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Everything posted by templelady
THanks excie Just the winter and other things Just feel Like I have never quite gotten back on the horse so to speak. More like perched on the rump slipping backwards
I lost half a year to hospitalization Funny thing is first, life went on without me and second, I don't get extra time to catch up. Got to live the life that is now while trying to gather up the bits I missed out on. Sorry there isn't as much time for posting--did a lot of it when in the hospital because you guys were my steady link to out here. But then again I don't know that there are that many here who feel I'm really necessary to the place-- that's not poor me-- just the way I've been feeling Like someone said-there is a lot going on behind the scenes in most of our lives--lately mine seems to be trying to enter free fall mode and I'm trying to stop it
Yup me at Thanksgiving this year 105 lbs lighter then when I got out of emergency surgery in Feb this Year-- Yahoo! New Years resolution-- lose another 80!
Happiest of New Years to (((((((((everyone))))))))))-- May this one be better than the last. Filled with promises kept, and blessings galore.
Thanks for asking--I am doing well
The reality is that no matter how much Proof one has that something happened it will never be enough for some parties. The reality is that no matter how much Proof one has that something didn't happened it will never be enough for some parties. There are people in this world who only feel alive when in the midst of controversy There are people in this world who are busily shoveling unnecessary controversy out of their lives. That is why you see me here less and less. There are so many of you that I love dearly both from meeting you personally and/or from our cyberspace relationship. But the futility of trying to make the blind see and the deaf hear has worn me down. Name calling does no good on either side ultimately we are all individually responsible for what we say and believe and as long as there are two sides to the issue there will always be diehards in either camp. Granted a few may be "converted" to a new viewpoint but those with agendas of their own will likely never change --SIGH--
True worship occurs when we approach Heavenly Father as a small child approaches their loving earthly Father. With a heart full of gratitude, with a desire to please and secure in the knowledge that He desires only the best for us and will never guide us astray. When we have confidence that we are loved and cherished, and willingly follow as he directs. How we reach this attitude-- whether through hymns, scripture reading, meditation, SIT, etc.--is what works for the individual.
Of all the ways of dying......... Dying from eating a Twinkie heated in a microwave seems pretty painless while being good tasting to boot
And then there is degree Are you passive agressive in every situation and arena of your life or just in certain situations or with certain people?? PA sure bets dealing with the screamng hissies if you just come out and say no---
THey are called coping mechanisms for a reason. Passive agressive is just one of many Perhaps the probelm isn't always the person who is passive agressive but the problem of the persons who make this coping mechanism necessary??? The mote in thy brothers eye..........
The area that I have had to grow a backbone in is saying "no" to friends and afamily who neeed help in some way or another. I can't blame this all on TWI -- my mother was really good at inducing guilt trips as were the husbands. --I had it fairly well drilled in my head by the time TWI came along that my only use was if I did what others wanted. I wont go into how much actual money, peace of mind, and just general living conditions this attitude has cost over the years. Well I'm getting better-- Just recently I had a friend call and ask If I could pay for the "significant others" plane ticket here to Alaska as they wanted to get back together. They would of course reimburse me. Knowing the character of the "other" I was none too sure that I would ever see any money from that direction plus, given the "games" that had been played previously by "other", my feeling was that if "other" really wanted to be together witn my friend "other" would find their own ticket and pay for same. So I said,"no" , and I gently explained my reasons The 'other" suddenly got a plane ticket all by their lonesome. Not only did I not lose a friend-when events played out much as I feared they would my friend expressed their gratitude that I had been loving and firm throughout the situation. Having a backbone does not translate into being mean, or rude. It means knowing what you believe, and firmly but kindly not wavering from that point.
