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Everything posted by year2027

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=YfDLEiwLwQE
  2. God first thanks faith no more is not that I don't love holy scripture and that it was inspired by holy spirit bible is only a shell that man took credit for as if they wrote it but it was written years before they were even born I worship love which is God just I prove the bible wrong means nothing the King James pulled hose over them as did the Way pulled hose over us I just pointed it out with love and a holy kiss Roy
  3. God first thanks waysider yes it gives you a understanding that works it good to see you too my friend with love and a holy kiss Roy
  4. God/the man of flesh the cunning serpent/Jesus the man was the illusion/ Christ was the real man of God The bible is a lie and I can prove it! 08-21-2012 God never spoke the bible into anything it is a lie we all been fooled a long time ago because men wanted our money and they used the bible to get it. God never inspired any book called the bible while God did inspired books like 1 Peter , 2 Peter, Matthew, John, Luke, Mark, 1 John, 2 John and others each book was wrote by men but not every book was inspired by God. By King James taking credited for holy truth and others they mock truth itself which make it vain to anything and everything that is to give us a reason for life. God's holy truths need no mere man to give a prepose or reason a truth stands by their self they do not need anything because they either have reasons or they do not. They are either love or their control otherwise they are either hate or love the one comes by love the other comes by fear. All believers that try to follower the ways of God understand that God has does not used the spirit fear God loves us. If you do see the proved I talk about in these simple words try to proved me wrong and the vain bible right and I will listen to your vain words but I will follower the truth not your or King James or any vain babble. Truth is truth and a lie is a lie while truth can never be a lie and a lie can never be truth while they are in the same mind they different parts of the mind which is fleshly mind the lie and spiritually mind the truth. It is that simple you do not need a doctor degree to understand love from hate nor do you need a doctor degree understand truth from lie with love and a holy kiss of truth unto all of you from Roy.
  5. God first thanks excathedra yes peace my friend excathedra with love and a holy kiss Roy
  6. God/the man of flesh the cunning serpent/Jesus the man was the illusion/ Christ the real man of God What would Jesus say to the Churches of today? 08-01-2012 Jesus would cry today if he saw evil that is done in the name of God what hate he would witness first hand without destroying all of mankind? Have you witness the gay bashing by so called men of God with is pure hate no wonder there are some people who are atheist? Have you seem the greed they have for money which the bible says money is the root of evil? Have you heard in the news where the Muslims kill and say it was in the name of God what vain actions they are doing? Have you heard where Christians leaders rape girls like there Muslims do everyday one wrong does not make it right? The hatefulness of both groups there is no love of God in either group they are full evil in every way. The one thing they try to be more like God is far from both of them Jesus Christ would be sick at their sight what vain are all the different religion of today. Is there any group that is not full of some wrong prejudgment of other there are vain in their foolish actions. We judge ourself not the world around us the clearing must be done in our own house that why Jesus Christ said we were the temple of God not some vain building. I judge myself because no other than God can I can only clean my house the dirt in my neighbor is his business unless my neighbor ask for my help. There might be dark areas where my neighbor is ashamed to talk about let them hide them until they are ready to show them because God will uncover all things. There is nothing hide that will stay hide our darkness lies will be reveled to every body thank you with love and a holy kiss Roy.
  7. God/the man of flesh the cunning serpent/Jesus the man was the illusion/ Christ the real man of God The real me, the real me, not some mask I want to say is me. 07-25-2012 Sometimes my friends do not understand why I say something that goes against what they think is God word but I tell I must do as God order me in my heart to do. If I went against my heart I could not say in my heart I have prove God to be real and truth that I follower because I have proven it to be love and everyone knows God is love and love is God. It does not matter that you do not see as I do because you see God as your understanding of love. Now that does not mean your right or me right it only means we are both learning God's truth in different ways because we are the same person. One might at be at one lever of growth and another person might be total different place in their walk to be more like Jesus Christ was so is any one right or any one wrong there are both right and they are both wrong. Can a person be a child of God before their a new born baby science tells a person us must the baby comes before the baby can become a child. Have you ever heard that song called “it hard to be humble when your perfect in every way” while not that hard for some. They are some full of .... I can not tell which end is come out of for even God is lower than they are. I once believed I could do not wrong what a pile of dang I was in because I also believe would do me no wrong what a fool I was. Today some are believing in that same lies as I was thinking I could do no wrong because I did not understand who I was but today I understand better. Today is not the same as yesterday because I am little older and wiser because I know Jesus Christ is forming inside of me as a new creature and it takes time baby to became a child. I tell people do get the men of God before the baby of God one must nurse on the tender love of God before they can walk in truth as a child of God. In the belly of your mother womb the baby was not form overnight it nine whole months but some how some of you think it can be form overnight. The child of God must be form until the time is complete so your mother self can give birth your new life. When is that the bible says no knows the day you will with God in joyful of Christ return or your birth. You think your mature but you are still a baby as I am and we all are that are alive because dead means dead. We must die in Christ fleshly to live spiritually the change we are all looking is from our flesh because dead in Christ means dead in Christ. Adam and Eve brought sin into this world and Jesus Christ made us a way out but we must die as Jesus had to die on the cross. I think that I am nothing next to the love of God just a broken refection of love which can never measure up to God but God's loves me the way I am. What a broken shell of me God looks at but in God's truth judgment I am fine to God a beloved son of God I am. This is just the way things are I am what I is was and I going to be who I am I can no more or less thank you, with love of truth and a holy kiss of understanding from Roy.
