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Bill would triple potential sentences for sex offenders Proposed penalties on fast track to curtail high abuse rate against children in Alaska By RICHARD RICHTMYER Anchorage Daily News Published: April 5, 2006 Last Modified: April 5, 2006 at 03:10 AM JUNEAU -- A bill that would significantly increase prison sentences for sex offenders got on a fast track this week and was immediately scheduled for consideration on the House floor today. "It has significant, almost overwhelming support," said Rep. Norm Rokeberg, chairman of the House Rules Committee, which decides what bills make it to the floor for a vote and when. Proponents of the bill say it is needed because Alaska ranks high among the states in sex crimes. Tougher penalties are needed, they say. The measure, SB 218, would increase prison sentences for sex offenses, particularly those against children. Under current law, someone convicted of a Class A sexual felony against a child faces a minimum eight-year sentence. The bill proposes to raise that to 25 years. Repeat sexual offenders also would face longer prison sentences. The maximum prison time for someone convicted of a third felony sex crime would rise to 99 years from the current 40-year maximum. "The sentence for every sex crime is going up," said Sen. Gretchen Guess, an Anchorage Democrat co-sponsoring the legislation with Republican Sen. Con Bunde, also from Anchorage. The bill also would require convicted sex offenders on probation or released from prison on parole to take lie-detector tests four times a year. With wide, bipartisan support, the bill has unanimously passed the Senate and has attracted at least 13 co-sponsors in the House. On Tuesday, the bill sailed through the House Finance Committee, despite lingering questions about how much more it would cost to keep sex offenders locked up longer and keep closer tabs on them once they're released. The fiscal analysis accompanying the legislation is incomplete. It accounts only for the additional cost involved with the lie-detector tests, expected to total about $1.6 million a year in 2010, when the program would be fully under way. It does not estimate how much more it would cost to house and feed convicted sex offenders in jail for longer terms. According to the Department of Corrections, 927 Alaska sex offenders are currently in prison, and 93 percent are repeat criminals. The department cannot accurately forecast the future costs that would be associated with changing the sentencing laws, according to the fiscal analysis. "We don't know what this is ultimately going to cost us, but it's an investment I'm willing to make," said House Finance Committee member Rep. Mike Hawker, an Anchorage Republican who tends to be one of the panel's more fiscally conservative voices. Committee co-chairman, Rep. Mike Chenault of Kenai, took a similar standpoint in supporting the bill Tuesday. "While we may not like the numbers, we've got to get these guys off the street," he said. Other members pointed out that the legislation might actually save the state money in the long run because tougher sentencing laws for sex crimes because they would discourage sexual predators from moving to Alaska. "This bill attempts to place Alaska on the 'do not go to' list for these creeps," said Rep. Mike Kelly, R-Fairbanks. "Five or 10 years down the road, our costs may be lower." The bill has changed since it passed the Senate. The House Finance Committee on Tuesday removed a section that applies to someone who fails to report a sex offender or child kidnapper to police. Members said they'd rather address that issue later in a separate bill. Rokeberg, the House Rules Committee chairman, said the bill could be further changed on the floor when it come up for discussion today, and it's possible it will advance to a "third reading," meaning members would vote on its final passage. If it passes the House, a majority of the Senate would have to concur with the changes before the bill could be sent to the governor to sign. Richard Richtmyer can be reached at rrichtmyer@adn.com or in Juneau at 907-586-1531
So my tally for VPW and LCM so far is running something like this Word of Wisdom--If they did get it they actually utilized what God said very little, or corrupted it--this is manifested by their fruit Word of Knowledge- Ditto above-supported by LCM's attempt at healing in a previous post Faith--I'm sure they did have faith-but in what is sometimes questionable Gifts of Healing-I think we covered that Miracles- any miracles VPW claimed were seen only by him usually in the form of snowstorms did anyone ever see him perform a miracle?- see LCM perform a miracle? Prophecy- Nope discerning of Spirits- They claimed the power to do this--But I have serious doubts as to the accuracy of their discernment's--was usually a method of attack against their accusers and doubters Tongues-Maybe interpretation of tongues-Maybe on these last two remember that I don't believe in Tongues/Interp as taught in TWI so I think maybe is fair since they could have IF any one knows of any specific information that would cast my postulations in doubt please post Because right now, by my math, we are running at a 33.333% rate of operating the gifts on VPW and LCM's part. That isn't bad from a non TWI perspective--But following VPW precepts he and LCM must be judged in the context of TWI. And that figure is really sad for men who proclaimed all nine all the time especially when they claimed the title MOG while doing it
Was there anyone who ever witnessed VPW or lCM heal someone ? (the Trip to India doesn't count becuase it was pre TWI and none of us were there)
PFAL: An Unorthodox Translation
templelady replied to Tom Strange's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
MIke I posted And You replied Let me clarify further What we need from you is for you to defend PFAL from the scripture and other writings outside of VPW and PFAL NOW, here, on this THread and on this forum You are the one trying to get your point across therefore, the responsibily lies on your shoulders to provide the evidence we seek. You can't expect us to prove your thesis. That is YOUR JOB -
REturn to his Ministerial Career? Why not, It's never been a problem in TWI before
NOT WE have a saying here in the Great Land If Texans don't behave themselves we'll cut Alaska in half and make Texas the third largest state! ( comes from the oil boom days when Texans dotted the landscape like mushrooms with "well back in Texas....)
