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Everything posted by templelady

  1. Have decided pets will be happier in the mansion. Will now require Mansion with courtyard, East Wing, West Wing, North Wing, And South facing Central living area. The Dogs want the North wing where it's cool, the cats want the West wing where they can watch the sun go down and view the goings on at night of our neighbors, and the Fish, Mouse, Turtle and Gerbils want the East Wing as far from the Cats as possible. I want the South facing central area so I can grow all the plants I couldn't keep alive here on earth and the Courtyard so I can entertain family and friends in style while the pets "gambol on the green midst the slimy troves"
  2. It was still Kewl-even if itis a math trick
  3. Soon-to-be-Pet-Lover This is a bureaucracy we are talking about 1) obtain form and writing instrument of your choice 2) fill out form 3) sign parents name 4) submit form You don't actually think that bureaucracies READ forms do You?? as long as there are the right number of copies with ink in the right places they are satisfied. Quit whining and get to writing Pet owner who will need two mansions, one for her family, and one for the Mouse, Dogs, Cats, Turtle, Fish, and Gerbils
  4. templelady

    dr phils test

    45-I'd say it's right on the money
  5. Okay I'm ready for more education That said I need to ask a question -because maybe I have the wrong answer How did the Third Reich ascertain who was Jewish?? Was it by ethnicity? I know they considered you a Jew if you were 1/4 or more. But was the foundational decision based on ethnicity or was it based on what religion you or said ancestor practiced? I always understood it was from synagogue records , but Lord knows , it won't be the first time I understood wrong So help me out here, any one know the right answer?
  6. tried my original BIrthname I'm Sloopy Pottyfrack --Think I like Dipsey Better <_<
  7. Garth, That's twice, in as many days, that I have whole heartedly agreed with you--We have to stop meeting like this!
  8. Yeah, I would -God has brought that message home to me rather forcefully. Over my 15+ years living here and working with the Salvation Army for several years while living here, I have come into contact with a thousand+ people. Some of them I was really happy to see leave- So I join the LDS church and within a two year time period I find out one of the females I had real problems with is already a member and another one is in the process of joining and are both in my ward. That took me aback a little. So I reasoned, "well I'll just stay out of their way". Well, apparently God wasn't real happy with my attitude, because he made me both of these ladies visiting teacher. That meant every month I either had to visit with them in their homes, call them on the phone or write them. In addition, as a visiting teacher you are your "visitees" (I think I just made a new word <_< ) "go to" person. You need help you call your visiting teacher who provides you help or if she can't she calls the relief Society President who finds someone who can. So here I was up close and personal with two women I didn't like, and not only up close and personal but in the "servant" position. Talk about "taking a check up from the neck up". Last year, here comes another one, I didn't hesitate, walked up gave her a hug and said "welcome, so glad to see you, how have you been?". Given our past track record, she was a bit floored --but things are going well, thank you very much. Learned my lesson well I did, If the Truth is being taught I don't care who is in the pew next to me --I'll be there
  9. I post the way I talk--Just ask CW if you don't believe me
  10. Yes, Goey i do know what you mean, And I am in respectful disagreement with you :) Because early Christians were Identified with the Jews -just one more Jewish offshoot--It wasn't until Paul that the Gentiles were even preached to. Christ didn't preach to them --remember the Greek woman in Mark? Heck, remember the parable about the Good Samaritan? Samaritans were descended from Manasseh! There was a serious conflict between Paul and the apostles when he advanced the idea that in order to become Christian one didn't first have to accept Judaism (the circumcision issue) This whole ethnicity/religious debate is promoted so loudly by the "Holocaust didn't happen", the Holocaust is exaggerated", and neo-Nazis because it absolves them from facing the ugly truth about their stance. Because if ethnicity isn't an issue but it's about religion, Jesus Christ, the apostles, the disciples, Mary, Mary Magdalene, Paul, Priscilla, Aquila, John the Baptist, Elizabeth, all of them, would have ended up in one of those camps had they been alive during Hitlers Reich. So they obfuscate the entire picture, by claiming the Jews of 1940 weren't the same Jews as the Jews of 33 AD. By making ethnicity, rather than religion, the central issue. Lets face it by 1940 there weren't pure anything in Germany, heck, by 1492 there weren't pure anything in that whole region, Germany and the surrounding countries having been the bridge from here to there, and the "lets fight here" spot, for all of Europe for centuries starting with Charlemange. But that was Hitler's whole focus wasn't it? trying to make "pure" that which inherently wasn't and would never be again.