  8. God first thanks everybody thanks for making this a place love and truth with love and a holy kiss Roy
  9. God first/Christ second/Jesus the man/us the sinful serpent of flesh What do we wrestle against nothing but our own thoughts of our own mind? 07-17-2012 What do we wrestle against but our own pride, greed, value, hate, wants, needs, loves, shame, doubts, prejudice we have, and others things that holds us from worship God like he was design when we were creative to do. The images that we witness but hide from ourself never wanting to face the truth about our self the hiding things that we are ashamed of. The very things that only death can free us from them while if believe in Christ you may have more. When we even little bit of doubt one can say we are human but that not take the thought we just had it is our nature to think fleshly. While we are taught to not think fleshly it is in our old man to have these thoughts while we are being born spiritual we are still in the blood of Christ egg that was planted in us. I known some only have that old nature but think what is love because to you fleshly means nothing other than what science says but love means everything to us. Otherwise we wrestle against ourself with love our inner feeling over our outer self the thoughts that we want against the thoughts that we do not want. The thoughts that we want does not always win over the thoughts that we want that were greed, pride, value, hate, wants, needs, loves, shame, doubts, prejudice, and others come into place. The man that thinks he or she has no prejudices in their life is lying to himself. What is a thought but a image that we have had in our mind is where we put thoughts to test them against what we believe. Now there is nothing wrong with having a thought that there is no God I do it too but in my mind God is not ruler of people God is love no more and no less. I am not here to share anything with but I am here to direct in your discovering of your inner self. The are people that think they do no wrong what greedy person they are thinking their mind does no wrong. Do they understand what it take to think no wrong they would have leave this world of flesh and matter and move up to something greater. Where they would have no thought at all they would be perfect now there be no need to form which is evolving into a god like kind. But we are what we are now so we have to evolve into a greater life kind than we have right now that the good news Jesus Christ was possible. Whether we will evolve or changed into a greater kind only time will tell because we are still flesh. But Jesus Christ could have planted the ideal we can follower him unto this change or birth into a like god kind but not God himself. Think on the possibles of evolving into a greater kind than we have now one totally new to this world life without end. Is it to impossible to happen is it strengthening the possibles of what can happen or might happen? Thank you with a truth love and a kiss of friendship that can be holy it up to you from Roy.
  10. God first thanks Twinky what wrong with this Martin Luther had go through a learning curle sure Martin Luther step on some people but was Martin Luther life of value Jesus Christ said things that some take out of context John 8:44-45 King James Version (KJV) 44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. 45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not. who was he talking too his people which would be our church the person himself yes some laugh thinking he was talking to vile some but Jesus Christ was talking to us we are the serpent of old we are this fleshly body of sin that does not have to stay that way we can rise from our bodies of sin with love and a holy kiss Roy
  11. God first thanks anybody I have a Mac Mini were on Grease Spot Cafe I see the video that I just posted but when I go to Grease Spot Cafe on my I-Mac I can not see the video at all I just see Missing Link or something like that with love and a holy kiss Roy
  12. God first thanks Ham I think so too and faith is to cover our backs I like that my friend with love and a holy kiss Roy
  13. God first thanks waysider God is the reason we are here and God gives purpose to our live so is the evolutionary processes does not God is everything good and bad God is the love you have God is the pain you have because God creative us which was putting things into motion God made the thing we call life so I believe God was the evolving purpose but you do not have too with love and a holy kiss Roy
  14. God first thanks waysider then your saying God is the evolutionary processes with love and a holy kiss Roy
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffokXHtXcyA
  16. God/the man of flesh the cunning serpent/Jesus the man was the illusion/ Christ the real man of God Can you really kill or is it just a illusion? 07-08-2012 Can you really kill another person or is the murder only am illusion of your mind because it not real and it is just your understanding of what you think is around you. If no one die and it is just what you believe happen that did not really happen. Death would be the illusion that you believe was real to teach you good over evil. Hate could be the illusion to teach us how to live love because everyone has hated something in their life which was not real. It was only a lesson that God has been teaching you all the time and the bible is part of that illusion as is God which has no real name but I am. I am you and I am me us tother with make the illusion have a reason has all lessons do. Science claims the sky is red and not blue but what is the sky is part of the illusion we think we see because everything could be part of that same illusion. If nothing is real who would the joke be on we would all share in that joke as we all believe is was real. What a wonderful world we would have the lesson without no sadness that we learn from. Lets say your the one being pick on does it not teach you what is like to to be pick something that can only be forgiven if you have been there. But lets say your the one that was picking on someone does it make you wish it never happen at all. You see the are two sides to everything the guilt we feel later for doing the deed and the saddest from being on as everyone has been through. Lets say your losing your mind where was real yesterday is no longer real but what if your just seeing different from a point of view. Otherwise nothing is real and nothing is a dream and are on the outside looking in or are we looking out from within. Life is full of puzzlers has we travel it thank you with love and a holy kiss Roy.
  17. God first thanks Dot Matrix yes I am searching my thoughts for love I have find out somewhat of my true feeling discovering yourself can help you see God bigger anyway it has help me thank you with love and a holy kiss Roy
  18. http://www.storywaters.org/book.cfm?word=ascensionlie
  19. God first thanks faith no more but it works inside my heart of the brain I know God personal as I know myself I and God are one in unity if you talk to me you talk to God why I have no problem how you see it because that is your judgment of your belief or lack of belief but in my heart I do as I see best with love and a holy kiss Roy God first thanks excathedra I do too my friend with love and a holy kiss Roy
  20. God first thanks waysider this is the way I am living and it is way it has to be today while I do not think we are in sin all the time but we must face the truth we are in sin but not that I want to be in sin but it is our natural we are fleshly right now but we shall become spiritually in the future when Christ returns for us it is not that I sin all the time but is my nature with love and a holy kiss Roy
  21. God first thanks excathedra you did I do not think so the person you were before the Way ministry is a different person than you are today life affects us more than we think with love and a holy kiss Roy
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