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Everything posted by templelady

  1. Welcome, SouthernGentleman There is not much I miss about TWI per se but there are several of people that I met while THere that I do miss and think about often
  2. When I said they needed a bigger boat it was because the truth they profess to have is so much smaller than the large amount of inaccuaracies hurtling from the depth of the BOTs egos.
  3. THe problem with those who "think" that your story, and many others is for attention, is that THEY DON't THINK
  4. Do I believe that the Gifs of the Holy Ghost are still manifested by people?? of course. I just got away from the IMO erroneous idea that we mortals can turn then on and off like a light switch at OUR behest. Welcome to the CAfe
  5. jetc57 John 3:16 is foundational scripture for LDS THere is a difference of opinion there , as noted on another thread here in the doctrinal forum--LDS believe that it is necesssary because we belive that If you truly believe John 3:16 you will strive to be obiedient in all things as Christ was, and he was baptized by immersion in water.Here are links from the LDS Website --they explain it all in much better terms than I ever could--and this way I don't have to wear out my ring fingers typing LOL Links from the LDS CHurch on Baptism for the dead Scripture references --both Bible and BOM http://scriptures.lds.org/query?words=baptism+for+the+dead Further explanation http://library.lds.org/nxt/gateway.dll?f=t...r%3Bfield%3ARef ========================= Allan Only if you consider baptism itself as "playing God"
  6. THey can imprison your body but they can only imprison your mind if you let them glad to see that there are people in TWI who still retain that measure of freedom
  7. It's not so much that the boat is leaking as it is that they need a bigger boat and TWI just can't deliver
  8. MIke, I was courteous enough to respond to your PM messages, I heard you out I explained clearly that I have no desire or need to return to PFAL I find it disengenuous of you post your responses to my replies without citing my half of the conversation. FOr the record you contacted me-- I do not mind that you contacted me-- But you should have contacted me about publishing the whole of that correspondence --which you did not do I would have given permission for you to post to your hearts content But only giving part of the story is what gets you into trouble here on GS-- I would suggest that in the future you think first --post second
  9. Allan, I am so proud of you :) You actually QUOTED ME CORRECTLY Setting aside whether or not you believe in the doctirne of Baptism for the Dead The fact remains that ALL Christian sects teach that salvation is possible with true repentance. What Hitler thought in those last minutes in that bunker are between him and God Did he repent??? WE don' we don't know If he did, did GOd accept that repentance as being true??? WE don't know That is why we ARE NOT TO JUDGE ANYONE Because ONLY God has ALL the answers. Do I personally think that HItler repented --NO-- But that is what I think and it is worth less than nothing in the final analysis if whether HItler is saved or not.
  10. Now here is the thing: Setting aside the fact that I seriously doubt VPW would have risked lifelong blindness to film 'piffle' I have had a mild case of snow blindness. Once your eyes become sensitized the first time, they react 10 times faster on subsequent exposures. They have a built in defense mechanism. So if you stood staring into lights so bright that your eyes swoll shut on day one On day two, when those same lights hit your eyes again, your eyes would immediately start to swell shut. You might have 30-45 minutes, if that long. You can sooth your eyes with ice but they will continue to react to those lights which your brain now understands to be dangerous. It takes several weeks before your eyes stop watering and reacting even with a mild case of snow blindness so I can'and swelling t imagine how long it would take for them to return to normal after two complete days of 8,000 watt lighting
  11. Have and Uncle HArry day where everyone would burn, blue books, orange books, red books, brown books, syllibi, tapes and whatever else they desired to thier hearts content Divide the amount of the assets of TWI by the amount of those who took 'piffle', liqudate where needed and give each one the share so computed Use my share for one last ROA with everyone who ever took PFAL invited (since I never got to go to one) Turn off the lights for the last time on my way back to Alaska
  12. But who can resist those chubby little cheeks???? NOw back to our regualrly scheduled propgram
  13. Allan, dear, Just who do you think was positing at waydale???? <_< oh, and BTW, you forgot the agnostics and atheists B) The fact that we can all post in the same spot and keep posting despite our differences, which are many--immwdiately shows the fallacy of TWI who would have its followers believe that any sort of harmony, happiness, or life is available outside its tightly regimented walls.
  14. I'm told I have that effect on a lot of people :unsure:
  15. French onion soup tomato soup with grilled cheese sandwiches Meatloaf with , smashed potatoes peas and Brown gravy chicken and dumplings
  16. Allan, Please do not derail this thread--if you want to discuss LDS doctrine please go to the doctrinal thread Thank YOU
  17. HUH?!?!? So he never claimed to be representing the Evangelical and Reformed Church but somehow the National Council of Churches in INDIA no less, feels it is important to point out to him that he isn't I take it from this that VPW had grown to such preemminece at this juncture that even the people in India knew who he was and sought clarification for who he represented.??!?!? Sounds more like, to me, that he got in under some questionable credentials and someone did some background checks. OOPS
  18. Jesus Christ , who was obiedient in all things, ws baptized with water by immersion, Can we his followers be any less obiedient.
