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Larry P2

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Everything posted by Larry P2

  1. I diet on big buckets of ice cream (I've found the full-fat version of Pralines and Cream keep me thin and trim). I eat anything and as much as I want, and still weigh within 10 pounds of what I weighed in High School. I can't seem to keep weight on, no matter how hard I try. I hate exercise with a passion. Plus, I look like hell in aerobic tights. So tell me, how come all you women are so fat? [This message was edited by Larry P2 on January 15, 2003 at 12:54.]
  2. Your announcement isn't THAT important....
  3. If "Mike" had one stitch of credibility, one tiny iota of personal integrity, he would answer George Jessio's posts. By arrogantly and dishonestly ignoring Mr. Jessio's posts, Mike confirms he has zero personal integrity and empathy, and so since SOMEBODY on this web sight must address the latest brazen Weirwille atrocity exposed here, I will: Dear George, What Weirwille did to your mother is not something "99 percent of all men do" as was dishonestly portrayed. 99 percent of men convicted of serious crimes and incarcerated in prison would not drunkenly expose themselves and proposition a woman like Weirwille did. I doubt even 50 percent of convicted criminals would do such a thing. I doubt even 1 percent of all legitimatepreachers would do something like that (outside of TWI confines, of course). The man - and from henceforth I will never again refer to Mr. Weirwille as a preacher - who did that to your mom was a lying piece of sh!t scumbag who completely went beyond the pale in his actions. If there is a God, and if there is justice in this life, then that lying stinking scumbag is slowly roasting in hell right now. I also offer an apology for Mike's utterly dispicable and callous behavior when presented with your mom's story. In some ways, he can't help himself. He is one of these people The Old Grifter predicted could not "go beyond what they are taught." He is a mindless robot who cannot, or will not read anything outside of the words of Mr. Weirwille. In some ways this is a result of the breathtakingly skilled con artistry that was directed against him by a horrid little nasty cult. Regardless of the cause and effects of Mike's glassy-eyed, mindless worship of Mr. Weirwille, nobody with any decency can allow you to express the pain and agony experienced by your mom and not respond appropriately and humanely. I am so incredibly sorry for what happened to your Mom. I can't even begin to comprehend the pain she must feel to this day, especially when a callous and monumentally self-centered moral cretin like Mike simply ignores her and your unspeakable tragedy. ANd I redouble my apology for Mike's and Wierwille's evil, cretinous behavior by saying that many other people on this site feel the same way about your family's tragedy as I do. ] Again, it only redoubles the hideous evil perpetrated against your family to have it ignored. I am so very very sorry that it happened to you.
  4. Mike, no response to the responses to your "four issues?" Don't you think it was utterly callous, meanspirited, vicious, and deliberately dishonest for Mr. Weirwille to chastise "Churchianity" for its inneffective "Sisters of the Poor Bleeding Heart" approach to the sick and poor, when he himself was quickly assuming room temperature from a disease he had loudly proclaimed was the result of Devil Spirit Possession? How many people in TWI actually knew about his condition? How many times did he LIE about it when asked directly about his cancer? Given your public stance, don't mustn't you argue that when Weirwille lied about his cancer he was doing the right and godly thing? In Passage of the Old Poop, you see a lot of totally dishonest, unprocessed and impotent anger by the Old Grifter. I believe it was partially due to the fact that he had backed himself into a corner. There was absolutely no way to justify his public lies about cancer and he knew it. Cancer isn't something you can mess around with. The truth hurts, but it also sets the cancer survivor free. This is all contrary to Mr. Weirwille's public personnae. His lies killed him. He couldn't even tell the truth about something as vital as his medical condition. So he lied. He dishonestly placed the guilt for his condition on his associates and their actions. POP would have been the ideal time to retract a very public and vicious and unbiblical doctrine. Yet the Old Grifter lied to the end. I guess by that time, he could no longer stop himself, even if it would have helped him.
  5. Okay, I gave Mike's four "data points" the requisite 40 seconds of consideration - approximately 39 seconds longer than they actually deserve. Your data points are theologically ignorant and immature, biblically unsound, post hoc cya-type material for a false prophet who died of the self-same cancer he so loudly, heartlessly and pompously jeered in others. Kept his cancer quiet, too, lest it be puff of wind that brought down his entire house-of-cards theological ediface. Are you actually questioning the Master Grifter's tactic of keeping the cancer completely under wraps rather than opening the issue up for debate and risking the credibility of ALL of his punishingly hairbrained theological sophistries? Why take such a tremendous risk when you can simply lie about your cancer? Lying worked so well for so many situations in the past, didn't it? Served the self-important, whining, maudlin self-pitying bilge pump hose monster RIGHT to die of cancer! And some people say there is no God!
