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Everything posted by templelady

  1. I see the problem as this NO one can gain eternal life except through Jesus Christ The prevailing theory in the Hellfire and Damnation group is that that means that you have to accept Jesus Christ as your saviour here on this earth or you can't be saved In short, THEY have limited the scope of what Jesus Christ can do in the hereafter THEY, have announced to Jesus that "You can't speak up for anyone to God your father unless he professed you while here on earth" How presumptuous Jesus doesnt need THEIR permission he has God's permission Jesus doesn't need THEIR rules he has God's rules Jesus can and will stand and speak for who ever HE chooses to--as the reader and try-er of hearts--HE is the advocate for all men not just those who adhere to some narrow sectarian view
  2. Anyone remember the TWI teaching that said we were not to ask GOD for anything just thank him? the logic went He already had granted our every wish so all we had to do is thank him for it. Personally that has been a hard attitude to shake I find my self thanking God for getting a good evaluation rather than asking him to help me be a better employee to merit that good evaluation --you get the idea I have no problem thanking him for friends, food, shelter, etc. But remembering to ask rather than take for granted has been a big challenge for me Any thoughts or experiences in this area?
  3. so if pagans are pagans then are non pagans pagan pagans??? I had too I just had too :)
  4. everybody drank beer or ale since water was very problematic Tomatoes were called Love apples and considered poisonous Columbus was trying to reestablish the fortunes of his family adn his standing at the court of Isabella and Ferdinand
  5. Thanks to the folks at Wikipedia I am pleased to announce that University Place is on the west coast of Washington State and not in Eastern Washington--George be afraid be very afraid http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_Place,_Washington
  6. Pagan is such a versatile term Technically anyone not of your faith is a pagan So to a Muslim all non Muslims are "pagan" To SOME Muslims all Muslims who are not the same sect of Islam are also "Pagan To a Jew all non Jews are "pagan"="gentile" To SOME Jews all Jews who are not the same sect of Judaism are also "Pagan To a christian all non Christians are "pagan To SOME Christians all Christians who are not the same sect of Christianity are also "Pagan" and so forth and so on through every religion in the world PAGAN is just a word that really means---' They don't believe as we do, or behave as we do--so it is okay to rob, kill, maim, or otherwise mistreat them because they deserve it
  7. "the possibility of generational curse from your family members" "it is going to cost around two hundred dollars, but you will find out about the prices at the sign-up table" "The primary job is to convince believers like Johnny that salvation was not enough to cleanse them from demonic bondage. These believers must be convinced that they are still bound by Satan and need what is taught in this program to free them. How is the Cleansing Stream going to do this? First they are going to establish the "fact" that bound believers exist" That's all the farther I got Then my senses screamed DANGER! DANGER! DANGER! I too hope you are safely away from these people
  8. anothe reason to be thankful I'm LDS and another reason why This "pagan" will never be on the same page as Allen
  9. "Doing the word" in TWI speak means conforming your thoughts, words, and actions to the "Present Truth"
  10. Unctuous bluebird wheezy giraffes
  11. It's been my experience that people who are contemptuous of others are usually jealous of some facet of the person being held in contempt's life. For example a type A business man might be contemptuous of the guy next door who works 9-5 , and turned down a managerial position because it would cut into the time he spends fishing with his sons. While contempt comes out of the business man in actually it is anger and envy he feels that the guy next door gets to relax and spend so much time with his kids
  12. Between Tom and dmiller it's pretty well covered
  13. For all those men who say, Why buy a cow when you can get milk for free. Here'san update for you: Now days, 80% of women are against marriage, WHY? Becausewomen realize it's not worth buying an entire pig just to get a little sausage. Men are like.... 1. Men are like ...Laxatives ...... They irritate the crap out of you. 2. Men are like. Bananas ....... The older they get, the less firm they are .3. Men are like ...... Weather . Nothing can be done to change them. 4. Men are like .......Blenders You need One, but you're not quite sure why. 5. Men are like .....Chocolate Bars .... Sweet, smooth, & they usually headright for your hips. 6. Men are like .... Commercials ....... You can't believe a word they say. 7. Men are like Department Stores ..... Their clothes are always 1/2 off. 8. Men are like ......Government Bonds .... They take soooooooo long to mature. 9. Men are like .....Mascara . They usually run at the first sign of emotion. 10. Men are like .Popcorn ..... They satisfy you, but only for a little while. 11. Men are like Snow storms .... You never know when they're coming, how many inches you'll get or how long it will last. 12. Men are like ........ Lava Lamps .... Fun to look at, but not very bright. 13. Men are like Parking Spots .......... All the good ones are taken, the rest are handicapped.
  14. My favorite Bumper sticker of all time---- I don't know what old is --but it's older than me!
  15. And that was how they kept us "trapped" when you are so busy thinking about what you are thinking right at the moment--your brain has no time to free associate or explore other "random" thoughts. Keeping your "spiritual trapdoor closed" sounded really good in theory --they just left out the part where there are two kinds of Spirits--keeping that door closed prevented ANY spirit from communication
  16. Just having to "prove" Garth wrong ROFL me I am 55 years 8 months 1 day 21 hours and 37 minutes old
  17. I found out that I am so used to living with pain, back, arthritis, MS that if I take two Tylenol Arthritis before bed I sleep much better. When you get used to that pain in your hip etc it just becomes normal for you--but it does interfere with your sleep patterns--so maybe a couple of aspirin or whatever might just do the trick--inexpensive and worth a try
  18. What amazes me still--although why after all these years it should is beyond me--is how an organization that claims grace as its motivation was far more under the law than the Pharisees were. Except that it was man made law too boot. When I read some of the criteria I noticed many similarities to LDS missionaries, groups of two, door to door, etc but no LDS missionary would tolerate a mission president who was as intrusive as this--and no mission president who was this legalistic would last long So i keep wondering just how one organization can keep messing up in the same way over and over haven't they learned that the same behaviors result in the same results????
  19. One would hope he is studying One would hope he is praying while I may no longer buy into the patter about "claiming his son ship rights" Far be it from me to suggest I know his current standing with the Almighty
  20. Yes??--It means no, I really don't want to come outside for the umpteenth time to see your new manifold gaskets Honey--Means I just reaaly s@#$%#%wed this up but if you are smart you won't mention that Dear--- Means you are on the verge of making a complete fool of yourself--please stop now
  21. Back in the days of the dinosaurs when I was growing up My mom would get stew meat and odd bones from the butcher along with beef fat scraps, add peas and garlic and simmer it for about three hours until the meat fell off the bones and was swimming in the broth. She would take out the bones and the dogs would get regular kibble -Pedigree ™ -with a couple of ladles of that broth. No expensive dog food and they loved it and were sleek and healthy with shiny coats.
  22. I have considered long what IMO charity is before posting--- In Mo's world Charity means doing service for others, Doing service for others even when they may not be your favorite people Doing service for others even when you get no atta girl, thank you, or visible reward Charity is not lip service or good feelings or good intentions Charity is action Faith without works is dead
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