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Everything posted by templelady

  1. templelady


    Hey for one day all I need is carryon Just look for the fat gray hared lady sporting an alaska t shirt LOL I will get a pic to you before the big day
  2. templelady


    OK it;'s a done deal here is my Itinerary Sat 4-Nov-06 Spokane (GEG) Depart 6:25 am to Denver (DEN) Arrive 9:28 am UA United Flight: 768 Denver (DEN) Depart 10:45 am to Houston (IAH) Arrive 1:57 pm Terminal A UA United Flight: 1184 Sun 5-Nov-06 Houston (IAH) Depart 5:18 pm Terminal A to Denver (DEN) Arrive 6:48 UA United Flight: 203 Denver (DEN) Depart 8:27 pm to Spokane (GEG) Arrive 9:43 pm UA United Flight: 439
  3. Obviously if you belong to an organiztion, any poorganization, you must agree with its goals or why would you belong in that sense people are like minded. TWI carried that to extremes insisting on a lockstep mentality. As Frank BUrns said in one episode of M*A*S*H "It's okay to be individuals as long as we are individuals in the same way" which pretty well sums up TWI
  4. After I finally accepted that it wwas real and he was gone I had a most irreverant thought which was "poor graham {the salt water croc that bit Wes a few years back at the zoo} He'll never get another chance at Steve-o" It would be interesting if someone did a study on how the animals at the zoo reacted to all the grief around them. They have to sense it, they have to be missing him.
  5. templelady

