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Everything posted by templelady

  1. Because not all gifts are appropriate for all people I wouldn't give a lawn tractor to someone who lives in an apartment Likewise God will give the gifts that are of the most benefit to the individual to that individual TO say that all need the same gift or gifts is denying our individuality, but then, that is precisely what TWI tried to do, stamp us out with one cookie cutter like we were play-doh
  2. sad so sad As for the dumping of animals people have this strange idea that domesticated animals, especially cats, become wilderness savvy the minute you drive away. Reality check your animal has no more clue about how to survive in the wilderness for an extended period of time than your 8 year old does-- they die of starvation or are picked off by predators. Catching a chicken in a cage or a mouse in the house is vastly different than catching wild things who have and intimate knowledge of their environment and room to run. And dogs form packs, its instinctive, a pack of domesticated dogs is extremely dangerous and a pack of feral dogs is worse, having no fear of man they will attack anything or anyone--better to face a pack of wolves, whose natural instinct is to head away from man, than a pack of these killers
  3. Not until we know what they are about we shouldn't ever heard of "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely"? While you may feel your doubts are a bit extreme, and that is for you to decide, history has shown that trusting leaders without a wary eye peeled for their faults is a sure path to disaster
  4. JUst finished reading the Gospel of Judas Don't know where to begin It's as if the Gospel of Judas is saying that everything the apostles belived they knew about GOd was false-- I will have to think on this more.
  5. The day when, sitting in a dazed fog amid the ruins of what had been my life, I was told" the fact you have been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis means that GOD is punishing your for not following leadership's direction during the trial" This from the ministry who had comforted me (NOTE THIS IS A POSITIVE I AM POSTING ABOUT PFAL HERE) with the knowledge God does not cause illness to punish people. It was the final shattering straw that brought the house of cards down around my ears. My departure was that day- the departure didn't resonate with as much pain as for many of you because it was just one more thing on a plate already overflowing
  6. Actually CK comes across as a WayGB Troll!
  7. As usual, Allan, you have thrown the baby out with the bathwater. These verses refer to the practice of claiming one had the inside track with God because they could prove they were descended from a long line of faithful Jews. It in no way says or implies that one can't do genealogy for other reasons Please try to keep the apples and oranges straight instead of always making the bruised fruit salad you are so fond of
  8. And for those that also, with you, received great benefit, I am extremely thankful. I have myself posted on things I learned in TWI But JL you have never tried to claim that because you received good there is 1) no evil or 2) those who received only evil are somehow lying There is a vast difference between your position and the latter
  9. Some people in TWi recieved this gift and some didn't, simple as that. The problem is when people run around flaunting the fact that they received a present and others didn't and then claim fact they did receive a present makes them somehow better than others. That is called 1) bad manners and 2) untrue Even if I, for purposes of this discussion only, acede to the idea that we were all suppposed to recieve this gift, it is still 1) bad manners and 2) untrue to flaunt the gift and claim others aren't loved who didn't receive, or can 't manifest or whatever. If you use the Word to hurt the spirit of your brothers and sisters then you are corrupting the Word
  10. What do you think salvation is, Allen?? Some sort of market stall trinket that is peddled to the highest bidder, each vendor trying to outdo the other??? Do you really think God, cares how someone hears about Jesus Christ?? Do you really think, true Christians of any denomination don't rejoice that someone is saved no matter where they learned about Christ??? Jealously of the Word being taught, is not, was not, nor never will be the focus of this forum This forum is about the evils that a twisting of that Word was used to justify. If you can't see the difference between the two concepts; The Word being taught and the Word being twisted to justify evil then you are for more Waybrained than even I imagined.
