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Everything posted by templelady

  1. AMEN!! Johnny Blasphemy against pizza occurs not because certain ingredients are placed thereon but, when those who would deny their brethren blessings, try to prevent those who are true to the Doctrine of Pizza to place whatever they choose on same. Woe, betide thou pineappless, YOU tithe your offerings of Cheese and pepperoni, but lay heavy choices on those who are desirous of eggplant and strawberries Fruit Pizza Ingredients 1 (18-ounce) package refrigerated cookie dough 1 (8-ounce) package cream cheese, room temperature 1/3 cup sugar 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract or other flavoring (almond, orange, or lemon) Fresh blueberries, banana slices, mandarin orange sections, seedless grapes, strawberry halves, kiwifruit (or any other fruit you want), well drained 1/2 cup orange, peach, or apricot preserves 1 tablespoon water Instructions Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Line an ungreased 14-inch pizza pan with cookie dough cut in 1/8-inch slices, overlapping slightly. Bake 12 minutes or until light brown; remove from oven and cool on a wire rack. In a medium bowl, combine cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla extract or other flavoring; spread over cookie crust. Arrange fruit over cream cheese layer in any design you want (use your imagination). In a small saucepan over very low heat, make a glaze by heating preserves and water. Brush glaze over fruit, making sure to cover the fruit that will turn dark. Refrigerate until ready to serve. Note: This does not keep well, so plan on using it up. You may also use your own sugar cookie recipe in place of the refrigerated dough. Makes 8 to 10 servings http://homecooking.about.com/library/archive/blfruit6.htm
  2. As I type I am suspended between hope and the fear of further disappointment. I looked out the window at 3PM Anchorage time on this beautiful sunny day, and noticed that the trees, barren in the AM, had, at least some of them, become shrouded in the palest of green mists. I dare to hope that his is the first sign of LEAVES ON THE TREES. Yep, that's right folks Anchorage is still awaiting Spring--mayhaps today signals the end of our long wait
  3. Abigail, you can rationalize til the cows come home but there is no way you get "not being concerned about hurting someone else's feelings" out of "not interested in tiptoeing" with out some serious word twisting. I am through conversing with you on this subject, it is clear from what you have posted here that you will never agree to my point of view nor will you ever accept it as valid. This is your right, but a fruitless position for any meaningful discussions
  4. YOU deliberately twist my words "you are not interested in tiptoeing around the feelings of other people" into meaning that I seek to deliberately hurt other peoples feelings as opposed to the actual meaning namely, that I will not retreat from my point of view in an effort to spare the feelings of persons who have no regard for my feelings. You make the assumption there is anger YOU make the assumption that I feel you deserve anger YOU make the assumption That Somehow being angry with you (if the first assumption that was angry were in fact true) make me feel better It's not the posting of anyone's experiences that is at issue it is the posting of experiences and then continuing on with statements that those who didn't have similar experiences are, liars,. making it up, exaggerating, bitter, vindictive, hateful etc etc etc that is the problem. One is a point of view and the other an attack
  5. I was very specific in to whom I was addressing my comments With just a few key strokes you turned this into Thank you for illustrating mu point so beautifully Abigail,
  6. We who are of the household must stand firm against the wiles of the adversary. There is no protection outside of the walls of Pineapple Pizza. If you leave the safety of these walls you will be an olive slice before noon
  7. Μόνο με τη διαίρεση της πίτσας μας μπορούμε σωστά να εκτιμήσουμε την αληθινή αξία του pinapple Only by dividing our pizza correctly can we appreciate the true worth of pinapple
  8. http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.php?showtopic=9905 SHED THAT OLD WORN OUT NAME IN the open forum should fix you right up Tom
  9. Pizza is a holy food Certain toppings are more sacred than others Pineapple is one of the most sacred When deciding what toppings to use care must be taken to observe the context in which the pizza is to be served Pepperoni , while very popular, is for babes in the pizza the POP (Patriarch of Pizza) in our Mother in Pizza
  10. VPW had this huge cloak wrapped around him that said "our Father in the Word". if not for VPW there would be no TWI, no PFAL no Corps program, thus VPW was elevated far above just MOGFODAT status. LCM on the other lacked the formidable pedestal of VPW. LCM was just a believer who made it to the top. Many could remember back when LCM was just new to TWI, there was a familiarity with LCM that no one ever got with VPW. Hence, lacking the cloak and pedestal of VPW, LCM was left in a less defendable position
