call this Dr....and ..then... finally......he said it was time!! Changed Mikes life! He does use reading glasses...........but no hard contacts...........he can play golf on windy days!!!! This is a good thing............but get the right Dr and information!!!!
LOL!! We were all trying to figure it out! I still 'buy into the law of attraction' .. its just not completly via The Secret 's way!! Regarding "the law of believing" I would venture to say that (some) people are pretty quick to tell ya what the WANT to believe.. or would LIKE to believe........or SHOULD believe.....but might not have a clue as to what they REALLY believe!! "The beliefs you hold, weather deliberately chosen or indoctrinated, create a model for interpreting and structuring reality". HP
Now.. I love The Secret .... but I agree that there is a valuable ingredient missing!! But.. this is funny ..2 Aussies poking fun at it! I really really hope this link comes through.. or if someone else can find it that would be great!! Janet
johnny.. Alaska sounds wonderful..and beautiful! And.. I love Canada.. and can understand the interest in living there. But... and its a BIG BUT..... In the winter.... it seems to get dark at about....NOON!!!! Malta looks amazing! I liked Costa Rica........... a lot of ex-pats there. Very settled and very happy. I love this planet.
Ahhhh... its a SECRET no longer.......................!!!!!!!!!
wordsandwrks.. you wrote... "Love: "To attract the things we love we must feel love. As you feel love praise that presence." pssssstttt..... ahh... thats EXACTLY what the Secret is about!!! If ya really look into this stuff its not JUST "happy thoughts create happy lives" Thats just delusional thinking. (But happy thought are A LOT more fun than unhappy ones!!) "Knowing the truth about The Secret takes the pressure off. We don't have to create the world we live in by our thoughts." Maybe you/we already are....
I love The Secret! I would not even BEGIN to compare it with the 'believing equals receiving' stuff in PFAL. In Vics class.... at some point if you believed enough or in the right way a mystical God was going to bless your life. The Secret seems to be more about focused attention. It might appear to be magical... (LOL!!) To me its a reminder... to be aware of where my attention goes........
BELLE!! Thats what happens to me!! When I use it.. it works well.... and then I just DON'T. Sometimes I wonder if I have a 'self-destruct' gene in me!! I could be SKINNY by now!! I get the free email also........and for the most part just delete it. Except the other day .. and then I went to his 'revised' website and saw the new video and got exceited again! (WHERE IS THAT SPELL CHECK ICON??!!) I think a lot of us from twi have a 'charge' on the money thing. It was almost our 'claim to fame'' that we were doing what we did for FREE. It made it somewhat noble or something. Of course... we rationalized why the pfal class had a fee attached to it. Along those lines....... Avatar........truly a life experience.....worth every penny... big bucks.....AND ..there are some dynamic people making a great living while 'delivering' it. And they should. (and there is a lot of free mini courses to download from that website also.) There are people using/teaching EFT.... for a fee. I think it would be worth sitting down with an experienced practicner for a few sessions. Someone willing to follow the 'trail' so to speak.. and not let me get away with anything! thats my 'ah ha'..... I need someone to Play with!! Mike does EFT... but that does not quite get it!! He does not see the greatness in the laughing stuff! Thats my new primary.... Someone to Play with!!
