What The Hay
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"The Rapture" I believe is the term most frequently and typically used by other ministries. The word: "Rapture" is certainly not in the KJV, but there is a logical explanation for the usage of "Return" when speaking of the second coming of Jesus Christ. The use of "Return" was introduced in ATDAN when dealing with the subject: "Is Death a Gain" (p29-35). On p35 of ATDAN the word that is used in II Timothy 4:6 for "departure" is the Greek noun analusis and it means "returning" ... the words translated "depart" occur around 130 times in the New Testament ... translated from no less than twenty-two different Greek words. But the word analuo occurs only twice: in one verse it is rendered "depart" (in: Philippians 1:23) and as "return" (in: Luke 12:36) "when he will 'return' from the wedding". Philippians 1:23 says: (Paul) is in a strait bewtixt two, having a desire to "depart" (analuo - return) and to be with Christ; which is far better:. This is how TWI (I believe) came to refer to someone who is waiting the second coming of Christ as: "Awaiting the Return". Making a case there is more validity for refering to the second coming of Jesus Christ as in: "Awaiting the Return" over using the term: "Rapture" only depends if one prefers the biblical usage of a term over the contemporary use when one is refering to the same event.
Just more testimony to the paganism still surving in Christianity today. The early church was already impregnated with the errors of pagan philosophy long before this. The passages you cited were written centuries after Jesus Christ had ascended. Max Muller when writing regarding the first three centuries after Christ stated: "It was a period of religious and metaphysical delirium, when everything became everything - when Maya and Sophia, Mithra and Christ, Viraf and Isaian, Belus, Zarvan, and Kronos were all mixed up in one jumbled system of inane speculation. It was a period of mystic incubation ... a spirit of religious syncretism, to mould together thoughts which differed fundamentally common elements pervading all the multifarious religions of the world in an eager thirst for compromise. It was deemed the proper business philosopy, both in the East and West." All roads lead to Babylon.
No, assembling a flawless theology is not the problem. What people keep forgetting is there are only two religions - The truth of the Almighty God as expressed in His Word, and every other belief. What people have forgotten is that Babylon is the source of "every other belief" and mixing these two religions together is the source of the problem. The trinity, the dead are alive (reincarnation), baptism (water worship) etc. etc. etc. - all those doctrines carry the roots and pagan elements of the "Babylon mystery religion". The "mystery" has already been revealed. Those roads will only lead you to Babylon people, not to the flawless Word of God.
But ye beleive not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you. My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. - John 10:26,27 I don't believe Jesus was speaking of goats in those 2 verses there. But if you want to confuse the sheep with the goats, well that's not my problem.
The great majority of being able to live the more abundant life really all depends on exactly who YOU decide to fellowship with. Jesus Christ has not only called us to the more abundant life through him, but he has also called us to fellowship with one another. 1 John 1:7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. What it all boils down to is just who do you want to fellowship with? Do you want to fellowship with the goats or with the sheep? Now I can't speak for you or for anyone else. But for me, in my spiritual walk I want to have the sheep around me - not the goats. Now if you're a goat, I will fellowship with you - but only if decide to become a sheep. If you're truly someone who is listening to God and His Word, then you will always have the opportunity to become a sheep. But if you choose to be not anything but a goat, (how does one know who is a goat instead of a sheep?) the goats will always be hurting other sheep. Here is the way to tell someone who is a goat from the sheep. Everytime you try to share something from God's Word with them they go ... but(t) ... but(t) ... but(t) ... but(t). That's exactly what a goat does - using their horns to but(t) others. You see they can't receive the Word of God. They can't receive any exhortation in order to help themselves in the things of God. They can't receive any correction from the Word. Well I have let the goats hang around me before, but then it was only to "milk" them. I just milk the goats. I just don't allow them in anything I do to do anything - I just milk them - that's what I do. Now when it comes to wolves, well, that is a completely different type of critter than a goat. The bible talks about the wolves - those that come in sheeps clothing. I treat them totally different. Now wolves don't come looking like a wolf ... a wolf comes just as the bible says, dressed in sheep's clothing ... looking like a sheep. And boy, they look really nice you know. They usually come from one of two places. They come from the outside and come in, or they can even come from the inside. As Paul warned in Acts 20:28-30 even of your own selves would wolves would arise - speaking PERVERSE THINGS TO DRAW AWAY DISCISPLES AFTER THEMSELVES. Wolves will not spare the flock. Wolves are devouring animals - they devour sheep. If you are someone who is a sheep, for a wolf - you are lunch! Now