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Everything posted by year2027

  1. God first thanks Socks this person took time to think it out to help people who have been in cults to understand is not that you and me have you ever though what the main reasons people were leave the way we can learn from others work or can we understanding is a step we must all take someday unless your still in the ministry do you ever want to put the Way ministry in the past we must face the truth about ourself with love and a holy kiss Roy
  2. Ten Reasons Why Most Believers Don't Seriously Question Their FaithJanuary 21 2012 at 4:21 PM Mondo (Premier Login Oscar50) Forum Owner Ten Reasons Why Most Believers Don't Seriously Question Their Faith By John W. Loftus at 1/17/2012 This topic interests me to no end. Why don't most believers seriously question their faith? Does it take a special type of individual? Does it require some personality trait that believers don't have? Does that make skeptics different people? Could it be intelligence? Could it be that skeptics have a higher self-esteem than others? Is it that we don't need social approval? Is it that life's experiences have shown us we cannot accept the dominant opinion on a matter? Is it that we question what we're told in general? Perhaps, but when we look at skeptics in general there doesn't seem to be a set pattern. Perhaps a scientific poll might help answer that kind of question. What I do think is that the following ten reasons are almost certainly necessary conditions even if they are not sufficient ones: 1) The lack of critical thinking. I cannot tell you how often believers respond to skeptical arguments with informal fallacies in favor of their faith, which includes special pleading, non-sequiturs, all or nothing thinking (i.e., the "either/or" and "black and white" fallacies), begging the question, the "you too" fallacy, and especially appeals to ignorance. They don't even know that's how they are responding. And this is what I see coming from some Christian scholars I have dealt with, even those who teach critical thinking in the colleges, which nearly stuns me. Their responses are bad, really bad, and they don't/can't see it. 2) There is an explanation for why believers reason so badly: They have been enculturated, or indoctrinated to believe, a phenomenon that can best be described as being brainwashed. Christians can acknowledge this with others who believe differently in religions they consider bizarre. Why can't they see it in themselves? The reason is the same one for why the others can't see it in themselves. It's because they too are brainwashed. Only the brainwashed do not know it. 3) A very large percentage of believers do not seek out disconfirming evidence for their faith, which can be decisive. They are sure of their faith so they only look for confirming evidence. This can only make them more entrenched in whatever they were raised to believe in their particular culture. But it's an utterly wrongheaded approach to their faith. 4) Ignorance is another reason, sometimes willful ignorance. The more we know the more we should doubt. Any educated person will tell you this. Socrates even said he was wise because he knew one thing others didn't, that he didn't know. The more we know the less we claim to know. 5) This ignorance is due to the fact that believers fear to doubt. It's the very nature of faith in an omniscient mind-reading God that he is displeased when they doubt his promises. So in order not to displease him they do not seriously question their faith. Believers also fear to doubt because they reside in a Christian community of like-minded believers, their friends, who can be counted on when in need, and who would ostracize them if they walked away from the faith. Social pressure among one's main group of friends keeps them in the fold and blissfully ignorant of the need to test their faith. 6) The biggest reason believers don't seriously question their faith is because of where it could lead them, to hell. They cannot bring themselves to travel down a road that might eventually lead them to eternal torture (or however they conceive the final judgment). The thought never occurs to Christians that they don't have the slightest fear of Allah's hell, or the many sects within their own faith who claim all others are going to hell. 7) Believers conversely have a hope they cannot bring themselves to do without, living eternally in heaven with their deceased loved ones. This hope is so intense they cannot entertain they might be wrong, otherwise they might have to admit they will never see their dead mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters again. That's simply too painful for them to even consider. 