THe sad thing for me, and all I know about Bless Patrol is what I have read or heard, is what a wasted opportunity this was. Here you have a group of people, supplying security, who are supposed to be Biblical Scholars, wandering the grounds in the wee hours of the morning. It is during those very same hours that the hurting, the unsure, the grief stricken are all too often pouring their hearts out to God in the hopes of some answers. What a true blesing it would have been for everyone if the hurt and the BP could have come together, to share, to commisserate, to support each other. But no--they had to have regimentation and legalism that routinely crushed the presence of the Holy Ghost. I will say it again -- for a ministry that preached "grace" they spent an awful lot of time practicing "law"
Hope your special day is full of joy and jlaughter--Happy Birthday
My feeling is that if I just express what I feel about my faith, if I share what my faith means to me and the joy and comfort it has brought to me , simply, honestly, and clearly, whatever happens after that is out of my hands. By sharing my faith, I don't mean in an accusitory or condemnatory way. I mean conveying the joy and happiness that the Holy Ghost has brought to my life, the peace that a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father imbues my life with. It is the job iof God to judge, It is our job to uplift , support and encourage. Reproof, correction and confrontation are not a normal part of the job--if and when they become necessary Heavenly Father will give us a clear sign. I do know what you mean about turning someone away from the Lord but if you keep your mesage loving and simple, and they turn away--it probably has notheing to do with the message per se but their own feelings of guilt. While inducing guilt shouild not be a goal it often happens that guilt is induced as the "seeds are sown". Seeds of faith, even on rocky soil, can sometimes find a patch of earth to grow in. I would rather have sown a seed that has the potential of taking root an year or ten years down the road than to never have sown any "seed" at all
Happiest of Birthdays to You !!!!!
It's official- everything has been cleared the doctors have all signed off I AM GOING HOME I still have problems with my right leg but am able to walk with the assistance of a cane for over 900' without stopping. Home to my life, my job, my friends--I can hardly wait.
That is what serving the community, serving the nation and serving God is all about. KUDO's to you Dave and your friend Loren, for helping to make this country the great country that it is.
One of "security's" jobs was to wake people up in the middle of the night to make sure they had flossed their Teeth????? Wait, you mean there was actually a list somewhere that ADULT people had to sign that they flossed their teeth???? You mean they actually put their names on the bloody thing???? Excedrine headache #125856781
Happy Birthday to you my friend. What are you and Cleo {the cockatoo} going to do to celebrate?
Happiest of days --Happy Happy Birthday
I agree--we probably will never see this issue the same. I have enjoyed the discussion, Thank You :) . Have a wonderful day .
the apple is to the apple tree what the uterus is to a mammal. RemOving the uterus does not cause death in the mammal. Removing the apple, which cannot sustain its life by taking in or manufacturing food-- nor reproduce independently of the tree, nor react to stimulas, does not kill the tree. The apple is excess tissue--not even necessary as a uterus as the tree has many more to take its place. Living organisms must possess the ability to make or ingest food, they must be able to excreate waste, they must be able to reproduce. The apple in and of itself can do none of this. Fingernails and hair are composed of dead cells only the root of the hairs and the nail bed under the nail is alive.
So is eating the apple a death?? OR is it just a different way that the apple performs its function??? THe apple, if left to its own devices, falls from the tree, rots, and the seeds go into the earth to grow new apple trees. If eaten by man or other creatures, the fruit is digested and the seeds pass fropm the body falling to the ground where they make new apple trees. Because they probably end up a distance from the parent tree this enables apple trees to be found over a greater area. The apples entire function is to get the seeds to the ground. The apple falling or being eaten does not cause the tree to die. The apple has no life--it does not grow to be more than an apple--it does not use photosynthesis to make food for the tree, it can not reproduce, It cannot bring water to other apples--in the world of the apple tree the lose of an apple from the branch is equivelent to cutting a fingernail. At least that is how I see it
If there were seasons that means that there was winter right??? So since Adam and Eve were NAKED (no clothes AT ALL) I take it that in the winter Adam was permanently "shrunk" (if you know what I mean <_< ) and Eve was permanently "at attention" ??? The problem here seems to be the entire concept of the Garden and earth as we now know it. The Garden was PERFECT. No death, no disease, no need to eat meat, no climate changes, no snow, no rain (rain doesn't occur until the flood, before that the earth was covered by a mist periodically to provide moisture --think dew). No need for clothes, a gentle pruning of branches on the fruit trees, a training of vines up a rock face or tree--that was all that was needed. Eden was Paradise-we cannpt even begin, except in the smallest of ways, to comprehend all that meant- Think of it this way--when you get to heaven and then Paradise is restored on earth--do you think God will allow you to "kill" any other things of His creation?? Do you think there will be rains and freezing cold or broiling heat? Do you think that the pets you had here on earth, who IMO will be with us again, will die, or fight with each other and maim each other?? That is what Eden was, not a chuck of earth that was somehow transformed into a "fairy land", but the total planet now called earth -- Paradise--the Paradise that will be restored.
Of course you can. You can have perfect spritual communication with Heavenly Father while being in a physical body that is paralized by a stroke.