  11. Is there anywhare a transcript of these broadcasts could be posted for those of us who don't have braodband capabilities? To downlaod just \half would tke over an hour and a half I would love to know what was said--but 3 hours of download is just a;liitle to much
  12. They stand on their own merit UNLESS one is trying to ascertain if a person or situation is good or bad, then the evaluation of was there more good than bad comes into play. This thread is for the purpose of evaluating if VPW"s sins outweighed any good he might have done-therefore the subject of offsetting comes into play
  13. Long ago, when dinosaurs still roamed the earth, I got a teaching degree. learning is -{vastly simplified} The building blocks of learning are learned before the age of seven.. Building blocks are Hot vs cold, Up vs down, Dry vs wet etc etc. After we have those blocks in place everything else we learn is a result of each new concept being correlated in our minds as to where they fit in with the building blocks Intelligence is a measure of how well we reconfigure the positions of the building blocks and concepts Thus the Stephen Hawking's of the world are extremely adept at finding multiple configurations of blocks and concepts - most of us are not so adept, but it is this reconfiguring that takes us beyond the bounds of what we have been taught into new frontiers. We may never be a Hawkings , or Einstein but many a person has found a better way of making or doing something simply by the question What if? If we can't go beyond what we are taught there would be no what ifs
  14. {{{{Sabine}}}} Thus is TWI exposed. Using one of the Gifts of the Holy Ghost to make one of God's precious children feel that HE didn't love them. Simply because they didn't receive that gift. And we fell for it, hook line and sinker, what should have been a Joyful, spiritually enriching experience if it happened, became a thing of drudgery and fear
  15. Personally, on that day when my hair is not behaving , and I look fatter than normal and there is a zit on my nose, I think a burka would be really useful for that quick trip to grocery store! :) VPW Sinned His sins were far reaching Whether he ever did any good in his life I'm not qualified to speak to ever is a long time and everyone manages to some good in their lives, even if by accident-- But for this topic The Bad he did, the pain his actions caused both then and now significantly call into question whether any good he may have done is sufficient to offset the bad. But thankfully I don't have to make that decision, God does
  16. Have a lot of young commercial fisherman who stay here in the off season. Always have an eye on the papers when they head out for the "season'. Boat goes down first thought is "do I know anyone?" Anything to do with commercial fishing has the potential of being deadly here, It's that icy cold water-makes for great fish but the survival rate once you go in is practically nil even in summer "Deadliest Catch" Yeah I watch whenever I get the chance
  17. Martindale was a wannabe He wanted to be a athlete He wanted to be a dancer He wanted to be a ladies man He wanted to be President of TWI What he never seemed to grasp, is that none of the above are a gimme, you have to work and apply yourself with discipline. LCM wanted it all, now, with the least amount of effort, and, like a petulant two year old, lashed out when that didn't happen Less finesse is a fine point because from what I can gather his only area of Finesse was in CYA and even that he proved a failure at.
  18. the sins of VPW affected all of TWI in various ways, some so subtle as yto go unnoticed. I realize that there are people out there, people on these boards, who found Jesus Christ though TWI. TO you I say, That is great but, can no way offset the evil that percolated through TWI especially as the years went by
  19. love good news oh Yes I do Good to hear from you
  20. THE MYTH OF THE SIX MILLION SUGAR CRYSTALS It 's all a hoax I tell you Real peeps are Yellow!! It can't be true, It can;t be My poor precious peeps What have they done to you??? ROTFLMAO
  21. Could it be this? Achalasia Achalasia (cardiospasm, esophageal aperistalsis, megaesophagus) is a disorder in which the rhythmic contractions of the esophagus are greatly decreased and the lower esophageal sphincter fails to relax normally. Achalasia results from a malfunction of the nerves controlling the rhythmic contractions of the esophagus. The cause of the nerve malfunction is not known. Symptoms Achalasia may occur at any age but usually begins, almost unnoticed, between the ages of 20 and 60 and then progresses gradually over many months or years. The tight lower esophageal sphincter causes the part of the esophagus above it to enlarge greatly. This enlargement contributes to many of the symptoms. Difficulty swallowing both solids and liquids is the main symptom. Other symptoms may include chest pain, regurgitation of the bland, nonacidic contents of the enlarged esophagus, and coughing at night. Although uncommon, chest pain may occur during swallowing or for no apparent reason. About one third of people who have achalasia regurgitate undigested food while sleeping. They may inhale food into their lungs, which can cause coughing, a lung abscess, infection of the airways, bronchiectasis, or aspiration pneumonia I found this at a website dealing with the esophagus While reading it may scare the daylights out of you (worst case scenarios abound) I thought it might be helpful http://www.healthynj.org/dis-con/esophagealdis/main.htm
  22. So I see there are a plethora of Possibilities (used my Greek I did I did :) ) I think part of this "nitpicking" of mine comes from being a genealogist. I was a genealogist long before I joined the LDS church. an example of what I mean I was looking for my cousin's dad's family and I had hit a road block in the early 1800's Larry *Smith* (the object of my search)married Ann *Jones* Larry's brother Tom *Smith*- married Mary *Daniels* not making headway with Larry I decided to work on Ann Ann *Jones* parents were Sam *Jones* and Sarah *Black* Sarah *Black*s parents were Mike *Black* and Amy *Green* Amy *Green*s parents were George *Green* and Sarah *Daniels* And lo and behold Sarah DANIELS great grandmother of Ann, wife of my Larry, and Mary DANIELS sister-in-law of Larry were from the same small town in Rhode Island. So I wrote to the poster of Ann JONES line and sure enough--same family and not only did my contact have the genealogy for the DANIELS family, she had the complete genealogy for the SMITHs too And that is how genealogy often works the following of threads and comparing them and picking up similar threads and comparing them SO that is why inconsistencies beckon to me like a hot fudge sundae--I just have to follow those threads, its in my genes
  23. Interesting- no mention of hanging here Almost as if he fell from a rock face into his field Curiouser and curiouser
  24. Okay I have sat and thought about this overnight I accept that it is highly unlikely that the apostles themselves were involved IF Judas was crucified. So my answer is I don;t know who would have crucified Judas BUT (knew there had to be one of those ) I still think that The description of Judas' death makes crucifixion possibility, and I really can't see how one could crucify themselves. As t why this matters-The Bible is two books in one A book of Divine revelation And A book of history I like my history to make sense--event though it often doesn't in the Bible and elsewhere, I like it too
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