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Everything posted by year2027

  1. God first Beloved Def59 God bless you The tells about Jesus Christ Preching for 3 and 1/2 years before he die But was there the ministry of Christ Maybe one might call it the ministry of Jesus the fleshly Jesus But the ministry of Christ begin at the second he won over death Either two ministry or the first was the ministry of God But maybe you can write a tread to clear it up or a teaching with verses in this one with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
  2. God first Beloved Def59 God bless your heart you wrote ---------------------------------------------- I will have to doubt your supposed messages from Jesus Christ since they contradict scripture. Jesus said not to add or take away. ----------------------------------------- Deu 4:2 Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you. So any book that was wrote after Deu is not part of the bible Look all books of our bible were wrote as a book of their selfs Do either Deu is talking about the book wrote call Deu but a new book could be wrote But in your way we have no NT books Do you not understand what you said with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
  3. God first Beloved Def59 God bless your heart thanks with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
  4. God first Beloved Def59 God bless your heart I agree with Raf on two can have a ministry at the same time but we do not agree as when Christ began his But that is ok because we can not all agree all the time thanks with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
  5. God first Beloved Def59 God bless your heart thanks with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
  6. God first He Hop He Hop down the spiritual road Here we are jumping down the spiritual road of truth my dear friends. Do you see our Lord Jesus Christ sating alone side you my dear friend. If you do your have faith but if you do not read the word of God because by hearing the words of truth builds faith in you. He Hop He Hop I go to share the words of truth with you my dear friends. Your God loves you very must he is the giver of all givers. What did God the Father or God the Mother give unto you my dear friends. In the beginning you were given the heaven and earth . On the first day you was given light . On the second day you were given dry land and wet waters. On the third day you were given plants of all kinds from seeds after their kind. On the fourth you were given patters to lights for guide lines for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years. On the fifth day you were given animal life which is soul life the breath life. On the sixth day you were given in yourself the image of God. On the seventh day you were given rest. The list of things you were given lets see he gave up his sons life on earth so his could lead you from death to life. He spend 1,000 years getting spiritual light ready to be given back to you. He spend 2,000 years getting spiritual water ready for you to drink. He spend 3,000 years getting spiritual signs ready for you to see. He spend 4,000 years getting spiritual breath life of his son ready for you. He spend 5,000 years getting spiritual image ready for you. He spend 6,000 years getting spiritual rest ready for you. He Hop He Hop we go down the spiritual road of God giving unto us but what have we gave God back over the years my dear friend? With love and a holy spiritual kiss blowing your way Roy
  7. God first Beloved Raf God bless your heart Ok lets try has two questions When did his ministry begin? I believe at his death befor his death it was God's Ministry he was given but that just me When did his ministry change? I do not think it ever changed But that is me and who am I but a man and yes two ministry can go at the same time thank you my friend with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy Beloved Lindy Hopper God bless your heart thanks we all miss read at times with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
  8. God first Beloved Garth2000 God bless your loving heart you wrote -------------------------------------------- Want to know how much crap people has been expected to believe over many a year, and with a no better reason than that which you have just given? (Ohhh, like Oral Roberts and his 8 million dollar 'God is gonna take me home' extortion song-and-dance, for one big example.) --------------------------------------------- What does Oral Roberts have to do with me He ask for your money and I never have or will Why can I not heard Jesus Christ talk to me while Paul heard him why why not me? I gave the answer but no one no one had to believe me Look you believe and then you see signs and so on There not one thing in this world that proves I hear Christ nor you Ask God one on one yourself and if you believe having faith you will hear too thanks with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
  9. God first Beloved Def59 God bless your heart If his ministry began at his baptized what is the ministry of John the baptize But its all about the hope having Christ in you and this happen when Christ won over death But you can think as you see best my friend thanks with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
  10. God first Beloved Def59 God bless your heart you ask ------------------------------------------------ Where does the Bible teach that? ----------------------------------------------- a one on one talk with Jesus Christ speaking to me what God wants me to know ------------------------------------------------ Verse the word of God spoken to Roy William Perry III A bond and marriage are the same A bond of two hearts is greater then a marriage paper from the law thanks with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
