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Everything posted by DaddyHoundog
Today - one of my very well behaved students was tired. I asked if he got much sleep. No--Later I asked if he had a place to go practice reading outloud...No - he has no room, and shares a couch with his cousin. We are very careful not to embarrass these children..it is not their fault. One of my 3rd graders that is repeatedly suspended brought a bottle opener yesterday..but was holding it like brass knuckles. (weapon at school) -- He is proud that he "has a record" MStar - I could tell you about the 5th grader that was sellling Machetes at lunch...YES stuffing 11" inch Machetes he stole from the flea market to sell at school. He had no intention of hurting anyone...this is how Mom and Dad make money... While standing in line the last 30 seconds of the day...One of my 4th graders tells me about his "awnty" that bootlegs movies and sells em in the Mexican community before they have even hit the stores.... Or I could tell you how I have had to call Children Youth and Families when one of my sweet girls came in with strangle marks on her neck and a black eye after a snow day because on that day Her "Papa" said she was not running fast enough when they had to hurry somewhere. I am telling you this because THIS is reality!!! You need to realize this stuff does happen and yes the teachers need to be better..NEA is a farce and yes parents need to be just that--- parents. Statistically the amount of students in High School that have depression is very high...I have the book at work -- but it is close to 4 out of 20 if I can remember correctly. Would you call those people unpatriotic..or if a kid is sick of sharing a 1 bedroom apartment with 7 other people so they leave--it is way way complicated. The upper middle class is less and less of teh population...hell Obama calls Dr.s middle class.... The thing is, these people I speak of had these problems long before Obama and I don't think he will be able to fix these kinds of problems...like Krys said. Also, I happen to be an Advocate with the National Center for Learning Disabilities...a political lobbying group for education. I can tell you our country (USA) is not alone in our idiocy....It is globally a shame how students with Learning Disabilities are treated....in any country. EVEN JAPAN. Posted by Washn'wear (Daddy's wife)
The argument that public high school is the only way to college is thin...furthermore while my son intends on finishing college, how many here took detours and joined a cult...or at least postponed college even tho' they may have finished high school... this sounds sou much like the non-tolerance for the square peg supposing to fit in the round hole....please
One of the things that facing the fact that life does have an end has done for me is that it has enhanced the concept of not living with any regrets. It is something I used to talk about and tried to do...but I think my filter - read decision process- has become more "in my face." While I am not a big subsciber to "the secret" I do believe in setting goals and visions that align with what I want for my life and the people in it. I think it (facing terminality (is there a word)) makes you sift the wheat and chaff in your own life. Creative outlets are OH SO CRITICAL.....One of the things I thought about in my hospital bed last August was how U wanted to paint gigantic sunflowers on canvas for one particular wall in our house. I started the planning...I also made a few other decisions... WRITE SONGS --tons -- everything you remotely care about becomes part of your legacy and energy---don't shelve it! It's wierd how these medical things are what it takes to get stuff off the shelf...
Cancer is cancer Tommy. If it isn't detected early as it was in our case -- it is fatal! Skin cancer and Breast Cancer even Cervical and Prostate Cancer are much more detectable than say Lung or Pancreatic cancer---But they are still Cancer. Besides having to deal with heart stuff...I also had Cancer when I was 29---Cervical..4 days before my wedding in Dallas in 87 - my Dr. called and gave me the news---We were still married but I did end up having surgery later. No I didn't have Chemo--I didn't know if it had spread and the Dr. wouldn't know until they got inside whether r not I could keep my female reproductive organs -- so that was my first question when I woke up...Then I peed -- ate a cracker and they discharged me...I still had cancer...but at 29 -- I wasn't reflective about it...I was busy trying to figure out what being married to this other guy was about. I became reflective after the heart attack though. And yes...I have started to do my bucket list....WHY WAIT ! Anyone who used to know me---I am now a redhead! PS: posted by Washingtonweather aka. washn'wear
HOPE!!! OMgawsh that is so exciting!!! I know change is an eyebrow raiser after none in play for a long time -- but oh my what new horizons! Now for my cheap 2 cents ...Arizona anyday over Cleveland, 2nd Kentucky ---and do consider our neck of the woods...we have hardly been hit by economic anything!! Email me -- LiannePierce@gmail.com
I guess I pushed this issue becasue I see it as one of the biggest weaknesses here and I like having this forum and so forth, but I dont like preferential justification
Satoori - I understnad what you are saying and am familiar witht he premise....the problem at gspot (and most Diplomatic relations for that matter)is that understanding another person is a subjective talent. It really doent matter how you or I would have sold anything...not in relationship to anothers intention adn consequence. I AM not hurt, but if I was...(and God knows everyone takes there own "form" of being in that state) to be told I was not justified only hurts more and acts as a repellent toward any reconciliation I might have broached. Thanks for you thoughts though. Doojy- WG is a fine person and we have been friends since early 70's in Ohio days...something like this will not stop her from being the tender person she is, but will only make her more wary of those less so.
what I have found interesting is that the concept of intention is elevated past the actual consequence of the intention. In other words, if I hurt someone - AND I did not intend to hurt that someone, that one posture to take is that they should then not be hurt because it was not my intention. Am I understanding this as the reason many here feel WG should not be hurt and should be ACCUSED of over reacting....?
