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Everything posted by templelady

  1. Not to put too fine a point on it, you have to be a woman to understand exactly why what was posted ruffled so many feathers. Most of the vitriol came from my side of the gender divide. The anger had NOTHING TO DO with the act itself, but what was suggested as to the motivation of, not only the poster, but other women in a similar position.What was suggested, from a female perspective, is that we are all whores who traded sex for favors, thereby relegating us all to the "bad girl" category. The kind of women, in short, that no man will ever take home to meet his mother. It was a calculated and vicious insult, and any woman would know that full well even as she was typing. Should the rest of us been "bigger" women and not responded in kind or better yet, not even risen to the bait in the first place?? definitely. That said I for one will try to do better.
  2. Dear potential Neighborhood resident I take a few moments before I and the neighbors get ready to meet to decide on the final designs for the neighborhood bell tower,( a magnificent edifice with plenty of bat roosts in the belfry), to answer your concerns about deceased fish. Please note that "Lucky"is a fish-if a Great White Shark can be resurrected, anything that swims can be. Hope this answers your questions. Got to run Lady Farkletush
  3. In this phrase your wording, lacking any qualifiers, such as "some", indicates that remembering the past and moving forward with your life are mutually exclusive. They aren't. You are entitled to your opinion that they are but should not be surprised when people, like myself, take umbrage at your unilateral assumption that somehow or another we aren't moving forward. If you, in fact, do not mean this unilaterally you need to post using words like "some" "a few" "many but not all of you" Again you, in this phrase, are appearing to make the assumption that we are all held down by weights if this is not your intent see the above notation about qualifiers This is pure unfettered sarcasm addressed to GSCers as a whole. You are indicating that we are somehow of inferior intelligence to you. It should come as no surprise to you , or any other poster, that the lack of use of qualifiers and the use of demeaning sarcasm will result in strong rebuttal of your stance. To complain that you are unfairly attacked while simultaneously using phraseology which invites attack, especially when the problem has already been pointed out to you, is disingenuous at best
  4. Okay WTH, Let's say You are right, I don't believe that for a second, but lets say you are right. You still have eleven million dead people at the hands of Hitler--so I guess your stance is since they weren't Jews that's okay???? Face it, Dead is dead, Genocide is genocide, murder is murder. Hitler planned and condoned it and your precious VPW whole heartedly supported it. Doesn't say much for the lot of you.
  5. All I know is that they all look young to me
  6. Clerk 25 Joyous news, please find attached Permit 657,895-c-12.ac RMM Permit to excavate Renewed Mine in Manifestation, filed by Throgin son of Terin, son of Gimli, son of Gloin. The dwarves report that they have found a collapsed gold mine leading northward from my property under Mr Sparrows property. Both Mr Sparrow and I are, as you can imagine, thrilled by this news as we have each been promised 20% of the profits which will greatly expand the amount available for expansion and renovations of our respective mansions and grounds. The dwarves have set up operations in the Black Pearl anchored in Mr Sparrows inlet. They have assured both Chewy and myself that work will proceed apace on my mansion as they plan only to work by moonlight in the mine assisted by a sub contracted skeleton crew.
  7. Permit Clerk 25 Having obtained a copy of the Permit Thesaurus for The City of GOD (edition 123,567,894) off of E-bay we the undersigned wish to inform you that we have found some critical oversights by your department. Perusal of city records shows that your department has failed to submit the following forms in quadruplicate. 165,165,878 (A) 1.z ESF permit to examine Suessian Fauna failure to file can lead to charges o f property destruction and trespass by the homeowner.874,230,786 (V) 123.8 ORA Notification to objection to residential Aquarium containing more than one shark if the aquarium in question is already is in place , and as a result of this oversight is eligible to expand , cost of expansion shall fall i=on the department or departments failure to file in a timely fashion.894,567,120 (Z) 3.aa PRP Permission to require more than 5 permits for anyone project In an effort to make the City a permit friendlier environment said waiver must be filed previous to each permit request over five.895,654,768 (Q) 6.p CWB Permit for the revocation of permission to reenact US Civil War Battles. Please note this must be filled out in triplicate no less than 14 days before the planned battle, citing number of combatants, specific Battle, types and numbers of equipment.789,085,512 (M) permit for the boarding of a Battleship older than 100 years Please note that boarding cannot take place in moonlight I know that you will see to the filling out and filing of these forms, plus any fines or penalties due to failure to file or late filing Yours Lady of soon to be manor Jacques Ives Cousteau Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson Horton Jack Sparrow
  8. Dear Permit Clerk 1007, I am so glad that things are working out for you--might I suggest Frank Lloyd Wright as an Architect. I know he has been trying to drum up business. Lady of the Soon to be Manor
  9. Dear Permit Clerk 1007 I have, after extensive contemplation, arrived at the conclusion that all work and no play makes for a VERY officious Permit Clerk. I feel that it is my Christian Duty to add a joy to your life. I therefore have, through the auspices of the United Federation of Planets, made contact with a Klingon Bird of Prey. If you check out the extensive garden in the rear of City hall (the one surrounded on three sides with fields of Self-replenishing Quadrotriticale) you will find that 12 hours ago the Bird of Prey in question dropped off 1,500 Tribbles, Given that that was twelve hours ago combined with the fact that you probably won't be in your office for another 12 hours and the fact that the average Tribble gives birth to four young, by my calculations you should have 24,000 furry little pets of your very own when you arrive at work! No thanks are necessary , as the Klingon's have expressed that it was their HONOR to provide you with these tokens of their appreciation. I have notified Chewy about all the permits, variances etc that are required. He listened and then informed me that this will add extensively to the time it takes to finish this project. To stave off boredom he requested and I have agreed that he can practice strafing runs with the Millennium Falcon on the sand dunes at at the corner of Street of Golden Avenue and Street of Golden Street. I stressed the spelling so that there would be no confusion with any other location--but we are dealing with a Wookie here --so I am crossing my fingers. Oh, Did I mention that Indigo Jones will Be my Architect?? Looking forward to his design plans Yours, Lady of the soon to be manor