  11. Just call me Dipsey Farkletush- the poster fomerly known as "Mo" Sometimes when you have a stressful day or week, you need some silliness to break up the day. And, if we are honest, we have a lot more stressful days than not. Here is your dose of humor... A. Follow the instructions to find your new name. And don't go all adult - a senior manager is now known far and wide as Dorky Gizzardsniffer. The following is excerpted from a children's book, Captain Underpants And the Perilous Plot Professor Poopypants, by Dave Pilkey, in which the evil Professor forces everyone to assume new names... 1. Use the third letter of your first name to determine your new first name: a = snickle b = doombah c = goober d = cheesey e = crusty f = greasy g = dumbo h = farcus i = dorky j = doofus k = funky l = boobie m = sleezy n = sloopy o = fluffy p = stinky q = slimy r = dorfus s = snooty t = tootsie u = dipsy v = sneezy w = liver x = skippy y = dinky z = zipp 2. Use the second letter of your last name to determine the first half of your new last name: a = dippin b = feather c = batty d = burger e = chicken f = barffyg = lizard h = waffle i = farkle j = monkey k = flippin l = fricken m = bubble n = rhino o = potty p = hamster q = buckle r = gizzard s = lickin t = snickle u = chuckle v = pickle w = hubble x = dingle y = gorilla z = girdle 3. Use the third letter of your last name to determine the second half of your new last name: a = butt b = boob c = face d = nose e = hump f = breath g = pants h = shorts i = lips j = honker k = head l = tush m = chunks n = dunkin o = brains p = biscuits q = toes r = doodle s = fanny t = sniffer u = sprinkles v = frack w = squirt x = humperdinck y = hiney z = juice Thus, for example, George W. Bush's new name is: Fluffy Chucklefanny
  12. let me try again Jews or Jewish refers to a religion you were Jewish, even in the Old Testement, because you adhered to the God and religious tenets of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. To keep discussing DNA has as much value on this topic as declaring that Christians who come from Africa aren't really Christians because Christians are Protestants whose ancestry comes from the British Isles. UH OH That is exactly what the Neo Nazi's say isn't It????
  13. ckmkeon and just exactly what did VPW contribute to society as a whole? I mean like light bulbs music comedy not for just a select few but society as a whole?? VPW with his tax exempt status --TWI isn't a church but it sure became one in a hurry when the IRS came over the horizon. Just who do you think picked up the slack from the taxes TWI and VPW didn't pay??? US that's who, the American people, some of them the very Jews you rant about, and we got in return, nothing, because TWI didn't even take care of it's own much less anyone else.
  14. Here's an interesting link I found AFRICA'S NEW OCEAN A Continent Splits Apart http://service.spiegel.de/cache/internatio...,405947,00.html It is easy to see from this article why people experiencing thiskind of event thousands of years ago ,when the earth was even more unstable and land masses were drifting apart, would think the world was destroyed. Many probably crowded on boats some on rafts, possibly taking their dogs, goats, chickens and other livestock with them. Some eventually found land. Cut off from each other, it would be easy to believe that you were the last people on earth. Animals have much more innate instincts about earthquakes and volcanoes, (just check out my cat before St Augustine blows or we have a 4.+ earthquake, two days before the event, If you don't believe me) Their instincts tell them to run in the opposite direction I accept the account of Noah as a lesson in obedience to God, which reiterates the common thread of- obedience equals life sin equals death, while at the same time understanding the history of it is many histories or parts of histories woven into one
  15. I can think of no more compelling reason
  16. I accept that Genesis may be somewhat allegorical in many instances. That the flood, Which is found in many cultures) and Noah and, how animals ended up where, is not so much a line by line history as a overall explanation of those times and not necessarily a literal time line.
  17. I think It's several things , Trying to keep tab on what "innies" are divulging that might upset the workings of the "household" Try to see if any allegations are made that might require immediate CYA on the part of the BOT just in case a lawsuit should be mounted Seeing how many of us are adding 2+2 and coming out with 4. Case in point --I posted then CW posted corroborating my post, then another believer in Ohio corroborated more and filled in some blanks. Then a believer from the 90's in TWI in Alaska added more information. Thus we have a really complete picture of TWI and Rich Urquhart. It's this "note comparing" that WaygB really fears--Allegations by one are harmless, allegations with support from others are dangerous
  18. Control OVER?????? these are people, living breathing people with wants, hopes desires--Can you grasp that they were denied their freedom because of their religion???? ONLY 750, 000 TO WORK ON?!?!?!?! I work on my quilt, I work on the yard, I work on my genealogy I WORK ON things!!!!! THESE ARE PEOPLE of the Jewish problem, PROBLEM what problem??? That they breathed, that they had control of many of the banks, banks they built, that they were the artisans and the engineers the elite of society??? Yeah there was a problem alright , the problem was that Hitler and his rag tag bunch of thugs, couldn't bear the thought that they might suffer by comparison. But then I can see where this appeals to the blind followers of VPW. A mass justification to hide reality, and reduce people to things to be "Worked" on rather than equals before God
  19. templelady


