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Everything posted by valerie52

  1. Oh Yea, there's a volcano under there..... Once other victims come out and speak up, he will be in serious trouble. Some one here got nailed because he had an incident from 82 that followed him.... Second incident and you are in trouble.
  2. I became interested in The Way in high school. I wanted to have a REAL relationship with God and the Epicopal church wasn't helping me. The youth club did not study the bible together!! They laughed at me when I asked when the bible teching was :(--> I woudl watch this group of kids go pray accross the street from San Marin High School in Novato CA. In that group was Brooks Mason, David Lehman, Darlene Parianni, (who later married George Hedrickson of 3rd Corps). thats all I remember. I wanted to join them but was so afraid of rejection that I never did. I just watched them pray together. :)--> I had typing class with Brooks Mason. I asked him what they were doing etc etc. After I graduated, I went to fellowship with him in a home near the high school. Present were, that I remember, the above named people, plus Pat and Mary Hughes, and Donna Lombardi, now Donna Martindale. Brooks stood up and so I stood up too, not knowing what else to do, and he began to speak in tounges! I was SOOOO emabarassed :o--> I left shortly after that for the summer with my grandmother in Richmond Va. There was no way there in summer of 71, so I hung out with whatever jesus freaks I could find. I was very turned off by one of them telling me how horny he was and need me to "help" him EEUUWW.. What as ..... I came back to CA in the fall for college, at The College Of Marin, and hooked up with Brooks again in College. There I met Steve Zollezi, who basically took over undersheparding me, I guess I was a handful ;)--> I took PFAL in Nov 71. I had to hitch-hike over a mountain to get to the class and no one ever offered me a ride. THAT should have been my red flag. Everyone was smoking and I started smoking too :(--> :(--> :(--> That should have been the other red flag. I hungered so much for a relationship with God and this is what I got sunk into. It was part of my journey to where I am today. I should have been able to move on, like I can today, when things get ate-up. The way had a big blow up in Feb of 72. VPW was teaching in a meeting hall, and Steve Heefner came in and yelled out, "Wierwille you are a liar!".. I wanted to know what the problem was. I tried to get Steve Zolezzi to tell me. But Steve Zolezzi convinced me, that everything was fine and that Steve Heefner was wrong. Now I would love to know, does any body out there know??? What was Steve Heefner upset about? VPW screwing a young woman? Did VPW hit on Steve's wife? Steve was physically escorted out of the building. I never saw him again. What did Steve Heefner know back then that we should have been able to know about?? The Way was so Nicolaitan, which Yahusah hates, no one would say anything way back then even!! Oh the lies and secrets kept!
  3. I know there are nice Muslims, My post was not about the nice muslims. While in Desert Storm a very lovely family hosted a handful of us. They wanted to meet female soliders. They took us all over the place, (We had to wear robes and masks because US soldiers were not allowed out in the city), and they took us to several different stores etc. I was the NCO in charge, it was my call to disobey the Amy rules about going in the city. ;)--> Glad I did it. :D--> NO regrets. They were a delightful family. They were gracious and kind. I know there are nice ones. But I still think we have really screwed up by letting Muslims practice their religion here, and yes I know that America was founded for ALL religions to be free without persecution, but in comparison to the commandments from God to not let the pagans into your land..... I would rather obey God than the government. My ancestors fought and died for this freedom. I think they would all roll over in their graves if they could see America today, with 6 million Muslims, and Muslim schools exploding and having waiting lines..... Knowing their decendants were being killed by Terrrorsist in Muslim countries that they are helping rebuild. isn't that nice. Not defending their own country, but a Muslim nation that beheads Americans!! :(--> Why is NO ONE asking where the MILLIONS of Sadams money is? it would be paying for this since he screwed up Iraq in the first place!!! God is the one I have to answer to in the end, not the politically correct government.
