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Everything posted by templelady
If when they say "God told me..." they are referring to what God told them about a situation which only has impact on their lives --I tend to believe them If, however, "God told me..." is being used as a methodology to get me to fall into line with whatever they say or they are trying to do it to someone else my response or attitude is "I'm sure if God wants me (or them) to do it he'll let me (or them) know Himself.
The reference to Mike wasn't intended as a cheap shot-rather an honest question-- there is a similarity in the "I am right and everyone else is wrong" " I am the one doing God's will" "anyone who disagress with me is Hardhearted toward God" attitude being displayed. I really don't care that any poster holds these beliefs-its when they deliberately ascribe motivations and intentions, to posters who disagree with them, which are totally unfounded such as Hardheartedness, excluding God etc. and then CONTINUE TO DO SO AFTER BEING TOLD THOSE ARE NOT THE MOTIVATIONS OR INTENTIONS that I get annoyed as to your question free2love The Word of God is what is written in scripture, whatever that scripture might be, the Bible, the Torah, the BOM, the Quran, The Bagadavita whatever. Speaking your interpretation of scripture is when you take what is said in scripture and and add further interpretation.
lets try again--- no one has said you can't include GOd what has been said is that the rest of us object to you unilaterally deciding that we are excluding or precluding God just becuase we recognize other posters rghts to do do That is your viewpoint-just becuase you have that viewpoint does not mean the rest of us have to accept it as valid. As to anyone thinking God doesn't know or care what goes on here please show where any poster has said that. Not agreeing with you does not mean one has a hard heart toward God--Why?? becuase you aren't Him There is a difference between speaking the word of God and speaking your interpretation of the word of God. Say you would't happen to be one of Mikes, in the PFAL thread in Doctrinal forum, associates would you???? I ask because your arguments and assertions have a strangely familiar ring to them
On the subject of why the word called is used THe following site outlines the traditional Jewish wedding cerenmony http://www.ohr.org.il/yhiy/article.php/1087 I have copied this passage bedekin After the signing of the ketuvah, which is usually accompanied by some light snacks and some hard liquor for the traditional lechaims (the Jewish salute when drinking, which means, "to life!"), the groom does the bedekin, or "veiling." The groom, together with his father and future father-in-law, is accompanied by musicians and the male guests to the room where the bride is receiving her guests. She sits, like a queen, on a throne-like chair surrounded by her family and friends. The groom, who has not seen her for a week (an eternity for a young couple!), covers her face with her veil. This ceremony is mainly for the legal purpose of the groom identifying the bride before the wedding.
Exegetical Question for my fundamentalist friends
templelady replied to markomalley's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
It is a matter for the individual--I know many Christians who adhere to a strict time frame making the earth created 6,000 years ago. Me, I go with science on this, the earth being much older. I think in the OT especially time was recorded in a manner that people could relate to. God took much much longer to do many things. I think the "days" of Genesis and the creation are meant to convey that there was a purposeful continuity when Jesus Christ at God's direction created the earth. Not a haphazard shotgun approach but a systematic organization first water then land, night and day, first plants then animals etc. -
Catherine of Aragon was the daughter of Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile (Christopher Columbus' financiers) she was wed first to Prince Arthur of England son of HenryVII of the house of Tudor. After Arthur's death a papal dispensation was acquired so she could become the wife of Arthurs brother the future HenryVIII. It was Catherine's inability to produce a male heir that led Henry to try and get the marriage declared null and void by the Pope, when that failed he separated from the papacy and the Church of England was established. He then divorced Catherine and married Ann Boleyn who was the mother of Elizabeth I of England. I have never heard that Catherine of Aragon was considered to be a decendent of Jesus, she most certainly wasn't considered to be so in her own time,
Christ's bride being the church is a doctrine not espoused by all branches of Christianity. I have always thought that Christ must have been married. The wedding in Cana--it was the grooms family responsibility to provide the wine. The scene at Cana only makes sense if in fact it is Jesus' wedding-his mother coming to him to tell him that the wine is gone-his responsibility-that explains why he went ahead and changed the water to wine even after saying his "time had not come" he had to fulfill his responsibility as the groom. After his death Mary Magdalene going to the tomb , in some gospels with her friends, annointing the body was the job of the females of the family of the deceased--so where is his mother Mary where are his sisters?? Mary Magdalene going only mkaes sense if she was his wife.