8) The nature of faith itself. Faith is a parasite on the mysterious. Without mystery faith couldn't exist. Wherever there is mystery there will always be room for faith because as humans we seek an explanation for the mysterious, and for believers their particular God-concept fills in the gaps. This is one of the informal fallacies I mentioned earlier. Believers require nearly all mysteries to be solved before they will consider their faith unreasonable, and that's an unreasonable epistemic standard since there will probably always be mysteries. Faith is therefore an irrational leap over the probabilities, something no thinking person should ever do with the probabilities given the available evidence. One should only conclude what the probabilities show and never assert more than what the evidence leads us to think is probably the case. 9) Then too, there is the concept of an omniscient God which is used to solve all problems. I call this the Omnscient God Escape Clause. Because theists believe in an omniscient God skeptics must prove their faith is nearly impossible before they will consider it to be improbable, which is an utterly unreasonable standard of proof, making their faith pretty much unfalsifiable. 10) Morality seems to be another issue, that if believers walked away from their faith they would ipso facto have no reason to be a good people who care for the common good of a society. But the overwhelming evidence is against this, best seen in the demographics. I guess some people just cannot be helped, that's all. ###
  3. God first thanks geisha779 and Ham and waysider yes we all have fall short Romans 3:23 King James Version (KJV) For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; we are human but we shall always flesh form 1 John 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. pride gets our way but knowing it is the beginning pride got in Peter way when warn him to get behind Christ forgive if I used the wrong man but it gets in my way and your way with love and a holy kiss Roy
  4. God/man/Atheist/Jesus/Christ/child of God Growing that which we were design to! 01-20-2012 As I break out this fleshly body I changed into that which I was designed to evolve into set the path for me to take when pointed me the direction. Christ was the first to take this path and Christ shall be last because we become like Christ in form we become a Christ kind but the begotten Son of God but a child like Christ is and was. As I grow into the image I was meant to evolve into as the states in its’ owns words. What we shall be our bible has no words for it because Christ did even know because was still in our likeness because know he would evolve into a kind than he was then because was made flesh. We are now flesh while we might have a to what we will become but we cannot understand it completely nor did Christ because was fulfilled yet or finish. Like said Christ we shall become that which God’s words promise that which Christ did know completely because Christ known there would not be a mystery to uncover. While its been talk about since Adam sin bringing it into our minds to escape from the error of our past bringing always back our first sin. While Christ die for our trespasses into God’s kingdom where we had no legal right to enter that some love. Christ had every right to enter but we did not Christ has arms for us to follower him in. As you grow to be more like Christ you must re-creative your spirit as the image of love which is Christ or God kind. As I search myself I find more sin than I want stand tall in confess to myself but as I learn what it is to be without sin I see what Jesus had to do. Can you think what Jesus had to go through taking to every breath he took getting them to go in willing fully give up their lives so Jesus could live. When one thinks about it they claim it is impossible but was it or was it not because all a person had to do is so intone with nature asking was part of it. Can you imagine that nature was in line with Christ walk never going against at all always line himself with love of God. Always doing as God asked to become in the image of God’s which is God only son of promise because Jesus always did has God would have wanted to become the Christ we all needed. We all were domed to live and die without enter into a greater spiritual purpose of life we had no hope but became our hope. To become like Christ entering a realm of spiritual possible as no man has known but only heard about to become a god-kind not a god but a god-kind. Join heirs to the creative of our self-life itself the creation of everything we know and things we not know about. Can one imagine what that would be to have all the answers to everything at once nothing is unknown to your mind? 1 John 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. Otherwise we shall like Christ rose in the form of the Christ join heirs with Christ of God’s kind which is none greater we are god-kind which is Christ-kind. We are the truth we have reaching for because we have made it to life after life. Thank you with love of God and a holy kiss of Christ from Roy.
