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Lifted Up

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Everything posted by Lifted Up

  1. Yea, good question. Since Groucho started this thread, your mention makes me think of years ago when Groucho and I first ran into each other in Waydale chat...Pam was the only other one in at the time.
  2. I believe!!! I believe!!!
  3. Lifted Up


    Sudo....oldie???? Can't wait to see if she prefers your assesment or my softsoap. Of course from my point of view the cat is a young one. Maybe you are just "speaking the truth in love"?
  4. Lifted Up

    8th Corps

    Okay, well I didn't walk, I was...how you say it...pulled, yanked, dragged...
  5. Lifted Up


    Want some chopped up Charley Tuna?????? Happy Birthday young one.
  6. Lifted Up

    8th Corps

    Maybe a new beginning????????
  7. For Duluth... (That's you isn't it???) for the rest of tonight...isolated snow showrs. .Thursday...snow likely...up to 2 inches. .Thursday night...snow likely...up to 2 inches. Up to 2 inches does allow for less. In these snow showers such as you (and we) are getting...we can (and did) get whomped with an inch in 15 minutes...then for the time being its gone. In these patterns you tend to get more than we do...with a west wind such as you have. (switch it to northeast off the lake and it becomes much more of course.) But yes, it is cold isnt it??
  8. I remember that song being sung freely as well...starting during my PFAL class.
  9. Lifted Up

    8th Corps

    If I can say while they blab away keeping themselves at bay talk forever they may this or any other day while they roll in the hay or just post to play hardly be I to give a nay Our words few will stay but their value will not stray and though the 9th seems always on display It's attention to the 8th others will pay For even when the skies are gray Those who listen will have no dismay (and even Rummy's hell raising's okay).
  10. Perhaps somne others of us are as well. Agreed.
  11. I remember way back at PFAL 77 when VPW had no problem singing and leading the outdoor evening crowd in "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus".
  12. Just curious...does anyone else know anything about these people/groups??? Pat Powell in Tampa with The Word Centered Felowship, or Jerry Carr in New Jersey with Harbour Lights??? If these are splinter groups, there must be some ex TWI people who know about them or have heard of them. HopeR or IGotOut, what do you know about the Tampa group? Seems someone who also knows about these people could be a help to pinklady.
  13. Lifted Up

    8th Corps

    In a way they should be up there Pegger. In Baseball or Football or Hockey the team that scores more runs or points or goals tends to wind up on top. In this case their majority time on top is a direct result of being blabby. remember the old cliche...better to keep your mouth sut and be thought a fool than to open it too mucb and remove all doubt.?
  14. And, I know some of our posters come and go, sometimes for good. Or maybe. I know of one that comes evry once in a while under varying aliases to post a series of posts, then disappears just as suddenly. The anonymity (sp?), and, as Paw pointed out, the right of posters to come and go as each decides, is of course a necessary part of GS.
  15. OK so you didnt adress me, but if you mean the discussion group, the a link to the "onelist" (actually yahoo groups) registration is on GS links under onelist.
  16. Among all the coffee lovers (no one dare say addicts) I spend time around, I know of none who do their own roasting. If someone learns of an effective technique, maybe they could write it down on a 5 x 3 card :) and send it out. However, I dont remember anyone complaining to me about their coffee at Emporia, like it would have done any good.
  17. Sometimes it is nice to see someone who had been away for a long time, but comes back. I wont mention any particular names, but the starter of this thread may have an idea of one I am thinking of...
  18. Lifted Up

    8th Corps

    True, Rum; very true. But we dont spend all of our time talking about our perfection like some others think they are doing.
  19. Lifted Up

    8th Corps

    Make something of your posts??? It is some of you who seem to declare that the forbidden has happened when a thread or two gets above the 9th corpse thread. Of course there is no rule against hanging out or socializing, but being on top seems to be a matter of pride. Go back to Simon's post on Sept. 27 and the concerns he expressed for your "dear thread".
  20. Belle, just giving you a hard time. I know a lot of GSers will go to great lengths to avoid "wayspeak" terms...presumably non standard or non common terminology particular to TWI talk...that when TWI speech is "normal"...they will make up their own special terminology to avoid the normal...such as Wordwolf's special "5 x 3" cards instead of the normal (and in TWI ) usage of "3 x 5".
  21. Lifted Up


    Trivial is the wrong word. Small may fit, but only to the extent that (as I see it) it is a beginning, with bigger things to come. I guess in ways you are a young kid now. Of course, I suppose you have lost some of that being waited on....but I doubt you are complaining about that! :) :) :)
  22. I was one of the older 8th corps I believe (26/27)...but I know there was one person 35 that first year.
  23. That corner is so far back from where I am, I'd have to jump to hyperspace to get back to it.
  24. Glad you remember, Oak. Psalmie, did you do that profile thing because you're desperate for people to tell you that "You can't be THAT old!"??
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