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Nope no e-mail, it hasn't been spammed, quarintined or blocked :(--> I Promise I'll be good JUST LET ME IN THE NEW FORUM PLLLEEEEEEAAAAASSSSEEEE
I don't think so, would be interesting to find out which statement came first. Even if he believed what "men" said about the Bible, he still would have heard that the BIble was the word of GOd. I seriously can't believe that from 1942 and before he would have failed to hear this point in some fashion or another. If he were perceptive enough to have noticed at the time that they were talking "around" scripture, VPW, who preached to the trees, and told visting preachers that he wanted to be like them would have noticed. He also makes a point that he had never heard that the bible is the WOrd of God in statement one. In statement two he implies that he at one time knew and believed that the Bible was the word of God and through Seminary lost that faith. THe two statements just don't mesh Either A) at one time he knew the Bible was the Word of God and lost that belief. In which case the statement would have been about regaining faith in the Bible being the Word of God NOT about never knowing about it being the word of GOD or B) He never believed period.
the admission is: I never heard that the Bible is the word of GOD Then he goes on to say "not believing it anyway" So if he had not believed it "anyway" that means thathe MUST HAVE HEARD IT before that day. WHen you say "I didn't believe it anyway" what you are saying is, that something you heard previous to the current conversation appeared to be untrue in your estimation. So what is actuality VPW was saying was "I had heard the Bible was the WOrd of God but I didn't believe it" Sounds to me like VP was claiming to be the modern day Saul--He never believed and suddenly GOd spoke directly to him. THat could explain TWI'sobession with the letters of PAul to the exclusion of Jesus Christ. VPW wasn't just teaching--in his mind he was the Spiritual equivalent of the Apostle Paul, in fact better--in "piffle" he was constantly pointing out where Paul had erred in his "walk" the implication being that he, VPW, would not have made such mistakes.
CWS and I wrote the book on TWI and vicious disregard for folks as anyone who knows our story can attest to AND I repeat Since when was going to a funeral or memorial service a requirement of grieving??? For those of you who like that format, for those of you who feel it is the proper thing to do GO FOR IT!!! But, for pity sakes, stop trying to make it sound like those of us who eschew that kind of public display are some sort of monsters!!! What TWI did to Dorthea Wierwille during her life is apples What TWI continues to do is pears Attending funerals is oranges Stop trying to turn the apples and pears into oranges
"you're still a babe in the Word, Not ready for the Meat of the WOrd, just Milk" That was the ready answer for about 90% of my questions CW's too Can't you just see it: Noah: GOD, sir, IF I put the mosquitoes in with the swallows won't the swallows eat them?? GOD: It's the Word son, nothing but the Word" MOSES: God, Sir, what about the Hebrews who like Egypt and don't want to leave --I mean it is their freedom of choice right? GOD: You just go with me son MARY: But Gabriel Tell GOD I really don't understand why me GOD: It's the meat of the word Child and you're just a babe-- all you get is milk GUess we are fortunate that God does/did provide answers --maybe TWI could use that an an example of how to behave?!?!?!
Speaking as one who had many family and friends not attend her mother's memorial for a variety of reasons --for once I'm going to play devil's advocate here Funerals/memorials are for the living to say goodbye to the dead, to share grief with, to share memories with. I personally hate them--went to many in my childhood-avoid them-except when I absolutely can't-- as an adult Whatever the relationship between the "ins" and the "outs" in the Wierwille family --it's still their fmaily and their business how they choose to handle their own grief. None of us know how these people fell inside. None of us know if cards, visits, phone calls were made between themselves, much less the sentiments conveyed. It is not a requirement that they show up to please the rest of us-- They are the ones who have lost family. I think we need to cut some slack here least we be perceived as being as cold-hearted as we are accusing them of being.