  4. I also will highly suggest you say NO to drugs. When my boy was in second grade every one in the class was on meds EXEPT my boy. There was a girl that the principle had to wrestle to the ground because she was thowing furniture, yea she was carrying a big one... ;)--> My son was freaked out. This was his second time around as a second grader, We had him repeat second grade because the teacher in first grade said he was not paying attention, he was doing his own thing. we had him tested for ADD ADHD etc. etc... We thought that by holding him back a grade, he could "catch up". HA HA I fed him organic vegetarian food, and gave him herbs to help him concentrate. He is 16 now and still has the same problem.. Oh well, I tried, I tried real hard to be a good mother and give him the best food,(I made his lunch every day healthy vegetarian stuff), the best education, he just doesn't want it. He wants to do what HE WANTS to do. So I would not worry. Looking back, I waisted WAY TOO MUCH time in schools, talking to teachers, talking to councelors, talking to principals, talking to Deans, going to conferences, trying to help my son, having the teachers send notes home, having a journal about his homework, to no avial. Nothing I or the school system did, helped. It was a big waiste of time. Las year, my son had the WONDERFUL opportunity to attend Las Vegas Academy of Arts and Music. You have to audition to be in this school. You can't get in just because the school system is required to have a certain amount of minorities. IT is a Magnet school with certain requirements.. You have to PROOVE yourself. He was accepted because he happened to have the required grade point average after 8th grade, and at the audition they saw that he had talent. Because he chose to not do his homework, and his grade point average was off, (he had much more important, fun things to do), he was not able to return, and now he is in a Ghetto school that locks them in. :(--> :(--> His choice completely. (We are thinking of moving to a small red-neck town to get him away from the Ghetto sitaution and get us away from the big city, so he will not have the negative influences of ths icky school) If he wants to pay attention he will, if not he won't. There is nothing you can do. If you give him drugs he will comply, and do exaclty as he is told. Like a good robot. :o--> But I did not want to bail my son out that way. Kids that take those drugs, (ritalin etc), have difficulty later in life KEEPING and MAINTAINING relationships, for one, and have other difficulties in life, because they did not have to learn to comply the normal way, the drug made them into a compliant robot. And then of course you have the instances like Columbine where the kids were on drugs cause Mommy and Daddy have no clue as to what their kids are doing, so they did what they wanted.. and killed 13 people. Colombine ws NOT the only school that had a murders, where the kid was on drugs that the DR. prescribed. :(--> For ADD or ADHD.. Had I had the money at that time (first grade, when we saw that he was not doing anything he was supposed to be doing like the rest of the kids), I would have put him in Montesorri, that would have been great for him. We checked the Montessori school out and saw that this would be wonderful for our boy. :)--> He would have been able to grow at his level in each subject. I really feel he would be different today, but who knows.... But only well-off people get the luxury of having their child in Montessori. We were extremely poor in Fla, it was a very bad scene for us. If we had the money then, that we have now, we would have had him in. They wanted $300 a month and that was soo far over what we had, that it was sadly unavailble to us. I truly truly regret that we could not afford to have him in that system. :(--> If you can afford to take him to a Montissori school go for it!!
  5. Jim, Did you listen to the program so you would know what Messianc Two-house persective was? I read from Ezekiel 37:15-28, which is prophecy of what YHWH (God) wants the house of Israel and the House of Joseph to do.
  6. I totalyly agree and understand Mark's being ALARMED.. Our country is going to hell because we do not allow the ten commanments anymore, prayer in school, (unless it is to a war-god)!!! etc. And he is right, if a Christian or Hebrew accdamey wanted the same right, they WOULD get "blown out of the water" America screwed up. We did NOT learn our lesson from Israel's recent history. :(--> They have let "palestinians" INFEST the land of Israel, and now we are letting Muslims in our country and they will eventually overtake us. Bit by Bit. This school situation that Mark has brought to our attention is only the begining. HAve any of you heard of the town in Michigan that actually ALLOWS the OBNOXIOUS prayers to the murderous war-god Allah on LOUD SPEAKERS???? Michael Savage taked about it on his radio show several months ago. The Muslims said, (in their attempt to infest that town), it was no different than church bells!! Church bells!! Hello!! churchbells compaired to obnoxious loud speakers shrilling out prayers to the god of hatred and war, what planet are we on ???? I had to listen to that whining develish tirade while I was in Arabia during Desert Storm, Then in Oct while I was in Israel, I had to liten to it in the old city of Jerusalem!! They are infesting the land. And I DO mean INFESTING. They are filthy people, they throw their trash on the ground!! The Origional Damascus gate, which is one of the many areas infested, is covered in Muslim trash and filth. :(--> I took many pictures of Israel and if I could figure out how to get them from my computor to GS I would do so... I took allot of pictures of the Muslim occupied areas too.... they were all filthy and disgusting. Do I sound harsh? --> Do I sound crazy? ;)--> Tell that to the Mom and Dad of a young soldier that got blown up by a MUSLIM terrorist, ( so bad that they could not see the body), that was FUNDED by many many Amercan Muslims all over, that smile in your face :D--> and talk peace , but you sit them down and pick their brain and you bring up Israel that GOD gave to Children of Israel, and they will change their tune. The whole goal of the Muslims is to push Israel into the sea. Have any of you seen the "palestinian" patch???? It covers Israel as if it NEVER EXISTED. OK Enough...