  11. God first Beloved friends Ok when did Jesus Christ begin his true ministry while is was alive or after his death I say he spoke the will of God from birth But he begin to prech at age 27 until his death age 30 Matt 4:17 From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. But his ministry begin at the day of Pentcost when we could have Christ in us with love and a holy spiritual kiss blowing your way Roy
  12. God first Beloved Excathedra God bless your loving heart Sex can be a sin and it can not be If you put any thing above God its a sin Sex is for making children first second I do not know for sure I never heard of Jesus Christ having a wife Sex out of a bond of two is sin that the best I can do thanks with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy Beloved Mstar1 God bless your loving heart thanks with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy Beloved Think Fish God loves you Who am I I am a brother to Jesus Christ my name is Roy William Perry III with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
  13. God first Beloved Dennis Leary God loves you So your mad at God for what the world did to you and the Way is just part of the world with love and a holy spiritual kiss blowing your way Roy
  14. God first How do you look at the Word of God? God loves you my dear friends . Let me greet you with all the love of Christ in my heart. Now the subject “How do you look at the Word of God?” When I was in the Way Ministry which was a church or wolf and sheep clothing. They taught me to look at the word in very few ways. One of the ways they used was a straight line. But I have soon learn to look at the Word of God as a circle never beginning and never ending but not just a circle but a 3D circle. A ball that is clear which has many balls inside that way be seen as a 3D ball and all its layers. I see a never ending without beginning ball with never ending layers all at on moment of time. I was all so taught to look at the Word of God as black and white but I have long learn that true color with many bits is must better. I want to see all the details in great focus. The grains inside the grains of the Word of God or the spiritual view of its many tones of light. More or less every word to all its spiritual greatest on my life. Yes there is right and wrong but with every right there degrees of right and I want to be right to the purest right with no gray areas. Now we will not be perfect today and every way but we must at least try and try again because if we do not try then Jesus Christ is not Lord in our lives. So lets have Jesus Christ Lord in our life as a clear true color 3D picture in our hearts. Thank you with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
  15. God first Beloved Trefor Heywood God bless your heart No God is just both sexes at the same time not a male playing woman or a woman playing male but both in one being God is spirit and a form of both sexes just like the angels Their are animals that animal planet told me about that they were both sexes in one body Whatever they call that and if I knew how to look up it I would show you maybe some one elst can help you with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy Beloved Onion Eater God bless your loving heart I do not know about that way one way or another with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy Beloved GarthP2000 God bless your loving heart with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy Beloved Mr Hammeroni God bless your loving heart thanks kept thinking about it as I pray Jesus Christ helps you see it with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
  16. God first Beloved Allan God bless your loving heart thanks with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
  17. God first Beloved Justloafing God bless your loving heart thanks with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy Beloved Belle God bless your loving heart too thanks No that would not make God gay but a being of both sexes God has male sex parts alone with female parts like angels God just choice to use his female parts here but when he gave birth to heaven, earth, animals, mankind and more in the beginning he used both parts But the creation just needed spiritual blood to be made alive I hope this helps thanks with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy Beloved OnionEater God bless your loving heart too thanks Jesus Christ could not of had sex because he overcame all sin or at least while on earth But who knows about after he die and rose with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
  18. God first Beloved The Invisible Dan God bless your loving heart thanks Maybe since God is light he is like the candlelight and the meal is his words with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
  19. God first Beloved Lindyhopper and Satori001 God bless your loving hearts my friends thanks with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