  6. Oh, Ron,, that was a VERY LOW BLOWcomparing my dearly beloved Lawrence Welk with Herr Vierville's spewings. Gosh, the Lemon Sisters make me all gooey eyed and slack-jawed to this day with their sweet harmonies. Lord, are we REALLY getting to be that old?
  7. Mike, since you are truly our only dyed in the wool, unreserved Weirwille-worshipping Waybot, I'd like to know some things about you that aren't necessarily on the level of purely theoretical. I'm not being sarcastic with the following questions, I truly just want some hard evidence of the possible lengths Weirwille-worshippers go in deifying their favorite Corfield Ohio Huckster Gawd. Do you have TWi shrines about your house, such as busts of Mr. Weirwille, Uncle Harry and Howard Allen? Are their portraits mounted on the walls at random, or are they all together where you can light candles? Do you keep scrapbooks of TWI memorabilia? When you pray, do you pray "In the name of the Doktor?" Or do you pray directly to Weirwille? Has VWP been raised from the dead, in your estimation? Please tell us some of the very personal ways you have developed to worship VPW....to some of us, that is far more important than merely breathlessly reporting VPW's off-the-cuff gruntings.
  8. I for one do not want you to leave, Mike. I think SOMEBODYneeds to represent the glassy-eyed, infatuated Weirwille-worshipping part of the TWI experience. Most of us who have grown post-TWI of course believe that was indeed the PRIMARY PURPOSEof Mr. Weirwille's evil little nazi cult, so these forums would not be truly representative without you. It's better than being accused of attacking an allegedly nonexistent strawman, since apparently you are the real deal! Write on, man. Write on!
  9. And let's not forget the one about "All the women in the Kingdom belong to the King." Which proves that he was a lecherous piece of sh!t communicating his desire for a steady stream of young, gullible women to abuse.
  10. The heart and soul of Weirwillianism is based on a constellation of easily-disprovable lies. Yet the more these egregiously self-serving and sordid lies are demonstrated, the more tenaciously glassy-eyed Weirwille worshippers defend them. Mr. Weirwille actually had the correct idea all along for Weirwillianism to prosper and flourish: Don't allow debate. Simply cutting off debate is after all a morally superior defense mechanism to encouraging lying in defense.
  11. All I know, the service for cable internet is outstanding. The same day I had problems, the cable guy came right out within 20 minutes to fix it. He said something about how the internet juice flowing through the hose that hooks into my computer was backing up like a plugged sewer line, and so he drove right out to the whatchamacalut and turned the spigot just so, poured in some electronic drain cleaner and the next thing I knew internet juice was flowing like it had ate some Ex Lax. I know my computer terminology isn't exactly the best, but trust me, cable internet rocks.
  12. If you guys get married after going to Jackass on your first date, then I get to be both the best man and bridesmaid. (I will only wear the obligatory jockstrap). How are we going to arrange a suitable projectile vomiting exhibition at your reception, though? And what are you going to do when your wedding cake which will appropriately shaped like a toilet, and some clown climbs up on it and takes a dump in it? And are you guys going to Box each other at the alter? And will your boxing gloves match your wedding dress? So many unanswered questions.
  13. Success can be measured, confined, finely calibrated. It shakes and ennervates the core of our supreme existential angst. Is it a Harvard Law degree? Is it a Stanford Medical Degree? Is it a Dinan-tuned BMW M-5? FOr the most part, it is all slack, undefined and forever restless; the dreams of a forever haunted heart. That is until Johny Knoxville cuts through the fog and miasma with this powerful new movie. Success is running around with a pair of hedge clippers slicing off the unwitting's hair clear to the scalp. It is Making Big Money by lighting farts and firing bottle rocks out of your cornhole on camera. It is eating a pee snowcone and then having the yellow vomit repeatedly repanned in slow motion. It is scuba diving with your shorts bravely packed full of shrimp to tempt sharks into nipping off your family member. I have never laughed so hard in my whole life. If this baby doesn't get the Oscar, then the entire process if obviously rigged.
  14. I like the mask. IS that from one of those specialty costume stores?
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