whenever wolves come around, I just shoot 'em. Not physically mind you, but spiritually. How do I do that? I do that by not allowing them into my fellowship - that is with my fellowship with the sheep. I just tell them - LOOK, YOUR NOT WELCOME AROUND HERE! The vast majority of people in my fellowship are sheep. In most fellowships it is this way, unless there is not a pastor there to shepherd them - just a hireling. In John chapter 10 Jesus said a shepherd will give his life for the sheep. Oh yeah, he'll take a number of bullets! He will also take people not understanding him to protect the flock. But a hireling, as the bible says, when he sees a wolf coming he flees! Why? Because he doesn't have the well-being of the sheep in his heart - basically he's just there for the paycheck. Well, Jesus drove them all out. In Matthew 21:12 Jesus drove some of them out because if you want to have a clean fellowship you have got to get some things out of your fellowship. That's what you've got to do today - you got to get somethings out of the church. Now I AM not talking about people here. What I am talking about are THE THINGS that hang onto people - the things that people won't let go of. The thing I am trying to do in my church is keep a clean fellowship. Now if people want to hang and hold onto certain things that are not of God then it's those people that have to go. We're not against any person per se, or is this a "personality confict". What we're talking about is certain spirits trying to get into our church and into our fellowship. In verse 13 of Matthew 21 Jesus said: "And he said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer, but ye have made it a den of theives." The den of theives is a reference to Satan, as John 10:10 says he comes to steal, kill and destroy. That's what Jesus was talking about - demons were attempting to get into the temple of God to steal, kill and destroy. (Huh? you say?) Well, Jesus drove them all out. And what was the result? Matthew 21:14 And the blind and the lame came to him in the temple; and he healed them. The bottom line is, if you want to see a move of God then you are going to have to get some things out and also keep some things out of your fellowship with certain people. That is why the Holy Spirit will not move in some places - even in certain Christian places because of what "so called" Christian people have allowed in. The Holy Spirit is not going to fellowship with wrong spirits. He will not bless a house that allows any of those spirits to operate in the same house. Well if Jesus didn't allow any of that, then why should you? The bible says in 1 Corinthians 10 - it says, come ye out from among them, be ye separtate saith the lord. Verse 21 says, "Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils." If you got problems manifesting the more abundant life Jesus Christ came to make available, then just take a closer look at who you are choosing to fellowship with.
Funny. I just re-read the exact same section that another Dr. of Theology had just read, and NO WHERE does VPW ever blame the mother herself for causing the death of her child. But he does blame her fear. NOw one would think a Dr. of Theology could read much better than that. (Just where did I hear that before?)
I don't believe that fact matters much to any parent(s) who lost their kid(s) at Columbine. As I recall there was a similar situation like that which occurred in MN not long ago. Faith (doesn't matter if it is positive or negative .. Romans 10:17) comes by hearing. Faith, positive or negative still comes that way, even in 2005. But I can choose who or what I want to listen to just as easily as you can. But most people choose to listen to the "roar of the crowd." It's more like the roar of the lion rather than the crowd I believe. (1 Peter 5:8) Believing (whether it's negative or positive ) is nothing more than a seed one plants in their heart, and what one sows they ultimately reap - positive or negative - it just depends on what is sown. Plant a seed in the right conditions and it eventually sprouts and grows. That shouldn't be a mystery to anyone here. Jesus taught the same thing in the gospel - in the parable of the sower and the seed. The only reason Mike can't plant this seed and expect much growth is because the ground here is rock hard. It's hardened by tradition, by religion, hardened by politics, by gossip, backbiting, and similar things people here want to talk about and listen to. At best, a different seed got planted and was sprouted. Quite a remark coming from someone who doesn't understand (or believe in) the law of believing and therefore rejects it. But frankly speaking, I do think they understand the law of believing because they couldn't make such a remark if they didn't. They're just not being very truthful with us about it, so who's the one pushing the lie? But let's not find fault with them just because they are not being truthful. Most people aren't even true to themselves so why listen to them? It all starts right back at Romans 10:17. Well, that's what got us all in the soup to start with - listening to someone other than - well you know who...
You really said more than a mouthful there, VPW!
The five "observations" to receive anything(?) from God
What The Hay replied to Ham's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
I have a jack - but I'm not going to help you! Or as you already aptly put it: I'd help you, but I don't have a jack either. -
I would say it largely depends on what you are implying by the word "we" - the individual or humanity. I imagine in most cases it is probably both.
