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Lifted Up

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Everything posted by Lifted Up

  1. Lifted Up

    8th Corps

    They only pay attention when their law is broken...the one that says they have to be on top. Like the NH state law that says nobody else can have the first primary. I'm still waiting for some other state to make an identical law. But otherwise, the 9th tries to ignore us.
  2. Well, I do have some Dodger blood in me... I was born in Southern California (Long Beach) I saw the Dodgers play in the Coliseum. I saw Frank Howard swat homers for the Dodgers... (and later for the Senators). Duke Snider, Jim Gilliam, Don Demeter, John Rosboro, Larry Sherry, Don Drysdale, Sandy Koufax... Vin Scully's never can be forgotten voice.
  3. BlueSunday...I repeat the above question from over 10 months ago. Things were going pretty well for me in my TWI life around that time...with particular attention to my apprentice corps year which was also your not so good WOW year. I was looking forward to hearing more about that year, and from yoor point of view what was going wrong, as you began the year on such a high note from Indy.
  4. Why David, didn't you know? If a Christian does something we like, it's just natural kindness, or "living like decent human beings." But if he/she does something we find distasteful, then we chalk it up to his/her religion.
  5. I thought it was a good movie. Gave a good sense of being there. Better than United 93 IMO. I recently watched a story about this movie, where they actually interviewed the two Port Authority cops, describing how the producers and actors worked with them, to be sure of accuracy. I think it was a very good tribute to all who were involved. Of course you didnt have to. I hope you enjoy your sandwich. As far as what he brought to the story, I think he did a great job of bringing what has notbeen "hammered" into us. And up to now, I have not been a Stone fan. I wasnt tempted to watch "United 93" a second time, but I have seen this one twice.
  6. But it was for a while... I mean, no one posted on it for over 72 hours...three days and three nights it was in the grave... And I don't cheat...that is, I dont go around posting on every other corps thread just to drive this one down. I'll stick to my 8th, maybe the 5th since I started that one, and of course this one once in a while. Okay, well I did know some 6th and 7th... Hey, our IN LC who replaced JAL was in the 4th... plus he was at HQ in the fall of 79 along with almost all the 9th corps I ever knew... Lemmee see, now who were they...that I can remember... JK, RN, CN, BP, SP, VD, DB, LR..... there must be some I am not remembering right now... plus there was a D? fron canada I remember that fall at LEAD, Oh yea, LP was 8th that fall but wound up 9th... And I knew LN at Emporia, also 8th who wound up 9th... But I know I m leaving some out.
  7. I thought it was interesting that the Wikipedia entry on "Dr." Walter Martin atrtibutes his "Doctor" Tiltle to a correspondence degree mill named California Coast University. The entry also seems to imply that his greatest battles were with the Mormons.
  8. Lifted Up

    8th Corps

    Yea...you got it. But then, maybe you people are trying to prove you can be just as humble. In view of past blabbiness, it is hard for me to accept that the 9th corps thread has now been quiet for more than 72 hours!!!! But I am sure that streak will be ended shortly...not by me I might add...
  9. This is from back some, but Catcups posts early on this thread well fir my desire to learn more through accounts, as opposed to rhetoric which can easily be discredited. I wonder if this case catcup pointed out had anything to do with the claim the VPW was actively seeking nuclear weapons...a claim made by an occasional visitor to GS from another forum under one of his several aliases. I think when Catcup talks about hurting credibility, she had in mind the sexual abuse subject, perhaps among other things. And whether it be someone new looking at TWI, or an oldie like me doing a search, credibility is important. Unless we are going to say within our own comfy circle, not caring what thoise outside of it think.
  10. Lifted Up

