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Everything posted by templelady
WAysurvivor GO back and read what I said About false memories. The issue some posters have with you isn't that you believe everything you write is the truth, rather that they believe you have false memories in some areas. And they need to understand that our memories are REAL. False or not once they become memories they are real to us. THerefore the person who has these memories suffers just the same as anyone else with such memories. I too find questionable some of the more Ritualistic parts of your memories--but based on what My family went through--I have no trouble beliving you were raped as you said--my daughter was 3 when it started.
Music Concerts: How Much Will You Pay?
templelady replied to Nottawayfer's topic in Movies, Music, Books, Art
Like everything else concerts here are vey expensive starting at 50-60 for"out behind the Planet pluto seats" and escalating from there to 150-175 At the "gee I can actually see facial features sets". However in Anchorage it is not illegal to sell your extra tickets outside the venue. I have a friend who when she wants to go to a concert gets there a half and hour before start. she has a twnety dollar bill--she inevitably finds the guy with the ticket for the girl who cancelled etc. Since tickets can't be refunded at the box office they are happy to at least recoup 20 on the deal and she gets some really great seating. I have not mastered to courage to do this -
Let's slow up a bit on the accusations of Lying Okay!??! Waysurvivor has some serious issues and I would like to throw a few points out for consideration. 1--being group raped in TWI happened (happened to my kids) 2 being forced into silence to keep secrets especially in a small child causes the child to try to block out, causes nightmares where things become exaggerated, causes fantasies where things come out differently and in children, where the line between fantasy and reality is thin to begin with, these things become False Memories. A lot of research has been done on this kind of thing in the last few years once a memory is in your brain the brain treats it as true. 3 Not all therapists are good- leading questions, suggestive comments etc expecially in formative years can again lead to false memories. So before we jump on the bandwagon and sat all this couldn't possibly have happened let us stop and reflect a seven year old, raped while Daddy stood by coupled with the scenarios I have laid out--even if what she remembers is false-- to her it is true because she remembers it that way. Scary stuff ANd scince says you can't will false memories away or erase them so at least let us accept the fact that while everything she says may not be true it is very true to her. And I for one, am willing to accept that this spiraling nightmare occurred because she was in fact raped at 7
***Mo grabbed the almost dead horse and drug him to water where he wouldn't drink, instead he preferred to read a small orange book as he died from dehydration. Then she realized that the whole exercise had been a waste of time, effort and typing skills**** Sorry MIke but that's how I Feel about your more inane commentary--sometimes I thought you did it just to annoy and that you did it just to see how much flak you could create--other times I thought you were clueless. Now I no longer care, I just wish you would stop maligning and limiting the scope and power of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
And the repercussions go on into the next generation. One of my sons is a parent, the state watched him extra closely in regards to his daughter because the abused so often abuse. In his case that isn't true, but he still has been put through the wringer a couple of times by zealous Social workers who fear he might. Such is the legacy of TWI
TReading all this stuff--wading through the he did/didn't (pick your topic) and reading the resposnse from Nr Lynn THe bottom line renmains unchanged A CAsper Mil"quetoast approach to the evils of the past--a I can't be botherd with your pain--it's all behind me now" attitude Happy for you JL Just dont want to be ya
Is God / The Word / Religion Spoiled for You Now?
templelady replied to ChasUFarley's topic in About The Way
Trevor, tithe is taught --I don't know about "drummed into" at least not in my little corner of the universe. And No one outside of the Bishopric and the Ward clerk ever see the contents of that envelope--much better deal that the collection plate where everyone --from the snoopy lady across the street to the milk carrier-- can note just how much you gice and how often,at least I think so Cheers -
Bad Pirate! Bad Pirate! ROFLMAO
Raf, I value your viewpoints and I value you as an internet buddy but you and I diagree here the entire quote was JL clearly states that viewing your self as a victim is and goes on to say He is clearly referring to the past and wants usto Look at TWI in a more "POSITIVE" manner. NOw just exactly how are my three kids, the oldest being ten when the involvement with TWI ended, supposed to view FIVE YEARS OF SEXUAL ABUSE by their father/stepfather and the TWig Coordinator in a "POsitive Manner"?!?!?!?
Hi (((((((((Jeff)))))))))))) I'm glad you are happy in your choices you were one of the first friends I made on the Old WD site. Have to be h9nest here and say I didn't read all the responses because one line of JL's letter stuck in my craw "I can agree that your attitude after the fact makes the difference in whether you grow or wallow in self pity and I can agree you need to grow But what I cannot accept --will never accept is that children "chose to be victims" Abuse never goes away by relegating it to the past behind a locked door. When I can hear rom JL and Company ""In regard to your involvement in The Way , you may have been a victim of abuse in some form or another..and we wish to help you overcome that horrendous phase in your life " I might listen to some of what they say BUt as long as they keep putting victims, even partially, in the position of somehow being responsible for the victimizer's actions we have nothing to talk about
Is God / The Word / Religion Spoiled for You Now?