  11. Only THREE dragons???? Sigh- I must be losing my touch
  12. As it should be Karmic It's not the posts per se I object to It's the Indignant cries of outrage that occur, when the post is taken exactly as the poster meant it when they posted. Once the firestorm descends on their respective heads, then the cries of harassment, lack of level playing fields, discrimination, disrespect ad infinitum ad nauseum come forth. By page three the original thought has long been buried under the mountain of demanded apologies, backtracking, heel digging, and hand wringing. I don't care which side you are on, or even if you are happy straddling the fence. Everyone here knows what buttons to push, everyone here knows what the mores of our society are. When you post; knowing that your words are hurtful, knowingly push buttons, knowingly casting aspersions on the character of other posters; then run crying to the moderators and post virulent character assassinations that leave your responders close to tears--that is the time , in my book--that you should be told if you don't like the heat in the kitchen you shouldn't have started the fire in the first place. No more of this, "posters are afraid to post here" happy bovine excrement they sure aren't/weren't afraid to post when they are/were extolling the virtues of the unvirtuous to the skies--they were/are only "afraid" ( of what , pray tell? like we're going to reach through our ISPs and punch them!) when they were refuted and confronted--classic bully behavior. And for those of you, you know who you are, who figure you'll garner points by being smarmy "peacemakers" who twist and turn to whichever way seems to garner the most posts, stabbing friends in the back just to appear to be better tha you really are--Every wind of doctrine is as applicable in the real world and in other situations as it ever was between the covers of the Bible in a scriptural sense.
  13. Permit Clerk 25 For a person who lets their plethora of birds deposit guano as they please you seem to have a lot of time on your hands Rebellious homeowner (Ya have to have been in the Silly forum to appreciate this folks )
  14. GSC was not designed to be politically correct, It was designed to let TWIers of what ever stage in their lives say what they think. I have noticed a trend this last few weeks to try and make those of us who have legitimate complaints about our treatment at the hands of TWI, or the treatment of friends and loved ones, "tone down" our comments and opinions. Balderdash, If you want to disagree with my viewpoint, Great. If you want to post your own ,vastly different experiences , great. If you want me to tiptoe around you and your pro-TWI stance so as not to hurt your "itty Bitty Feelers" forgidaboutdit!!! I did all the tiptoeing around TWI, from the years 1982-1989 that I ever intend to do. You who expect this to be an afternoon tea party full of whispered gentility --YOU HAVE COME TO THE WRONG PLACE. The very nature of this forum and the nature of the posters thereon, means that there are many sides and many strongheld points. Post as you will, but when you face the rebuttals that will surely come, do not think that I for one will be impressed by whimpering cries of "foul", by those who display a complete lack of regard for my feelings or my experiences.
  15. You DARE To question the teachings of our Mother of the Pizza????? I'm not sure Asleep means Asleep in the sense we think of "Asleep" The flesh and Bones body isnt Asleep it has returned to dust. And I don't believe spirit , being of God, ever loses awareness. Isn't asleep used more in a figurative sense ?
  16. Really??? not in my part of the world, the closest thing to Non-white in Alaska were my kids and they were half white, NO Blacks, No Hispanics, No natives Just white as far as the eye could see. And Alaska, outside of the local population centers, is far more racially diverse than the Midwest or even the Pacific Northwest
  17. johniam, What I said were SOME +PFALers and SOME -PFALers. I never mentioned names or alluded to any specific posts from anyone. The fact that YOU have decided that you are one of the people my posts allude too, says volumes about how you perceive yourself and your agenda. IF the shoe fits....
  18. But, dmiiler, Ya knew it had too , Right??? I mean anything as divisive as Pineapple on Pizza..... "Cult of Hawaiian Pineapple Only" "Sect for the banning of Canned Pineapple on Pizza" Pineapple For Absolute Love classes Is Pineapple Pizza necessary for a productive after life debates If the Dead are not dead--do they yearn for the day they can have Pineapple Pizza? Will the Pineapple crowd gfet to push the blasphemous Anti Pineapplers into the lake of Fire??? Just think A whole new religion based on Pineapple Pizza--We could find an old abandoned Cornfield , Ohio sounds like a good spot to look, Set up a POP (Pizza Overlord of Pineapple) and have a yearly get together call it...Pizza of the Ages Wonder why no one ever thought of it before.....