Crutches---charging.....thats pathetic
I guess you better send a memo to all of the more tender sensitive posters...something to the effect Receiver's Beware...at no time will regard for your feelings be considered. But in fact I did not see any of that sensitivity you speak of. WG bowed out when she could not reconcile the reception she got. But at no time did the tide turn to one of sensitvity.
Just becasue your perception does not match hers and the hurt she feels , it does not invalidate her perception. You seem very upset, becasue you cant seem to view anything but through your own perception. I dont know what any motives were are or will be, however, I can read what the response was and how it hurts. unlike some posters here, I dont like the constant cutting and pasting, if it validates your point of view thats fine. I still see that someone was hurt and most are defending that it was okay becasue she shouldn't be hurt according to your anothers various so wise judgements - you have invalidated and called this feeling a nonfeeling for this person. Reiks of the way to me.
god told me to tell you .... well the Steelers are gonna win!!!
if the way wronged someone ( a given here) should it be at an individual poster's expense that revenge and repulsion are expressed....or could we express that without taking someone's hide a long with it. Mark you sound like a kid that says "Im sorry BUT...." which we all know means you arent really sorry... As the links point out - at no other time when a "way" ebay item was brought up did it result in these insults and cynical comments. I think allowing for hurt on everyones part is fine...but if we treat eachother withthe same venom and condecension as we we treated with in TWI...we are no better than those we criticize...No?
why is it that defending the attack on the way is more importat than WG's feelings?
"A Million Little Pieces" - A Con Job ?
DaddyHoundog replied to diazbro's topic in Movies, Music, Books, Art
He is supposed to be on her show TODAY...to splain hisself.................well see -
very interesting Whitedove, thanks for taking the time to look all that up.
Thank you doojable - that is it-- being kinder and gentler. That said it reflects those choices of nonkindness and nongentleness too. I get the military thing, but isnt it ironic....the very thing we found repulsive in TWI is reflected in GSC. Maybe becasue its human nature at times to be so repugnant...and it is human nature to deflect that repugnance.
I really am not concerned with anyones choice of religion. I really have no problem with Oldies -- I maintain the agreeing to disagree posture. I have never bothered to respond when Mike was involved. I just plainly think she was jumped harder than others who have announced they are putting something on ebay eventually.
Well, maybe she wont. I happen to know Watered Garden very well. She has no malice and doesnt deserve the cynical comments made at her expense. It also shows why others ...my husband who is Daddyhoundog included, do not post here any more. Being met with such venom and a singular profile of what is acceptable and not a TARGET is getting more difficult as the years go by. My hausband is a brilliant man whio ia also dyslexic. People chopped him up just becasue they could not accept imperfect spelling. Here WG is only trying to be courteous and is met with nothing but cynisicm. Saying that wonderful woman might end up homicidal just shows how kind and forbearing you really are Mark. Others here are just as bad....its also why I slowed down posting. I find the densityu of arragance far to laboreous to deal with. I had time over my christmas break...and seemed to get intersdted again, but this has just confirmed what I thought earlier. I don't need to waste my time with all these annoymous critics. I believe this is a large part of why when looking at archives we see so many posters who no longer bother casting their pearls before all the swiny comments. For people who preach how bad the way is to turn around and be just as demeaning and critical --- seems to me lessons learned were lessons lost LIANne Pierce aka Washingtonweather
I would suggest a reputable medical school library in the area of obstetrics and gynocology. In my experience in looking for other medical issue related items, there are mountains of documentation and studies that never make the public forum in general. At the least- if you really want to know and not just throw a bone out for argument sake...ask a Ob/Gyn - preferably one without a religious or political posture.
I cannot agree. THe abscence of incidnets within the small microcosm that is Greasespot cannot logically provide a defendable conclusion becasue evidence is lacking. Your arguement lacks ethical logic. you may find medical school libraries of more use than the cafe here.
Mark, This is not really the forum to consult regarding Abortion Legislation. With respect to you, it is like asking the average man on the street about intricate tax legislation. You should look to more serious forums with regard to this issue -- both the PRO and Con sites list much more documentatble legislation...if that is really what your after. You cant pick apples from a pear tree....even if a few arew grafted on, its not the whole picture
some people thrive on covert concepts...maybe they secretly wanted to work for the CIA and have many different covers..... maybe they are mentally ill? just maybe???????? Lianne
WG - may I humbly suggest ya just go ahead and putter on ebay and blow off these insults from people who dont value courteousness and still have too much hatred to talk objectively about the old cult. Lianne PS- I dont want it, but thought you and many others were nice to go to the trouble to provide this stiff to the people who do care. I just threw my stuff away---but the pictures - I think we even gave the frames away---but that was under the auspicious doctorines of Feng Sui---