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Lifted Up

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Everything posted by Lifted Up

  1. We are not eating our hearts out. We are eating the fruits of our spring labors...oodles of ripening home grown tomatoes. You gotta wait!!!!!!
  2. As a loyal Indians fan, for over 50 years, there is a team I have always disliked. I wonder if anyone can guess which team that is?
  3. Can you fill me (us) in on your choice of Yoda? Are/were you a student of his? Just a Star Wars fan? Either way, how does "Mistress of darkness" fit? I hope you didn't get him to go to the dark side.

  4. I suppose it is past time for this Cleveland Indians fan to make some noise. We'll probably never hear much from Linda Z.
  5. Lifted Up

    8th Corps

    Maybe you're right Rummy. Ive mentioned a couple times how on my interim Philly WOW year with fellow 8th EW, how the 6th/8th corps sister pair (CD and CD) who ran the "regular" Philly branch complained to us that we never asked them out. I dont think I have mentioned how the year before Emporia, on my "apprentice" year, I was quite the opposite.
  6. Then think of your self as from Mars. You'd be about half the age, I do believe...
  7. I remember very well how VPW in JCING (no, I don't have the book and havent for over 27 years) referred to the definition of the Trinity as "...the father is God, the Son is God, the Holy Spirit is God, and together, not exclusively, they form one God...that defines the doctrine of the trinity, and this I d not believe the Bible teaches." What has always been interesting to me are all the references to the relationship between Jesus and God...as opposed to the relationship between Jesus and the Father. Jesus sitting on the right hand of God, praying to God... One "incident" that will always remain in my mind is the time I heard taught, regarding "I and my father are One" as, "it doesn't mean that Jesus was God because jesus prayed to God". Someone here well versed in the Trinity, whether they believe it or not, can surely come up with an explanation of how Trinitarians don't see the verse that way. or how the dont see Jesus praying to God as a sign that Jesus is not God. After all, it's only faulty TWI logic... Not quite. That explanation came...out of the blue...from the senior pastor of the United Methodist Church I was attending here for a while in the early 1980s (after my TWI time). It came during a church membership class, in a group of about ten. Never before or after did I hear anything from him about the issue, and i didnt press him on it. This senior pastor had been the chief pastor at the church for many years, and was nearing retirement. Of course the idea of Jesus Christ not being God, among Christians, did not originate with VPW or JCING or TWI. When I forst became involved in TWI and hear about the teaching and the book, my reaction was like. so what's the big deal?
  8. Lifted Up

    8th Corps

    I don't care if we're on top; I'd settle for just finding a few more of us.
  9. Lifted Up

    11th Corps

    I wont change anything with my double post. But I'm curious. I vaguely remember from years ago hearing about a John White in the 11th or 10th. If so, I wonder if this is the same John White who was my Philly WOW roomie on my interim year 1978-79.
  10. Lifted Up

    10th Corps

    I won't object. But sooner or later you will wake up the 9th.
  11. I think a lot of people outside the Way miss it as well, whether through disbelief or ignorance.
  12. I got the idea of emphasis, but I dont think there was ever any "always" about it. I remember him mentioning/referring to "Jesus" without the "Christ" on quite a number of occasions, including the numerous times he led us in "Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus" at PFAL77.
  13. Lifted Up

    8th Corps

    Same idea here. I was just mildly surprised that this forum has been so quiet lately. really, Rummy and I are just trying to find out where everyone is. It is tru that in residence we were smaller than the two corps right before us, and probably all of them after us for many years. But we werent THAT small. And Rummy, i was in frequent contact with a former 8th corps who graduated with the 9th for quite a while, but contact there has been rather sparse for a few years. LN (with VN).
  14. And just to show you how gracious I am ( see 8th corps post from a couple mins ago) I'll even put you back up there, since the rsst of your bunch is asleep or something.
  15. Lifted Up

    8th Corps

    hey, it's not like we were fighting you for the top. After all, nobody posted on any corps thread for 5 1/2 days.
  16. Lifted Up