templelady replied to ChasUFarley's topic in About The Way
GOd and Jesus Christ were my anchor before TWI and have remained so--B Ut I am leary of Preachers who claim to have my interest s at heart whose plea everyother week is for more money--(if it's a TV ministry make that 10+ times a day). LIke the LDS church for that-don't have preachers per se and what you give is your business-no offering plates so everyone can quess you level of sprituality -
I have friends and Family who periodically say to me "Mo, WHAT are you thinking?!?" or similar--but they know me very well and it is not so much I'm right and you're wrong ideology as a "Mo, you're going to regret this decision" kind of thing, and often they are right and often they change their minds after I explain my reasoning. THis is not REPROOF at least not in the TWI sense Reproof in TWI was akin to "I'm a total mess and so to make myself feel better I have to Jump all over you" Sometimes it was good correction but I'd make that a 98% vs 2% - 2%being the correct kind of reproof
I'm back From Washington State Fun things I did POint Defiance Zoo Tacoma Westport on Grays Harbor for beach combing and sand castles Exploring the Freightliner co-op in Tacoma GOing to Cat Tales Zoo in Spokane GOing to the BOwl and Pitcher in Spokane And of course time with family and friends So what have the rest of you been doing for Vacation or long weekends? Here in ANchorage we are into our 6th week of 75-85 degree temps, The hottest summer in a very long time (humidity in the (90's)
I think the pertinent question here is, WHY are they teaching that sex outside of marriage is Wrong? Is it because that is the correct biblical position OR Is it because they have had to shell out so much $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$? If it is the former more power to them-- but I sadly fear that it is the latter and this is more a face saving mechanism than any turning to Godliness. -- On the bright side -- Whichever it is, the rank and file will, for the most part, take the message to heart and so improve their own spritual walk
An angry open letter to my former "leadership"
templelady replied to Digger's topic in About The Way
((((((((Digger)))))))))) THe pain of what they did to our loved ones is the worst of all Praying That you find healing and peace -
I sing my ode of Thee to The The The of great renown I sing my ode of Thee to The So The can get a crown!!
The Way International Ministries sues TWI today
templelady replied to pjroberge's topic in About The Way
THis gets more ridiculous by the moment- Sorry PAt, but when I think of the THOusands of Dollars being spent arguing over who if anyone has the rights to "The WAY" I see red. I mean there are so much more exciting things to do in life than quibble over such a petty detail. Yes, Yes, I know, The Devil is in the details, and He seems to be working overtime in Ohio and Illinois. -
The "Waterless Springs" of 2 Peter 2 -- Hey, I know them!
templelady replied to Juan Cruz's topic in About The Way
OM When He taught that Adultry was okay to bless the MOG--- he was a false teacher When he taught that parents were responsible for their children's deaths through negative believing--he was a false teacher He said that the US would be destroyed by secret societies --False Prophecy NO one has Ever said that Everything he taught was false--but that doesn't make everything he taught was true much as you keep trying to force that ideology here at GS He doesn't have too--you who so adamantly defend and whitewash his actions do it so very well for him. SO we have a catch 22 he can't say " I was Wrong and I'm sorry for the hurt I caused" and you defenders won't say "" He was Wrong and I'm sorry for the hurt he caused" Because then you'd have to admit that your MOg was a tarnished and flawed human just like the rest of us--except he had a lot more power that he used to abuse with. GS Fantasy-- someday a TWIer will appear and Say "we understand why you at GS are so hurt and angry--What leadership did in many cases was so very evil and wrong--and although the person who started it was wrong in so many areas, and it was perpetuated--we want you to know we are sorry for the pain. We still believe the Teachings of TWI but no longer rejoice in your hurt as something you deserve" SOMEDAY--But not Today , mores the pity. -
Self Fulfilling prophecy--If you boot all the sick, the overweight, the depressed, etc then you can show how healthy and perfect the ministry is--no doubts-everyone healthy-everyone in agreement......... No oher church would even consider making these claims
The "Waterless Springs" of 2 Peter 2 -- Hey, I know them!
templelady replied to Juan Cruz's topic in About The Way
OM, You and Mike Have a talent for putting wotds in other peoples mouths and I wish you both would stop it!! Just because many of us hate what was done in TWI, hate what VPW and LCM etal did--DOES NOT mean that we hate them as human beings!!! , SOme MAy-- but I, and I expect many others, Have asked GOd to forgive. Part of Being Christian means Forgiving others the wrong they do you--Forgiving the wrong they do doesn't mean the wrong never existed. If the party continues to do wrong, or refuses to admit wrong and continues to hurt others, you have a moral obligation to alert the unwary unwary or unknowing what is happening as well as providing comfort to your injured brothers and sisters. PLease in the future keep your apples (people) and your oranges (their actions) separate -
SAtan's greatest weapon--our children I feel for you Mr Moonlight from the bottom of my heart. I see my fellow GSer's have put the pot on and pured the coffee--Here is a nice comfortable Rocker - in front of the stream flowing by the window in the sunshine sit back, relax and welcome.
I'll answer why I post here-- FOr Me TWI was a severely abusive experience-- It took me clear to the bottom -destroyed my world and left me indifferent to life as a whole--It took almost 7 years before I STARTED TO CLIMB BACK and even then the doubts, and confusion and self condemnation were still there. I found the old Waydale by accident one day while surfing the net. I read for a week--floored that so many understood so much of my life--I posted there and later Greasespot for over 3 years. Then much healed I struck out into my new life -- BUt I found I missed the people here--They had become friends --a group I could come to and they would understand without being told- the circumstances of my life for that tumultuous 14 years. So I post because this above all for me is a healing place and A place where , hopefully, I can help heal
YOu might bein a cult... if the words "you'll be so blessed" make you die a little inside if the words "hot Bible" conjure up somthing other than a bible on a griddle!
IF you spend your time trying to convince yourself that spears are really javelins and Helmets are reaaly laurel leaf crowns You might be in a cult