Allen, I posted what I did to give them facts about my beliefs. I do not need "support" in order to hold on to my beliefs I am guessing that what you mean by "supporters" is people who reproved you when you are being rude and nasty because of my beliefs. Their support as you put it was confined to your behavior and in no way an endorsement of my religion or my belief system
PFAL: An Unorthodox Translation
templelady replied to Tom Strange's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
MIKE, I know what I was taught in PFAL That's the problem -I reject it because it doesn't tally with the scriptures OR even with regular daily life ie The dictionary definition is the right definition--one man cannot redefine the meaning of the English Language for his personal perspective. Mike honey, you keep defending PFAL to us by telling us to read PFAL , What we need from you is for you to defend PFAL from the scripture and other writings outside of VPW and PFAL. that means no using PFAL as the proof of itself --See? -
PFAL: An Unorthodox Translation
templelady replied to Tom Strange's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Mike, I already know what PFAL says What I want from you is the scriptural foundation for the claims that VPW makes in PFAL Not his Version of "what scripture really says" or any of the rest of that ,but simple easy to read direct quotes from the scriptures, -
PFAL: An Unorthodox Translation
templelady replied to Tom Strange's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
repost since I seem to have gotton lost in the scuffle er.. I mean shuffle er... a shuffling scuffle???? :blink: Mike SO what promises has GOD made that aren;t available to us? And since Praying for our needs/wants is stressed through out scripture , is the available list restricted to just the written promises specifically enumerated above? So is it your position that the only things Available to us are the specific written promises of GOD And is it further your position that not all the promises of God are available to us? IF this is the case what happens to "Ask and ye shall receive?" -
Latter Day Saints Catechesis
templelady replied to markomalley's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
ON another thread Allen W asked about the prophecies of Joseph Smith, Here is the one that proved to me that the LDS Church is the true church THE DOCTRINE AND COVENANTS SECTION 87 1 VERILY, thus saith the Lord concerning the wars that will shortly come to pass, beginning at the rebellion of South Carolina, which will eventually terminate in the death and misery of many souls; 2 And the time will come that war will be poured out upon all nations, beginning at this place. 3 For behold, the Southern States shall be divided against the Northern States, and the Southern States will call on other nations, even the nation of Great Britain, as it is called, and they shall also call upon other nations, in order to defend themselves against other nations; and then war shall be poured out upon all nations. 4 And it shall come to pass, after many days, slaves shall rise up against their masters, who shall be marshaled and disciplined for war. 5 And it shall come to pass also that the remnants who are left of the land will marshal themselves, and shall become exceedingly angry, and shall vex the Gentiles with a sore vexation. 6 And thus, with the sword and by bloodshed the inhabitants of the earth shall mourn; and with famine, and plague, and earthquake, and the thunder of heaven, and the fierce and vivid lightning also, shall the inhabitants of the earth be made to feel the wrath, and indignation, and chastening hand of an Almighty God, until the consumption decreed hath made a full fend of all nations; 7 That the cry of the saints, and of the blood of the saints, shall cease to come up into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth, from the earth, to be avenged of their enemies. 8 Wherefore, stand ye in holy places, and be not moved, until the day of the Lord come; for behold, it cometh quickly saith the Lord. Amen. This was written Dec 26 1832 and Joseph Smith died Apr 12, 1844 Fort Sumter was fired on in Dec 26, 1860 The British ran the blockade of the southern states in Nov 1861 The Emancipation Proclamation was in Jan 1863 IN 1844 a man names Karl Marx met Josef Engels The Communist Manifesto was published 1848 and the revolutions and ideas it has sparked reverberate down to our own time In my mind, the math speaks for itself -
Allen dear, 98% of the time that the LDS belief system comes into play it's because you bring it up. "it is obvious to me" means that you have decided for me what I am thinking and my motivation. The correct question, for future reference, is "what is your motivation in asking this question?" Then I respond "I want to know if VPW who proclaimed ALL nine all the time, was able to effectively bring it to fruition in his own life" We now have a "dialog" Because you are being much politer I will do you the courtesy of posting on the original LDS thread starting by markomalley the specific prophecy (so as not to disrail this thread) from the Doctrine and Covenants that let me know that Joseph Smith was a true Prophet of God
I think too many people pray AND decide what the answer should be, Myself at the head of that list. If I want to borrow your car, and I knock on the door with the attitude "you have to let me have your car, because I'm asking and you said you'd always help me" I am going to really be upset with you, if your answer is no. Same with prayer, If I pray for my father to live with the attitude "you have to make him live because you said you would always help me" I am going to be really disillusioned when God says NO. But how the question/prayer is answered is up to the respondent. Because our freedom of choice means we know what we want, but the respondent has a whole set of other facts that determine what "his" answer will be when he exercises his freedom of choice.