  19. My point exactly--everyone will be at the resurrection --the just and unjust alikeBut to bar someone from the gathering together because they had NO CHANCE to hear the gospel in the first place is not what a loving Heavenly Father would do You are definitely entitled to your opinion of the practice--please keep in mind that it is just that-- your opinion. Bullinger was not a prophet of GOD --he was a man giving his opinions--they are worth that-- no more no less. Some of those opinions may be accurate, inacurrate or somewhere in between. Besides which he hits on my point exactly --there would be no point IF they remained dead--However since LDS theology teachs that they don't--there is most definitely a point--suggest you go back and click on the link in my previous post for a more through explanation. Yes However, Just because a baptism for the dead is performed in behalf of someone does not mean that they accept it in the spirit world. They have the right to reject the baptism and what it stands for just as they would here on earth. Someone on another thread spoke about families being together for ever and that that would mean that Osama Bin Ladin could be with his family forever But it doesn't work that way, baptism is not a free pass to heaven--you have to live a worthy life--baptised or not-- if you run loose destroying, lying, murdering, and stealing on this earthly plane with no repentence --the baptism isn't going to be your get out of jail free card.
  20. SOunds like CFS in the early 80's SHUDDDERTHis is creepy, rid him of his hang-ups mmmmmmm must have been the ones where Fornication and adulktry were bad So let me understand--VPW the egoist of TWI, the one who called every minor incidnent an attack from the adversary, whose publicity machine never ceased telling us how much he had done and suffered for us, was almost assasinated three times, and it was never mentioned, no police reports, no lectures on "spritual trapdoors' the "wiles of the Adversary"--imagine that Frankly I can't imagine it at all -- that would have been political hay and he woudl have used it to the fullest
  21. Yes , I have been baptized for the dead. One of the major problenms I have had with "mainstream' Protestantism is their attitude towqard those who have never heard the gospel For example. Let us say in the 1400's, there was a Native Amazonian living far up a tributrary of the Rio Negra. He was esteemed in his village, he was known for his honesty, and wisdom, he sat on the council of elders. His family lived in well made huts and there was always plenty of food to eat. He was a good provider and shared the extra he caught with the widows , the ill and the poor of his village. HIs world was his village and the three villages that shared the tributary no outsiders ever came there. He died According to Christianity outside of the LDS faith HE will be in hell because he never accepted Jesus Christ. Never mind that he didn't know of Jesus' existence, thet is irrelevant in Protestant, non LDS theology. I cannot accept this NOr would a just and loving GOd sentence one of HIs children to eternal damnation, not because of the fruit or lack of in his life but because of a accident of birth here is a link to more on the subject http://library.lds.org/nxt/gateway.dll?f=t...r%3Bfield%3ARef
  22. ARRGGGGH Sorry That was letting off frustration at not being able to communicate clearly Paul of couse deserves credit for taking the Word to the places he did. But that wasn't the rest of the world, it wasn't even the rest of his world during his life. I am not denigrating Paul but at the same time I feel that it is incorrect not to acknowledge those whose ministries writings were discarded or destroyed-- or never written down in the first place If you believe that Paul was the only one with a sizable ministry to the Gentiles ,you declare that his efforts were largely ineffectual. Because if they had been effectual the fruit of those efforts would have been more "missionairies" inspired to set out for places as yet waiting to hear the good news. I believe his efforts were fruitful, or we wouldn't even be having this discussion therefore there had to beothers out there others preaching and we lack those records. And I still have a problem with calling anyone beisdes Jesus Christ the ROOT of our Christian faith
  23. If you read WW 's link you know they ARE NOT Law enforcement--Anyone who willingly stops for these twits is IMO nuts. And if they force you to stop--charges ahould be filed immediately if not sooner.
  24. So the key question is --- ARE The WAY Security recognized law enforcement. I seem to remember that they tried to claim they were for years and then then it was made clear by Ohio state authorities that they weren't--someone with more knowledge and a better memory than mine probably knows more particulars.
  25. So how can you be stopped by them if you choose not to stop??? If they force you to stop, since they are not law enforcement, they are committing a crime ME, I'd lock my doors roll up my windows and be on the cell to the police, and if the locals won't do the job, the state police. Someone who forced me to stop on a public roadway, who was not law enforcement, would be cooling their heels in a jail cell mighty quick. Of course here in AK we are allowed to carry concealed weapons--only a very stupid person would take the risk of "playing cop" in this manner.
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