THIS IS MY OPINION Lesbianism is only a sin if you act on the urge just like Alcoholism is only a problem if you drink God's word is for everyone--and it isnn't your, mine, or anyone elses' job to change someone --that's God's job And last but not least, I'm too busy trying to fix the areas of my life that aren't up to snuff to worry about fixing anyone else. Clearly this does not apply if laws are being broken --then appropriate measures need to be taken
"does this make me look fat" Okay I'm going to put my Womanly spin on things here If I ask this of a male partner--what I probably want to know is "will you be ashamed to be seen/know me if I wear it?". answer "looks okay but you're a knock out in ......" what ever it takes to get me out of said outfit. If you're a close friend male or female I expect the truth--not harsh but --"it doesn't flatter your figure" will do it If You're LOrna, Julie, Patty, or CJ it's "just like the prize pig at the fair!" But you have to let the person know that it's not the best choice--because if you don't someone else will-- if not today -- through the grapevine "Lois said you looked like you were pregnant at the fall fair" kind of deal--And trust me you will catch it 2 months down the road for not being honest Honest and hurtful aren't the same thing
Most wonderful day All the best wishes in the world Rejoice Relax All your dreams come true Great joy Enternal Bliss
Kindred Souls I agree--I want the truth--'cause as Shell pointed out I will find out anyway--especially here in AK where there is maybe 2 degrees of separation between everyone in the state--information is relayed in under 48 hours. Case in point my friend CJ had a mild heart attack and he and his brother decided not to tell me since My mother had just died. They didn't want to worry me --> Well within 24 hours someone else told me--As I pointed out to CJ--"now I'm not only worried I'm mad--don't ever lie to me again!!!" I think the bigger problem is that we as asociety confuse excuses with the truth She steals a loaf of bread becomes "her children were hungry" --ya still stole the loaf of bread He breaks his neighbors lawn mower becomes " he didn't know that ther was a rock in the lawn" He still broke the lawnmower BUt nobody wants to 'fess up its the excuse that matters (Did I mention that today is Venting day??? :D-->)
True Excuses I was late to work one morning because a bull moose kept charging the bus I was going to work on and the driver had to back the bus up and go around the moose and then backtrack to hit all the stops One of the secretaries called one morning to report that mama moose and calf were polishing off the flowering kale and cabbages in her yard and they were between her and her car and mama charged everytime she tried to go in the yard Ahhhh ALaska!
We already know what is wrong with these people they foster kids for the money--the more kids the more money--beds, mattresses, blankets, furniture etc etc etc cost money ---cut into the profit margin, The bigger question is why did Social services only notice this week??? THREE YEARS and no one checked out the bedrooms on a home visit?????
Belle, Ron Stop it you're killing me LOL
QUOTE] I see now that we missed the mark on worshipping Jesus, but HOW In heaven's name can you miss the mark on JESUS and claim to be a Biblical RESEARCHING and teaching fellowship??? I mean the whole book is about Him in some way or another--from the prophets, to his life, to the good news.... So let me get this straight -- GOd showed VPW the greatness of the WORD (that hadn't been known since the 1st century church) and just "forget" about correct teaching about HIS SOn -?? -->?? ??
I love the theory of Africa, savannaa, gnus, elephanta, giraffes....... But the HEAT.............. I'd die
Precisely--that was the first thing they tried to weed out of your thought process. THat's being "carnally minded" doncha know. "five sense" orientated. God never has told his people to put their brains on hold. In fact the scriptures are full of admonition to do just the opposite-- provide for one's family, care for the elderly, the sick, the widow, the orphan -- Nowhere does GOD say just sit on your padded posterior and talk about me. Jesus CHrist was a Carpenter and Fisherman The Apostles all had jobs PAul was a tentmaker If they held jobs and provided for their own are we entitled to do less???
And while we are listing here is my wish list of World destinations 1 England 2 Quebec 3 Tokyo 4 Australia 5 New Zealand 6 Beijing 7 Athens 8 Austria 9 Ireland 10 Rome
Always dreamed of going to 'THe Big EAsy" guess I should have acted sooner because what was will never be again :(--> That said I thought I'd list USA Destinations I plan to get to one of these days (or weeks, Or months, Or years ;)--> ) 1. San Francisco 2 San Diego 3 Boston 4 San Antonio 5 LAs Vegas 6 THe Little Bighorn battlefield 7 Gettysburg 8 Hawaii 9 Deer Isle, Maine 10 Fredricksburg
It's been a very depressing last couple of weeks with KAtrina. So I thought we neeed a little bit of lightening up just for a few moments., It's starting to head for winter here in Alaska. Down in the Forties at night, rain pouring almost all the time--not your gentle rains but big nasty cold drops that splat you when they hit Comfort Food time 1 Cinnamon Toast with Hot Cocoa 2 grilled cheese sandwiches with cream of tomato soup 3 chicken & dumplings 4 meatloaf with peas, mashed potatoes and tomato gravy 5 oatmeal with butter and brown sugar
Well someone had too--between motorcoaches, motorcycles and inflated egos the whole thing would have just floated away otherwise. I never met either of them but reading posts from those who knew Mrs. W. I have to wonder just how many would have stuck around if she hadn't been part and parcel of the entire package. Especially the women. I think she was a very valuable asset to the VPW arsenal
IT was, big, it was scary, and all I could think to do was run........
And an Angel of the Lord appeared unto them.....
What challenge to the faith??? Adultery hardly is a challenge to the faith Reconciliation does not change the fact he commited adultery Being excommunicated from the LDS church is not ,in most cases, for life unless the party excommunicared wants it to be. Repentance, and putting ones life in order usually means you can be rebaptized and return to full membership That is beween the congregant and his/her bishop
SAm Eliot Sean Connery Adrian PAul Morgan Freeman Kurt Russell Now that would be my kind of TWiG ;)-->