  5. God first thanks everybody Name any person that is not a bigotry and narrow-mindedness Can you any one name a person that does not let pride get in there way can you name that does not used the bible to prove that other person wrong or right we used God as a Crutch or the bible but God is not suppose to used like that God is our father God is our way we live when live in love first God is our master God is not crutch but is how we walk not a crutch to help us walk but how we walk with love and a holy kiss Roy
  6. God/man/Atheist/Jesus/Christ/child of God thanks everybody Can anyone name for me "any person that is not a bigotry and narrow-mindedness while in the Way Ministry or out side of the Way Ministry" we fall short of being good all the time we hate and we love and pride in our path But Christ for us to love our enemy but who our biggest enemy ourself we are all bigotry and narrow-mindedness to each other with love and a holy kiss Roy http://youtu.be/PSdnxKpYpp0
  7. God first thanks WordWolf First of all anything that goes the Ministry thinking belongs in "about the Way" next you do not understand what he trying to do open your heart to truth think outside the box of religion he not your kind of Christian but he a christian and he reads the bible to compare his heart otherwise he see's and reads the living truths maybe he not everything right now but who does VPW just copy his work from others standing the shoes of others you should take some lessons from him seeing homosexual has people not people to hate your bible teaching that but people into it something that not there the heart of God's is love with love and a holy kiss Roy
  8. http://liberator.net/articles/LiberatorMark/Spong.html John Shelby Spong A Revolutionary, Rational Anti-Religionist by Mark Liberator (e-mail: editor@liberator.net) [June 2nd, 2000] Since the advent of modern religion, it has taken on a life of its own and been at war with scientists and those who use comparative reasoning skills. Those who reflect upon religions speculate that this conflict is by design and rests at the core of most religions. It is clear this popular view has merit because history reveals the role of various religions to be strictly dogmatic. The term 'modern' when juxtaposed with religion is foreign to us. It is strange because there are few men who dare insist that religions allow reason to play a part in their belief systems. There are almost no men who have leadership positions within religious organizations who champion such a cause. John Shelby Spong is one such man. He is a former Episcopal (Anglican) Bishop who has taken a very unique, provocative position regarding religious faith. He challenges followers to question current biblical interpretations. His insistence that people should critically think about religious tenets is striking. To promote religious discussion, he has written many books. With titles like Liberating the Gospels, Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism, Why Christianity Must Change or Die, and Resurrection: Myth or Reality?, it is easy to see why his views have not gone unchallenged by the religious establishment. Spong advocates equal rights for women and is not opposed to same sex marriages. These two views alone have sent religious conservatives in a rage. For hundreds of years, the church has never allowed women to gain leadership and has based this view on what Spong believes to be baseless and sexist. As for same sex marriages, Spong has admitted having to bless roads, farm animals and other equally unimportant things in the name of the church during his tenure as a bishop. Extending that logic, he has said that not blessing a loving couple despite the manmade religious gender rules that prohibits gay relations is unreasonable. As far as homosexuality is concerned, Spong points straight to the church. He blames the church for creating a lifestyle that promotes homosexuality because priests cannot marry and often live in close quarters with one another. He also admits there has been at least one gay bishop that he has known. It is his view that denying the sanctity of marriage to any loving - even homosexual - couple is inappropriate and further demonstrates the church's hypocrisy. He arrives at many of his views as a result of his opposition to biblical literalism. For example, Spong challenges the mainstream notions of a virgin birth and Jesus' resurrection. He writes: The best way to lose all is to cling with desperation to that which cannot possibly be sustained literally. Literalistic Christians will learn that a God or a faith system that has to be defended daily is finally no God or faith system at all. They will learn that any god who can be killed ought to be killed. Ultimately they will discover that all their claims to represent the historical, traditional, or biblical truth of Christianity cannot stop the advance of knowledge that will render every historic claim for a literal religious system questionable at best, null and void at worst. [bishop John Shelby Spong, Episcopal (Anglican) Bishop of Newark, NY, in Resurrection: Myth or Reality? pg. 22] Even prayer has fallen under Spong's microscope. He believes that asking a deity to perform a duty is akin to children sending letters to Santa Claus. His view on mass prayer explains his position. When reflecting upon his wife's cancer, he once said that a god who would help his wife only because of his own popularity was a god not worth worshipping. He could never teach that a deity will perform services for popular people but forget those who were just as good but not as well known. Spong is calling for change within Christian communities. In A Call for a New Reformation, he notes that scientific reasoning has made quantum leaps while Christianity has done little to reflect upon them and modify itself accordingly. He makes reference to the efforts of Copernicus, Galileo, Newton