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Everything posted by 2life
I LOVE The Power of Now!!! Check Ebay...... the book is also in audio form!!! Eckhart Tolle.
Ha!! I spent the most part of 13 years in my sitting in my living room......(twig).... I NEVER NEVER NEVER want to be THAT right again!! EVER. But... I do remember the 'feeling' of being 'right'... and knowing THE answers... and therefore I am much more empathic/patient/ with those who hold those feelings/answers. ( this pertains to bible/koran/life stuff... not computers!) Was it Bernard Shaw that said... "I would never die for my beliefs.... I might be wrong'! I know THAT feeling also. (being wrong)... I have eaten so many words... it does not matter any more!!! And that's ok!!
Edi...thank you for that post!! If you don't mind could you e mail any product information about glyconutrients?!! This is the first I have heard of them!!! And EFT... I love it!!! As Gary Craig says.... tap on/for anything!!!! and Chas.... you are my hero!! that was a magnificent post regarding alternative therapies! I realize that these posts are old.... but thanks!! Jdono44@hotmail.com Janet
Dang...... I must have one heck of an immune system!!! But no longer... I will use ONLY one time plastic cups!!!! Thanks!!!!
What a wonderful accomplishment!!! That is REALLY REALLY somthing to be proud of!!!! It takes a very special motivated person to reach that level. Congratulations!!!! (this is comming from a parent who SAT and watched while her son and daughter spent 10 years in martial arts!! I shoulda/coulda been out there!!) I saw people take that BB test..... (test..throw up...go out there and do some more....) ITs HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HI W G!! Thanks!! I would fly with her also! I am going to wait for a week or two.. then jump on one of her flights! After January I will have more 'buddy passes'... You can fly to CLT or Charleston...!! Janet
I had to look up ... Boda-bodas!! Dang... I don't know how to insert the link!! Congratulations again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dmiller!! Ya like that?!!! it is a nice house.... . And now... for a mere $119/night I can stay in my old bedroom! I guess they put heat up there!
yep.... low low pay!! She is definitly questioning her career choice!! But.... ya never know what can happen! The pay rates change after the first year... or two. BUT... they will never get back to the money that was made years ago. The wild thing is that there are pilots making captain within 2 1/2 years........... there is definity a pilot shortage out there. I will pass on that info!! Thanks! Are you flying??!! Janet
Congratulations!!! THAT is wonderful!! What a great major !!! well.... sending your kid off to a third world country could be nerve racking! But... 99.99999% of them come back... with stories to tell!!! And your daughter ALREADY has great stories to tell!! What a great kid! Janet
wow ...small towns. I lived in Bar Harbor Maine.........beautiful. In the summer lots of resturants and shops.. had a charm of its own. Totally different place in the winter!! If ya wanted to go to a movie... 20 miles. If you wanted a CHOICE of movies... over 100 miles! You could lay down and take a nap in the middle of the street (winter)! Of course.. this was over 30 yrs ago. Our old house is now a bed and breakfast. www.seacroftinn.com It looked a lot different when I lived there!!... See that porch on the third floor.... my room. great view. no heat. Actually ... at that time... the entire state of Maine was a small town!! I worked for my dad.. Seacroft Office Products ... and I traveled the state. What I did in Calais Maine... got back to my dad BEFORE I did.
Priscilla!! I just PM d you! (I am pretty sure it went through!!) Thanks!!!! If you did not get the message.... please let me know!!!! Janet
Thats right... WG!! DEEP BREATHS!!! She has been on the internet and phone all afternoon... they will fly up tomarrow. The more I see/hear about Knoxville I really like it! Shes laughing.......every phone inquirey she makes turns into a long conversation... Everyone is so friendly and helpful... and they love their city!!! She is also walking around the house muttering.. I can't believe they are letting me fly that plane... I can't belive they are letting me fly that plane........ Thanks Washingweather!! Its been a long time to this point.............she has really worked hard. When she tells people she is working for the airlines they usually assume that she is a flight attendant. She is very pretty, blond and petite. Its kinda fun to see the reactions when they find out she's the pilot!
