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Everything posted by valerie52

  1. :)--> Hello everybody. We are planning a 7th Corps reunion in Las Vegas NV in July of 2004. We graduated July 28th 1979. That was 25 year ago. It will be a fun time. There will be a dinner boat ride Sunday evening on Lake Mead in the sunset, a tuesday morning of golfing for the golvers, so bring your clubs, a (free) evening of smooth Jazz Wednesday at the Green Valley casino poolside OUTSIDE, with the city lights of Las Vegas sparkling, the sunset behind the mountains etc., and other fun things to do together. There is lots of free time for other activites that you may want to do. Death Valley is 1 1/2 hours away. Hoover Dam is right there. There is so much to do in Las Vegas. It is a well known fact that Las Vegas is the least expensive place to fly into, and out of. There are every price range of hotels and motels here so it will fit everybody's budget. Once we have an idea of how many are coming we can fine tune things, and activities. We would like to pretty much know by March 2004 but you can sign up anytime. The sooner the better for the planners to make the reservations for the boat, golfing etc. We would like to have a photographer there to take a picture of all of us with our spouces, and then one of just the 7th Corps alone. We plan on it being a wonderul time of remeniscing the good things, sharing our lives now, laughing, hugging, and enjoying each others company. THe POC's are: Paul Pallante: GMS122@aol.com Valerie Knowles : vksonshine@cox.net We are looking forward to all of us being found, and informed of this fun time to be shared.
  2. Angela was so way cool I would love to heaar from her if I could ,,,,,,Valerie
  3. Hi Likeaneagle, I tried to e-mail you about Las Vegas, but it would not let me. Let me know if I can help. Valerie
  4. I was told by my wow sister, who was under Ms. Lally's subjection, along with me, that she wanted nothing to do with any of the people she dealth with. Well, DUH She dealt it alright
  5. valerie52


    Ok, Lets get Nevada on this thing. It is wonderful here. NOT into any slicky dickey splinter groups either. NO WAY.
  6. Yes me too. I ws 7th. I begged to go to Rome City after my interim year was up and got it in the fall time. We cleaned out the ponds. I loved it because LCM was not there. The only bad thing was Bob and Dottie. being there. It was just different than HQ and Emporia. The food was better too. thaT' Cause the 7th was in charge of the food :0) The family Corps couples with their kids were so cool I thought, seemed so much more relaxed than the single crowd with .....LCM (gee I wonder why)...... I also got to come back in the spring time, that was so cool. I spent time baby sitting some fam 5th corps kids and fam 6th ? or 7th? the numbers confuse me now..... But I did enjoy the place and the people. Valerie
  7. Likeaneagle, I live in La vegas, I LOVE it here!! And my b-day is sunday!! e-mail me if you like vksonshine@lvcm.com
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