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Lifted Up

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Everything posted by Lifted Up

  1. ex10, could you at least inform me as to what was (is?) the Sydney House? (In Sydney, I suppose).
  2. My Indians over the **** Yankees, 19 to 1 tonight!!! They may not win too much this year, but THHIS feels good.
  3. Don't be shy about posting if it's because you're afraid that someone might (gasp) disagree with you. I have great respect for some folks I disagree often with (I'll name a couple, Groucho and Oakspear, the latter I have even met live). I can't guarantee you'll never get your head bit off, but being afraid of that risk (a low risk IMO) runs the bigger risk of missing out on a lot more. Right Paw? (I see your name on this thread at the same time heh heh). P.S. I'll do my part professionally to keep the hurricanes away heh heh.
  4. "no offence"...and noe taken here. I am one of those oldies, if you consider last in at the end of 1979 old enough. And I am aware that there were great changes in daily TWI life after that time. From my start on Waydale in 1999 I have tried to learn more about what happened after (and during) my time. As far as SIT being evidence of and not a requirement for salvation, that was pretty clear in PFAL, and I don't recall it being taught otherwise by anyone...in my time. But I would certainly be interested in when and by whom it was taught that you can't be saved if you don't SIT.
  5. Lifted Up

    8th Corps

    Maybe I can get RR or someone else back in here.
  6. I had no spouse or close non TWI friends when I became involved. Of course I did have some family, but I had no problems there, even when I was visited at Emporia. The problems came only after the church that initiated the deprogramming process, and the deprogrammers themselves, "informed" my family how bad they felt TWI was, and that I was not really their family member (i.e. not the person they knew) as long as I was in TWI.
  7. I'll swap you a Russian dinner for a Mexican one. Guess where my wife and her family are from? Sorry to borrow your birthday thread for this comment, Sushi. If you want. I'll give you a birthday present in the form of a bus ticket to our great city. HA HA HA.
  8. Hope it was a good one. I assume it was yesterday, anyway. Too bad...if it were today, you would have the same birthday as my oldest son...the one that was with me when you and I met for lunch a few years ago. The one whose birthday today makes me relenquish my sob story of having four teenagers.
  9. Nothing wrong with that; we will each make our own judgements according to whatever standards we use. I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't bother Groucho a bit either. But I also know that he recognizes that not everyone uses the same standards. And, if he can find some documentation, he is not going to refuse to find it by feeding me a line like "well if you had it, you wouldn't believe it anyway", as someone else has done to me on a similar subject. My question to Groucho was not a denial or an argument. It was a question.
  10. This has been languishing for almost two weeks. I dont suppose anyone would mind if a father of four teenagers (and one former teenager) brought this up to the top on this day.
  11. The "numerous times from various sources" bothers me...but I think you recognize the problem here. Thanks, Grouch, for your efforts, and for recognizing my question as honest.
  12. So...are there two??? Entering the 8th corps at Emporia, I had three roomates in my first room. The other 8th corps I recently discovered here. One of the 6th corps I have tried to get ahold of indirectly, through one of our frequent posters, but so far without success. The other 6th corps was (this was fall of 1977) Joe Woods.
  13. Grouch, can you give your source for this? I hadn't heard it before. You have my respect from back in Waydale times, but I don't think you were there...or were you?
  14. David, I was just about to tell you your image wasn't showing...obviously you noticed it right away.
  15. ...and another late birthday wish from you know where.
  16. Well, how many people do you know of who have run from the law for only a late registration?!
  17. Sorry, couldnt resist this when I saw your birthday listed. 106 years old? Really? I bet you just did that to disguise your real age, which I have not doubt isn't a day over 80. But happy birthday! :)
  18. I pretty much agree with TL on this. Now I won't say that there is no one who is not "religiously" fervent about their "non belief", but the examples I personally know of pretty well illustrate her point. For example...I know of one researcher who is always decrying God as illogical in the face of science, as if any declaration that God is in our lives or in our nation is illogical. But, of course, science has the answers. Of course, I know some other researchers who do not see this conflict between God and science. The point is, this guy is so fervent as to have to resort to actively degrading as illogical or stupid any ideas that promote God's hand in events and/or peoples' lives. The point is, he is not satisfied with saying something like "I don't believe this is the work of a God, and here's why...", but he puts all that extra effort into degrading the idea. he comes across as being awfully religiously devoted to non-religion.
  19. A fresh (yesterday) update on Warren Jeffs..... More on Warren Jeffs
  20. By the way, Alberto is expected to strengthen at most slightly over its current minimal tropical storm strength. Too much southwesterly upper wind shear is forecast to keep displacing the convection (showers and thunderstorms) away from the center, preventing those storms from grouping near the center, therefore preventing Alberto from getting a lot stronger. Shear is usually helpful for small individual severe stormsto grow and strengthen, but tropical storms exist and grow on a much larger scale, and strong shear can rip them apart...or at least keep them from getting much stronger. If anyone cares that is (maybe not).
  21. No one outside of Peoria or Sioux Falls (okay, maybe Sioux City, Omaha, Evansville, Fort Wayne, Rockford, Wheeling, Lexington, or Bloomington also) will know what I am talking about, so this thread will probably get zero responses. Anyway, 71-0 last night. What is a shutout in indoor football anyway? Good players, great management, great coach (Kurtiss Riggs). Maybe he will go on to bigger things, like the coach of our basketball team (Flip Saunders) did several years back. Oh, of course no one should get credit for a beating up. But they are defending league champs, and unbeaten (11-0) so far this season.
  22. Lifted Up

    Not ME

    How long has this been going on? Reason I ask is that I exchanged a note or two with you some weeks ago, maybe it was 2 or 3 months ago. Now you got me wonerding, was it you?
  23. Alberto it is now, officially.
  24. What's mind boggling to me is not only were they able to land and operate both rovers successfully, but that they have been able to keep them operating remotely for over two and a half years. No one out there to tow, tune up, change the oil, replace worn parts, etc.
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