and Darwin along with the church's initial unwillingness to recognize these truths. Spong also mentioned Freud's analysis of church symbols and his conclusion that they are "manifestations of a deep-seated infantile neurosis." The following twelve "issues to which I now call the Christians of the world to debate are these," according to Spong: Theism, as a way of defining God, is dead. So most theological God-talk is today meaningless. A new way to speak of God must be found. Since God can no longer be conceived in theistic terms, it becomes nonsensical to seek to understand Jesus as the incarnation of the theistic deity. So the Christology of the ages is bankrupt. The biblical story of the perfect and finished creation from which human beings fell into sin is pre-Darwinian mythology and post-Darwinian nonsense. The virgin birth, understood as literal biology, makes Christ's divinity, as traditionally understood, impossible. The miracle stories of the New Testament can no longer be interpreted in a post-Newtonian world as supernatural events performed by an incarnate deity. The view of the cross as the sacrifice for the sins of the world is a barbarian idea based on primitive concepts of God and must be dismissed. Resurrection is an action of God. Jesus was raised into the meaning of God. It therefore cannot be a physical resuscitation occurring inside human history. The story of the Ascension assumed a three-tiered universe and is therefore not capable of being translated into the concepts of a post-Copernican space age. There is no external, objective, revealed standard writ in scripture or on tablets of stone that will govern our ethical behavior for all time. Prayer cannot be a request made to a theistic deity to act in human history in a particular way. The hope for life after death must be separated forever from the behavior control mentality of reward and punishment. The Church must abandon, therefore, its reliance on guilt as a motivator of behavior. All human beings bear God's image and must be respected for what each person is. Therefore, no external description of one's being, whether based on race, ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation, can properly be used as the basis for either rejection or discrimination. Religious conservatives have not been quiet about Spong's views. Some Christians view him as a heretic for his radical beliefs. Other Christians feel that his views are so opposite to church tenets that they seek to evict him entirely from the Christian domain as they would rational thought. Spong's opinions have created many waves that have been challenged by traditionalists like Peter C. Moore who wrote Can a Bishop be Wrong? Christian conservatives like Moore feel that Spong's desire is to strip Christianity of all its tradition, thereby placing him outside the realm of the church. They cannot begin to fathom the gains he is attempting and label him as a Christian Atheist. I suppose these people would rather Christianity remain in the dark ages along with beliefs in a flat Earth, magic and a petty god that demands childlike prayer requests. One fact is for certain: no matter which side of the debate one happens to rest concerning issues of religious significance, John Spong promotes further inquiry through comparative reasoning. He disturbs the status quo with a desire to reform the primitive Christian faith. His attempt to bring Christianity to maturity, although combated by traditionalists, is worthy of praise. This is one bishop who has won the respect of modern thinkers worldwide. Here is one final quote that summarizes John Shelby Spong's noteworthy beliefs, which would have resulted in his imprisonment or death by the church had he made it a few hundred years ago: Both papal infallibility and biblical inerrancy require widespread and unchallenged ignorance to sustain their claims to power. Both are doomed as viable alternatives for the long-range future of anyone. [bishop John Shelby Spong, Episcopal (Anglican) Bishop of Newark, NY, in Resurrection: Myth or Reality? pg. 99]
  9. year2027

    the person that

    God/Atheist/Man/Christ The Person that establish himself by the Truth about him! 01-12-2012 As I searched my own self I find a weak man that lies to himself because pride gets in his way making him lie to himself. I do aimed to make myself a false witness but I do that which I do not like. As Paul said that which I do I wish I did not and that which I do not are the things I am not prove of. Romans 7:15-25 King James Version (KJV) 15 For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I. 16 If then I do that which I would not, I consent unto the law that it is good. 17 Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me. 18 For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not. 19 For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do. 20 Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me. 21 I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me. 22 For I delight in the law of God after the inward man: 23 But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. 24 O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death? 25 I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin. The pride of my flesh makes me desire to lie to myself but Christ shall deliver me from myself as I die from this wretched world of flesh to awake in Christ’s kingdom. The transformed is not completed yet because I have not die in Christ yet to see Christ face to face. I try to teach so you will understand but I do not see the full picture myself because am still alive. How can I when I have not seem Christ at his coming other than my heart because the return of Christ is still in my future. But for others Christ has come and for some Christ will when they die to this world. I am going to cut this short for now but God bless you with God’s love and a kiss of Christ toward you from Roy.