  19. FOrtunately I have been assured that once I get to paradise I can have as MUCH PINEAPPLE AS I WANT ON MY PIZZA :P
  20. SOME-PFALers might be so characterized, as for their heads coming off, if they don't it isn't due to lack of effort on the part of SOME +PFALers.
  21. My viewpoint, man's Spirit is of God, Spirit cannot die. It is the body that dies and decays since once we leave this earthly life it is an empty cocoon. When Jesus Christ returns our bodies will be raised from their graves (reconstituted as it were to the state they were in the second we died) and we will appear before God with our Spirits and bodies reunited, It is after the judgement that those who are accepted into heaven receive new Bodies. This, IMO, makes perfect sense, I find the whole Are the dead alive now debate often detracts from the true point of the message, Namely, Christ will return and his faithful Followers will be resurrected and given new bodoes besides to getting to live with him forever.
  22. RAF Thank you, for once again reminding me that the Doctrine of Mike is what is being discussed on the thread. Sorry, Little old five senses me is so used to the adage "if you quote, quote exactly" that I have real trouble remembering that quote to MIke means "anything I, in my fevered brain have extrapolated that might or might not have anything to do with the original reference"
  23. "Hounding", an interesting word, it implies that a group of posters (-PFAL)is determined committed to harassing and berating another group of posters (+PFAL). It evokes an image of +PFALers quietly going about their business and suddenly a pack of ravening -PFALers charges over the hill, horns blowing red frock coats gleaming in the sun and begins to chivvy and surround the unsuspecting, defenseless and terrified +PFALers IN actuality the +PFALers have been busy nipping at the heals of the -PFALers, skulking around the chicken coop, popping up to tease +PFALers and disappearing on a consistent basis making any response by the +PFALers a response to -PFALer action rather than an organized hunt designed to bag a defenseless trophy
  24. ON the subject of Christ's return I have no recollection of VPW ever saying anything about it being a long process ever saying there was a secondary spiritual component about it. VPW, used the return to support his theory that the dead are not alive, meaning both the body and the spirit die. no furthur contact from Mike
  25. Perhaps because "NO CONTRADICTIONS" is not something to be preoccupied with. If we are discussing one incident reported by one individual then we gauge truthfulness on the consistency of that one persons statements, since there is no reason there should be a contradiction between him saying what he did today at work now, and what he says he did at work today if asked tomorrow, If it is one incident that many people witnessed --some contradiction is not only allowable but natural. Let's say a car T-bones another car at an intersection. Witness one, a block away may say "I saw the white car speeding down Main street". Witness two a block closer and around the corner will say "I saw the red truck keep going through the stop sign" Driver A says "I was coming down the street and the red truck ran the stop sign". Driver b says "I came to the stop sign and seeing no one started across when the white car came from nowhere" They are all telling the truth from the perspective they had Now we come to the Bible a compilation of works spanning thousands of years, penned by many authors, much of it after the fact. To expect that there should be no contradictions is totally unrealistic. What applied in one situation may very well not have been applicable or proper in another situation. Different witness saw and gave weight to different aspects of a situation given their unique perspective. We only need to be concerned about contradictions that are critical to the spiritual message. ie Heavenly Father is to be worshiped. Jesus Christ is our redeemer,. We are to love our neighbors, We are to feed , clothe and care for our brethren less fortunate than ourselves. etc These messages remain consistent throughout scripture. IMO, PFAL insistence in trying to explain or eradicate every apparent contradiction in the Bible was a case of not only not seeing the forest for the trees but sometimes not seeing the trees for the leaves. [no puns intended] And it is because this short sightedness developed that so many things went so badly wrong. The Idea of PFAL , giving keys to understand scripture , was in and of itself good. But I think that along the way many of us, VPW included, got so wrapped up in the leaves that we not only lost sight of the forest but sometimes forgot it was there altogether
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