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Everything posted by templelady

  1. Alma 9:21 Book of Mormon Having been visited by the Spirit of God; having conversed with angels, and having been spoken unto by the voice of the Lord; and having the spirit of prophecy, and the spirit of revelation, and also many gifts, the gift of speaking with tongues, and the gift of preaching, and the gift of the Holy Ghost, and the gift of translation; Omni 1:25 Book of Mormon And it came to pass that I began to be old; and, having no seed, and knowing king Benjamin to be a just man before the Lord, wherefore, I shall deliver up these plates unto him, exhorting all men to come unto God, the Holy One of Israel, and believe in prophesying, and in revelations, and in the ministering of angels, and in the gift of speaking with tongues, and in the gift of interpreting languages, and in all things which are good; for there is nothing which is good save it comes from the Lord; and that which is evil cometh from the devil. “Communicating by the Power of the Spirit,” Liahona, Oct. 1997 “We believe in the gift of tongues” (Article of Faith #7). According to the Prophet Joseph Smith, the purpose of the gift of tongues is to preach the gospel “among those whose language is not understood” (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith [1976], 148–49). Elder Bruce R. McConkie of the Quorum of the Twelve explained: “In their more dramatic manifestations [the gift of tongues and their interpretation] consist in speaking or interpreting, by the power of the Spirit, a tongue which is completely unknown to the speaker or interpreter. … Frequently these gifts are manifest where the ordinary languages of the day are concerned in that the Lord’s missionaries learn to speak and interpret foreign languages with ease, thus furthering the spread of the message of the restoration” (Mormon Doctrine, 2nd edition [1966], 800). “It is Given to Some to Speak with Tongues” (D&C 46:24) Sister Rhonda Patten Grow experienced the gift of tongues in a way familiar to many missionaries. When her husband was called from the United States to be a mission president in Uruguay, she was afraid she couldn’t learn to speak Spanish. But gradually, with the help of members, she finally learned to bear her testimony in Spanish. She was amazed, however, at how much more she could say when under the influence of the Spirit. “In fact, the Spirit helped me so much when I spoke in meetings that the members usually assumed my Spanish was much better than it actually was.” At one meeting, Sister Grow noticed a young woman signing for a sister who was deaf. When Sister Grow stood to speak, “it seemed as if the Spirit gave me utterance beyond my own abilities. I was filled with feelings of love for the people, and I especially noticed the smiling face of the young deaf woman looking up at me.” Sister Grow learned later that when she began to speak, the deaf woman communicated that she no longer needed signing interpretation. She could understand Sister Grow’s message without it. “Speak with the Tongue of Angels” Another gift, related to the gift of tongues, is the ability to speak by the power of the Holy Ghost. “Angels,” Nephi wrote, “speak by the power of the Holy Ghost.” In this sense, those who speak by the power of the Spirit “speak with the tongue of angels” (2 Ne. 32:2–3). Elder Carlos E. Asay, an emeritus member of the Seventy, shares an experience he had as a missionary with this gift. He and his companion visited a branch torn by divisions. His companion was asked to speak at the meeting held to deal with the conflicts. After fasting and prayer, his companion “stood with confidence and worked the miracle. He spoke with the tongue of an angel. That young, inexperienced elder’s words healed wounds festering in the hearts of men much older than he, prompted confessions, and literally saved a branch of the Church” (Ensign, April 1988, 17). We may never experience the more dramatic expressions of the gift of tongues. But certainly, as we try to serve others, we can ask the Lord to help us speak with the tongue of angels. © 2005 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved
  2. NOt hardly--I was too busy fighting to survive to ever give them the satisfaction
  3. It was a closed society in the 80's when I was in. Any other church in Christendom you can attend on a regular basis , if you so desire, without becoming a member. You'll probably never hold an office in that church but no one will turn you away at the door either. (I'm speaking big picture here not some individual chuirch that is tweaked for some reason) TWI never had that policy--If you came to TWIG and didn't sign up and graduate form the next "piffle" you weren't welcome back--this was made clear both by word or action. No dissention, no doubts, no lapses, no mistakes allowed. You toed the line or else. Ever wondered what would have happened to Christianity if Jesus had the policies of TWI??? Questioning disciples--gone Publicans and Sinners--not hardly Saul--wouldn't have bothered with him. Open Air Preaching to thousands??? NOT Makes you see just how far off base TWI was in application
  4. Matthew 18 :3" ...Verily I say into you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children. ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven" MAtthew 19:14 "But Jesus said "suffer little children and forbid them not, to come unto me: for such is the kingdom of heaven."" The idea that children are pure and innocent in the eyes of God is reiterated by Christ throughout the gospels (CHildren being people younger than the age of accountability.) Clearly then IMO, it is matter of the world's influence that causes sin in our lives and we are held accountable for our succumbing to THAT influence as opposed to the sins committed by Adam. If Children stand pure and innocent they must have sprituality of some degree since only God, by definition , is pure and innocent. After the age of accountability we have a choice as to maintaining that state. Jesus Christ maintained that state throughout his life.