    Bitterness, anger, hurt--those raw emotions--not any more But CW is right where my kids are concerned. As someone familiar with the case said to me this last year, anything you can think of that constitutes child porn, that was what was done to those kids. So somone,please, tell me how do you relate these things, how do you break the lockbox of TWI without sounding "bitter" when posting what went on. I suppose if I really tried I could think of something along the lines of- "well my kids, went through a lot with all the problems in our time in TWI , but that is in the past, and I just pray they are moving forward. That would make several people on these boards extremely happy. nice light, no discernible emotion but mild concern But the reality is that what happened to me and mine is described by words that in and of them selves have a power tpo rouse anger and bitterness. Like in the series and movie "Dune" --Some words convert to a sound and that sound creates a power. Words like Beatings Rape Sexual abuse Child Abuse Someone tell me how to post those words without causing anger and bitterness to rise in the readers heart-I'll be glad to do it, because so far I haven't found the way.
  20. templelady


    Two thoughts One, it is sometimes hard for those of us who have been posting forever <_< , to remember that this is a dynamic site. TWI lives, the lives it touches live. People are posting here in the last six months who are just now questioning --that are just now facing what was done to them and theirs . Remember Trancechat, remember the anger, the hurt, the VENOM???? For some posters they are at that stage, they have not yet fully come to grips with it all. Think back to when you first found TC or WD or GSC, think back to what feelings boiled in your heart, and the relief/pain/agony/freedom all rolled into one overwhelming emotional rush that we all felt. The "HEART" of WD and GSC is that we have always been a place where it was safe to let the emotions roll. That said, I agree that even if you are in total disagreement-when it is made obvious that you have hurt someone-an I'm Sorry costs nothing, it in no way implies agreement with the other viewpoint, merely that one does not wish to intentionally inflict pain. We could all use the phrase a little more generously , myself at the head of the list Two, For some the knee jerk reactions and anger are a way to hide the pain they feel, the betrayal they feel. Somewhere in their mind they are burying what happened to them, if not totally at last partially. To admit what TWI is would force the lock off that lockbox. To defend TWI is the only way to keep the lid on. And that is as it should be, we each must face our demons in our own time and in our own way. This of course is just my opinion But I have to say that my life would be diminished if I didn't have this place, all of you. The one place where I can express my feelings, without taking two hours to explain TWI to a glassy-eyed listener. THe place where I have found and made so many new friends and reconnected with the old.
  21. The term Jewish is not so much an ethnicity as a religion. If you check the Bible in the Old Testament it was possible for a stranger to be circumcised and accept the law and from thence forth be counted as one of "the people" Hence long before Christ was born Jewish no longer referred to just those descendants of the Exodus. That's way Paul frowned on genealogy as a proof of religious superiority because many of the Jews of his time had no verifiable links to the original 12 tribes. To argue that if you are Jewish and descended from the Khazar tribes as opposed to Jewish descended from the 12 tribes is meaningless--Jewish is Jewish and those who would argue such are not as concerned with the State of Israel as they are in making themselves feel superior. "The Myth of The Six Million" argues if you died of dysentery, If you flung yourself on the electrified fence, If you starved to death, if you were worked to death, if you were shot, if you died as a result of medical experiments etc, YOU CAN'T BE COUNTED IN THE SIX MILLION BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T DIE IN A GAS CHAMBER. Such "logic' can only be attributed to the guilty conscience trying to assuage itself by denying the act instead of admitting culpability. NO wonder VPW found it so compelling -his life was a blueprint of just that sort of thinking
  22. {{{{{{ROBES!!!! }}}}}}} Yes I would like to know the decision too
  23. I always welcome education, Garth :) I stand corrected
  24. Cw had it partially right the Tithe 10% goes to SLC . From the tithe of all the wards --all the wards are paid for. That means the buildings, the utilities, the copy machines, the hymnals, the lesson books, anything necessary for the running of the church and maintenance of the buildings thus all wards have equally nice facilities. Fast Offerings Every month you fast on the first Sunday and give to the church the equivalent of what you would have spent on two meals. Most give more, but if all you can afford is dollar that is all you can afford, no one points fingers at you. This is the fund CW was talking about. These funds stay in the wards and individual stakes. From them is paid, food, housing, utilities, medical bills, prescriptions anything you can think of that members may need help with In addition you can donate to the following funds, Ward Missionary, General Missionary, purchase of BOM's, Humanitarian Aid, Temple construction, Perpetual Education, or Other Tithing is considered a commandment from God, but if and what you tithe is your business. We don't have offering plates instead you can either hand the Bishop or his counselors a discreet gray envelope or if you prefer mail it to the Bishop. Your offerings=your business we now return to the general discussion thank you
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