I also want to mention you can't upgrade directly from Windows 95 to Windows XP. Both the Home and Pro versions of Windows XP only allow you to upgrade from Windows 98, ME, NT Workstation 4 (w/service pack 6) or Windows 2000 (with or without service packs). If your running Windows 95, you can't simply "upgrade" to any version of XP, therefore you must perform a clean install. If you don't already have Windows XP - don't buy the upgrade version to upgrade that computer, it won't work. You'll need the full version of XP if you do decide to upgrade that computer. It's either that or you will need to upgrade it twice - first to one of these older versions of Windows (not Win 95) and then use the Windows XP upgrade. I would only recommend doing that if you already own the upgrade copy of Windows XP, but if you don't, then you'll need the full version and not the upgrade version of Windows XP. Of course a clean install also offers you the assurance you're wiping out all traces of any previous Windows problems. With a clean install your starting out with a clean Windows registry and a solid base of Windows system files. The major thing to keep in mind with Windows XP is that many programs that were originally written for Windows 3.1, Win 95 and Win 98 and also ME won't run properly under Windows XP. The biggest issue here is that some hardware devices written for those old operating systems just aren't compatible with Windows XP. I would also echo Bluzeman's comment plus make an additional comment as to why just swapping out a hard drive with XP on it won't work in another computer. You can't simply pull a hard drive out of another computer with XP already pre-loaded on it and expect it to work in your computer system. Windows XP included a new anti-piracy feature called Windows Product Activation (WPA). Although one isn't required to register Windows XP they are required to activate it. During the activation process, Windows XP transmits an encrypted file that serves as a "fingerprint" of key components in your system. If at some point in time you reinstall XP on the exact same hardware your usually OK as the activation server checks the new fingerprint against the one that is already stored in it's database. If they match then the activation is automatic. But if they don't match ... Let's just say the activation software is designed to prevent attempts to "clone" an activated copy of Windows XP and install it on another computer. The list of components included in this hardware "fingerprint" includes your video card, primary hard disks, disk controller, CD-ROM drive, network adapter, CPU and RAM. Now if your pulling a hard drive from another computer system with XP already installed on it and you are going to install it in another computer with the exact same hardware and setups then you might get by "swaping hard drives" that way, but then that typically isn't the scenario is it? You may want to consider installing a fresh copy of Windows XP on the computer that you have, but keep in mind there are a list of basic hardware requirements you must absolutely have per Microsofts spec sheet. You should first check to see if that computer has the following. A minimum configuration includes: 233 MHz CPU processor - Pentium/Celeron or AMD K6/Athlon/Duron or compatible. 64 MB of RAM 1.5 GB of Hard Drive space Video Adapter capable of Super VGA (800x600) resolution The recommended configuration is at least a 300 MHz CPU with 128 MB of RAM. You'll also need a mouse (or other pointing device) keyboard, and CD-ROM or DVD drive. I hope this helps. Best of luck with that computer.
I just got one question Mr. Floyd wanted me to ask you. If you don't eat your meat, you can't have any pudding. HOW CAN YOU HAVE ANY PUDDING IF YOU DON'T EAT YOUR MEAT?!
Theories on Victor Paul Wierwille’s Spirituallity
What The Hay replied to sirguessalot's topic in About The Way
I find it remarkable how people who were once involved in TWI are only earnest in their insistance on redefining the whole TWI experience to others, which they openly admit they do not see or understand it clearly themselves. That certainly doesn't leave one with much credibility for judging VPW's spirituality (whatever the heck that would be) or anybody else's for that matter. The only spirituality left for most people who were once involved in TWI is to either paint VPW, TWI, etc. completely with a black brush while others whitewash the entire experience. If that's what your spirituality is all about today, then your spirituality must be in pretty poor shape. -
I'm not sure what point your trying to make by bringing up Jeffrey Dahmer and comparing him to VPW. I don't recall Mr. Dahmer claiming he cared about the Lord one way or the other. I don't see the point you're trying to make - other than the point is a classic example of an idiotic comparrison between two entirely and completely different people. In your last post you mentioned people should remember all the good he (Mr. Dahmer) did. I got some shocking news if you weren't aware of this already. Mr. Dahmer did contribute good to the benefit of our society. I read an article in 2000 where they were examining the brains of one of "his victims" and were totally astounded by the skill Mr. Dahmer used and diplayed in disecting the human brain. There are nuerosurgeons today studing his skills simply because they are astounded by his workmanship. Mr. Dahmer could have been one of the worlds greatest top notch nuerosurgeons himself - had he decided to use his knowledge of human anatomy and skill for good rather than evil. But I have found that to be true with any body of knowledge. Knowledge can be used for good or evil - for man's benefit or demise. It all depends on the man. Why do you think there's so much debate today about "stem-cell research"? I'm not so certain it is a debate over the advancement of human life or the ending of a human life, as much as it is the fear that someone ends up with having total control over a certain body of knowledge. I'm more convinced of the latter. God forbid a certain "body of knowledge" should ever get into the wrong hands! I guess we can say pretty much the same thing about biblical research too, huh?
I would say that is a more apt and accurate description of yourself Mr. Wordwolf (but then, I am fully aware that your not the only one) ... using all your effort toward obscuring evidence and misdirecting people's attention away from the truth. Of course it's not the truth regarding VPW I am refering to, but The Truth of Jesus Christ. You would prefer people forget the testimonies of the thousands whose lives were redeemeed and saved by the preaching of the Lord Jesus Christ through the ministry of VPW, in favor of the few hundred, who today for the most part care less about the Word of God, the Lord, and more about VPW! If that weren't so, they would be discussing the Lord more than VPW. But then, you will discount the tesimony of the thousands in favor of the few hundred - because the thousands haven't posted their personal testimonies at GSC? Well don't hold your breath and expect them to simply because they have a much larger vision for their life than your silly game. As I had stated in my last post: Ok, I can play this game! See the new thread for this game.... Thanks for adding that to the list of how one can also siphon the life from their spiritual family. I forgot that one.