  7. Dear All, I will be speaking every Thursday noon PACIFIC STANDARD TIME, (so adjust your time zone accordingly), at: www.kkvv.com that is k k v v Go to live talk I am listed in the directory of sheduled programs. If you have pop-up blockers etc. you must disable them to hear the online talk. It is called "streaming" in radio lingo. I will be reading books that are from a Messianic two-house perspective. That is those belivers that are beginning to understand the prophecy about the 10 Northern tribes of Israel that were scattered throughout the 4 corners of the earth, returning to Torah, and casting off the pagan stuff they had been doing. The two Southern tribes are what consist of the Jews today. They kept the Torah sacred and safe for all of us and protected it all all cost. We are to come together according to prophecy. Amos, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Hosea etc. If this is of interest to you, I hope you tune in. Every Thursday at Noon. Pacific Standard Time. The name of my Show is "Time For Truth". My Hebrew name I use during the show is Gavriela. The lead in song and lead-out song is especially wonderul, I think. It is prophetic song from the book of Joel. Shalom,in HIM, Valerie
  8. Dr Richard Schulze has gotten people to get healed by giving them "radical" herbal rememdies. "radical, not really, compaired to Chemo and radiation. Some one told me about this deal I could not believe it at first. callthis number it is in NC HEAL Marketplace. 1-866-581-4390 They are GIVING AWAY the ENTIRE DVD's of Richard Schulze series for the membership of $20 and $5 shipping,. :D--> (they carry his formulas if you don't want to made them yourself). My jar of Echinacea tincture would go for $450 and it will last me a very long time. It cost me the $4.oo jar and a trip to Yerington NV to harvest the Echenacea. A couple tanks of gas..... The video series used to be $1500.00!!!! I made the call and am now enjoying a liver-gall bladder flush with my husband and have made Cayenne tincture and Echenacea tuncure.... This series has saved peoples lives, it is full of tesitmonies and recipes etc. I don't know how long this will last, they are giving it away, so I HIGHLY suggest you order it now, Call on Monday!! 1-866-581-4390 I don't know these people, other than they told me they want the information out there so people can heal themselves and be well, and be responsible for their own health. I agree with that!! :P--> It is sooo worth it!!
  9. The last picture is the cave of Tamuz, where the pagans would have sex with virgins at SUN rise, and later would sacrifice the babies and color eggs with the blood. :(--> This was before David came and booted them out. Christianity has adopted alot of stuff from paganism! :o--> Can anyone explain how I can get my pictures from my computor to this web-site on this page? I have many more wonderful pictures I would love to share with you all! :)--> Thanks a BUNCH if you can!!
  10. Oh NO!! :(--> :(--> I knew him way back in the 70's. He did the music. He also helped the 7th Corps Dance Band too. It was Gayle Budlong, Doug Coyle, Paul Cooper, (deceased), my self, and Kevin McCave. I never did get any recordings of us. I had no idea he even went in for surgery :(-->
  11. Thank you Sudo. :)--> I wish there was a way that my labels would stick to the pictures... #1 Holocaust Memorial, the origional one #2 Torn Torah's in the Museum #3 Bloody Torah that a Rabbi was trying to protect, they gunned him down :(--> #4 same picture different lighting #5 Nazi tugging on mans beard in camp #6 Women were forced to do heavy labor also agaisnt Torah. The Nazi's did everything they could against Torah to disgrace and humiliate the people before they eventually killed them. #7 Yisak Goldstein praying that this never happens again. #8 Dome of the Rock. #9 Dome of the Spirits. Some believe that this is the site where the Holy of Holies was when the Temple was present. The Muslims have built this over it. They do not like Jews or Christians being near it or having their picture taken with it. We were able to get in, everbody else there was Muslim. # 10 I am standing by Dome of Sprits I am facing West # 11 Dome of Spirits I am facing East where Yashua will though the gates that the Muslims have closed up!! # 12 Notice all the Muslims, We were the only non-muslims there. # 13 Here is Muslims digging up under the Temple area looking for SOMETHING. Look at the grafitti.... #14 I did not use my flash for obvious reasons, it was a dark place, and look at this good picture of the sandbags they are filling up.
