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Everything posted by templelady
I finally got to see "TPOC" this afternoon. I watched the whole thing (no ducking for the Worst scenes) I came away with a greater appreciation of just how great the sacrifice was. As for children seeing it-- NOt below the age of 14 15-16 If they have a good basic understanding not only of the gospels but the reality of roman society and it's mores. 17 on it's pretty much up to them. I noticed earlier in this thread someone questioned wether in fact the Sanhedrin would have been out the night before passover. Several weeks ago (and I guesss just recently) Discovery Channel ran a program about Caiphus as an historical figure Vis-Vis the Bible. To make a long story short Caiphus and a few of his select cronies in the Sanhedrin (probably the same bunch that assembled that night) HAd control of All the Money-changing, Sacrificial Animals, and several LArge ritual Mikvas (baths) What that meant is when you came to the Temple in Jerusalem (which was a big deal most people only made it there once a year if they didn't live in the city) YOu CHanged your money at an exchange favorale to the money changers, You paid for a ritual bath and You paid for your sacrifcial Animals. All Proceed went into Caiphus' and Compnays OWN POCKETS. Not the temple fund So when CHrist entered Jerusalem and Went to the temple with a whip and started overturning tables--It was Caiphus' livelihood he was messing with. And When Christ said "YOU have turned my Fathers house into a den of Theives...."" he wasn't speaking generically he was in fact thowing the gauntlet, so to speak, right in CAiphus face for all Jerusalem to hear. SOmething to think about MO (who Used to be Maure)
The exactness "factor" : a method of cult control
templelady replied to pjroberge's topic in About The Way
**MAure is standing on her purple velvet and jewel encrusted soapbox** TO persons that are remaining in TWI because their Spouse won't leave. I submit that: if you are miserable at least part of every week, If you can't share you heart openly and honestly with the person you married, If you feel like you are alone in your marriage, If you are going through the motions to fulfill what you perceive is your "duty" but joy and happiness is missing most of the time If you make decisions based on what others want and mandate disregarding your own wants and feelings on a consistant basis. IF even two of these are true ----YOU NO LONGER HAVE A FUNCTIONING MARRIAGE Not By Secular Standards NOR By Biblical Standards ( Reread Ephesians) YOU have two Choices:: YOu can continue to be Miserable--and therfore hinder your own growth--as well as not being terribly effective in helping others OR You can take the plunge--pick a quiet time sit and talk to your spouse about how you feel and then present concrete actions you intend to take if things are not rectified. THis is VERY hard and Very Scarey, and you feel like you are jumping off a cliff without a parachute. But you must ask yourself the question Is it better to stay on the cliff and continue to "Starve" or jump and get the chance to perhaps create a wonderful life THere are no blanket right answers. But think about it --- PLEASE--- **MAure leaving soapbox** MO (who Used to be Maure) -
Snow hit Ancorage yesterday--fine white flakes, We are on the verge of Melt temp so it turns slushy then freezes then we get more snow etc---supposed to go on through next week Good for the Iditarod races MO (who Used to be Maure)
Oh My you brought back memories CW. Remember when we had to clean S---- & P---- A--------'s place on the laKE?? Never seen such dirt--I was in the kitchen-- MO (who Used to be Maure)
Yes MIke I read the whole thing --I knew about Dr's last teaching--I was "in" when the whole SHeebang collapsed --I it took me and my family with it. Less is more Christ managed to get the essence of the entire Gospel across in the Sermon on the Mount It isn't the amount of Verbage that counts Words stand or fall on their own MO (who Used to be Maure)
Oh, I shouldn't have read this thread-- I think I need to avoid "MIke THreads" Not anything personal but my head is aching--Just Like It did when I had to listen in TWI. PAragraph after paragraph not really saying anything--YOu could distill the essence of it all into 20 lines. Obvously TWI means A Lot to you , MIke and that is great--But could you condense things just a little --PLease___ MO (who Used to be Maure)
THe great window washing --start your own business scam DOn't know where else it was --but the big thing here in Alaska was you didn't want to work for unbelievers so you were to start your own business washing outside windows or housepainting. HAd three or four guys quit their jobs--move to the Kenai and Start a windoww ashing business-- Remember they would go on and on about how they now had time to "move the Word"-- Then a year down the road hardly anyone acknowledged the great window washing company. By then I was in problem of my own. But I can assure you that you can't live in Alaska by just washing outside windows--7 months of the year there just isn't any work MO (who Used to be Maure)
Krill that's what they are--those things humpback whales live on. Put them in a saltwater aquarium sans predators and they breed until the water looks like a pink slushie--thats what the pet stores do. MO (who Used to be Maure)
the TWI directory of HOw to spot a "possessed" person 1 Person fails to attend every funtion 2. person fails to arrive ten minutes early-(which is actually --on time-- but they can't set the start time ten miunutes earlier because then you would have to be 20 minutes early to be --on time) 3. Person fails to leap to feet in presence of leadership 4. Person questions ANY comment that comes from leaderships mouth. 5, If female-fails to leap to do husabnds bidding 6. POinting out ---at any time-- that what is being said about what the Bible says in no way correlates to what appears in black in white print in the Bible. Any others ??? MO (who Used to be Maure)
I joined in 1982 And here in Alaska I found it to be pretty legalistic back then--Of course that could be because, I firmly believe looking back, that Alaska Was where they sent all the Leadership that was so Sociopathic that they were pretty much unpreedictable even by TWI standards MO (who Used to be Maure)
If you could ask TWI anything, and they had to answer...
templelady replied to IMF777's topic in About The Way
It's so nice to be back ((((((For all)))))) I'd also like to ask who gave the the right to judge their fellow believers MO (who Used to be Maure) -
DOn't know if TWI practiced witchcraft in the sense of meetings and rituals. But I know for a fact that here in Alaska the charge of Witchcraft was leveled at one believer and her family with malicious vengence. She was outspoken--more so than I was in those days- and they claimed she was responsible for a whole host of ills. When they couldn't silence her they sent her to differnet twigs. She ended up with her family living with my family. I thought she was there to control me--actually she was sent to my house so they could keep an eye on her. It was a cazy situation. What TWI did was cruel and heartless on many fronts. They eventually drove her and her family out of state. Witchcraft was a common allegation againt those who would not conform. THe same caliber of attack that in later years I hear thaat LCM achieved with his "homo" rants Mo (Who used to be Maure)
I'm sure that false accusations were made against TWI. THere are always people about who are willing to say things that they percieve to be to their own advantage the truth not withstanding. On the other hand there are so many allegations that are the truth with more coming to light each day. Which just proves that one can never take anything at face value. Making false accustation about TWI, or any other organizaion, just makes it easier for true problems to be swept under the rug Mo (who used to be Maure)
If you could ask TWI anything, and they had to answer...
templelady replied to IMF777's topic in About The Way
I'd ask them why they knowingly kept reposting a TWig Coordinater who was a pediopile? Mo (who used to be Maure)