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Lifted Up

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Everything posted by Lifted Up

  1. Lifted Up

    8th Corps

    Since when is commitment mean being blabby? Some of us arent loudmouths. Actually, when in residence, I spent so much time on my retemories I had no time to talk. I was known for this enough to be reproved by JT at one point for being able to remember so much verse but not my shadow appointment with him. Oh, I've had my moments at times, though not too many around here remember my record posting on the original Waydale THE thread.
  2. Lifted Up

    8th Corps

    We are the 9th corps' seniors also, we should be able to temporarily displace them.
  3. Lifted Up

    8th Corps

    I dont insist we stay at the top, or even within two or three, but I refuse to let us get buried on page two.
  4. Probably only justice after bugging you guys by driving you from the top to post here and bring you back up for a while. Especially considering I was with some of your group for a while at HQ...not to mention that at least until recently my best ex TWI friends were from the 9th.
  5. Well, Hope, may you live to be a hundred. despite your occasional attempts to portray yourself as a way robot, I remember a couple of minor but nice things you did at Emporia (I'm not talking about WayProd) ...nice human things...and I wasn't one that was around you very much.
  6. Lifted Up

    8th Corps

    OK I get you. I certainly remember Michelle and....well anyway you are welcome here, We don't try to kick poeple out like that nasty 6th corpse guy. I'm curious about something, but won't ask it here.
  7. I think I was already inducted several times during that year I spent with y'all at Emporia. However, the only one I bowed to was "Lord Dave" Bedard during the freedom exercise on that camping trip. And that was only part of our ruse to set up our rebellion against him, which we weren't supposed to do. P.S. I DO apoligize for butting in, sir, but its just another way of irritating the 9th corps people...they seem to have a fit when their thousand post thread gets two or three down from the top.
  8. Yea, back where you belong. At least I have an excuse for butting in on the 6th corps thread; they taught me sssoooooo much --> that year at Emporia.
  9. Pardon me for butting in, but the 9th corps thread people get soooo touchy when their thread gets more than one or two spaces from the top!!!!! :D-->
  10. Just goes to prove (to me at least) that a picture (plus a few well chosen words) is worth a lot more than a thousand words.
  11. Lifted Up

    8th Corps

    Okay, maybe my great memory is slipping. dek52 were you 6th or 8th or neither?
  12. Lifted Up

    8th Corps

    My second GS post this month after my semi frustrating experience near the end of July. I think Pegger is one of the few who could motivate me to post at this point. Yea, Peg, I'll PUNish you later if I can warm up again to it.
  13. Lifted Up

    8th Corps

    No, we weren't that small. The first big corps was the 6th; a little over 300 first year residents...312 comes to my mind but I am not sure. Then the 7th was even bigger, 350 odd or something like that. Then the 8th was only 257, then the next few corps were bigger again. But the 5th was only 87 or something like that. Dunno about the fourth but I know it was small...they were called to be in res at HQ during our final residence year, so I saw a bunch of them that fall of 1979.
  14. Lifted Up

    8th Corps

    Not much. I sure would like to get more in here. Yes, we were smaller than the later corps and even than the two right before us. But there were still 250 plus of us that first year in residence.
  15. Due to work and family schedule, the entire event is out of the question. Whether or not it is worth making the trip for a short visit if I can, I have not completely ruled out. ( I live about three hours away). Anyone in the area heading to Valley Fair this Saturday?
  16. Yea, I remember John telling me the story of how they met and got married as unbelievers.
  17. Is the idea scrapped or is it still under consideration?
  18. No, you are not succesful in your murder attempt. A little over a year ago, I went with my son on a school field trip to the music museum at SDSU. There I saw a sackbut. As for me, virtually nothing. I took a few classic guitar lessons many years ago, but went nowhere with them. I rang handbells for a performanceof a church choir. I was master of the pitchpipe for our high school madrigal group. -------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SSSWWWAAAATTTTT!!!!!!!!
  19. Lifted Up

    8th Corps

    OK...alone again.
  20. Chwester reponded: I remember that when discussing "But my God shall supply all your need" in PFAL, he noted "it didn't say greed".
  21. Lifted Up

    8th Corps

    Hello Hawk....hello?????
  22. Lifted Up

    8th Corps

    Hi Hawk; glad you finally showed up again, heh heh.
  23. It was probably deliberate, putting a non drinker in charge for a while. One of my few guidelines was not to use too much, and since I didn't have to drink the stuff, I was less tempted to break the above guideline. See my note to Hope on her "It's been 25 years" thread.
  24. Maybe it was because I was probably in charge of the coffe during your time there? Not that you knew who was screwing it up, but I know that to coffee drinkers there can be little else that matters...especially if a non drinker is running the show.
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