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Everything posted by templelady
Give me an M with an A then N-I-P give me a U L and an A and then T-I-O-N Thats M-A-N-I-P-U-L-A-T-I-O-N !! What are families FOR??? G-U-I-L-T Yeah GUILT!!
Wierwille, Jonestown, & totalitarian "cults"
templelady replied to jkboehme's topic in About The Way
Yes I have seen it several times--and my reaction is that I am not sure--Don''t think we ever will be but I see plenty of blame to go around. As for the Feebies well they are in a business where sociopaths do quite well. It takes sociopathy to shoot a dog, a young boy, and a woman holding an infant then refuse to let her dead body be removed thus insuring that her remaining children are forced to remain in the house with their dead mother. Keep in mind that the "enemy" in this confrontations only crime was failure to appear for court!! And that Court appearance was for charges he had already been acquitted of. But back to my point just because the military, Law Enforcement and counterintelligence are ideal breeding grounds for sociopaths does not make those these organizations oppose any less sociopathic. Birds of a feather..... -
A gorgeous home on 2 acres next to a lake. Huge rooms, fully equipped kitchen including a Jenn Aire. We the peons were blessed with the task of thoroughly cleaning this house twice a year. They lived in filth, I remember kitchen cupboards so encrusted with grease and sticky stuff it took the gal cleaning them almost three hours. JennAire container overflowing with congealed grease. The next leader had a smaller place but still very nice, brick fireplaces, lovely rooms and furnishings in a very nice neighborhood. Almost everyone else lived in Apartments, Mobile homes or in much older neighborhoods in less desirable parts of town
Wierwille, Jonestown, & totalitarian "cults"
templelady replied to jkboehme's topic in About The Way
I think it would be safe to say that all leaders of Dangerous Cults whether political or religious, such as Koresh, Jones, Manson, Idi Amin, Bin Ladin, and a host of others, are sociopaths. The picture is always about them, their wants, their feelings, their ideas. They generally lack ability to truly see things from others points of view or, if perchance they do manage to do so, what they view is held up to the standard of "how does this affect me". It's a question of degrees of sociopathy. There are 17 signs of a sociopath, the more you have the more dangerous--not all sociopaths have all and not all in the same combination. I don't think VPW was the equal to a Jones or a Koresh. Sociopaths do, however, prey on the weak, the confused, the hurting. These people are most prone to idolize anyone who can 'lead" them. Sociopath's lack the willingness to discourage such "hero worship" since it is the gas for their engines, so to speak. I seriously doubt VPW would have ever required mass suicide of his followers since it was the adulation he craved as opposed to the power of life and death. -
I just typed in my name and discovered that I am on the borough council for Swindon England and a member of the Labour Party. Must be why I always feel "jet lagged"
Getting on with life and not being "bogged down" will come with time -if by getting on with life you mean-holding a job, having outside interests, hobbies, friends, laughing, having fun. But don't expect all of that to happen as long as new revelations are coming to light and she is in the middle of the trial etc. This kind of situation is all encompassing while it is happening. If she manages to keep working , care for her daughter, and still have contact with close friends--she is succeeding very well at this point in her life. As for the memories--they will always be there. As years go on they will be set to the side--but be aware that they can be triggered at any time, a news report, a movie, a casual comment can bring them back with a vengeance and they have to be worked through. Working through should take less time as the years go by. Also understand that as long as her daughter is a minor -setting aside is very difficult, the fact that her daughter is handicapped makes it more difficult. Part of the working through of the memories comes as the child/children come of age and they vocalize their feelings both about him and you. A very painful process and time consuming but beneficial to all parties in the long run. Given her daughters disability, that may take a long time to happen, coupled with the guilt your friend must feel because her child was even more defenseless than normal, this will be a long haul. She is indeed lucky to have a friend like you.