I LOVE GSC!! If anyone is familiar with Knoxville TN... any insight/help would be appreciated!!! Our daughter just got hired on with PSA Airlines as a First Officer (Dang... she is FLYING those airplanes... I'll bet ya all wonder how THAT happened!!). PSA flyes the regional jets for USAirlines.....) Anyway... she just finished their training... her domicile will be Knowxville Tn. . She found out this morning she has the next few days to find a place to live......then her first three day trip starts Sunday!!!! YIKES!! she thought she was going to have longer than that! So... any suggestions? We are all over the internet looking for apts...............proably near the airport would be a good ting.... I am sooooo freakin' proud of her.... !!!! Her brother is flying up there this afternoon with her to help! Any suggestions... any help.... anything insight?! Hey... I'm sure I will be up there off and on... I would LOVE to hoook up with fellow GSC'ers!!!! I love my kids!! Life changes in a heartbeat....!! Janet (yikes!! I can't edit the spelling of Knoxville.. in the topic post!!! Knoxvillle Knoxville Knoxville......!...dang... that dosent even look right!)
Thanks for that info!! Hey....what is a Moose coder??!!!! Now THAT sounds like a interesting carreer choice!!!
humm...thats a good question.... I know dot com names are pretty much gone for what I wanted to do.... actually..after talking to the guy. ( I Just got off the phone with him)..its all about making the money. I doubt if anyone actually develops other web sites other than for this purpose. I am still in my free trial period!! hummmmm.......
I have the ROA 72 tape... and I have a Beta machine!! Can I copy this to DVD or VHS? Janet
www.freedom.ws.laughoutloud/show_dvd I know.... I know..... I get a bit flacky at times......... (I enjoy it!) But WHAT is wrong with this picture? I KNOW its a MLM type thing... but the bottom line seems to be for $10/month I get a domain name and website. (OH yeah..and an UNLIMITED potential to make money............ ) And it seems pretty simple... and..... be kind... my bubbles are fragile.......
That Dragon thing does sound fun!! What a memory for kids ...of all ages! This woman in Seward talked about festivals during the winter.......like you (and she) said ... to keep from going nuts! In January they have the Polar Bear Swim.... yep... all bodies in the water raising money for charities. dang... if the sun does not come out for two or three days in the South ... we get grumpy. If I lived in Alaska I would be offering sacrifices to the Sun God ... or Goddess! I would probably be catipolting my fat as..sed naked body in the water come January.... janet
Ya know... I am probably one of the few people who get to Alaska w/o a camera!! I do have two postcards though!!! Whittier Ak (SP??).... that town kind of facinates me. In the winter because of the mountains they get NO direct sunlight. The tunnel seems to be open 8:30 to 5 PM (winter hours) and other than what seems to be a LONG boat ride that tunnel is the ONLY way in and out! The entire town lives in an old army building which are now condos. Now that part actually sounds like fun! It could be one big party all winter.... and no one has to drive!! The school building was right across the street from the house building. OMG... it would take a 'special' person ... or a crazy person to stay there all winter! This sounds like a reality show in the making! Yep... great trip.
WOW!! What a place!!! Thanks for all the info.....and enthusiam! We flew to Anchorage.........rented a car............spent the night..........had dinner at the Double Musky......which had the best... BEST... then BEST! Salmon I have ever even dreamed of!! Oh and Gwinettes (sp??) for breakfast was... GREAT! We then drove down the Seward Hwy......... one of the most beautiful drives on the planet! The water... the snow capped mountains........the glaicers.......... This had to be peak weekend for the fall colors! Bright bright yellow!! Paid our $12 to drive through the 2.5 mile (single lane ..train track) tunnel to Whitier AK.. which has to be the funkiest town I have ever been to! Spent the night in Seward.........It was beautiful... cold (for us.. it just felt like winter comming!) That cold ocean mist at night. It was sooooo quiet! drove back to Ancorage... flew home! (first class... I DO love this silly job!) Took the red-eye from Las Vegas. Got in this morning (to HOT weather and severe drought) I can't believe we did all this in about three days! hummm...... I think we just get nuts sometimes. It was really really nice! We did not make it to Homer..............(actually we passed the turn and ended up in Seward instead!) janet!!!
Oh honey... I am so sorry! Lots of changes for you guys. Janet
Seth.. Thanks!! I really like the TED site!!! I could not get to the second site... so I guess thats where the crop circle stuff is. But TED.... great stuff! Janet
That was wonderful!!! I never remember hearing that read!! Damn.. I never remember reading it.......... It made me want to take up arms... against SOMETHING!!!!!!! Or for something!!! We were just in Independance Hall about 2wks ago. Just an amazing place. Thanks!!!! Janet
nasty??!!! Contenious?!! Where??!! I wanna get involved!! I only read one or two threads.... and I must miss so much!!! And no one EVER tells me ANYTHING!!!!!!!