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Mister P-Mosh

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Everything posted by Mister P-Mosh

  1. What an idiot. Deer hunting is 1) for food and 2) you generally aim to get an instant kill instead of torturing an animal. Other animals hunt each other. It's natural. What most other animals do not do is kill for fun. You don't see tigers killing some prey by hanging them from a tree, or forcing it's prey to fight each other. Dog-fighting is out of the natural order of things. My relatives hunt (I tried it but I fall asleep too easily in the woods at 4am) and they are not ok with torturing animals. It's pretty clear to see the difference for most people. I guess the head of the Atlanta NAACP just wanted to stir up controversy. I guess the neighbors are a bunch of uppity suburbanites that think meat comes from meat-trees that are pre-packaged like you buy at the grocery store. One side of my family are country people. We grew up with cattle, chickens, and growing tons of vegetables. Animals die so we can eat meat. It bothers me that the majority of Americans are unable and unwilling to face the reality. Perhaps we should start licensing people to eat meat, a requirement of which is that they are present for the slaughter of at least one animal that they eat. After that, they can eat as much as they want to.
  2. Ah, so there is a difference. In my Sophmore year, Kurt Cobain killed himself and changed the music scene of my generation permanently.
  3. I don't think so, and I don't even know how close our ages are so we might not have even been teenagers at the same time. BUT...I know enough about you from here to guess about you engaging in those activities. Well, you could, but with my avatar there really isn't much point.
  4. For some reason, her avatar makes me imagine an older, teenage version of her smoking a joint.
  5. It's great and I find them very handy. The only problem is that I gave mine to my parents as a gift because they were going to be taking a long drive and I had no plans to drive far for a while. Now I sort of need one because I will have a long drive in unknown areas, but I can't buy a new one yet. One of the few things that stuck with my from TWI is the whole "no-debt" policy. While I do have debt now, I have to pay it all off before I can buy toys. The only exception is my mortgage, which I know I can't pay off anytime soon.
  6. The funny thing is that I usually don't picture people here as for what they look like. I generally just pay attention to their words. The few that use their pictures are the ones I do "view" as them, but only when I see their pictures. My thinking process isn't pictorial, so I don't feel the need to see people to have a concept of them as individuals. I don't know if that makes sense or not but that's how my mind works. As far as I'm concerned, it shouldn't be hard for people to picture me, since my avatar is a South Park version of me. I don't wear the kind of t-shirt in the image, but I had to pick something. The main difference that can't be represented in the South Park version is my height, as I'm fairly tall. Unfortunately, the other thing is this guy that I've developed after going through my wife's pregnancy and now the first few months of my daughter. I want to go back to the gym, and I want to take the time to prepare lunch for work, but it's really tough.
  7. Atheists don't believe in gods. The rest of your post is describing sociopathy, a trait that isn't specific to any religion or lack of religion. I've known plenty of atheists with strong morals and plenty of Christians that only pretend to have morals.
  8. I actually tone myself down quite a bit here. I actually converted it. The original line has a bit about tearing out their mother's heart with your bare hands and eating it in front of them, but I figured that would be too much. Profanity is already banned, but I can think of some pretty bad things to say to get the point across without it. I spend a lot of time stuck in traffic.
  9. I didn't mean to be a downer or to berate anyone in particular. That's why I didn't respond directly to anyone, and made a general observation instead. I just want people to think a little more about what they say. Not all of the statements made were "light-hearted" in my opinion.
  10. Mister P-Mosh

