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Everything posted by templelady

  1. THe issue of "survival" hunting in Alaska is frought with political fire in Alaska THe NAtives of Alaska Yupik and Inuit Eskimos, and Various Indian tribes are covered by the Alaska Native Settlement Act. which grants them certain rights--rights different that the rights of Native Americans in the lower 49 stats since the act did not give them tribal status (something they are fighting in federal court, yet again, as I type) The Federal Government says that Survival hunting has to be equally applied. This has led to more arguments about , who, what , where when then I care to even think about The Katie Johns Case http://www.law2.byu.edu/jpl/volumes/vol15_no2/Peelfinal.PDF revolved around this issue So we have the natives, the state, the feds, and the rest of the state each with their own factions and factions within factions politics in Alaska is sooo much FUN!!
  2. We are not told to venerate Joseph Smith or any prophet ahead of GOD. We are taught that we are not to take at face value anything a Prophet says without holding it up to the light of Scripture and praying about it. The story of Brigham Young saying the moon was made of cheese and men in Top hats lived there has been taken out of context many times. What Brigham Young in fact said after he made that pronouncement was "go home and pray about what I just said". the next day President Young asked the same group "how many believe what I said yesterday" and everyone but one man raised his hand. Brigham Young then asked "how many went home and prayed about what I said" and the man who had not raised his hand before was the only one to raise it in response to this question. Prtesident Young went on to point out how this example should have made clear to everyone and That GOd was the final authority as to truth. In order to accept the LDS faith you have to believe that Joseph Smith did in fact find the plates and translate them, that he was in fact a prophet called of GOD. I studied the LDS church on and off for 34 years before joining. The turning point for me was Doctrine & Covenants Section 87 (Doctrine and Covenants is a series of revelations given to President/Prophets of the Church starting in Sept of 1823 to June of 1978) In D&C 87 GOd makes the following revelations to Joseph Smith the then President/Prophet of the LDS church South Carolina will Rebel against the United States THe result of this will be a war that will cost many lives The Southern States will unite against the Northern States in this war Great Britain will side with the South Slaves will rise up againt their masters at this time European Wars to follow [Karl MArx's therories gain hold in Europe and Russia] Joseph Smith died in October of 1844, sixteen years befor the Civil War. This prophecy was given to him on Dec 25, 1832, Twenty Eight years before the Civil War--clearly only GOd could have revealed it to him. Polygamy was not, as many suppose, a willy nilly free for all of sexual gluttony. Very few Men were called by God to practice it ( these callings were confirmed by the Aposltles and Presidency of the church) It provided for women who were widows or women who were in areas with few husbands available in an era where a woman alone would be in dire straits. A man who had more that one wife had to provide each with her own residence, each wife was to have an equal amount of material goods, and her husbands time and devotion. Men who failed to live up to this were disciplined. To claim a relationship with the polygamists of today (despite what they say) and the LDS church has as much validity as claiming the Baptists are responsible for white supremists. Neither group can be held accoutable for those who would twist doctine to their own purposes. THe Curse of CAin doctrine (regarding black people) promulgated by President Brigham Young was in my opinion, and the opinion of many others, wrong (see above about believing everything that comes out of a prophets mouth) There is a really excellent web site that explains far better than I could about the LDS church Vis-a vis Black members. http://www.angelfire.com/mo2/blackmormon/homepage.html As for racism in the church The LDS are no worse or better that the Southern Baptist Convention and many other Churchs that held racist views about black americans This has been a lenghty post--please understand I am answering a question from my personal viewpoint. This post is not to convince anyone of the "Rightness" of my position nor do I wish anyone to try and convert me to the "rightness" of theirs. Thank You :)-->
  3. People outside the LDS church often view it as controlling. But you have the right in the LDS church to look at your, bishop, your stake president, your organization president and SAY "NO". you can say "I disagree", you can say "I've prayed about it and I have been told NOt to do it" And even tho they as individuals may not be happy with your decision--no one is going to come to your house and yell at you (and if they do , someone higher up will put an end to that nonsense), no one is going to threaten you with death from GOd's hand etc. YOu can be excommunicated for Adultry, alcoholism, criminal activity etc but that has to be proven--really proven not just someones gossip. Catcup is right--its part of the abuse cycle--if you are in fear you pass the fear along