  12. I can totally relate to how wyteduv58 feels about sending her son off to a sick country to be killed in a war that is not being fought efficiently. :(--> Who would want to? This war is dragging on painfully. We could have given Fallusha a 24 hour warning to the civilians, then napalmed it, which would have flatenend it. End of problem in Falusha. :D--> But we have OUR soldiers PROTECTING a MUSLIM place of worship while the TERORISTS use the "place of worship" to pick off our boys!!!!! Why?? --> I am sickened, as a War Veteran, so see soldiers being popped off, civilans being beheaded, and burned and hanged, then some ***-wipe press being alowed to be with the soldiers after a fight to go in and get the Muslim TERRORSTS, then having to shoot one, only to be attacked by the NAZI American press. We are having our hands tied. How is the American soldier supposed to DO HIS JOB if he fears a court martial because some liberal NAzi press twists this and fans the fire of anit-american sentiment?? Why are we didly dadling over there????? And yes I am sure recrutment is down because of this. Who wants to go over there to be picked off ?when all it takes is some anti personnel and anti tank etc to flatten a terrorist-hiding city after the civilians have been told to get out. Geesh. USE the stuff we used during the FIRST Desert Storm, when we flattenend buildings etc..... :P--> Our hands are tied becuse we musnt make the Muslim Terrorists angry now can we??
  13. Dear Paw, I am so sorry for you to loose your Dad. Our payers are with you in this sad time. Shalom, Valerie
  14. E-6 Galen? In Israel, all males serve 3 years, and all females serve 2 years WITHOUT PAY. They are given enought money for stuff, but they do not get a pay check. Their room and board is take care of etc.... While in Israel in Oct, our tour group was having a picnic in The Golan Heights and 200 IDF young soldiers came there also for their lunch. They were eating Kosher MRE's and we were eating fresh stuff so we shared, and they desended upon the food! We took pictures. (I will be posting those on the "I went to Israel" thread). Most of them were Russian Jewish Immigrants. They came to Israel to serve their county,leaving their families behind in Russia, untill they can Alliah, (return to Israel). These kids truly loved their country. After the 2-3 year stint is up, they can continue, WITH PAY for a career.
  15. Oh Dear!! :o--> I thought I had labeled all the pictures.... #1 is the southern side of the Wetern Wall #2 is Mt Olives at AM when we arrived #3 Filthy Arab quarters over old Israelite Tombs zoomed in #4 Arab quarters from the City of David #5 Russian Church next to Mt Olives #6 facing south with Bouganvillia that grows very well over there #7 Bulge in South wall zoomed in #8 With Cemetary in background #9 With Cemetary in background More to come...
  16. I am trying sooooo hard to post pictures!! Someone help!!
  17. Oh Jim, I could have!! I brought back Brimstone from Gomorah, and salt chunks from the dead sea..... I am trying to post pictures!!
  18. Valerie sitting at Southern Wall inJ erusalem Oct 2004
  19. Still looking. called all the Cohens in Las Vegas not here....
  20. Well for several years now we have not participated in Halloween. It glorifies satan,witches, etc. We as a family would go out to really nice restaurant and have a nice dinner. Well this year our 16 year old boy is way too cool for us. So he stayed at home after work and did his laundry et. My husband and I went to a not-so-nice restaurant and the waiters and waitresses were dressed up obnoxiously and the music was crappy devil music with people screaming in the background. yea, I really want to hear that.. I will pick out the restaurants from now on. I had every other year but my husband picked it out this year....
  21. valerie52

    Bed Bugs

    I would try tea tree oil in a spray bottle with water. Or cinnamon oil. ( mix it with water) Spray it on your body then all over your house.
  22. Cowgirl. where do you live?? I want to visit there next fall!!! Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures!!
  23. Hi Everybody, :P--> I am going to Israel on Sunday. :D--> :D--> :D--> Pleae pray for the flight there and back, to be uninterupted and peaceful. I am looking very much forward to going to Israel. This is my first time. Some people have asked me why I want to go where there is a "war" . --> I have already been in a war. I was in Arabia, (where 22 of the terrorists came from), during a war. :(--> I will take lots of pictures with my new Cannon Rebel digital camera. We are going to Sodom and Gomorah, Messada, an ancient synagogue in the desert, the Holocaust memorial, The WALL and many other interesting places that are in scripture that will be happening in the future, or have happened already. On Shabbat, we will spend the day in the Dead Sea, lounging and getting mud baths. The water is VERY therapeutic. When I get back I will be able to post my pictures, because my husband is taking the computor to get TOTALLY COMPLETELY cleaned out!! :D--> The only thing I am saving is the address book! I will be back the 22nd of Oct. Love, and Shalom, Valerie Knowles valerie52
  24. Hi All, There are some pictures posted on "every picture tells a story". These are from Sharon Palmer Wiles. I am still unable to post my own pictures! Enjoy! Valerie52
  25. Yes that's the one.... Was her maiden name Wilson?
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