  10. God first thanks socks and waysider Socks - it is making it all real and nothing real otherwise its believing the lie to see the truth or its believing in something that not in this ream of world as we known a world that no this one waysider - I sorry the link took me nowhere with love and a holy kiss Roy
  11. God first thanks cman I do not know but the best I can do is hope I have something right and something wrong otherwise Life is a stage of something and death is another stage of the same something but the next life will be more than I know or I can image it is the unknown that we look for with love and a holy kiss Roy
  12. God first thanks everybody I look up the Way on BBB here what I found THIS BUSINESS IS NOT BBB ACCREDITED Way International, The Find a Location Phone: (419) 753-2523 Fax: (419) 753-2903 5555 Wierwille Rd., New Knoxville, OH 45871 http://www.theway.org it not even accredited with our world with love and a holy kiss Roy
  13. God first thanks socks and waysider and Ham socks - yes our identity is spirit has we are becoming waysider - one could call it master of self which is God of oneself - I enjoy the video Ham - yes my friend with love and a holy kiss Roy
  14. God first thanks faith no more and socks faith no more so way-like thinking let see you believe in hell but not a god what are you foolish thinking socks I take tea because I do not like Beer with love and a holy kiss Roy
  15. God/atheist/Christ I am the god of myself and you are the god of yourself and we are together the gods of the world but there one God and we are part. 11-26-30-2011 I am who I am and no one changes a thing about me but me I have all the power over my life no matter what they think? God created life in this world but no one can see God or know of his image because God is just a label we used. God might not be the best word for his kind because we just heard of God no one has seem the illusion God is. But because we were creative in the image of God we can know our self and see our self the image of us is like God but lesser than God himself a god of lesser power. I am fleshly part but I am part spiritual an image I cannot see but I can witness the image of god in me a mirror image of my love. Reactions of love are an emotion of love or hate and all layers of both love is positive side of the emotion reactions and hate is negative side of the emotions. I see things that I do not understand and I see things I do understand because I can see with my eyes of spiritual understanding. We are different levers of understandings while one might see as a child others see as baby always crying because things do not go as they want. We must understand flesh things are not spiritual things we must see our self as what we are never good enough but be thankful we are alive and able to live spiritual because were once dead to spiritual things. I came to understand that I am weak for my strengths of my flesh but inner self me wise and powerful because its Christ in me. Otherwise the love I share with others is what me my power and the wisdom come by knowing who I am. I am what I am and I will be what I am I shall become the love in my heart. I see things fleshly but they are spiritual which I cannot see I can only see the reactions of things can never see. We are sum of our reactions otherwise we are sum of our love, joy, faith and so on. We are the things can be picture on a in the mind to painted, draw, or drawled with sound. As I see the truth in love I see Christ face to spiritual seed in the womb of me the Christ I will be the day of birth which the day I change. If I say I become Christ my friend are out of control but if I say become the same kind as Christ they seem to understand. Thank you with love of truth as I become like Christ in form only and a holy kiss from Roy.
  16. God/Serpent/Christ Have you face yourself or are you living a lie? 11-21-22-2011 As I think about myself I uncover more about myself than I care to share with you of this world of matter but not the only thing there is. Most people are not truthful about their inner feeling hiding their secretes in their inner self always hiding the things would set them free. What are you hiding from the world of matter about yourself will you ever tell because at your death everybody shall know? Do you put on the mask of shame like most of us do or are you full of pride where you believe you can do no wrong? Most Christians confess they can do no wrong but that also true for most atheists while we are humans of weakness more than we can count. We are all dieing from lack of truth sure we know that we will die someday but knowing is only part of it there understanding it and facing it or what next. How must do you understand are we dead when our flesh no longer is alive or is there life in decay or does the mind need the body to think? When does the dirt I am made of die or the second I have no breath life in me or the second I have no water in my body. No matter how dry dirt gets there always some percent of water in it. Just because we have not a way to measure the amount of water in grain of dust does not meant it not there but it also does mean it is. If water is one of basic elements it must be in every part of matter as they all must be. Just like unbelief must be a part of believe you cannot have one without the other in our world of matter the must be antimatter to have matter. To have a thought one must have anti-thought otherwise there is a positive and a negative on every thing and there must every elements in everything. No one said it has to be measurable to the eye or even larges telescope because there might not be a whole percent in a given measurement. There might need to be the 1 percent to the whole planet of dust otherwise the percent would be low we never see it. As I see myself in the mirror of truth I see the bad things I done against the good that I did a life of ups and downs. I once saw myself as a war hero fighting in my dreams O how foolish I was once I did how costly life was but I know the value of life. How many people saw as a movie star or war hero in their dreams. I call myself a Christian/Atheist because I want to tell the truth about me. That the truth is to me we try to do well but we do not always but I measure my life by good I wanted to against the bad I did. Life is the unbelief that I won over by believing the impossible and death is not wining over it. Thank you with love and a holy kiss Roy.
