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Everything posted by templelady
No White Dove I am not tqalking about the people who were fooled. I am talking about the people who like Allen continue to try to get people to believe that a bad tree can bear good fruit. TWI is rotten to the core any goodness that came from TWI, the good people who were in TWI did not become good because of TWI they were good before TWI and TWI simply failed to destroy that goodness. Failure to destroy goodness is not the same as creating goodness.
Because said b.....d only had to serve 5 years under Alaska Law. Then TWI stepped in and Took him under their wing and Shipped him to Ohio where,(there is another thread in the archives somewhere) he caused a wholw new Set of problems for the believers there. THe point is that he had no remorse, has never shown remorse, and his wife has no remorse other than the remorse for their little world getting turned upside down. I'm sorry but this has had me running to the facilities all day as waves of nausea sweep over me. Like CW this has brought back memories and wretched open doors that I thought were securely sealed. He is out there somewhere the fact he hasn't registered shows there is no repentence he is even as I type out there lurking...... Sorry I have to stop before I lose it all together
Allen and all those of you ilk, THree weeks ago today my mother died, on that following Saturday one of my sons came and conducted her memorial service. He stated that he was sorry because he never got to know his grandmother before her mind failed. He didn't get to know her because he was removed from my custody after Richard Lee Urquhart TWig Coordinator and my then husband, with the blessings of TWI, molested and abused and twisted doctrine to make him a sex toy. My second son lives in a trailer with nine other people, with no hot water and no electricity he and his clothes are filthy he has no self esteem, seldom works and doesn't care because he was removed from my custody after Richard Lee Urquhart TWig Coordinator and my then husband, with the blessings of TWI, molested and abused and twisted doctrine to make him a sex toy. I have a daughter whose boyfriend held a gun to her head and threatened to kill her. He's in jail but she's dropping charges because she "loves him" She and I have not spoken since she was 7 because she was removed from my custody after Richard Lee Urquhart TWig Coordinator and my then husband, with the blessings of TWI, molested and abused and twisted doctrine to make of her a sex toy while letting her know that as a female she had no right to expect any thing betterin life The Bible says that you will know them by their fruit It further states that a good tree cannot bear bad fruit Richard Lee Urquhart and My ex-husband are merely some of the Fruit of TWI GOT THE PICTURE!!!!!!??????
I JUst gao nabck last week CW just told me anbout this thread Richard Lee Urquhart is the man who molested my children along with my husband SD. His wife's name is Sharon. She is confined to a wheelchair. If TWI, who ex communcated them in the purge of 1994 has let them back in, you innies need to be gathering your children and running like h**ll He is an admitted homosexual who preyed mainly on little boys. His MO was to invite them over for a fun night and show them videos while explaining that BOY/man love was a normal and natural thing. Like most sexual predators he was an expert at selecting children whoise parents worked long hours etc. and so craved the attention. THis is a well educated, soft spoken , well dressed white male. He can blnd welll into any situation. His wife has full knowledge of his activities and turned a blind eye/ and continued to support him after the truth was known. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE if you know where he is turn him into authorities . Lost known he was linving in Clevel;and but has probably relocated.
on Monday July 25 I found out I had a half sister I knew nothing about on Saturday July 30 I received a call from Spokane telling me that my mother has lost circulation in her right leg and they wanted to amputate. Given the long term state of my mothers health I refused and she passed away on 1 August On the 2nd I flew to Spokane ON the 3rd I contacted my sister My son who I have not seen in 6 years is arriving tommorrow The memorial is Saturday My sister arrives Monday I have not abandoned you but My plate is kind of full CW if you are reading this I'll be back in Anchorage on the 13th Please do not feel sorry for me My mother is finally free this is a time of rejoicing that her misery has ended. I write merely to let you all know I am still out here. All of you Take care Love Mo
offshoots.... splinters..... what have you....