  5. By eating the "apple" Adam and Eve brought death to the world. "The wages of sin is death" We are all born to die, if you will, that we inherited from Adam and Eve--a sentence visited on the childrens children. Everyone has spirit when they are born else they wouldn't be alive. If you are talking about the Holy Spirit-and when Accountability sets in that is something dirfferent. having to face death because of what happened in the Garden is not the same as having committed the Sin itself, hence no sin can be attributed at birth or in the early learning years. IMO
  6. Since I now have Allan on "ignore" I really don't want to understand what is behind this post do I??? ;) ****Planet , What Planet??? , I must ponder this idea****
  7. Dmiller's post has AFEFECTED George Aar & mooney3424 with a silly EFFECT
  8. THere is lies the crux of VPW's whole teaching about the Gifts of the Spirit IMO You don't Operate the Holy Spirit The HS is part of the Godhead The HS doesn't answer to man it answers to God It gives gifts as it sees fit as directed by God TO say that one can "operate" these gifts on demand is like me calling each one of you up and demanding a Christmas gift, right now! I'll tell you what to buy and you have no choice but to deliver! Sorry, but that smacks of an arrogance that I find offensive when applied to the HS Now , am I saying that those of you who actually experienced SIT in TWI and continue to do so are arrogant??--not at all--I merely point out that rather than YOU doing the operating on demand--The HG is very generous with gifts in that area in your life. At least that's my take on it
  9. Earnest and Honest Prayer is the same everywhere i. GOD is truly magnificent in the way he comes through for his children
  10. So since the wording is it is GOOD NOT to touch a woman as Opposed to it is BEST NOT to touch a woman WE get to toss the "NOT" Out??? Isn't tossing the NOT changing a word and isn't that PI And Isn't PI The big NO BUt silly me NOT is a form of NO therefore NOT And NO form a double negative which forms a positive---so NOT really isn't NOT ((**where are those barf bags from the other thrtead--I need a dozen or so""))
  11. Thank you all your wonderful advice has put it all in perspective. I am breathing much easier now and see things a little more clearly. :wub: & {{{{{{To all}}}}}}
  12. Okay,, ***DEEP BREATH HERE*** Are you telling me that VPW ran Leonards class "Receiving the Holy Spirit" under Leonard's Direction FIRST???? And then turned around and re named it PFAL and ran it under his own name????
  13. Newsweek is Newsweek--NOt about to try to "Score" a reporter looking for a story--much less go buy a copy LOL If you have specific questions you know where to find me :)
  14. Independence has been around since the late 1820's It is here that land was bought for the first temple Because of GOvernor Boggs orders to "exterminate the Mormons" (yeah that's the wording used) the saints fled to Ohio and later Illinois abandoning the site. Independence is where the New Jerusalem will be But that won't be until the final resurrection after the thousand years. SO it is really kind of pointless to not move anywhere else since 1) ideally you will have been "caught up" in the first resurrection 2) Independenace will all be changed anyway to perfection But some people get so attached to the tree that they lose sight of the forest much less the big picture. Me--I'm just to busy making sure I get to live in the New Jerusalem to worry overtly about where it will be-just so long as I am one of the residents : B)
  15. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{All}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
  16. OKAY I need help here 5 years ago I went looking for my birth mother SHe was dead but I found a 2 half brothers from her marraige I'm older than one by 11 years the other brother (who is 20 years younger) has dropped off the radar before I came in the picture. I was illegitimate (before his folks were married) We have a somewhat distant but good relationship I've met him and his wife and my nephew (Who is an absolute doll , I digress) This summer up pops a half sister 18 months younger than me also illegitimate different father than the rest of us. Brother wants nothing to do with new sister--because one illegitamate sister was bad two makes his relationship with our mother in his word "A total Lie" "nothing about my childhood was real" " "she was no better than a protitute" Sister, while not being pushy pushy wants me to be a go between. I'm staying neutral-reassuring her that it isn't her-while upholding Brother in what ever decision he makes-and trying not to ruffle the already stormy seas. Brother and I are not great phone callers or e mailers-- kind of self contained people My sister is a whole other story--she wants constant communication The reality is that of the three of us I am the only one raised an only child HELLLLPPP HOw does this sibling thing work HOw often is contact required or needed What does one do with battling sibs I'm 54 no one prepared me for this ONe sibling was okay -especially since tempermentally he is very similar TWO have me in a quandry
  17. Allan, If you believe TWI was right why are you still here??? I mean you disagree with 98% of everything posted here YOu aren't really pleased with any of us By now you should have figured out that most of us aren't going to come around to 100% acceptance of your viewpoints. I am not saying don't post, I'm not saying you don't have a right to your opinions, views, ideas and the right to post same. They are as much a part of the melting pot that is GSC as mine or anyone else's But GSC is what it is Either accept that and deal with it or stop making yourself miserable "GOd grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." Doesn't only apply to recovery
  18. LDS believe that those persons who choose not to do the right, break their promises to God or otherwise live desolute lives, live in a kingdom FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR AWAY where the light of God and Christ is seen only as a twilight (sorry Shriek). There murder, and envy, strife and mayhem hold sway and they who are sent there are given up to the fruit of their earthly lives living in squalor and crime forever with a knowledge of what they have lost with that glimmer of far light a constant reminder The Lake of Fire is reserved for Satan and his minions. A minion being one who actively serves Satan. That means a deliberate choice to serve SAtan just as one makes a deliberate choice to serve Christ. Never figured out how you could simultaneously lose Eternal life yet have eternal life to spend in HELL If you are dead and don't have eternal life you won't know or feel anything so it would be really pointless to be sent somewhere to feel pain and anquish, wouldn't it???
