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Everything posted by DaddyHoundog
I dont really like him....I also dont like the exploitation of problems....am I really to believe that none of these people would have gotten help if it hadn't been for the Dr.?
whether I like it or not -- schools micro-manage the heck outa' our children. As adults we have varying degrees of this....schools get the idea---anywhere in the US or more so in Japan etc. -- that this is their responsibility to teach. I have taught my kids, and you know the challengess I have had with the younger one...that school is a game and they have to learn the rules to play the game....thats a nutshell version..but you get the gist. I also think if this K teacher has an EA (eduactional assistant we call them here in NM) she should send her to check on this child WAY!!! BEFORE!!! sending the child to the principle. We have had teacher's like that that --becasue they had 2 F'ing dogs, thought they knew about teaching (training to their mind) children.... BAD MICRO MANAGEMENT! Figure out your goals for child #2 and then slowly go from there about what you want to do to reach those goals email me :)--> PS new addy: LiannePierce@comast.net
well...here is new Mehiko race, gender preference...well anything goes---bald with pony tail.. I think we have many mixed race marriages.....more than most states, plenty of different kinds of sexuality...especially being so close to Trinidad Colorado. We have racism...but I think we have an overload of Political Correctness that many will hide behind
TOGA TOGA TOGA washingtonweather
happyest birthday! love, wnw and dhdog
yeah---he'll be lookin' for a job soon LOL
satori--that sounds very much like existencialism (sp?)
THANK YOU EVAN! the biblical accuracy theory is so subjective.... Denies the whole individualtiy of God and his relationship with us.... We don't live "toll road" christianity...at least not at my house. Lianne Pierce
I have to correct something I saud...I did Not always think that way...but did after I detached myself from the borg that is the way
song you have no idea.
bingo bingo bingo....spiritual extortion...oh that is the best yet...I always thought of performance christianity like blackmail(male?) had no real connection to my personel life and feelings or strength to forgive...even come to terms with ....face the truth about some things, Fact is is in my not so humble opinion excelerated forgiveness is pretty shallow.
Sorry herbie---misread the noun verb relationship..lol laughing to myself I really better not get startedd too much on this thread...I will rant about everything from the law to the courst to men to sexist crap to well...sufficeth to say, I think the pictures on the door are just fine.
Havving lived in the neighborhood where a neighbor invited a sex offender that was relovating from Michigan to here in Albuquerque...and having our neighborhood association reps end up on the Connie Chung MSNBC show, I can tell you this....the man that started it all...going for the underdog sex-offender hass lost his wife , family, status in the community...and much more, my babysitter lives 4 houses away from him....I can tell you there is no way in hell that guy was gonna invite a registerd sex offneder into our neighborhood without a major legal battle on his hands, and that is just what we did. long story...PT me if ya wannta know what we did to keep the creep away. But within 3 months 30% of the homes went on the market...just to get away form this so called community activist who was trying to help the sex offender! The guy lost everything asking this jerk to move-in (the stink was there was no place that sex offneders could live)... Herbie--not too discredit the girls...but seems to me very strange 2 girls coming on to their father...sure you werent misreading.
ex, I would have to agree, why is it all or nothing? forgiveness is a concept on a continuum ...not an all or nothing or mandatory action. I think my perspective is not so black and white as a "fundamental christian" and I cannot put the whole idea in a neat little "to do it or not to do it" treadmill. Lianne Pierce
it could save a life of a little girl or little boy form being kidnapped, assaulted and sexxually tortured...which is what is is to them!....and being killed by burnng to death or strangulation. lets see....emabarassment for the perp or the above.... Ill emnbarrass the a**hole anyday!
why is it that there is this suppossition that forgiveness is the only proccess for katharsis. It is a narrow fundamentalist christian idea that there are no other options. I find that limiting and self-righteous as if it all hangs on the forgiver.... What is brought to me ( to make passive the active verb in Geeks sentence) what....? I really dont think its the only thing to think about, or the only process to go through... I also dont think CFFM or any ministry - certianly not Way or Way offshoots have a corner on the so called christian psychology that is the pretense for the purpose of forgiveness. Lianne Pierce
oldies, that was a bad/sad thing...not really the right words ...but are there any for crappy things. In these circumstances, I think the whole moving on thing is IN SPITE OF, and not BECAUSE OF...not yelling just specifying. I have explored forgivenesss, but alweays come back to the idea that its not really divided into the forgiveable and unforgivable, but things I can relate to--shadows of Satori's duality, things I can look over, and things that are indicative of such low chartacter I no longer wish to relate to a person no matter what. Lianne Pierce/washingtonweather FYI for those who don't know, Daddyhoundog is my wonderful husband
As a long time New Mexican...Asthma is worse here....and the serious cases have to got to Denver or Phoenix becasue we dont have that many experts. Lianne Pierce
we are moving there in summer 06...have a party now so it can be the 3rd annual by then... Lianne Pierce
how do I do that? and Shell--like your on/off thingy
putting a heavy emphasis on forgiving as something we should all get to eventually sounds like score card christianity to me. If I went back and tried to figure out everyone that I sshould have forgiven....lordy--that reminds me of counting my sins. I don't think I need that. Moving forward is not always about what you did with the people that contributed to the past, fact is the "offender(s)" will always be in your memory..(unless you take one of these new memory removal pills), but I dont think your brain requires every offender to be "forgiven" to be "healed" to handle life in the future positively and with a sense of optomism. Lianne Pierce
well..jerks schmerks It wasn't actually thought about that in depthly...mostly because I don't use my time to think about it that much. I do think I learned to avoid them better. absolve them no....if anything I would support legislation and prosecution, but I am not currently involved in that ..only so many hours in the day and as we say with kids..."Pick your battles"..I think that also applies to things you decide to stay hurt about OR NOT or amny other things in life... For me its about moving toward when I say moving on...I dont think about what I moved away from to much.
thanky! it seems to me when A has to be the premise for B...as in If A then B kind of thinking, well everyone is gonna have a slightly or very differnt A, consequently all B's will also vary. just a thought
Mailed him out an hour ago! We will work on the pictures this weekend and do more postcards.
if I dont think I need to forgive to get healed....am I so screwed? Is forgiving a requirement for healing? what about just facing facts that some people are just jerks or jerks on steroids and no amount of "me" is gonna fix them, but I can move on in spite of or because of them -- either motivation does not seem to mandate forgiveness to me, just determination to avoid a repeat of jerks or jerks on steroids... Is this so wierd...I have not heard anyone view it this way?