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Everything posted by Daggoo
Personally, I think that when a twi program kills someone, it diminishes the "good time" that someone else may have had in that program...but that's just me. ALL of the Way, International was murderous. Regular people in twigs killed themselves. Fellow Laborers killed themselves. WOWs killed themselves. WOWs were killed by accidents. WOWs were killed by illness. WOWs were killed by murderers. Corps killed themselves. Corps were killed by accidents. Corps were killed by illness. Corps were killed by murderers. It is easier for me to chuckle about some good sunny days in NM, than to acknowledge the evil I lived in.
I asked about the revolvers, I was told it was for rattlesnakes. But they had concern/paranoia for the "Vietnam Vet" living in Lincoln National who was supposed to be very well armed. When I was there in 80 the staff were talking about him trailing the LEAD groups. I never saw him. DSmythe used his revolver (I heard the shot after walking down the trail away from DS). Yes, he shot the big spider. It was really big. I am still laughing. PS Out There - I want to live vicariously through you...
Remember ..the Tinnie Mountain Crazy who stalked the LEAD house and rushed it armed? maybe took pot shots, does anyone remember... ..The wayfer man who "sold" the property to twi got royally screwed financially. I went 1980 and 82 (10th wc). I loved it. And I hated it - afraid of heights! The camping part was great fun, I made the fires and the breakfasts and hauled water and whatever, it was great. Still a tent camper up here in Maine. Climbing was an adventure in how many ways can I CRY IN PUBLIC... funny now, but simple walk-ups sent me to total melt down... But I am better now, I can stand on a chair to change a lightbulb. If I have to. I enjoyed LEAD, but normal camp precautions were not taken. I was too ignorant regarding the climbing procedures to know any better. I enjoyed Australian rapel at 9,000 feet with an 8,000 foot rope...too dumb to know I was in danger and shouldnt be having a GREAT TIME! Funny thing, climbing up was terrifying. Flying down was DELIGHTFUL... And then there was DSmythe and me and the huge spider and the revolver incident... I am still laughing Donnie...
Sounds like I coulda/shoulda been there.... Francee was a fabulous, loving human.. In residence she would smile as wide as the sky, no hidden motives. A great human.
Emporia - the Greenhouse... the door locked... from the inside...
I do not have knowledge of G----B--------- predating children, only being unqualified to work with them. I do know he had sexual affairs with single women (plural) year after year. He was not very discreet.
A corps man hitchhiking to LEAD was struck by a vehicle and killed. Comment I heard was: "he fell asleep at the switch". That is all they said. Damn them. While hitching to LEAD a 10 corps woman was abducted at a truck stop and beaten and raped. She escaped alive. Never returned to Emporia.. At least J Lynn communicated concern for her and her whereabouts. There were MANY deaths by accidents, murder and suicide very few have heard about.. ie: A young WOW girl was murdered in NJ Some posters here have knowledge of these terrible incidents and more. Just breaks my heart that I thought all was Good and Kind in twi.
dmiller said: another guy said that when Karaoke first came out -- he saw at various bars posters, and ads saying - "Karaoke here tonight", and he wondered how the same *band Karaoke* could be playing at all those places, all on the same evening! Living in a small town - 400 people - the local musician stirred it all up by naming his band - Topless Waitress - so the sign at the bar would read "Friday Night - Topless Waitress"... Maine humor I guess... When age 10-ish camping with the Girl Scouts, sleeping under the stars with another gs and the troop leader, we all saw an erratically flying, very fast, changing directions and extremely bright light. The three of us watched it for about five minutes. The troop leader said it was an airplane. I thought - I am kid but I am not stupid, that is NO airplane. I have NO idea what is was. If it was military they have changed all the laws of propulsion. Must admit, I dont believe in et stuff. But I saw something I still have no explanation for. But I dont lose any sleep over it. I dont understand tax law either.
all the best to all of you here in Maine! Daggs
Hi T - a message is on its way - it is beautiful here today - bright blue skies and 65 degrees, wicked hot... Minnesota would be ok here - as long as you didnt TELL anyone!