  19. Yes I've heard it and Yes there is a prophecy from Joseph Smith that Independence was to be the "new Zion" Me --I really don't dwell on it that much --too busy making sure I'm "Ready" When HE gets here :) BUt yes the long and short of it is that LDS believe that when Christ returns it will be here USA rather than elsewhere and Independence MO is the site given
  20. AGAIN??!! I mean didn't we just go through this with Leonard?? VPW seems to spend a lot of time pointing out how he discarded anything anyone else had to say UNLESS there was some benefit to him Or maybe I'm just jaded
  21. YYYEEESSSSSSS :lol: :P :D B) :) BTW LDS theology DOES NOT teach that if you aren't LDS you won't make it to heaven, or gain eternal life--you'll just be in a "different" Heaven "In my Father's house there are MANY Mansions"
  22. Gosh Darn it, Belle< I want you to know we worked HARD on those cards--under direction of the Mogite of our area
  23. The body is made of dust and to dust it shall return. THe soul is the essence of who you are and the spirit comes form GOD. Soul and Spirit are inexorably intertwined. For if there were no soul there would be no need of Spirit. And if there were soul and no Spirit, we wouldn't be having this discussion at all, (or for that matter would we need to :D ) The soul --the essence of you is what faces the judgement (your physical body being merely housing for your spirit and soul) -it does not cease to be, for if it did there would be no "you" to be reunited with your body. Death refers to the physical body which goes in the grave. Long before the funeral your spirit and soul have gone elsewhere. Put another way your soul cannot leave your body until your spirit does else there would be no reason for the spirit to remain, and your spirit cannot leave your body before your soul else there would be no life, Intertwined at your conception soul and spirit remained intertwined until the judgement. Christ broke the bonds of Physical death, the death of the body thus making it possible for us to have bodies throughout eternity, bodies in which we can interact and enjoy paradise
  24. Okay, Lets put it in context I Corinthians Chapter 15 Verse 21 -22 Man (Adam) caused death to hold sway over the world Man (Christ) shall caused Death to cease to hold sway over the world VErse 23 Christ was the first to be freed from the bonds of death then those who are his will be freed VErse 24-26 Christ when he has subdued all His Enemies , Death being the last enemy, then CHrist shall deliver his Kingdom (the world) up to GOd the FAther and put it under God's rule. [this will be after the final ressurrection-since death will have no one left] verse 27-28 (in conjuction with 23-26) All things are under Christ's feet (subject to HIm) except for God the Father, For it is GOd teh Father who gave Christ the power, therefore Christ himself is under God The Father's power. Verse 29 ELSE WHAT SHALL THEY DO WHICH ARE BAPTIZED FOR THE DEAD, IF THE DEAD RISE NOT AT ALL? IN other words IF verses 21-28 WERE NOT an accurate portrayal then Baptism for the dead woudl be futile because the bonds of death would not have been broken WHY ARE THEY THEN BAPTZED FOR THE DEAD? Because the Bonds of death HAVE been broken baptism for the dead is viable Far from declaring the practice of no worth -- Paul uses the practice as a proof of the ressurrection. In effect Paul says -- "We Baptize the dead because they face the ressurrection since the bonds of death have been broken, if this were not so, we would not baptize the dead.
  25. NAto, Sit back, relax, take one day at a time-- don't feel you have to unlearn or challenge all your ideas and beliefs at the same time. Just savor the freedom you now possess, WELCOME TO THE CAFE :lol:
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