Why is the trinity such a big deal?
templelady replied to def59's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
And I believe that is the crux of the whole matter. The RCC back in the middle ages needed a way to ensure that they retained power over the populace through the priesthood. The trinity is mysterious, it is not readily comprehensible (which is why the argument goes on) therefore a priest is needed to explain the mystery, no priest = no explanation--helps to keep the flock in line when the priest is the only one with the answers. and for the record Mormons believe in three separate and distinct personages, God the eternal Father, His son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. These constitute the Godhead and are one in purpose Unitarians believe In God. They believe that Christ was a great moral teacher, not God's son; and don't believe in the e Holy Ghost at all,. -
I have met less than a dozen people in my entire time out of TWI who have even heard of it much less know what it is. The usual dialog is ME: I was involved with a cult HEARER: Which one? ME: The Way International HEARER: Huh?? And that is here in Alaska population 650,000 or so. If that haven't managed to reach 650,000 here how on earth can that claim "word over the World"??!?? :blink:
Hymnals actually have a few I have the Salvation Army Hymn book I have the Hymns of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints I have a small hymnal used for the armed forces about 30 years ago I have a scottish Psalter around here somewhere (think I'll go find that) Lots of CD"s love "classic" hymns --"precious Lord" "in the garden" "victory in Jesus" "all Creatures of Our God and King" ---Easter Anthems and Christmas Carols are special favorites....
No regrets = no sense of wrong doing = no desire to apologize/repent = no ability to change bad behavior And having just got back to Anchorage three hours ago with a bumpy landing I can appreciate VPW's frustration. After all, shouldn't Heavenly Father in his infinite foreknowledge have placed the Chugach Mountain Range and the Alaska Range in a different configuration so that the "funnel effect" of the wind down the inlet wouldn't exist since HE knew that so august a personage as VPW would be landing there?? I mean is it asking too much of God who is responsible for the ENTIRE Cosmos and everthing in it to rearrange a couple of Mountain ranges so VPW will be comfortable, Oh yeah, It's the pilots fault that a) there is air turbulence or B) he made a bumpy landing just to annoy VPW. Reminds me of those Progressive auto insurance ads on TV Rem
The current upset is about a priest who served in a remote village--no less than four people have filed charges in the last 2 weeks--Location of priest Currently?? Spokane, Washington--this one is a Jesuit. AK isn't just a dumping ground for bad clergy--also bad hotel managers, bad anything--the US equivalent of being sent to Siberia--That is changing now, in the era of advanced telecommunications, and the internet, but even 15 years ago here is where you were sent-cut out of the network that makes big business run and promotions available
Not to derail but-there was a print copy of the book in the 80' I owned, at one time, both VP and Me and TWLIL> (back to packing)
But only for two weeks ---heading for Spokane to finish straightening out Mom's estate. Try not to have TOO much fun in my absence
Do we worship a Triune God or NOT?
templelady replied to jetc57's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Not sure about Gumby or Platypus B) But I get your point :D -
You are saved because of the atonement of Jesus Christ. Once you accept Jesus Christ you have to be a follower of Christ. That means bearing fruit (by their fruit ye shall know them) that means loving your neighbor not in some passive mental state but, taking care of the widow, the orphan, visiting the sick, the jailed, clothing the poor, feeding the hungry. Christianity is a faith of action-those who think they have a get out of jail free card just by being baptized are in for a rude awakening IMO
Do we worship a Triune God or NOT?
templelady replied to jetc57's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
God didn't say I am coming incarnate among you He said I am sending my son. For a parent can you imagine, for a split second, sending your child, to be mocked , betrayed, beaten and crucified because of your love for your other children??????? Can you Imagine what it must have taken for Jesus, seated in the heavens, to have said to Our Father--I will go to earth and be be mocked , betrayed, beaten and crucified because of my love for my brothers and sisters???? Can you even for a moment grasp and feel the enormity of such a love??????? To claim that Jesus, was just God in another form denies the enormity of that love and sacrifice. God being perfect he could not have been wounded, unable to die he could not have died, only a human being could have so suffered and died. Only a love so encompassing, so wanting for all it's children to come home would have been willing to ask for such a sacrifice much less make it available. Can you imagine the Sadness of GOD at seeing Jesus mocked ??? Can you visualize the Tears GOD shed at the beating of his Son??? Can you Imagine the agony in His heart watching Jesus die--knowing that this was the only way the "bonds of death" could be broken??? To believe that Jesus Christ was just a persona of GOD as opposed to a separate part of the Godhead makes a mockery of such a love and sacrifice, IMO -
Do we worship a Triune God or NOT?