  10. Reindeer on the roof work for me, recommend the south wing roof as the sound of 32 tiny hooves on the roof will keep the cats entertained
  11. When I get to the Gathering together I'll be too busy greeting friends and family and basking in the radiance of GOD and Jesus Christ to even notice one way or the other
  12. Yeah we all were -it's just "the" word we were actually moving wasn't "THE" Word we should have been moving
  13. Apology, I think demanding his removal as Youth director is more like it NO one, Has the right to disrespect a parent to their children, And I mean No one, Saying your mother is a Heretic ( hooker, Junkie what ever the appellation ) is JUST PLAIN WRONG. An individual who has so little self control that he would spew such venom at a child in his care should immediately be removed from any position which gives him authority over children not his own
  14. ATTENTION Now available for the First time direct to you at home The FREEDOM OF THOUGHT PILL We've all seen the ads "Promotes Harmony IN the Home" "Increases prosperity" "Overcomes fear and worry".... But, what they don't tell you is that you have to take these pills every time something starts to go wrong!!! The toaster breaks making breakfast a chore, take a pill, you lose your job take a pill, you disagree with the MOG take two pills. AND ALL THIS IS IN ADDITION TO THE REQUIRED TWO PILLS EVERY NIGHT AND EVERY MORNING. Users have reported taking as many as 15 pills in one DAY!!! At $60.00 for 120 pills this can easily mount up to as much as $7.50 per day or $225.00 PER MONTH PER FAMILY MEMBER. And YOU HAVE TO TAKE THESE PILLS FOR the rest of Your life WHICH MEANS YOU ARE ADDICTED!!! Not so with our Product The first day take Two pills with breakfast, Two With Lunch and Two with Dinner The second day Two with Breakfast , One with Lunch and one with Dinner The third day one with each meal Days Four through 10 take one pill with breakfast. After that take a pill only when you find yourself slipping back into your old thought patterns that led to your dependence on our competitors product. Your Order will consist of one bottle of 60, enough for a family of four of our FREEDOM OF THOUGHT pills along with one free refill within the first year of the original order. And of course it comes with our money back guarantee. ORDER TODAY START ENJOYING YOUR NEW FOUND FREEDOM "I am so thankful for Dr Farkletush for these wonderful pills, I actually look forward to getting up"- Corabundant Sharenomore "I have found new energy and purpose..." Harriday Planless "My family has become reunited" - Wowey Spitducker
  15. Mo, I think you may be making some inexact assumptions here. All valid points--but the Bible really doesn't say which is true--we both may be equally right, or partially right -so I'm willing to declare a draw :) Abigail, The United States voted For the creation of Israel, as did all the commonwealth nations, except Great Britain after the question was put to the UN. It came to the UN because of decades of mismanagement, and broken promises both to the Jews and to the Arabs by the British. The British government was equally concerned with securing the economic advancements the Jews brought to the area through their land reclamation projects etc and the use of the Arabs as spies and mercenaries in the war against Rommel. First the Jews were promised a homeland, then the British did a double face with the "White Paper". In short the mess was already a mess when it got to the UN --the question before the UN was "what to do about the thousands of Jews who were already there, Deport them?? --To Where?? the only logical step - give them a homeland with set boundaries. The resulting fighting and carnage is a result of The Palestinians and the Israelis making choices for the actions. The United states doesn't send emissaries every morning to put guns in these peoples hands and declare- Fighting starts in 10 minutes
  16. Oh OH Oh Make it stop it hurts ROFLMAOPIMP
  17. I now KNow I had a good reason to skip that mammogram appointment
  18. No probelm I'll notify the Irwins, I have my own contractors, Chewbacca, foreman of a group of dwarves (kin to Gimli son of Gloin), and C3PO will be by this afternoon I figure that Chewy will be able to whip through this this excavation-the more C3PO talks the faster they'll go so as to be finished the sooner and be able send C3PO back to Luke. Oh yes I forgot to mention the Bunny, the Fire bellied newts, and the african frogs Thank yo for all you assistance YOurs truly Eager Homeowner
  19. I could change my name to Letitia Strange and be Tootsie Snickledoodle
  20. So now I need a new floor plan, The East wing for the Irwins, North wing for the dogs, the South wing for the cats they like the sunshine and West wing for me the fish, the turtle, the mouse and the gerbils. I figure I'll have the courtyard area between the west and south wings with another between the west and north wings. That should put plenty of space between us and Graham. Lucky is on his own
  21. Abigial -back to what we were discussing earlier--Just to clarify an earlier post Paul was from Tarsus (Turkish) Priscilla was from Corinth (Greekl) Aquila was originally from Rome(Italian) So even then it appears it was about both ethniciity and religion The more things change......
  22. Good thought--I may just sublet the East wing to the Irwins, they want to bring "Graham" their salt water Croc with them--If the walls do collapse the meeting between "Lucky" and Graham" might just bring a little excitement to the neighborhood
  23. CW, I never saw it this clearly before , Thanks
  24. I stand educated for Hitler's purpowses Jewish was as much etnnicity as Religion
  25. Belle, I am AWESTRUCK!! All that happens when I try it is that my tongue sticks the darn stem in the gap between my molars :(
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