templelady replied to excathedra's topic in About The Way
Whether or not you join an offshoot depends largely on whether you believe 1) the underlying doctrine of TWI is correct 2) you can fix the problems in TWi by breaking away from the parent organization. FOr moi , No way No how, I want To yank TWI out Twig, Branch, Trunk and root and salt the earth so it will never grow back. TWI doctrine IMO is seriously flawed. Does that mean I dislike the people who go the offshoots , Absolutely not, It's just we have a serious disagreement about TWi doctrine etal. But that tis the luxury of Leaving TWI ---disagreements are okay. -
It's the "sock on the Mantel" syndrome. You come home from work and notice a sock on the mantel and Think" i'll put that away as soon as I change out of these clothes and have a shower.. and then you get tied up with dinner. You come home the next day and see the sock and think" Darn got to remember to pick that up" and head to the kitchen for a glass of water where your 10 year old proceeds to tell you about their day. You come home the third day and think" Something is out of kilter" as you pass the fireplace. then put it out of your mind as you and your hubby start plannng the weekend. SOmetime later some friends come over and notice the sock on the mantel but are too polite to say anything. Day after day the sock sits there because now it is no longer a sock on the mantel but a part of the mantel. This is what TWI has done to old innies brains the out of place and Abnormal, the illicite and despicable are part of hte whole. SO wound into the self that the "sock " is no longer a sock. Right actions have become invisible and the invisible cannot and will nt be dealt with. It is only by luck or a huge effort that he "sock" can be seen for what it is . And sad to say, at this point most lack the will to make the effort.
Nope Integrety was in real short supply In fact just plain common decency. Wife swapping, pedoiophilia, just to name a few of the more life destroying predilictions here in Anchorage. Am old there were some godd WC in other parts of the State--could be--but here in Anchoarage it was really scary.
Pralines & Cream by BAskin and Robbins And Safeway here in Alaska has something called Mooses Tracks, Itty Bitty peanut butter cups in vanilla with big swirls of dark chocolate I mean real chunks of chocolate folks. Fotunately I just happen to have a half gallon in the freezer........... As for rice pudding YOu boil up some rice then mix it with half & half or whipping cream, raisins, sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg ( no I don't have measuements ya just mix And Taste until you're happy :D-->) then you bake it in the oven for hour at 350 consume at will
I think Anchorage Alaska was the dumping ground for many of the WC rejects. They were WC but, for what ever reason it was clear they would have lasted 2 seconds in a larger area. But, there were a few gems in the Mix, M**E S***H and his wife, M***Y, K***Y B***D and her husband and a few others. Really sweet loving people. I noticed that they were the work horses, the ones who were expected to get things done while the rest of the godlets walked around pontificating and sneering at the rest of us. But these people I just mentioned and afew others were the most loving people you could wish for--true servants of GOD who tried mightly to keep the train on track.
Unconventional Marriage-- at least according to The Way
templelady replied to Catcup's topic in About The Way
HAving tried twice at "conventional" marriage {because believe me when I tell you that there isn't an iota of difference between Free Methodism's idea of A "good Marriage" and TWI's definition of same} and ended up battered and bruised, emotionally , spritually and physically I can tell you that belief System etal is a crock, no matter which denomination is spouting it. Now that I am seriously considering that I might be ready to and least stick my foot into the pool again I have some really good marriages to look upto. 1) they have two married couples who they've known for years as mutual friends, otherwise their circles are pretty much separate althought they do both enjoy creative hobbies but not in the same arena. Married 39 years and the first thing they do when they get home is hug and kiss, often times caught playing kissy face in the kitchen when they think no one is looking 2) She's active in her church , He's agnostic, but their blended family is happy. He is often seen at her church helping out because it is important to her. MArried 8 years 3) Totally different Interests and hobbies, loved each other to pieces. married 70 Years and even 10 years after his passing my grandmother would say "the finest man who ever wore shoe leather" She lived to 105 alert and healthy until the last two months. My grandmother was nobody's doormate and neither was he "conventional" TO ME means Two heterosexual persons in a monagamous relationship recorded on paper --aftet that it is the couple involved who makes the rules -
Sex is like a finger in the ear unless you don't know where the fingers been.... Er Sex is like a finger in the ear unless you DO knoew where the fingers been... There once was a finger named Digit Who plunged in a hole deep and dark "I say" he remarked "That was quite a lark" For a finger who likes to fidget