    8th Corps

    Dunno. Actually this is a record for this thread being at the top...what, no 9th corps or any other corps posts for almost 6 days???!!! I got mixed up a few days ago thinking tonto was 8th... But I know Pegger used to come on here....and Littlehawk. years ago in answer to a Waydale post of mine, Orange Cat admitted to being 8th. A few years ago I ran into VR who was 8th, in chat, but never "saw" him around again. Oh well......... Oh yea, I recently made contact with another former 8th, who (as far as I know) is not on GS, and we have had a few e-mails, though it's been over a week since the last one from him.
  17. You didn't say anything about the number so I guess the age is right. I was wondering because I figure you've lost a few years of age since that surgery. Or to put it another way, gained a lot of years of LIFE!!!
  18. Happy birthday, Rummy! Don't forget to respect your elders!!!!
  19. Pam, can we get you back here?
  20. Lifted Up

    8th Corps

    The answer is too loaded to go into here. BTW the other was Joe W. And also BTW...i didnt (on the beer) , but I dont think it was I felt bound. Didnt really want to. I could break a rule when I thought it was for a good reason. Like going off campus without telling anyone, but I figure who would dress me down me for running out to the airport?
  21. That LC was TW...I knew him from Emporia, and I had a lot of interaction with him that year as I was in the Philly WOW branch on my interim year. I don't remember him making any claim like that. I do remember him suggesting we answer the protesters who were chanting "hell, no, we don't glow" with "hell, yes, we do" as we witnessed. But he and wife MW were pretty level headed people. Of course it is very possible others made that claim about him. They accuse us of that all the time when it comes to the weather,
  22. I'd like to see it. I'd like to know what I missed as I never got the opportunity to interact with the 10th before I was yanked out after my fall 1979 stint at HQ. However, I remember well how the country was going to disintegrate before Christmas. We had a live phone hookup with someone presumably on the inside who was telling us that. Most vividly I remember after that meeting how fellow 8th VR was lamenting, "There goes the coouunnnttttttrrryyyyy...."
  23. I am big on reliable sources and documentation. Kind of like how Catcup so very well expressed in that thread that always sits at the top of the "About the Way" forum. A little over a year ago, I called Groucho on this when he posted about VPW being fired from his denomination for sexual indescetion. Rather than become indignant at me trying to find out his source, he admitted he was pretty sure, but only 90 percent sure, and would do more checking. In short, he admitted he didn't have complete documentation. A little thing, when Groucho was pretty sure he was right? I'll say. There is a huge difference between saying "probably" and "i know for sure". More so maybe for Groucho in this case, as he may be the furthest thing from a VPW fan we have.To me it gives him a lot of credibility. Again, see Catcup's posts i refer to. To say "I know" when someone is only pretty sure doesnt. I disagree with some of Groucho's opinions, but I feel he is someone who can be trusted in a lot of things. I dont know if he can trust me to accept such documentation as I ask if/when it comes, but I know it's what I need to be ready to do (Be careful what you ask for; you may get it!) It's not new. Soon after I came onto the Waydale scene years ago, Groucho then gave me a good personal demonstarion of hi open mindedness; one which I sure didn't see in everyone around me.
  24. This could turn into an emotional hornet's nest on abortion. And I suppose it would be my fault for bringing this thread back up. Discussion about whether or nto abortion is murder (a word which has been used), the taking of a life (to tone down the language) or simply a medical procedure for the benefit of the patient, can get pretty, well, animated. We can certainly fault TWI for coercing abortion without believing that the fetus is a human life. But, if it IS mrder inside TWI, that life is no less precious outside the TWI realm.
  25. My bad. We had a message exchange once and I no doubt poorly remember it. Maybe we were talking about someone else in the 8th. Maybe you popped in on the 8th corps thread and I got mixed up that way. What I saw in your post is that the good people may feel they got from the Catholic Church, or their Protestant denomination, or TWI, or any group...id not changed by the bad that may have been dome to others. And it goes the other way as well. By the way, I in no way think that, by bringing up your point, you were trying to minimize any bas that VPW did. But I understand your disclaimer.
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