Naw, Michigan is a Southern state, I live in Alaska
Up North here it is cabin fever time. The days are longer, the body chemistry says "do something, anything, can't you see it is spring???" and the look out the window says, "not hardly" . <_< The rest of the body is going "Brain, STIFFLE, we aren't ready!". The result = short tempers, and hasty words Seems lately to have affected the cafe. Maybe we all need to take a deep breath and rev back a notch, myself included.
PFAL: An Unorthodox Translation
templelady replied to Tom Strange's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Written promises of GOD From Scripture SO what promises has GOD made that aren;t available to us? And since Praying for our needs/wants is stressed through out scripture , is the available list restricted to just the written promises specifically enumerated above? So is it your position that the only things Available to us are the specific written promises of GOD And is it further your position that not all the promises of God are available to us? IF this is the case what happens to "Ask and ye shall receive?" -
How about we get back to the question I want answered Does anyone know if VPW prophesied and If he did what were those prophecies and did any of them come true??
PFAL: An Unorthodox Translation
templelady replied to Tom Strange's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
MIke, AVALABLE obtainable or accessible and ready for use or service World peace is available. All that is required is that each individual not fight. The fact that it most likely won't happen, in no way make it unobtainable. All it takes is each person on the planet controlling their behavior. Do I think it will happen, probably not ,but that doesn't mean that it can't happen. The necessary" tools" are in place in each of us. Not choosing to use said "tools" is our exercise of freedom of choice which in no way changes the fact that we could at any time use the "tools" provided. WHO came up with the "available" list Chapter and verse (scripture not VPW) "All things are possible through Christ Jesus....." There is no law of believing, there is prayer, there is fasting, there is scripture, there is planning, there is Working toward a goal, But just sitting around"exercising your brain cells and expecting "manna" to fall from the heavens NO. One of the most insidious thing I have had to clean from those Little gray cells in my head is the notion that we don't have to ask Heavenly Father for anything, just thank him for it because it is a done deal. NOT!! Heavenly Father has billions of children the idea that you can say, "I thank you God for letting me get that car" (knowing that a car is being given away nest week) and you will get the car, completely ignores the fact that down the street and across town people with a need just as dire and just as worthy are at that very moment offering prayers to God on the same subject. When the winner is announced, Am I to believe that the losers, were less worthy, less devote, less deserving, because some how or other their "believing" was off?? That is devilish and insidious More VPW cut from whole cloth -
So what Donna is saying is that Naomi Died because her father refused to stand with sexual predator Now, unless I understood the tape wrong, Naomi was "moneyhands" granddaughter Shouldn't the believing of someone as "stalwart" as that gentleman been enough to Cover his family??
Accounts receivable?? Since everything is pay as you go what receivables???
Once when I was a kid in Spokane it snowed in JUNE (Temps usually in the 85-95 range) And I've seen it raining in the front yard and sunshine in the back yard not only in Spokane as a kid, but just this year here in Anchorage So when it comes to the weather anything is possible. I've always said maybe to the gas pumps the storm in Tulsa--another kettle of fish altogether. I mean, you meet Stiles because of this freak snowstorm, wouldn't ONE of the parties comment on the storm?Something like "gee that storm front really worked out for the best.' to which the answer would either "yup" or "Huh?"
What does it take to change your mind?
templelady replied to T-Bone's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
The biggest change for me was converting to the LDS faith For a long time after TWI I wouldn't go near a church then I started attending Salvation Army services. I was drawn to the Salvation Army (and still work for them) because of their great outreach in the social service as well as the spiritual arena. Such a change from TWI. But something was still missing. So I asked GOD a series of questions about things that I thought I knew, had been told were true, and just plain didn't work for me in a spiritual, scriptural, and life experience sense. And God began to show me things as I read and prayed. When I was in Spokane I had the opportunity to take the missionary discussions. I had studied the LDS church on and off since I was sixteen so I said yes to the offer. I asked the missionaries the series of questions that had plagued me and to each question they gave an answer that tallied with what God had been showing me in my private quest. Questions answered, agreed with what GOD had shown me, I joined and Have been happy ever since I do not change my mind lightly or easily I avoid jumping from the frying pan to the fire When I contemplate a change it is often for months or even years while I examine all the pros or cons, facets etc of a situation. I am not vocal when contemplating a change, so when change does happen my family and friends often find it "sudden" since I have kept doubts about my previous position to myself while contemplating all the ramifications of a change -
Latter Day Saints Catechesis
templelady replied to markomalley's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
There seems to be a lot of that going around <_< For those of you who were checking on the LDS thread there is a new one where I correct the misinformation I spewed