  4. Oh Alaskans keep doing those things on our list of "No-No's" (except ANWR :(--> ) It's just we get chastised on a regular basis--It's not the Daily News unless we publish on a regular basis letters from Florida, Minnesota, Tennessee etc about how ashamed we should be for for doing (insert your favorite here)
  5. We were promised the "Abundant life" "more than abundantly" the Bible says Looking back, I wonder why they didn't ever put out a book of testimonies you know MAggie Muggins on how her life is more than abundant In my church the first Sunday of the month is testimony meeting--people who want to share get up and tell the things that God has done for them. And I don't mean the canned responses TWI was so fond of "it taught me the greatness of the word" "it taught me the keys to biblical research" I mean things like How God helped them this last month through a lose of a job. How GOd mended fences with an angry child. And this brings me to another point I just noticed-- in my church the glory is given to GOd and his son Jesus Christ--In TWI The Glory was to go to TWI and "our father in the word" -->
  6. Don't have a lot of space so don't have all the food storage the Mormon church recommends But do have an emergency kit with A gallon propalyne water bag water purification tablets A flashlight with it's own copper coil battery inside (you shake it to recharge it) A flint & steel with a bar of magnesium for fire starting (magnesium burns in water so you can start even wet tinder) 15 day supply of compressed emergency food rations - (little bricks about 2" by 3" that in addition to providing hte necessary calories and nurtrients do not make you thirsty.) A saw Medication CAt food getting space blankets this week
  7. If you're Alaskan you get used to the rest of the country telling us how we should run our state Dog mushing (NO) Wolf hunting (NO) Mining (NO) ANWR and petroleum developement (NO) Logging (NO) Fishing (NO) HAving an elephant in our zoo (NO) BUt this morning was the final straw. We are now being told we are responsible for New Orleans flooding. That's right, since Alaska's Congressional team managed to get funding for roads and bridges for our state -that supposedly meant New Orleans couldn't have funds to repair their levees. Never mind that they've known for at least 20 years that the levees they had weren't up to the job. Never mind that they didn't get the appropriations in prior years either. When in doubt, Blame it on Alaska :(-->
  8. Karl Kahlers book finished openings the locked doors for me. I had nightmares for a week as all the suppressed memories came flooding back. Then I cried for 2 weeks while practically living on the old Waydale site. Finally I had the proof that I wasn't crazy it was TWI that was.
  9. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day SAints elsewise known as Mormon. Have a fantastic ward with the loving caring body of people it has efer been my privilege to know
  10. Yes sirree FOlks we have a winner!!! dmiller won our "guess the words contest Congratulations dmiller YOu now get a 10 point credit which earns you one of the following prizes : 2 lbs of kindling and a green book of matches to celebrate your very own "Uncle HArry" day or one 10 oz ball of cotton string and a genuine 6" plastic ruler so you can make sure your furniture is in perfect alignment Please select your free prize and remit $ 199.00 for postage and handling Your prize will be sent by slow boat via china COngratulations once again dmiller for winning our contest
  11. VPW:(-->dressed in his suit) It's the greatness of the word! the greatness of the word! SWEET YOUNG THING: (gazing at VPW adoringly) And you mean All these books come with our special viewer deal! VPW: that's right, I wrote these myself after GOd showed me the greatness of his word SYT: So all our viewers today have to do is call our special toll free number [10.99 after the first 30 seconds] 1-800-244-7226 [figure out the words this Spells for extra points] and register today.....
  12. Oldies, Gordon B Hinckley the Prophet, Seer, and Revelator for Our time ( Yes I believe this and NO I'm not getting into a discussion about Why I do ) has called for aid to be given. If GOD had something to say to President Hinkley concerning the wherefores and why as's of this situation President HInckley would have shared said revelation with us. Since no revelation has been forthcoming It is clear that GOD has not spoken on this issue. Therefore all LDS I know attribute this to just part of the end times spoken of in the BIble as opposed to a direct attack on New Orleans for specific sins. Our function as followers of Christ is to provide aid, succor and support to our afflicted brethren in accordence with God's word, to feed, clothe, and shelter, the poor, the sick, the widow and the orphan
  13. {{{{{{Bikerbabe}}}}}} That was the thought that hit me after the kids were gone. It's stayed with me to this day- there are days I honestly feel that losing my kids was the punishment I had to pay for killing "David" And {{{{{{{{Rascal}}}}}}} We won't have to say we are sorry because our little ones have been with Heavenly Father this entire time and know what unconditional love and forgiveness means better than we do Our reunion with them will be one of the blessings we will have.