templelady replied to jetc57's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
If you mean one in purpose YES Of you mean one entity with three separate egos NO There is God -Heavenly Father, By whose decree this world and all on it were created There is Jesus Christ the Son of God, who under a divine plan was born in Bethlehem of Judea. He grew in Nazareth as the carpenter’s son, within Him the elements of both mortality and immortality received, respectively, from His earthly mother and His Heavenly Father The Holy Spirit PFAL did get one thing right in the example of Jesus' baptism There Jesus the Son rises from the water, while the Voice of GOD the father speaks from Heaven ands the Holy Spirit descends in the form of a dove. Clearly three separate beings. God the Father is not Jesus the Son nor is he the Holy Spirit Jesus is not God the Father nor is he the Holy Spirit The Holy spirit is neither God the Father nor Jesus the Son, One in holiness, one in purity, one in truth one in purpose yet separate as to identity We worship God the Father in Jesus Christs name through the power of the Holy Spirit There is no need to create a mystical world where these three, by some amoeba -like contortions morph into one physical being. The reality is so beautiful in it's simplicity -
in other words, a non-trinitarian who refuses to become a trinitarian" Merriam -Webster Pronunciation: 'brAn-"wo-shi[ng], -"wä- Function: noun Etymology: translation of Chinese (Beijing) xina<hacek>o 1 : a forcible indoctrination to induce someone to give up basic political, social, or religious beliefs and attitudes and to accept contrasting regimented ideas 2 : persuasion by propaganda or salesmanship - brain·wash transitive verb - brainwash noun - brain·wash·er noun The key here is an element of force whether physical or psychological. Someone who steadfastly believes in something is not necessarily "brainwashed" just because they won't change their minds to agree with you, who are just as steadfast in not changing your beliefs!!!!! Definitely a symptom of a cult--however is you look at lists of so-called "Cults" many of them don't fall in this category In the United States probably a good indicator whereas in less economically developed areas not so good Definite sign--but important to differentiate between the person who refuses to think for themselves versus the person who is ordered not to think for themselves. Some people like having others do the work, the thinking, saves them from being responsible for their lives.
Oldies, Don't you see ??? it was LCM's contention that you had to have HIM (LCM) in order to move the word.!! And that, my friend, is so limiting as to the power of GOD as to be offensive in the enth degree,
And just what is "severe"?? Rape, Child molestation, Spouse battering, coercion fro sexual favors.........all present and all, even if not out rightly, condoned - a lot of looking the other way----- Pure Gang mentality there Strong as to what??? Still free, no consequences --except not going to church anymore better for the immediate fellowship All of that still begs the Question DID TWI ITSELF EVER actually contract the authorities when discovery was made of Child molestation or rape or spousal abuse.???
My love and prayers are with you
Okay this is for comic relief--you make up a title and author which would be extremely absurd, ironic, or just funny if it had ever actually been written- So here goes "The Importance of Marital FIdelity" by Helen of Troy " Recipes to Delight Your Enemies" Catherine De'Medici " A study of The Waltzes of Johann Strauss" Jim Morrison " The Proper Way to Serve WIne" by Carrie Nation
And there it is again Craig THe BOT TWI What happened to God Jesus Christ The Holy Spirit This is supposed to be a BIBLICAL ministry But that doesn't come up even in passing
Galatians 3 and the law of love
templelady replied to lindyhopper's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
For me the key of Galatians 3 is verse 27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ If you truly are a follower and live up to your baptismal covenants then you will have first in your mind "What would Jesus do" and act accordingly -
JKBoehme :D