    Truck Art

    I noticed right away that the same tree is featured in all of the pictures, the same wall in most of them if not all of them. The only one that has a "different" background is the one with the motion blur, but it appears to be a blur of the original background. However, this kind of thing is possible, and I remember a really cool artist that drew things in the public that were along these lines. He drew a swimming pool in the middle of sidewalk and made it look like he was stepping in. You couldn't easily tell that it wasn't really there.
  11. Perhaps, and I wasn't referring to your original post so much, but some of the others. I was raised to believe that "hate" is a bad thing. When you hate someone, it isn't the same as a "dislike", it's more like, "I want them to die and I'll pi$$ on their grave in front of their mother" type thing. Hitler hated the Jews. The al Qaeda terrorists hated Americans. Hatred is not a positive attribute, and especially not something to brag about. I have my hangups and prejudices too, but I try to work on them and make things better. I'm also very hesitant to say that I hate someone or something, and when I do I usually try to say that I hate a person's actions or beliefs rather than the person. I'm not perfect, but I also don't feel like it's acceptable to brag about hate or glorify it.
  12. You're reading into stuff that isn't there that I never said. Perhaps this is why you have trouble with science?
  13. I agree with you that this is useful for establishing the intent of the first amendment, but the dominionists often argue that since this letter was not law, it doesn't count. However, as you said, it further explains the 1st amendment, so I agree that it is a valid piece of information.
  14. It's amazing and sad how many people here define themselves based on their hatred, and are proud to be hateful.
  15. For the cutesy answer, when I get home from work and my daughter looks up at my and smiles really big. My wife has a nice smile too, but nothing beats a baby's smile, especially my daughter's. For the fun answer, I like to get laid. I know that sounds crude, but that does make me pretty happy even if I'm having a bad day. I have more of a problem with anger than depression, so that's a good way to get rid of any anger I might have. For more socially acceptable answers, I also like to hang out with friends or family, because it's always good to surround yourself with those that care about you. This can be bittersweet as you remember those that are no longer with you, or those who simply couldn't make it. It's also fun to drink, which is a default response for an Irishman. We've been drinking more wine lately and less beer and whiskey. Monkeys, because, let's just face it. Monkeys are funny. I also am partial to a good practical joke. I've been known to pull a few here and there. The more complex, and the more victims, the better.
  16. You have some odd views of mixing science, religion, and morality.
  17. A few places. For example, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof". Injecting Christianity into government to pass laws would be establishing a state religion." from the first amendment of the U.S. Constitution, or one of our early treaties, the Treaty of Tripoli that states, "As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion..." It's very obvious if you look. However, like I said, I didn't want to turn this into a political thread, but simply to announce that an author is posting nonsense in an apparent attempt to deceive people.
  18. For the animals that eventually evolved into humans, yes. For the dinosaurs, no. Do you want to be like the dinosaurs?
  19. It isn't ok when it happens as quickly as it already is, and when it looks like our actions are causing it. What is so bad is that it will result in a rise in ocean levels which causes cities to slowly become underwater, it causes stronger hurricanes, it makes wildfires more common, it causes droughts in some areas and floods in others, and it has the potential to ruin much of what we depend on to live. Our culture is focused on instant gratification. If global warming were to happen overnight, people would freak out. Unfortunately, people are not impressed by a destructive process that takes years and decades.
  20. For me it is perfectly acceptable to attack ideas, but it is wrong to attack people in most cases. It's one thing to say that the bible is a work of fiction, but it's an entirely different matter to say that Christians are idiots, for example. I think the ideas behind all religions or lack thereof should be up for discussion, even negatively. We just have to respect the people who believe the things we think are wrong, on a human level.
  21. This is complete nonsense. Unless you are a different account pawtucket registered, I've never seen this defined as a Christian site. I'm pretty sure it was set up for ALL ex-TWI folks and for those considering joining. As long as we follow the rules of politeness and respect privacy, we are welcome here. At least, that's what I remember from previous topics on whether or not GSCafe is a Christian site. If this is a Christians-only club, then I better be banned now.
  22. I don't view that as an insult. The view that you had mentioned you had seemed to be in line with intelligent design. I certainly don't view people that believe in ID as idiots, even though I think it's wrong. Also, this conversation really has nothing to do with evolution. One form of ID is that Yahweh invented evolution as a process during creation. If I were a creationist, that would make sense because as a computer programmer I'd prefer to write a script to do something rather than do it myself. Despite how much that would benefit my views for it to be true, I've heard recently that it isn't completely true. Wild bonobos don't exhibit that behavior. Those observations were taken on bonobos in captivity instead. Perhaps it's similar to the type of behaviors exhibited in prison.
  23. I just read something discussing a response to the blogs rhino linked to discussing the NASA data's accuracy. The world's top climatologist has issued a few statements about it, which are discussed here. I'll post a few excerpts, but I encourage going to that site to read the full thing: Unlike religion, science is constantly evolving and changing as better data comes out. This should not be used as a weapon against science, especially when the change does not modify the claims made by the scientists.
  24. nandon, The thing about leaving TWI is that we discover we can have freedom. For how bad TWI was when you were in, your newfound freedom is shocking to you and you're not sure if you're doing the right thing or not. Don't worry about what others think so much, and don't expect anyone here or elsewhere to give you the "correct" answer to your problems and questions. You are in control of your life now and you have to make those decisions for yourself. However, I will give you a piece of advice, take it or leave it. You enjoyed having sex with a woman you just met. That's called lust, not love. TWI forced us to deny having any emotions whatsoever and we were supposed to be Z4J (Zombies 4 Jesus), and now you're having to catch up on dealing with emotions after all of those years. Don't make plans to move in with this woman or become too infatuated with her. Take it slow and give it time. If you want to keep sleeping with her after you broke up with your girlfriend, have fun. Nobody here can tell you what to do or not. Just be careful and try to balance your emotions with your logical mind.
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