All twi's 'studying'...and nothing left but shame
templelady replied to CoolWaters's topic in About The Way
Shame--Don't know about that CW, more like out right Ice Cold Fury folowed by Boiling Rage. As to the legalistic Twaddle --that drove me nuts since my brain tends to go "numb" when faced with total illogic--spent a lot of time "numb" THe one thing that I do have to thank TWI for............ Is the fact that constantly having to defend myself, constantly being called on to pray or SIT (it the hopes I'd Mess up) Etc. Eventually left me at the point where I really was no longer afraid of speaking in front of a group. I Have found that to be very useful in the years since. -
Theories on Victor Paul Wierwille’s Spirituallity
templelady replied to sirguessalot's topic in About The Way
Allen Dear, THe whole point of GSC is that having left TWI we GET THE FREEDOM to bring "in-grained beliefs" here. OUr belief systems and if part of your system is to believe in the TRinity so be it. THe whole pont of GSC is that it can accommodate anyone!! Sanity, being subjective, isn't the issue--Freedom of Expression is. As I read your post, MY impression is that you wish to impose your own view on the rest of us--maybe you don't really intend that --but once you decide what is or is not appropriate for others to believe you are on the slippery slope tWI all over again. It took some of us a lot of seeking to find our spritual home. Mine is the LDS church but I went through the Salvation Army, Free Methodists, United Methodists, Nazarine, Congregational , Assemby of God, Lutheran, Presbyterian, TWI and a few others along the way to get here. SO you see it is possibole to EX-TWI and a host of Other EX's as well -
"So you'll have gifts to give to the King" Sorry CW I just don't see that from scripture. We get crowns for our deeds here on earth but I BELIEVE that the catch is Those CROWNS cannot be worked for here on earth. If your goals are orientated toward "Getting a crown" you probably won't, in my estimation. I think that the ones who get crowns will be the ones who just keep doing the Right thing because it's the right thing and never even make the connection of "I'm workin for my crown". Scripture does clearly say that whoever helps the stranger, gives water to the thirsty, clothes the naked etc, have in fact clothed, aided and slaked the thirst of Christ. By the time you get in Front of GOD it's a tad late to be thinking of gifts to give-- that should have been done here on earth. Just my Opinion though
I love my CHurch I really do happier than I've ever been--But if you sing in the LDS church you have someone acting as chorister (person who waves their hands) no matter the setting just the way it is-- But of course no one gets in trouble for being off tempo out of key or just plain not knowing all the words. WE just blithly sing on
Prayer is more submissive you in relationship tp a Higher power--Talkling is just talking to GOD and Jesus just as you would to anyone else. I talk alot but I pray alot too not onl;y asking for things by thanking GOD for the many blessing in my life. And No you don't pray to Jesus You pray to God in Jesus' name
And they think the Word is over the World??? THe Salvation Army, The LDS church , PTL and numerous other Evangilistic organizations are having a good laugh over that one. THe Islamic Coutries, much of Asia and South America Are Still "Closed" either the political atmosphere, or the remoteness of the area just don't allow MIssionary work to be done in those places. Large as the LDS church is with it's small army of Missionaries, Salvation Army Missionaries and many other denopminations missionary efforts in the field at all times-- we still have a long way to go. In my building where I live there are people who have never gone to church, never heard the gospel and that is right here in the good old USA of A All I can suppose is that LCM had made sure that all that we still left in "the HOusehold" had heard the "word" and since the rest of are greasespots that pretty much takes care of everything.
FAith is knowing that GOD is the Father and Jesus Christ is our Sviour. FAith is knowing That whatever Comes our way GOD and Christ and THe Holy Ghost will be there to sustain and support us even when it seems that it cannot be borne. Faith is knowing that GOd greatest desire is that we spend eternity with Him Faith is knowing that even thought we fall short Christ's atonement will cover us. Eternal life is not a "GIMME" just because we "accept CHrist" and then do nothing-- We must be follwers and emulators of Christ We must work for a living --we must live moral lives--we must care for those less fortunate- we must be the best spouses and parents we can be etc WITHIN OUR LIMITATIONS. Will thse works get us, who have the truth of the gospel into heaven, on their own merits? No But faith without works is dead. For the fruit of the spirit is love, peace, joy, longsuffering....... HOw else can we display that this fruit is present and actrive in our lives if not through works?? And the result of this is we put our trust and lives in God's hands knowing that if the answer to our requests is no or not exactly what we expected it is becuase the answer is part of a larger and greater plan GOd in His wisdom has for us.
