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Lifted Up

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Everything posted by Lifted Up

  1. I'm still reading my paper; did you Folgers back up? Paw, did Yuban many posters this year? I am still reading my paper: did you Folgers back up?
  2. nope. "...how many times have I told you guys that I don't want no horsing around on the airplane?" "I will not go down in history as the greatest mass-murderer since Adolph Hitler." "Perhaps it might be better, Mr. President, if you were more concerned with the American People than with your image in the history books." "A-A-Am I to understand the *Russian* ambassador is to be admitted entrance to th-the War Room?" "That is correct, he is here on my orders."
  3. Well, right, verbal description doesn't do it, especially for a borderline call. But that's the ket, had the pitcher committed to home in his motion? Before knowing anything, I had a feeling you were talking about a lefty on the mound. They have an advantage in that they don't have to throw across their bodies, and can commit themselves a split second later in their delivery. Not to mention they don't have to look over their shoulders at the runner on first. I imagine that pitcher pressed the limit, like any smart picther would, but went too far in the ump's opinion. The late Joe Garagiola once told of an umpire calling the runner "safe" , but signalling "out" . Of course there was an argument, but the ump said, "You heard me call you safe, didn't you? But I gave the "out" sign. And as far as 30 thousand people are concerned, you're out. So you're out."
  4. I have found that in any place of life, being ignored can hurt more than a reaming. I say can because of course words can hurt too, especially if the wrong ones come from someone you have trusted. But, frankly, there are at least some times I would rather be called a #%@!&?%*#! than be totally ignored; that is, with respect to George Orwell, be considered an unperson.
  5. Lifted Up

    8th Corps

    Only one post after the third of January. Can we get this going again? Gee, I would like to be surprised somehow. maybe it is a sign of the times. Even the 9th corps thread has been in relative doldrums lately.
  6. Unfortunately I didn't see the game, but I'll give a couple comments on balks. Umpires can get pretty picky on the balk related tules, especially in the bigs, when they feel there is a deliberate attempt to deceive the runner. If there is even a borderline move to the plate, or if the pitcher throws ahead of his step from the stretch, or if there is no pause in the stretch, the umps will call that balk. Obviously umps are human and some will be pickier than others. Calling the 12 year olds, though the rules are mostly up to MLB level, we do give a lot of slack since there is often no advantage being sought by the pitcher or being taken by the runner....i.e. they are still learning, and if we called balks too tightly, some would never get to really pitch and learn. In older groups, of course we gradually get more strict n the balk calls. Describe the specific situation if you wish, and I will try to reply. But it sounds like one of those borderline calls. I wish I were watching the series, but Ive been awfeully busy in the evenings, and if I'm gonna squeeze anything in, it will be the Penn State/Ohio State football game Saturday night. ( I'm a PSU alum and sister/hubby are from that other school).
  7. Yea, in more recent years since I have become familiar with that part of history, that scene rings a bell whenever I have seen the movie, whereas it probably doesn't ring anyone else's bell at all. It was the greatest wartime disaster at sea (as opposed to Pearl Harbor, which was not considered 'at sea') in the history of the navy in terms of lives lost. Of course, in the several days the survivors of the attack were floundering in the water, several were lost to sharks. I recently referred to this movie (from which the quotes below are from) without naming it. "...how many times have I told you guys that I don't want no horsing around on the airplane?" "I will not go down in history as the greatest mass-murderer since Adolph Hitler." "Perhaps it might be better, Mr. President, if you were more concerned with the American People than with your image in the history books."
  8. Agent 86 must be a big coffee drinker in his Maxwell House.
  9. To avoid any need for a "sorry busy" statement, I will go right at it...if Raf says I am wrong, ignore this post. "...how many times have I told you guys that I don't want no horsing around on the airplane?" "Perhaps it might be better, Mr. President, if you were more concerned with the American People than with your image in the history books."
  10. Oh, that does it. gotta be "Jaws" As a studious amateur student of WWII, as one who knows a little more about the Pacific war that the European war, as one who knows more about the Manhatten project and A-bomb training and delivery than anything else, and as one who knows a lot about the "Indianapolis" delivery of the bomb, it's sinking by a Japanese sub shortly after the delivery, and the subsequent court-martial of its Captain (McVay), that little scene from the movie sticks in my mind, whereas the earlier quotes did nothing for me.
  11. I see nothing wrong with Tazia's statement, Excie. The last three words, "in our lives", become the key. As long as we recognize that TWI in others' lives...such as yours...may not be the same as what we experienced, I see nothing wrong with describing TWI in non evil terms if that is how we experienced it. I was told by my deprogrammers that the need for my deprogramming was because neither I nor any one else could or ever would walk away from TWI, no matter how bad things got. That has many thousands of times been proven false. And yet, I can now easily see how it was a different ball game in the lives of you and Kristen and others who were subjected to the kind of abuse you went through. Of course, I will never really know how my life would have turned out without the deprogramming, though while in, I did walk away from a little lesson in loosening up. But that was not directly from leadership, the leadership we had to obey. especially in the corps, to remain in good standing with God.
  12. That one's too old to perk me up. You think that one should urn you a prize?
  13. You aren't thinking of the famous Cuyahoga River fire, are you? Funny I was ribbing Linda about age a day or two ago. Happy Birthday!!!
  14. Oh, I got invited into the coach alone with you know who, but it was just to share a pastry, and it was at Emporia. I think the topic of this thread deals with the coach coming to a "home area".
  15. Well, it must have happened when the ITO was on a coffee break...that's grounds for dismissal.
  16. Why does it seem like I'm at a hockey game and the crowd is disappointed because nobody's fighting?
  17. Of course not, there's a lot of us with enough decades to confuse ourselves! As far as Linda goes, she has a choice between admitting she's old, or having a mind weak enough to confuse her two or three decades of life!!!
  18. I don't see any of the regular chatters that I have noticed listed online now, but in case I'm wrong, I'll give a post on this thread a whirl. Will be in for a few mins.
  19. The only thing I regret is that I can't send you a hot tuna casserole via UPS! Happy birthday!!!
  20. Have a big day, and I really hope you have many more like big days to come!
  21. This rings a vague bell but i dont have it, maybe one Ive seen but don't remember that well. You'd think if I have seen it I'd remember a quote like that. Oh, just as well; maybe we can get someone else on this thread; after a long drought, I've had a couple recent shots.
  22. Well, that's cool Shell; I took up your invitation to visit your writings!

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