Hello T - the sweetest smartest girl in the world! bad winter but getting healthy & strong now... Love to you and your little (?!) ones and Mr. J XOXOX K
unless you are from Massachusetts, then you are called a "M*******"... edit: called a "Mass hole"
Sebago Lake (home of the landlocked salmon) saying Hello to all you Mainers! Been here five ish years, took the long route up I 95 from Miami to get here, never leaving... ex 10wc uh sorry - class of 82... how silly they are. Had I stayed in I coulda been a limb boss too!!!!! but then I woulda missed out on all the great things God has done for me since, like being HAPPY that was always thought to be subversive or anti-God in twi. Maine is where you have an assortment of snow shovels for different storm types.. and you are proud of that fact... where losing power just means the neighbors get in the warmest house and play A LOT of cribbage... where it is a law that you strap a canoe on your vehicle each spring until late, late fall, even if the canoe leaks... Where being called "From Away" is the worst possible insult... unless you are from Massachusetts, then you are called a "M*******"... Where anything south of Old Orchard Beach is considered Massachusetts (see above) ...but noting that Old Orchard Beach is considered Canada...
Hi EX10 - Yes -- if we were closer I sure would love to kiss on your kids and sit at your kitchen table laughing... I was in OR only 80-81 interim year...I dont think I remember Blair???? At the end of the year we were going to go camping at a woodsy spot nearby, where we camped when we first arrived...we were ready to go and Stacey called and forbade it - we had a real screaming match, she won. I was rather aggravated at the 10th wc who called her & ratted on our plans... we set up the tents in the living room and proceeded to have a loud drinking party just to .... her off... for a little bitty girl she sure had a big damn stick...
I was in Portland OR with EX10 and the crew - and now I live near Portland MAINE... once I learn to spell a word, I stick with it... Do I know Steve! ? Any clues? What a great job Buck - interesting waters - a marine challenge to me was dinghy-captaining the charter people to the onshore bar in the Bahamian moonlight... yes I got paid to go sailing... XO Daggs
Hi T Dear uhh Ex10... Yes I remember stopping in Utah somewhere at C's house, sooo long ago... thrilled to be out of the goofy politics of OR - Hey - do you remember being told we had to have our last year fully paid before going back? I believed it & did it... pulled money out of the air I think... Jan is STILL AN UNBELIEVABLE KNOCKOUT, very very beautiful, million dollar smile, kind eyes and that LAUGH!!!!!!!!! they are still in - so should be protected some from "Other Readers" ? Now EX10 - I KNOW you just gotta be a REAL BABE STILL - 20 years just cant undo all that good-looks you have!!! Love to all your Family. Ala - I sent a private message with my guess, but I dont know if I am correct... Toronto??? yup this is fun... Hey T - do you remember Sue B. putting the dog turd looking candy bar in the swimming pool in front of Stacey (with her eyesight she just freaked...) HA!!!!! XXOO Daggs
T- Yes all is well here in Maine, my Sweetheart & I will exchange vows in August and go to Montreal for a few days (we are eloping) I tried to do a nice ceremony at some beautiful waterfalls here in Maine... BUT I kept saying to friends & relatives - Simple exchange of vows, simple ceremony in the woods... AND they kept hearing W-E-D-D-I-N-G: Pink & Lavender Bridsmaids, Flower Girls, Catering, Music, Cake Cutting... Holy Smokes So we are sneaking off & will mail the announcements on our way to Montreal... HEY - Our friend Jan - 10th, from Portland too - still in TWI - is in touch - so wonderful to share her dear friendship again!
Hi all.. Love you T - so very very much - you are an especially wonderful human Dear... Buck - when I got to IN - I just told Bob M's office & he gave me a job as his secy - 40 hours a week - never went to classes or anything - Went to the Dentist in the AM & was Bob M private secy the rest of the time. Drank in the local towns. Never saw any wc training or anything...didnt report to - or wathced by - anyone... free agent... HA!!!!!!! I figured I didnt go thru that much crap to let JAL or PL throw me out a few months to graduating... A LA PROCHAINE --- Does your hubby play the TRUMPET/TRONPONE IN TORONTO??????????????????????????
I stayed under the radar (tried to) in-residence... I have a great propensity for getting into trouble - just ask Ex 10... Worked on the Grounds crew with Rademaker & Heikki, I was the only girl on the Road Building Crew for Delbert...that was great fun was often asked to bake cinnamon rolls for VPW visits... pitiful little clues, sorry... I was the one who - our last year in - got sick of JAL & PL and sent JAL an inter-office memo that I was going to Indiana for dental work. Just drove away from Emporia - stayed in IN for 2 months! I surprised the dentist! I just reassigned myself before living victoriously... XO Daggs
Hey I am HERE too!!!!!!! Lots of wonderful people in the tenth, I remember laughing & laughing (in the face of some nastyness too I guess) So nice to see you folks - although I cant quite guess who Buck is, even with the antlered car hint... Happiest of new year's to all... XO Dags