  20. God first Lets talk about SEX. Beloved friends God loves you all and lets talk about SEX loud and clear. The male takes two action to plant a fertilize seed 1st the male will place his thing in the female as you all know 2nd his sperm into the woman and mixing it in the woman in the egg To me in simple words his DNA or blood mixing with her DNA or blood of the female making a seed This grows in the female unto the child is born alive we hope Now take all of this in mind and think about how Christ in you is planted You male takes two actions – whether your female or male you must take this actions as a male 1st you confess with your mouth 2nd you believe with your heart Rom 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. Now God’s part is the gift of holy spirit or God’s DNA or blood The gift of holy spirit is part of God as the DNA or blood the woman gives Now this blood used that is planted in you as a spiritual seed is the blood of Jesus Christ You see getting saved is the action of sex between you and God. Just because God uses the DNA or blood of Christ does not make it any less from God since God’s blood or DNA is in Jesus Christ Have you been born yet . No because that day has not come yet for all of us. The last trump has not been play and what is the last trump but your last breath of fleshly life You first life was you life in your mother womb and your second is your life outside your mother body and your last is still coming This will be the day you put on immortality or a body of spirit outside God as your mother the Holy Spirit the Giver As the mother is the giver to the unborn child of flesh, God the Holy Spirit is the Giver to the unborn child of God As when born in the flesh you are like your mother and father when born in the spirit you will be like your mother and father Making you yourself but in a spiritual godly form or Christlike The new birth is the hope we all reach for because we are still in the womb of God Now lets talk about the children of God that did not live in Christ because Christ had not come yet 1 Th 4:16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: These dead in Christ are the children that had holy spirit over showing them because they reach for the first coming but die before Christ’s gave his life for us They confess with their mouths and they believe with their hearts Their last trump was the last breath of Jesus Christ Look Mat 27:52 And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, 53 And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many. Verses like were not written for not reason The dead in Christ must rise first and they have but lets look more Matt 17:4 Then answered Peter, and said unto Jesus, Lord, it is good for us to be here: if thou wilt, let us make here three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias. But think more who are the elders of the book of Rev Rev 4:4 And round about the throne were four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold. These are the elders that where dead in Christ but now are alive in their bodies of incorruption We are the alive in Christ and our last breath will be the day we go up to put on immortality. But there is a final last breath for all mankind The day we destroy ourselves The odds have been saying it for years a long with movies and it will come That day all alive children of God will have a last breath and they will be born alive while the children of the devil or of flesh will be born dead Now children born dead in the flesh will be made alive at their last breath and some were made alive at Christ last breath All people have the gift of holy spirit in them but not all have fertilize the seed or egg that is all I know to share right now about sex thank you for reading with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
  21. God first Dear my beloved friends of the world wide inter net. I Roy William Perry III write unto you as year2027 my name for the inter net world. As I sat here in my home with arms reaching out unto my heavenly father God the Creator of heaven and earth. I do this with the spirit of Christ the son of God my Lord and Savior in my heart directing me what to write by the gift known as the holy spirit or the spirit of Christ in me. As I walk in this evil world I look for the good I can see in each person a may met along the way. My goal is to help others learn to see the good in others with the love of God. The only thing that can help that good grow in others is God’s love by the way of each and every one of us. So many people look at the bad and not the good. But I say look at the good tell them about the good you see with love of God and that will take away some of the bad. For bad must be replace with good and it will be done in due time. Look at our bodies of flesh that will be replace with spiritual bodies that will not rot or corrupt. This will come at the return of Christ about the time death will be gone for good. A lot of Christians look for signs of this or that but I say look for how you can show your love to your brothers and sisters in Christ. Look for the good but beware of the bad and just do not do it or at least try to do only good. Before we can over come the bad in our lives we must at least try to overcome the sins we do and if we try God will help us in due time. Many believers think once they are saved they can not sin but that is not so. Just because God forgave you of you past sins does not mean your forgiven of your future sins. Now God is ready to forgive them too but we need too ask for the ones we know of and the one we do not know are sins he will forgive us because of our child like understanding. Now being forgiven and being saved are two differ things . To be saved is to be welcome into the family of God. Look even bad sons and daughters are love my the fleshly father and mother. God is no differ about loving his children. While asking forgiveness helps God to overlook for shortcomings as he hands out rewards. Just like if you use your fleshly family for money and do not owe up to it, your family might be slow to helping you with money when you need it. Look a sin is the wrong use of what God gave you. God gave you your sexual body to make children to help in your old age but if you take it as a game were is the value. Look the gift of being able to have children and its reward is help in your old age or that was God’s plan in the beginning. Look at healing and how the body heals itself. God set up the body to heal itself of all things but mankind found ways the attack the body faster than it can heal itself normally so God gave us ministry of healing, natural healing (using plants and etc to heal), and doctors last. Some doctors use natural ways to heal but others play games with lives using things that they do not understand. I say lets us get forgiven of sins first and then ask God what will help us depending on our believing whether it be pray or doctors let God tell us. All ways look for the cause of the illness because if you take away the cause the body may heal itself in due time. Now its time for me to close for now but let me tell you I love all of yall. With love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