  17. God first thanks faith no more why? are you drunk? with love and a holy kiss Roy
  18. God/atheist/us I fear nothing but myself! 10-27-29-2011 I go thought life always about to end my life something will happen and I want to die because what happens to me in my life that brings reason my way. Get honest to me who does not have this felling in their life pain is a part we all must deal with? Life is full of ups and downs we all must deal with in our life. I been so down that I put no value to my life in the 80’s I once play Russian roulette with a 380 automatic pistol with all bullets in but my friend stop us and was going first. I always saw my life as no value to me I believe life has no value because life goes on. Some self-righteousness fools the Christian kind wanted to nail me to a cross to teach me a lesson. My Christian side is my belief in the improvable of life and my atheist side is my unbelief in the improvable of life so it means nothing to me. I choice to fight my unbelief with my believes in a God that I cannot prove the very things I work to move in my heart because that is the only place things can be proven. If we get truthful with life we battle against each day we walk on this earth whether, we believe in a God like I do or we do not. I had to asked myself do I want to life when I had the Stoke in 2008 because I might never have a life like I was having before again because I could not talk understandable right then. I know my aunt never recover e, from her Stoke but live a long life but I am talking again. That is some of my downs in my life that I had to deal with in my life but I recover all of them and I shall recover until I die. I walk in this world unsure of what tomorrow will bring me whether an up where I am glad or down were I feel like killing myself again. I must face what ever comes my way as Christ leads the path I travel. With Christ there is nothing I will not over come because will lead me to awake from my darkest hour. There only things I must deal with in my life but I can overcome any trouble that come in my path while I might have a hard time sometimes I will overcome. As we deal with everyday we walk on this earth we all have ups and downs even some will not tell the truth. Truth sets us free from all pain of our life but not facing the truth about us will kill us one day. God is truth to us only but God cannot be proven as real as God cannot be proven a lie because God is more than things proven and less than things that can be proven. Otherwise no man can prove there is a God and no man can prove there is not a God. It is more than our simple brains can image and less than our simple brains can image. So who cares I do in my simple mind I care about the things I cannot prove and the things that are more than I can figure out. Life has many mysteries in it like where I came from in the first place the dirt that makes up me what is basic of dirt otherwise what came first before there was dirt the image of dirt or dirt itself. You see questions can be unanswerable to us and answerable to us. If you ask yourself what is the value of life you will get answers from money to people to things more than can be named because everybody has their ideal of what life to them. To me life is always changing as I grow into understanding of what is to me at any given moment of time? Life is like God always changing to the image that I saw the time I saw life the more than the image and less than the image was. Now do not get wrong life is valuable to me but I make my own reasons to act or not act it is me that walks on this world and its me who cries when all things close on him. I have made up in the mind of my heart to believe in God and to try to overcome the unbelief that I battle to live. The biggest that I battle is we all die I am trying to make myself believe I will live on and death has no hold on me. I long for the day when I awake from this body of flesh image that will die to am image that cannot die death is nothing but a stage of life. Death is birth into a place of glory as we begin again with life that cannot die without pain of this world. A world of Love with endless love without sadness of any kind no more pain just life after life because God is the father of life. I no longer fear because I know I will overcome death because I battle my fears every moment that I breathe in this evil world. I look forward to the moment that I am not in this evil world because I have pass from death to a greater life than I had before the moment that I am more than I was. I am a flesh creature but I will be like God in the image of Christ himself a join heir of God creation. I am willing over my fears as Christ won over his that we hung Jesus on the cross to die for us but Christ got up from that death on the cross. Life is a gain and to die is a gain for God because in death we see God face to face we are born into life. My words seen vain but they are not they are the truth with love and a holy kiss from Roy.