    More ebay fun

    So what is the great significance of the Year2021 ???
  6. templelady


    OK here's the deal I'll be in Spokane WA from the 30th of October to the 17 th of November. Just talked to my girlfriend she will keep CAte (my cat) for the weekend So I can come. If any one wants an Alaskan for a house guest from sometime Friday November 3rd to Sometime Sunday November 5th and will come to Houston to collect me and send me back Let me know ASAP ANd I will get me some tickets
  7. Stunned He did so much to bring Wildlife conservation into peoples living roms what a blow for his wife and children and his extended zoo family My thought and prayers are with them
  8. Astounding to me that a person who copies a dvd can face five years in jail with a $250,000.00 fine and yet we make plea deals with killers. All that can be said is I hope this brings a measure of closure to your family my heart is with you
  9. ...............on second thought I'm not going there It is useless to discuss anything with people who will buy that the author of this SQUIT was ever a Mormon
  10. Could it be, just maybe that somehow or another Wage and Labor caught up with HQ. Would make sense as to why the New Present Truth
  11. WHat the world needs is more HAPPY countdowns like THis Congreats and Best wishes
  12. Mentally left in 87 physically left in 89
  13. A nurse spen t1/2 and hour A twork, ranting about her particular religious philosophy to a patient and her superiors and co-workers did nothing???
  14. There seems to be confusing between Mood altering drugs such as Valium and Antidepressants such as Trazodone, amitriptyline, lexpro etc. Mood altering drugs such as Valium are instant emergency quick fixes. no one should be on them for longer than a short period Antidepressants are another category all together. Some of the most common are taken at night. They allow the brain to Turn off For many of us with chronic depression the problem is compounded by the fact we never really get a full nights sleep, and we never get to REM sleep which is where the Id processes all the junk in your life. No REM sleep leads to disastrous consequences in the long run. Sleeping pills knock you out. Antidepressants turn your brain "Off: allowing you to get to REM sleep With REM Sleep the depression is alleviated
  15. As to what kind of treatment is correct for each person. It has been pointed out that is best left to the professionals. To say that one should eschew medication and treat the underlying causes in the case of mental illness, is IMO short sighted at best. You wouldn't tell a liver cancer patient that they shouldn't do chemotherapy until it was ascertained was caused their cancer. The brain is just another part of the body and should be treated with medication as needed when beset by illness.
  16. Having myself coped with mental illness for many years I was extremely fortunate in the early years of my diagnosis and treatment to have strong friends who stood with me --and still do One of the most valuable, if not the most valuable, lessons that they in their roles as friends provided was that the reason for an action DOES NOT make the action and its results acceptable If you hurt someone, behave badly or make bad choices because of your mental illness that is the reason for the action But the Mental illness in no way excuses that fact that you have hurt, behaved badly and made wrong choices. You have an obligation as a member of the human family to apologize, correct, make restitution or whatever is needful to ameliorate the effect of those actions. It was a sometimes painful but necessary lesson
  17. None of us are totally sane --Whatever "sane"is Illness is illness You treat the symptoms In the hopes the illness will either go away or abate to the point where you can live a life within normal bounds. Who one admits into their life or who one retains in their life is decided by far too complex an equation to be reduced to a few variables. What is acceptable from one person, may not be acceptable from another, based on length of friendship, depth of friendship, prior interactions, etc etc etc ad infinitum But to reject a friendship solely on the basis of mental illness I can't see that unless the mental illness creates a situation that is physically unsafe
  18. In think one of the big things to remember is that back in the 60's and the 70's and even the first half of the 80's, Spousal abuse was not something that was talked about in great detail IN some of the bigger urban areas of the country it was coming to the forefront of peoples awareness there were some shelters--but most Police, and doctors, hospitals etc had no cohesive policy of dealing with it. And that was in the big urban areas. In a small rural Ohio farming community I'd lay dollars to doughnuts that if you had said the words "she is an abused spouse" to the average person on the street you would either have gotten a mystified expression on their face or, as a Anchorage Policemen told me after refusing to arrest my husband as I stood bloody and beaten before him "husbands and wives fight and some husbands and wives fight violently. Also the land that she was on the land that headquarters is on , if I remember correctly, is the old Kipp Farm, HER land, Her birthright that VPW weaseled away from her. I don't see going as an option for her And A man who could behave as violently as he did in public____ I'd be tiptoeing on eggshells to make sure that kind of violence didnl't get directed toward me and the kids Confronting him would not have furthered this aim
  19. He did it because he did his whole sentence, no good behavior time, Ie no probation. It just isn't cost effective to extradite him, bring him back, house him, Pay for Sharon;s care, etc. All they want is him registered. They got that. Did he offend again in those intervening years???--we'll probably never know for sure. IF I were going to bet my cold hard cash-------------well those of you who have read the story here on Greasespot know where my money would be--Sad very Sad. BUt at least, we have a handle on him , FOR NOW
  20. After a talk with CW I did some research. Mr Urquhart is no longer on the Alaska Registry WHY?? because he is a REGISTERED SEX OFFENDER in the State of New York Richard Urquhart; 1932 Bailey Ave , Buffalo , NY 14211 Hallelujah!!!!
  21. Early History of New Knoxville http://www.newknoxville.com/our_past.htm
  22. Being in the right place at the wrong time being in the wrong place at the right time being in the right place at the right time being in the wrong place at the wrong time take your pick but 95% of life is one of those four. It takes effort on our parts to change it from -being acted on to deciding what is the right time and what is the right place and then acting on it on our own behalf
  23. My head is spinning What do I do Maintaining Reliable Transportation mainitaining reliable transportation means that MONEY MUST BE SPENT IF I spend money on my transportation does that mean the money I spend is part of my need basis? IF I spend money does that mean I can ABS less or do I have to cut back in another area such as food or utilities to make up the difference? HELP :blink:
  24. LDS tithe 10%. But I have noticed several huge differences in the way the church does it and the way TWi does it. 1. it is voluntary, yes the church teaches we should do it, yes it is necessary of you want a temple recommend (and if you don't tithe the temple is probably not something you are interested in at this time) but no one says you have too. 2. the tithe is private, you put it in a little envelope and privately hand it to the bishop or mail it in. no one but you and the bishop and the clerk know what you tithe 3 the entire tithe goes to SLC in return the chapels, furnishings, utilities are all paid for. NONE of it is held back for personal use by the bishop (who like every other local leader or calling holder is an unpaid volunteer) Vastly different from my stint in TWI went the HOP was conspicuous on the table and you were "shamed" into giving, where the weaker of the spouses was encouraged to raid the savings and checking accounts of the family and give the monies to the Limb without notifying their spouse -so when the checks for rent etc started bouncing all over town there were nasty surprises--but of course that was to the "mushroom" spouses lack of believing
  25. Motel 6 is 129.99. Bottom line is that this is Alaska . Everything is higher. Even the Flea Bags are 115 and up. Maybe the reunion planners have a list of former classmartes still in Anchorage e who are willing to take in house guests???? anyway here is a link to Motel 6 http://www.motel6.com/ms/check-availabilit...avelAgentNumber=
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