System: Socialism, Liberalism Variation: Moderate Socialism, Moderate Liberalism Ideologies: Social Democratism, Capital Democratism US Parties: Democratic Party Presidents: Gerald Ford (86.56%) 2004 Election Candidates: John Kerry (85.85%), Ralph Nader (75.29%), George W. Bush (67.15%) Statistics Of the 192567 people who took the test: 2.2% had the same score as you. 35.3% were above you on the chart. 53.1% were below you on the chart. 28.6% were to your right on the chart. 59.7% were to your left on the chart. Not too far off--but I would say that in actuality it would be closer to 38.6% to my right and 49.7% to my left
The book of life-because it holds the names of the faithful. When Christ returns the end for the faithful will be here, no more teaching, no more time to repent, no more time to accept-the race will be over hence Chrsit will not need to be reading from any teaching material be it the Bible, the Talmud, the Quran, the Torah, The Book of Morman, The Pearl of Great Price, The Doctrine and Covenants, PFAl etc etc etc
Just when I think my head can't ache anymore from TWI teachings --along comes something even more Excedrin addiction promoting--thank God I left before the nineties
Lord VictorMort Apostle For All things Hedonistic has a certain flair to it :blink:
please tell me when I said you were not free to express your views. What I did was disagree with some of your views-disagreement is not the same as forbiding-- just as not promoting is not the same as precluding
Just to check in --still on vacation now in Spokane. Had a wonderful time at the Oregon Coast from Florence to Tillamook- waves, and sand , and sea lions, and shops and watching the tide roll by---- I shall probably check in later--bye for now
Well I see things are perking along nicely in my absence. since I was responded to after I left I apologize for the tardiness of my response. It would appear to me that you definitely have a personal agenda geared toward how I and perhaps others on this board shoud display our commitment as Christians. I don't run around promoting that everyone eat breakfast in my little sphere of influence in this life but my not promoting it in no way precludes the people I know from eating breakfast. To continue to assert that not promoting God precludes God points, IMO, not to whether God is precluded, but more to your unwillingness to grant to your fellow posters their God given right of freedom of choice.
PFAL: An Unorthodox Translation
templelady replied to Tom Strange's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
still on vacation just popped in to see how everyone is -having a wonderful time. CK why do you post here??? Are you that bored that you must stir the pot simply to have some excitement in your life? It isn't your belief system that bothers me as much as the fact you contribute nothing substantive in explanation for why that system has value. Swooping and hurlng darts at those who disagree with your premises simply to hurl darts does nothing to cause me to consider your viewpoint -
The "One Body" finger pointing thread. Try on the shoe.
templelady replied to M. D. Vaden's topic in About The Way
Some people get over the past by admitting where they screwed up Some people get over the past by claiming they were perfectly righteous and it was all the other guys fault. Some people get over the past by admitting they did wrong and trying to exculpate their wrongs by demanding that the rest of the world admit it was as wrong as they were. Healthy people get over the past by clearly seeing where they have erred while at the same time refusing to accept guilt or responsibility for the wrong action of others. -
Who says it precludes looking to God???? All GSC says is that it is not the Cafes job promote same-- a different statement than that looking at God is precluded
sure, leave Monday for Seattle get there in time for dinner with my brother and his family then take the last flight to Spokane. Tuesday my girlfriend and I leave the cats with her hubby and she and I go to Lincoln City Oregon until Sunday when we come back to Spokane, I may or may not take a train to Shelby Montana for a couple of days the next weekend to see my sister. back in Anchorage on the 8th
Felt this needed to be a whole lot more prominent --Thanks, Goey
Leaving Monday May 22 for vacation will be back June 8th--I may pop in in a week or so --but otherwise, have fun and enjoy your summer see you when I get home
It's old waybrain that renders the following two sentences as mutually exclusive. These are my memories of TWI, most of which are bad, very bad My life is full of hope and promise and God's love. Until you can accept that a person can be living #2 in the now and still discuss #1 in the now without losing any of what #2 has to offer, you can never really say, IMO, you are free of "waybrain"
"Myth of the Six Million, VPW's insistance that the holocaust was not real" must be why the two are not separated on this thread because the two are the topic --that is two as together OK CK, WTH, OM and others Just how many did die, since you claim that the 6 million figure is wrong because we can't substantiate it Please post your SUBSTAINTIATED figures ( with appropriate documentation) It case you are unsure what I mean this is called put up or Stifle
PFAL: An Unorthodox Translation
templelady replied to Tom Strange's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
This coming Monday I fly to Seattle and have dinner with my brother and his family. then on to Spokane. Tuesday my girlfriend and I leave the cats with her husband and head for Lincoln City Oregon for 5 days of nobody but us--I'm turning my cell off and went out and brought drawing supplies. Then back to Spokane for 11 days may take a trip out to Montana to see my sister -- will be looking at housing-may move next year probably not this year unless a whole lot of things fall into place. then back to Anchorage the end of the first week in June. Can hardly wait -
This is what happens when you have a once saved always saved doctrine--kind of makes ya thinks don;t it?