  19. God first thanks waysider thanks my friend with love and a holy kiss from Roy
  20. God/atheist/us Jesus is BOTH God and MAN.........hence he is the GOAL of creation when the elohoim said "let us MAKE MAN in OUR image and likeness" who is the "US"? not the elohim, who simply created the whole heavens and earth by "LET THERE BE", simply they designed it through a PROGRAM that we are not aware of yet, but that will be revealed in the future when science finally succumbs to the realization that we are not "really" anything but a program projected outward: in other words what we see out there...........is really INSIDE OF OUR BRAIN...........the mountains and valleys and trees (nerve connectors) stars (the brain shield or atrocytes) its all within us we are playing the MOST wonderful and sad virtual reality game we will ever play, which is why the Bible says when we experience God, this "egoistic game" will END and we will all understand that we can't die but in the game, which is the ego, the BOX that we can't find our own way out of: the WORD frees us from it because it is a DIFFERENT PROGRAM we play to find our way out of the maze of this labyrinth called the brain: we are this little "worm" (light) in this huge maze and we wander around in it, but in truth, the earth is the brain and all the PROGRAM is programmed within it; this is why there is no SURE proof of anything because that would SPOIL the game so what is the purpose of the game? to MAKE us (mind) develop a HEART.......compassion if we don't find compassion, we failed in playing the game and the game is set up that anyone who really wants a heart will achieve one and anyone who simply finds it tasteless, not necessary, will not a man without a heart is not a man but a beast..........and not even a good beast.......but a reptillian, cold blooded beast; the viper is the will in the brain slithering around, trying to hide while marking its prey there is only ONE letter difference between "prey and PRAY" and only those who find the good part of their heart (and everyone has this good part but they have to DIG DEEP, will find it and find the PRAYER in it...........and this will RELEASE THEM from the game to where they are sitting and playing it............and understanding why they had to come this way Jesus is the BLUEPRINT of the GOAL of the game, the MAN in WHOM GOD DWELLS so then who is the "US" the elohim are talking to when they said "LET US" make Man in "OUR" image and likeness: I already showed they created everything (the whole program) with "LET THERE BE" so why now "US"? because they had to create everything else within the program (ALL NATURE) to use this NATURE and the elohim to make MAN this is why JESUS is both NATURE and God..........since the TRUE MAN is both those who are only nature do not know the creator of nature the creator (elohim) are the gods who created the program of nature and Jehovah elohim is the God of all gods, the LORD of all Lords, who has the ABILITY TO MAKE MAN why? because he himself descended within the CREATION..........to be BORN WITHIN IT, to FORM MAN and God together as ONE entity: this is why Jesus means 'salvation of Jehovah', who gave his life to be born through the creation he created to MAKE MAN understanding Jesus by y (Login Emeth777) here something you might enjoy thank you with love and a holy kiss from us and Roy
  21. http://singersongwriterelizabethedwards.com/
  22. http://singersongwriterelizabethedwards.com/
  23. year2027


    from Atheist board That video sent up a red flag for me big-time. I've learned from many years of seedy infomercials that whenever you see a commercial (in this case the video) set up with a fake host doing a fake interview throwing softball questions to be answered, that something is up. These infomercials usually try to sink their pitch in with constant repetition of a point, like in this video. At 0:47 when asking about what it costs to enter the course, he answers very carefully, "you enter with no fees". Then later says at 1:52, "we do collect money from ourselves, meaning, those who are in the wisdom of Kabbalah and understand that it can bring humanity goodness, then out of vara and love, out of our transformation from hatred, from all these battles between human beings, to a desire to help everyone, to love, then we collect each one as is capable of". Then when the "host" asks if he has a nice house or a nice car it is classic infomercial tactic. Why he would even ask that a question like that if they were not trying to persuade people to further a pitch is beyond me. Very tacky. Also, any infomercial/site/etc. that has a "testimonials" area is another big red flag to things being more than they seem. Like this one o kab.tv: KAB Testimonials This led me to want to check out their terms of service for the course, and found this: "3. Fees. You acknowledge that Bnei Baruch reserves the right to charge for any portion of the Bnei Baruch Services and to change its fees (if any) from time to time in its discretion. Bnei Baruch will notify you in advance if any such charges shall be applied to any of Bnei Baruch Services, and will not make any charge you don't know agree or consent to. If Bnei Baruch terminates your Membership because you have breached the Agreement, you shall not be entitled to the refund of any unused portion of fees or payments (if any)." Fees; not "you can pay if you want to, but you don't have to". A bit later in the terms of service, "In addition, you agree and acknowledge that Bnei Baruch may send messages including, but not limited to, notifications, special offers, promotions, commercial advertisements, and marketing materials, in connection with the Bnei Baruch Services." "The emails we send will include special offers, promotions, updates on services offered, invitations to join other promotional programs, and notification of upcoming events." Just some food for thought. I've tried to stay far away from the c-u-l-t word.
  24. http://www.becominggod.org
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