  22. God first Beloved Song God bless your loving heart I have been kepting up with this tread and have been doing a lot of thinking and talking to God about this subject My outcome is God teaches about the garden of Eve in many natural ways depending on the person state of understanding Like it might teach a lawer with fancy words and a farmer with simple words But this would be the natural view which its very important while I belive the way he taught you was to help you see some of the spiritual highlights of the importance of this part of the bible But he may teach me differ spiritual highlights of the importance of this part of the bible Look there is the why, when, how, value to men, value to God and many on top of many spiritual or natural points he may want you to see The bible is used so must but has meaning deeper than we may see at one point of time I may ask God why or you might ask how or many of the other things about the real life story he pick to use in teaching us his love that is all I know to Add but kept it up this is a great tread Now I may not answer a lot but I am reading and talking to God about it thanks with love and a holy spiritual kiss blowing your way Roy
  23. God first Beloved Song God bless your loving heart I have enjoy every word you wrote because it made me think but give me time to take it in You see I see that what you said is true but is it the complete picture I must ask now Was there a fleshly or spiritual Eden too were they live I think you are seeing the understanding that God taught you but is there more to the picture Is that how God had to explain it for your understanding or the point you are looking at it from Like I may look at the body from the outside and you may look at the same body from the inside But if we put both points of view together we have the wholt body view This is what I nust pray and think about because I see the garden as a spiritual garden that has spiritual fruit and natural fruit The spiritual fruit for spiritual life and the natural fruit for natural food but another spiritual tree in the mist one of good or evil Since Adam had only good he receive bad or since he had only life he received spiritual death which came from sin bringing about a later natural death But who am I Keep on thinking because I love every word my dear friend thanks Let me throw this in My friend Adam was a real person but he grow from one Adam cell which broke in hapt (one being Adam the other Eve) His hapt grow into a seed the seed grow into a person named Adam Now God took from the Adam cell and made Eve and that hapt cell grow into a whole cell making a seed and then a person named Eve Now you look at Adam as a cell or a seed which is made up on cells or a person made of many seeds with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
  24. God first Beloved The Song Remains the Same God loves you my dear friend Ok I will try "Garden of Eden" is the spiritual home of Adam and Eve the first heaven and earth The second heaven and earth came when they were cast out of the first into the second by sin What is the "flaming sword" the spirit of the word of God Gen 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. This was the sword that came to pass cutting them off from spiritual life to live only fleshly life until Christ We are still looking for the third heaven and earth when sin is gone Today sin is forgiven by Christ but we can still sin until we get a heaven and earth without sin thats all with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
  25. God first Beloved CM God bless your loving heart my dear friend When Jesus the Christ teaches me by the holy spirit the Christ in me it still blesses my heart Now I used learn things by teaching myself by manly ways like research but I now turn to the Christ in me Just like that old verse I used so many times 2 Tim 2:15 Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. I believe the word study is more a form of meditate or the study a verse to the point you are meditating on it look at some verses on meditate Josh 1:8 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. The reason I believe this is first because I heard it in pray and second Jesus Christ words Luke 12:12 For the Holy Ghost shall teach you in the same hour what ye ought to say. John 14:26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. These verse and more led me to think the word study not to take it back to Greek or Hebrew but take it back to the holy spirit teaching us the understanding of the verse or part of life clearer But this is just me and God may show you from a diff point of truth What I am talking about is like he may teach you more what a workman is And if we put all points of truth together we really have something Yes I believe together we get closer if we work together Now if I had not said it yet I loved your tread thanks with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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