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Everything posted by templelady
Yep, I can see tons of Sin in my life in TWI ( still have lbs of it :unsure: ), But I was reproved only about those "sins" which involved me not giving leadership what they felt was their due. I could have turned tricks on 4th Avenue as long as I ABS'd, and they wouldn't have cared
The difference between an atheist\agnostic and a believer in God No one can see the wind --what we see are the results of the wind, the dust cloud, the bending wheat, the fluttering leaves The Atheist\Agnostic sees what occurs in his\her life and can explain it to their satisfaction by scientific or other "rational" explanation The believer in God sees what happens in his\her life and decides that for some of it there is no "rational" explanation but God
The yellow jackets, my sides are still aching
Belle you are a sweetie--thanks so much (Belle sent me cd's of the interviews) I just got through with Chas interview what really struck a chord--trying to live up to their expectations, the house, the cl0othes, the looks, the hair, the whatever came into their pea pickin little brains. Exhausting and emotionally draining Great job
Actually two different questions Is time travel possible? Yes was this person an actual time travler? ??????
Moon River music by Henry Mancini, lyrics by Johnny Mercer Moon River, wider than a mile, I'm crossing you in style some day. Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker, wherever you're going I'm going your way. Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. We're after the same rainbow's end-- waiting 'round the bend, my huckleberry friend, Moon River and me. © 1961 Paramount Music Corporation, ASCAP
I think the criteria should be what is he doing now, what has he been doing the last 10 years. Klu Klux Klan, Aryan Nation, American Nazi Party--usually present themselves as a social group, just a bunch of good ol' boys getting together for some down time. It may be weeks or even months before the newest member of the clique even is told that they are an organization much less what they are about. These Hate groups groom potential candidates, don't want infiltrators or spy's, so this guy may have joined one group only to find out it was a mask for the KKK afterwards. I think the important thing is that he "unjoined"
Have a resident here, Quiet been here a few months, There are several things he has said that come straight from TWI. He walked bast the desk Saturday. Saturday, being a slow day I'm really there just to answer phones and make sure strangers don't gain access to the living area, I usually do my lesson plan for Sunday School . He looks at me and says something to the effect of Christ not really dying on a Friday. I don't know, I really don't And I don;t really want to go into those waters for a variety of reasons. But I notice whenever I've been more outspoken than normal About TWI and the past on these forums, I seem to see him watching me quite often. He's not a threat and I don't have anything to worry about with 75 other people around --but I sometimes wonder
In it seems to be a current that runs through several of the more out on the edge Baptist churches. CW will remember the guy, Dr Jerry PREVO His church, the Anchorage Baptist Temple, is so far over the edge that even many of his fellow Baptists shy away. ( the Baptist churches get together and purchase one ad that lists all of them at say Christmas.--except PPP (Prevo's palace of perverts) they make him buy his own ad Every on the edge nut case who wants to proclaim " this is the only church and the rest of you are going to hell" seems to show up at his church. He owns a major part of the Christian TV station here in town so all his services are broadcast. He no longer has a chapel or a sanctuary in his "temple' Its auditorium (his words) wired for sound 3000+ seating The last few years his pride and joy has been his Easter "pageant". I watched it one year on TV and it made me sick. There isn't anything Easter about it. It shows teh Return of Christ and all the good little Anchorage Baptist Temple people disappear. The next scene shows the rest of the religions led by a catholic priest and nun rushing frantically through empty streets until they come to the open doors of the "temple" and fall weeping to the ground as blackness and flickering flames appear. His latest place in the news is that there is a bill in the Legislature to remove tax exemption from church property, WHY??? because Dr Prevo not only has the Church and grounds tax exempt-, His house tax exempt--But at least a dozen other properties tax exempt-all private homes, some belonging to Sunday school teachers and janitors claiming they are part of the ministerial staff. to close the loophole he slid through is going to take a lot of time and rewrite so as not to penalize churches who deduct honestly. LDS teach many Heavens and outer darkness Baptists teach One Baptist heaven and many hells.
ANd the discrepancies were as far as I can tell, all to further the acceptance of whatever present truth they were expounding. I remember wondering does VPW ABS??? did LCM??? I mean if they were giving everything above a needs basis......
Would I help him ?? I had to think about this long and hard. Most of you know I work for a transitional housing program run by the Salvation Army. So last night the thought came to me what if LCM were to come here for housing?? Say I walk in the door and my Boss says, meet our new resident, Craig" and there he is do I 1) hold out my hand and say welcome 2) do I say hi and then speak to my boss in private 3) DO I turn gray , start shaking , and shriek "GET Out YOU *&(%&^$^%$&^%*&^&)(& I would like to believe that my response would be 1 and 2 combined But I don't, kid myself it could very we'll be 3 depending on just how much of the past my kids and I are working through that week
Did stopping tithing make it worse for you, or better?
templelady replied to Eagle's topic in About The Way
Amen, that's why i go to a church were the "ministers" work for their living at private sector jobs -
Mstar That "God doesn't condemn you" I'm trying to remember how he explained Annais and Saphira it seems that it wasn't God who struck them down--Can anyone help here or am I thinking of some other incident??