not too personal at all!! First... its something I can give to my clients. its a tapping sequence. it does not have to be done 'right' for it to have an effect. It can be done anytime ... anywhere. I can work my way into an anxiety attack pretty easily....... If you have ever had that feeling.. not a good thing. I tap. it works. I was taking meds for high BP. I tap. I monitor it really well (now)..... 124/74 . BP meds were helpful.. but affect so many areas in a persons life. My hair was falling out. Changed meds... other stuff happened. Tapping seems to keep it under control. I NEED to use it more for weight loss! When I tap .. I love my body.. eat right.... feel good. THEN.. For what ever reason.. I just stop. duh............ I had a woman on my massage table... started having a seizure (this was not a surprise).. I told her I was going to do something weird (she had never heard/done this before). I tapped for her. Seizure stopped. Now maybe it was going to stop on its own...timing is everything... but it gave ME something to offer! I work p/t for an airline. This woman was in a full blown panic attack about getting on an airplane (one of the small CRJ's..). She had heard of EFT... never did it... was open to trying it. Got on that plane. Mostly when I start getting nervous... turning multiple colors... I can tap. very helpful. I want to do more of the laughing work... (www.laughteryoga.com www.worldlaughtertour.com ) but I am a wuss when I get in front of people. tapping helps!!! It was easy for me to be a clown (Silly Lilly)... had lots of 'whiteface' makeup on! Gary Graig says tap for everything!! Just try it on everything. I often do not have the patience to work through issues... (humm... I could tap on that!).... There used to be an archive on his web site... amazing. I went to one of his conferences in Chicago a few years back (yeah.. BIG bucks $50 day!). People from all over the world were there with stories to tell. He did an amazing thing.... many times at conferences there is a lot of ..well ego.... people are vying for attention and postion (hey look at me I have TWO Phd's... and use 50 million modalites... etc... ) Non of that happened there...... there was none of the EGO there... from the front stage...or in the e audiance. Ya had to be there to feel it. Of course ... we were all sitting there tapping like fools!! The key is... it offers the possibility to get the 'emotional charge' out of the way... There are quite a few modalities out there that can do this... but it does not get any easier than this! feel free to e mail me!! Jdono44@hotmail.com Krysilis.. thanks for Asking! Roy... you are wonderful! Thanks for sharing that.
Maybe its the way I present stuff... As I re read my posts they do sound a bit loony tunes... BUT Another poster... Too Grey Now.... referred to EFT and how helpful it was to him/her. I might be looney.. but Too Grey Now sounds like a very normal person. You have to learn it somehow... you can learn it from the FREE download... or order the very inexpensive cds. Or e mail me.......... I 'll figure something out. I just want to help... and there are some people here dealing with some really serious stuff.... this could be just one more tool to help. THAT is why I focused on the FREE part...... And of course.. the big disclaimer.. Its not for everybody. You don't have to 'believe' for it to be useful.... just be open to trying it! Janet
I'm not 'trying ANYTHING ' Garth.... did ya hit the FREE manuel download??????????? And maybe you missed the part where I said it was all in the manuel...... the videos just show someone using it............. look... I am just putting this 'out there' not starting a new religion or anything..... I am a massage therapist... and have shown this technique to several of my clients.. immediate results with migraine headaches and 'fibro' symptoms. I have the cd's... if I had a way to copy them.. or knew how... I would send some of them to ya! Janet
Greetings! I lurk .... don't post much.... but love you guys!! And I have this urge to SHARE! :biglaugh: I have mentioned this before....... and I get exceited about it.... definitly can understand the hesitation and 'unbelief' regarding it!! But.... BUT.... there have been some stunning results.... and its FREE (download the FREE manuel ) WATCH THE VIDEO.... its free. Emotional Freedom Techniques EFT www.emofree.com Did I emphasis the FREE part enough? That has always seemed to be the defining factor weather something is a scam or not. ( to some people)... ( and if you did order the inexpensive cd's... Gary Craig has authorized you to copy them and GIVE them away... ) Regarding the videos... there is no new knowledge in them .. nothing that is not in the manuel... just watching Gary and others using the tapping technique......and ya got to admit... it does cost money to make the dang things... but they are inexpensive! EFT is free.... everyone can do it... kids can do it..... dang... even I can do it!!!!! www.emofree.com www.emofree.com www.emofree.com its just another tool.... another technique...... If this is helpful to you great.. (let me know!!)..... if not............. well ... thats great too! Its funny... I heard about this through greasespotcafe!
we have come a long way!! sometimes its embarresing to see where I have been!!
I picked this guy up in a bar..............................he was a pow wow. (maine)
You went to avataroverdrive!!!! omg.... thank you!! yep.... there could be some 'cultish' tendecies...definitly a zeal for 'doing the course'! But .. the course is ...belief free! reincarnation............ I remember the first time I actually considered it........I was terrified.......I was listening to a tape by Ram Dass..(that in itself was such a departure from twi).............just a year or two out of TWI.......... Now ... it just makes sense (to me). Its the way my brain can rationalize the 'starving' kids in India stuff. Maybe we have all been there.........and I am not saying that that is a beginning or ending point........ it just is......