  14. I had an abortion. NOt becase of TWI but when I was in college. I got drunk, and I woke up the next morning in a friends bed. He looked at me and I looked at him and we both just cringed. When we found out that I was pregnant--we decided that Abortion was the best idea. For purely selfish reasons I might add (although I in NO WAY assume or think that the abortions others underwent were for selfish reasons I merely am stating my bit of history here.) I know in my heart of hearts it was a boy In my mind I call him DAvid he would have been 33 this past month (August) I ache inside for the loss of him I know that he waits with Heavenly FAther for me to arrive I know that there will be a reunion Still even though I know this to be true, the loss still dwells inside OM your cavalier dismissal of these women's pain ill becomes you
  15. LDS members are also being encouraged to donate to our humanitarian fund and dsignate said donations as for KAtrina
  16. THe dynamics of an abusive relationship Unexplained injuries Fear of partner/group Partner/group checks up on you Verbal abuse by the partner/group, such as name-calling and demeaning comments Giving up things that are important such as, work school, friends, time with family, activities, and other interests apologizes for partner's/group's behavior Partner/group abuses other people, animals, or things You Change in appearance or behavior or your partner/group does You and your partner/group spend most of your time together If it walks like a duck...
  17. !. I like fried onions with my peanut butter 2. My cat shares my twinkies 3. Pet peeve is people who stand in doorways to talk to other people 4. I forget what my original hair color was 5. I have ugly toes 6. i smoosh the snails on the sides of my fishtank 7. I don't wear socks 8. I love sushi 9. I like walking in water 10. I sleep with 4 pillows
  18. And I thought my nightmare was bad-- I guess it shows too things 1) someone somewhere has it worse than you 2) TWI is a bottomless pit of depravity
  19. RENEW YOUR MIND????? I can't renew my mind to the point that I have copmpletely gotten over 3 senior proms, 3 junior proms, 3 first dates, 39 birthdays, 18 Christmas', Thanksgivings, 4 th of July's, Easter and other assorted holidays that I missed and my kids are still alive. To know that there is no hope of ever regaining what was lost on this earthly plane and then to have even the smallest shred of comfort/memory removed by a bunch of ^&*(&^*&%^&$$%$&^*^(*&( is beyond anything I ever comprehended :(-->
  20. It rains on the Just and unjust alike also earthquakes cyclones tornados floods hurricanes volcanos wind storms blizzards ice storms and any other natural disaster you can think of I remember watching a show several years back on one of the learning channels about New Orleans Vis A Vis Lake Pontchitrain [sic] levees, and the Mississippi. THey knew then they were in trouble and were reinforcing as fast as they could. THere are no really safe places including COlorado --Because if Yellowstone goes Colorado will be right behind. Just part of life on this world --old things pass away or changee to make way for new things--no matter how adept we become in predicting what will happen where, we will never have the power to stop it from happening.
  21. I was reading the memorial thread about "our" DoveyDove death and I came across this statement I know they regarded grieving death as a "negative" when I was in--BUt to actually demand one throw away memorabilia and never speak of them agaqin??!?!??! Was this TWI wide or just some really far gone leadership Even for TWI this strikes me as tOO much... Not that I don't believe it but even I don't want to believe TWI etal was this callous --> ANyone else know of anything similar--was this TWi WIde????
  22. Shaken by this exchange, and still needing a way home, Alice decided to continue her search for the classroom. Suddenly, a Card carrying a bucket of paint ran by. Alice sat down with as plop, A card, the JAck of clubs to be precise, twice as tall as her, carrying a bucket of paint??? Just then she noticed a white rose, splashed with red paint lying beside her...
  23. I think it is time we had a little fun. I think we need and old fashioned round robin fairy tale. We had one several years ago that was great fun. SO here is how this works you read what's been posted then add the next phase of the story with as many variation twists, characters as you want, and we'll see where we end up I'll start this latest effort inspired by the title of a thread on About the way Alice in Wayland THe caterpiller sat on the Queen Ann style chair and surveyed Alice through one eye. Alice, for her part was too astonished at the sight of the caterpiller with his glass of Drambuie in one "hand" cigarette in another while other hands were holding a red book, a blue book and an orange book. "It's about keys I tell you, all about keys" said the caterpiller Alice, wanting desperately to go home said "you mean keys to get out?? "No, no" said the caterpiller "keys to get in" Alice asked "get in where?" And the caterpiller replied, "to the more than absurd life" Alice, feeling that at this point her life was already too absurd timidly asked, "and will that make anything better??"" To which the caterpiller replied "Better!!!, why more than better, just ask anyone--why the March Hare has taken the class four times" Classes brought to Alice's mind books and teachers, teachers with answers, Answers how to get home. So she asked "could you tell me how to get to the classroom??" Waving his arms in elation the CAterpiller replied.......
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