Yup that us, the cop outs, and thrown outs lying through our little teeth we are, funny how so many of us who never met one another, and whose involvement in TWI cover 30+ years all have similar stories to tell --must be mass hysteria Yep always better to "research " knowing what you are going to find, and confine yourself to books that support that view otherwise-ARRGG you might actually use your brain to think for itself Yep--got to keep the "good news" Secret And If I see it on a computer screen I won't understand but I f I pay TWI money to sit on a hard , but perfectly stringed, chair and see it on a TV Screen I will. Makes sense to me :blink: Long leg feather shrub black and white fluff shades head deep in denial sand I..Nope I could''t have ever heard that in my stint because this is the New Improved TWI Teaching, (Here after referred to as NITWIT) and if that phrase was from the 80's why that would be from the past and-- well see previous quote NITWIT Rules
The issue isn't whether the teachings were orthodox the issue is Did VPW teach what he did to get scripture to, if not tally with his lifestyle, at least not out and out condemn it. But then I already said that at the beginning. I would be interested in any thoughts you have On THE TOPIC
Thank You Mark Allan, Dear as I see it A You can not post to this thread B you can post to this thread and stay on topic C You can go to the basement and resurrect the LDS thread or start one like Mark suggested and I'll meet you there E A and C F B and C G none of the above Some of the things I've been thinking about "Our Father in the Word" Man of God for Our Day and Time Present Truth The Infamous comma (we ceased, saying the will of the Lord be done vs We ceased saying the will of the Lord be done)
Did stopping tithing make it worse for you, or better?
templelady replied to Eagle's topic in About The Way
I tithe and I find I have much more of my needs met and plenty of money When I "tithed" in TWI it just made me short of money. -- the difference , the motivation on my part and what I was tithing to -
be a member of TWI or if you have questions about TWI and are seeking the truth (will buy what we are selling) and here I thought that "everyone" was inclusive rather than exclusive --Silly Me :blink:
Did The Way Int'l REALLY promote biblical research?
templelady replied to Oakspear's topic in About The Way
So I would be safe in assuming that VPW never saw himself as any of the above?? BUt wait, He had that Doctorate right?? Oh dear my Head, My Head -
Great letter VIcky, I too would like answers, I'll settle for just an acknowledgement that the Alaska situation should have never happened If per chance you do contact LCM You've got my number, and Addy (actually he just has to read under my name) I'd be receptive to a call or letter, no screaming, no abuse, just some honest dialog
At the request of the participants I am expanding the focus of this thread by including JCING CFS, and any other of VPW"s teachings. Other than that, the guidlines remain the same
OM you are you are not going to make a shambles of this thread like you do so many others. This isn't about what we believed or why we stayed its about whether VPW confined himself to taechings that either 1-gave him some measure of justification for his "activities and/or 2 didn't specifically preclude his "activities" try to derail again and see how fast I find that moderator button, clear??? We now return to the topic at hand
I posted this on the manifestations thread. So now my question to all of you is-- In VPWs teachings when he deviated from orthodoxy in significant ways, did that departure give, if not actual support at least an out, to justify his on going behavior? In VPWs teachings when he taught the Bible was correct as written, did that agreement, while not out and out condoning his behavior at least not out and out condemn it either? I would like to confine this to his actual teachings from the Bible (PFAL) and his (VPWs) teachings not LCMs I has taken me a long time to reach that conclusion above, but the more I read and ponder the more I face the awful, even from my perspective, possibility that TWI never was about the Bible but about validation for VPWs lifestyle. This is not about TWI doctrine in the sense of proving or disproving its validity
Poor Tom, First me , now Rascal
OK I'll agree that it is an entity, I can live with that Maybe, because I always knew that God, Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit were separate entities, I just ignored the scripturally unsound bits. TWI wasn't as invasive as it became later, so you could keep your mouth shut and not make waves and believe what the Bible said. On my side of the fence Four cases of Jesus Christ referring to The Holy Spirit as the Comforter and "he" Four cases of The Holy Spirit descending in the shape of a dove while Christ stands in a river and God speaks from Heaven Eight Cases of Filled with the Holy Ghost" On VPWs side his unique interpretation of the gifts of the Spirit not being The Holy Spirit but holy spirit. Which interpretation requires ignoring the 16 cases cited above and several others. ONE instance of the phrase "which is Christ in you, the hope of glory" and he had to take that out of context to make it say what he wanted His denial of the Holy Spirit as a separate entity For me this has ceased to be a doctrinal issue as much as a "VPW did this of for what" issue?? Why does it matter if the Holy Spirit is a separate indwelling entity or if it is God's Spirit. It only matters if VPW saw the difference between: Holy Spirit (separate entity), a conscience and gentle guide for us(in my case sometimes not so gently)leading us in right paths, providing comfort and support and spiritual gifts, as our walk continues down right paths, that enable us to transcend what is possible on an earthly plane or holy spirit, a onetime gift that automatically provides the receiver with "all nine all the time', thus removing good conduct as a requirement for receiving and keeping said gifts I think about PFAL and the more I see and am reminded of these kinds of twisted teachings, along with the benefit of 20/20 hindsight , the more I come to believe that VPWs primary goal was not so much teaching the Bible as it was in figuring out how to get scripture to say what he needed it to say to justify his behavior: behavior which other threads have shown to be of long standing and in place before PFAL was ever conceived