    8th Corps

    I dont think there was any jealousy there. If I remember correctly, Pegger was a lot like me in being a fairly quiet person, before, during, and (at least in my case) after TWI. Maybe that's why we fit in so well with the humble 8th.
  11. Interestingly enough, my deprogrammers, back in 1979/80, spent more time describing the cultic qualities of the Mormons than any other non TWI group except the Unification Church, the latter of which one of my deprogrammers was an ex member. But there was no real testimony given or shown to me of anyone's experience as a Mormon, and I see no real testimony in the above "experience", other than a passing statement that "I was a Mormon for 4 short years". The rest of the post looks like a description of the writer's youth years in his/her parent's church. Since claimed ex members of any group, including TWI, any church, or even non religious groups, are very unlikely to have kind words about their ex group, I would prefer to see real testimony of the descriptive "this happened to me"ind, kind of like catcup talks about on the first couple pages of the "What is the Way" thread.
  12. Tough qustions...is abortion the taking of a life, or not? and, if it is, is abortion murder, or not? A solution, which has already been done at GS, is to consider it murder if TWI is deemed responsible for it, but to disclaim it as being murder if it is done outside of TWI. Of course, we then have the question of is the difference between the two situations to the baby/fetus.
  13. They were pretty good back in the mid 70s IMO. Even original to some extent. Of course, I may be influenced by spending so much time around Good Seed, and I don't know that they were really considered WayProd. Our 8th corps group, new Beginning, never went too far I guess, but I always thought VR (Whom I met once in chat a few years ago) had decent talent. I remember hearing, not from him, that he had some kind of professional background.
  14. Same here. My memory was so good that at HQ in fall of 1979 I got dressed down by JT for being able to memorize so much of the Bible, while forgetting my shadow appointment with him.
  15. Now you're drudging up memories of my visits to the health center when I was in college. I can remember some interesting visits, but, at least for me, I was given pretty good treatment. I guess they areused to so much because they see it all. Something about your "class to class" phrase that brough up a wise guy response I could make...but it is out of my character, so I will forbear...
  16. Are you sure??? How about "Super mom"??!! Or even "Super Grandma". For, anyone who has followed Shell's posts over the years knows where her heart is whenever she talks about her own. No, doojable, I am not ignoring the fact that you brough this up since David's post. But it is something inmprinted on my mind and it has gotta be worth a strong "second". I guess this idea (of these "cards") didnt go too far. I though it was kind of funny, after TWI is knocked so much for inventing new "words" (like as talked about on the "retemories" thread) and changing the words of songs and using other non standard terminology, that wen we bring up something where TWI did use the standard terminology, such as "3 x 5" cards, we feel compelled to do just the same thing...make up a new way of doing it ("5 x 3" cards). After all, "the world" sayd 3 x 5, so we had better say "5 x 3". Of course, poor Chas reverted to the world's ways on this one and used "3 x 5". Waybrained!!! But I think the idea was pretty good.
  17. 8th corps residence was only two years earlier and I didnt notice that problem with LCM. Maybe it was partly because GW was more up front in day to day corps operations. I may have silenced him on the subject by a certain "performance" early in the year. I suppose by the time you were in res, LCM was in the process of increasingly taking over things. I wouldnt be surprised ( and he will correct me if I am wrong!) if Groucho would agree with you here. I think his emphasis is on the extremes the idea was carried to.
  18. Lifted Up

    8th Corps

    Well, Peg your exit was not nearly so abrupt and total as mine.
  19. I have avoided a good smart aleck reply I was about to give (regarding a post a bit earlier) for obvious reasons. It is a big thing to me, the difference between knowing people only as an anonymous internet handle and knowing them as real people. A very big thing when it comes to what to think, to believe, about things that have gone on in TWI. If we wouldnt want our daughters to date some guy she knows only via cyberspace, who lives in a relatively far away town (and that exact situation came up here a few months ago) , then how can we trust such a "person" with intimate details of life, either about telling ours, or believing theirs? Veri difficult indeed. For that matter, I can get more out of someone's posts when I do know them as a real person. In a small way, this applies to a very frequent poster on this thead whose identity was recently revealed to me (by that person). When I pray to God, however, that He would take care of someone, I cannot believe that my prayer will be less effective for now knowing him/her, than for someone I know well. God knows what I do not and of course can do what I cannot. So let it be for Nika.
  20. Just curious Hope...do you have the same feeling about the WayProd songs you sang?
  21. ????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You mean Simon is not God???????
  22. Lifted Up

    8th Corps

    I has a good first residence year. Before then, I had a good apprentice year at Indy. During that year, the guy I replaced in that apartment was having a not so good WOW year. I really wanted to hear more about that year of his, but after showing up here at GS last year for a while, he disappeared. From the start (Waydale 1999) I have made efforts to learn more about the not so good that happened after I left in december 1979, or even while I was in. I have met with considerable success. However, some of my non-successes have been very telling as well.
  23. With apologies to Wayfer Not who noted the capture of Warren Jeffs on a new thread...I thought it would be okay to move up the discussion we had on this thread some time ago.
  24. Lightbearers on two occasions in 1978, both in Durant.
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