Theories on Victor Paul Wierwille’s Spirituallity
templelady replied to sirguessalot's topic in About The Way
FIrst and formost I abhore TWI and what it stands for, for all the pain it caused, for all the suffering it engendered, for it's lack of even a modicum of repentance for it's actions-rather seeking to excuse, deflect and deny it's own accountability. I agree with Rascal we are to avoid those who's "fruit" on this earthly plane is so obviously lacking. That is because being exposed to such "negatives" (to use TWI's own parlance against them) can destroy those around them. When I thing of TWI I think of the parable of the Sower and the seeds. Did the truth of God never reach VPW at all like the seeds snatched away by the birds?? I don't think so Did VPWS have a testimony of the truth of the gospel but like the seeds in rocky ground when the trials come did it wither and dry? I Don't think so I am convinced that VPW knew the truth Were the seeds in his life choked out by the brambles and thorns? This epitomizes VPW ni my mind --Money, power, adulation eventually choking out the truth he knew in favor of laws which could gain him more of the earthly things he delighted in. Seeds on good ground--Not that was evidenced to those clutched in the web of TWI however, Who can say that not a few seeds did multiply? Many of us are proof that having survived TWI we did repent and turn again to the ways of GOD. LAst but definitely not least is the fact that I nor any of us truly see as GOD sees. DId VPW repent and call out to GOD on his deathbed--NONE OF US KNOWS FOR SURE. Much less do we know what GOD"S final judgement will be that's why he is GOD and not us. But for the sake of these forums we need to remember that this is a place of healing and rconciliation for all who were damaged by TWI and to disregard the damage by TWI etal, including VPW and LCM negates the purpose of it's existence -
If you read this thread, you will get possessed!
templelady replied to satori001's topic in About The Way
US possessed little lambs Have found our way Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! THe joys of possession -
I don't know about LDS overall financials but I do know where my contributions go and what for. My tithe (10% here not 12 not 15 just 10) goes directly to Salt Lake. From those funds Salt Lake pays for everything the chapels the temples the furniture the supplies etc. Also everyone who works for the church the bishops, counselors, presidents of the various organizations, etc are unpaid--that's right we do it for free. The exceptions being the First Presidency and the top level Quorums whose work for the church takes up all their time so they have no ime for a private sector job. THE fast offering (equal to the cost of two meals-though most of us donate more) stays with your ward. That is the churches "welfare" system--it gives food, clothing, makes rent payments, electric payments, hospital bills and any other thing you can think of for poeople who are down on their luck. You can either reimburse when you are on your feet but many who are able bodied choose to do work to offset--such as mowing the grass, sweeping floors, heklping with a building project. LDS are big on self sufficiency and self relience. If because of health or other reasons you are unable to offset by labor etc. then the ward just absorbs the cost These are the two major contributions you can also contribute to other funds such as perpetual education, missionary--but these are designated funds and you set the amount if any. THe Church also has several business ventures and they do provide income figures etc for these I have seen them.
A Fresh Supply/Recuiting for PFAL/TWI
templelady replied to TheSongRemainsTheSame's topic in About The Way
As LDS Ican tell you that afer being taken aback the next time they'd just send Missionary Sisters LOL -
**templelady appears from her alternate universe to say hi and add her several dollaRS Worth OF Cents" NOt just finances BUt any question about how or why something was done or "not done" elicited the same response. "lack of Believing" Succumbing to the Wiles of the Adversary" Negative Thinking" "your just a babe not ready for the Maet of the Word" I look back and find it amazing that I would not have rented an apartment from a landloard who refused to answer my questions, I would not have bought a car/merchandise from a retailer who didn't answer my questions. I would not have worked foran employer who routinely treated me in such a cavalier fashion. But I was willing to entrust my marriage, my children, myself and our spritual and emotional welfare to people who regularly spouted this verbal diahrrea at every turn. The pain, the anquish, we all paid for my stupidity still haunts me to this day.