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Fear not dooj these are Rangifer Tarandus. Otherwise known as domesticated Caribou There is also Rangifer Tarandus otherwise known as wild reindeer The ones from the North Pole are very select species produced during a mage's battle between the legendary Merlin and Morgana Le Fey. A passing male owl was inadvertently melded with a fertile female caribou. the resulting offspring selectively mated with other caribou resulting in a whole new species. Rangifer Tarandus Ornithia. These unique deer while looking like reindeer are born in nature about once every 500 years. Instinct automatically causes them to leave their herds and head for the North Pole, shortly after they are weaned, and That Jolly old elf where they assume their sleigh pulling duties at the age of 30. While Dancer, Prancer, Donner, Blitzen, Vixen, Comet, Cupid and Dasher always pull the ceremonial first sleigh on Christmas Eve- led by Rudolph ( a genetic aberration that occurs in the species Rangifer Tarandus Ornithia once every 1000 years) the other reindeer pull sleighs year around delivering toys to hospitals, shelters, orphanages and other areas of the world. Being magical creatures they start to tire about age 1500 but they remain loved and protected and even in advanced years sometimes join sleigh teams for old times sake. protected by their inborn magic your children need never fear that they will end up on a barbecue as their more plebeian cousins
Concerning Bible Time line I watched a fascinating Program on the History Channel called Exodus Decoded. It moves the time line for the Exodus back 1500 years and there in Egyptian stele and artifacts etc are found all the documentation , from an Egyptian perspective, that the Exodus was real that one could desire. It was a two hour program and well worth the time IMO THere is a web site where you can buy the DVD http://theexodusdecoded.com/index1.jsp Check your local listings to see when it will be replayed
Thanks, I never really thought about it before, but I have a co-worker who definitely displays narcisstic qualities. It explains much
And since TWIItes who remain true to the "the Word" are in fact remaing true to the Intrepratation of the Word by VPW and LCM --you lknow PI--that makes them Quitters as far as following GOD Thanks for clarifying that point
The Ways inherent dislike of debt is very simple If I'm paying 150 a month for a sofa that is 150 they aren;t going to get their paws on
Pecan pie-with slivers of different cheese cakes that sounds very Slimming--should go well with my diet since everyone knows party food doesn;t have calories
There are many parts of Quakerism that I find highly spiritually motivating One of My favorite books if "The Christian's Secret of A Happy Life" by Hannah Whitall Smith She was a Quaker that wrote the original in the 1800's it has been reprinted with some of the more unfamiliar references updated, Such as railway car travel, calling cards etc that she uses in her illustrations--but the heart of it remains untouched. I have had a copy near to hand for over 10 years--I highly recommend it -- It does not promote Quakerism or any other Christian sect just down to earth practical day to day living advice
Possibly, and this is Mo speaking here--- very often in the ancient world , and in many cultures today, to name a thing gave it "power" as did discussion about it. I don't know if this is a reason--Abi might have some insight into that from a Jewish perspective--But I offer it as a possibility
I'd be extremely leery of any church that claimed the power to "heal on demand". Even the apostles never claimed that! At certain times and in certain places certain people can heal through the power of GOD. That depends on their faith and the faith of the person being healed AND the will of God in the matter. So any ministry that claimed otherwise is to be highly suspect. As for Mr Hinn--there have been enough write ups about him from reputable sources, that show most of his autobiography is false- as well as where the money actually goes. ---------------- December 27, 20002 - The NBC program DATELINE UNDERCOVER showed a one hour story on Benny Hinn. More info can be obtained at www.dateline.msnbc.com . Some hidden cameras were used. Some of the things on the program: Several former employees who were interviewed said anyone who reported unusual things going on in the ministry was fired. For example, the former head usher said he saw money being taken out of the collection buckets and put in pockets. He was offered one thousand dollars out of the bucket, but refused it. He also said that in ONE night, $420,000 was taken up in an offering. The ministry brings in over 100 Million dollars a year Benny is building a parsonage overlooking the Pacific ocean that will cost 3.5 Million dollars - 6000 square feet - seven baths - room for a 10 car garage Donations have have been taken for over a year for a new orphanage in Mexico "to be completed soon", yet a permit has not even been applied for, according to Mexican authorities who were interviewed In one meeting, Benny says, "Only those that give to God's work will be spared". Hinn ministries buys thousands of Hinn's books so Benny can get the royalty payments. THEN, the ministry sells the books to the public.</ Benny Hinn will not reveal his salary or where all the money goes, like most major ministries do. Hinn ministries will not provide any documentation for claimed healings Benny Hinn refuses to be interviewed by Dateline. ---------------------------- Is it only me who sees frightening parralells betwenn Hinn and an erstwhile farmer in Ohio??? This is clearly staged--because there is no way that there wouldn't have been lawsuits for assault way before now If this had been people just standing around who suddenly got hit by a jacket with no warning and for no reason
Come and listen to a story about a girl named Mo A bold Alaskan for Texas Bar-be-Que would go Then one day she was at The Cafe And there in the posts she found her a way ex10 that is, cheesecake, what a spree! Well the first thing you know ol' Mo a ticket's got Said "South is the way for something hot!" So the Woodlands is the place I'm gonna be November 4th for everyone to see Texas that is Friends galore, Bar -be-Que
now that I've taken a deep breath---- so the result of the "renew your mind" posted earlier by me is that every time someone suggests "you need to adjust your attitude" "you need to reexamine your thinking" --usually a good idea btw in the given situation--- My brain immediately flashes back to St-v- -rmstr-ng and G-ry K-ng telling a shaking and tearful me to Renew my mind. I used to be really bad-so bad I would often burst into tears--the flashbacks still come, no tears, but I have to make a conscious decision to put that flashback aside and concentrate instead on the present
Doctrines the Way Ministry that changed the focus on your life
templelady replied to year2027's topic in About The Way
My mother - God, I miss that women--bad as things were so many times--there were kernels that she planted in my heart that just have been such a blessing (Using that word the way God meant it to be used!) in my life Her parents were from England she was first generation United Statesian. My grandfather was the only member of His family to leave England. I have letters written by his brother during the Blitz in England--These very low key matter of fact-pull yourself up and get going letters with flats bombed, homeless people, lost loved ones, the sound of Nazi aircraft overhead--- Because her aunts uncles and cousins were so directly affected by WWII, as well as my father and his brothers fighting in the war. My mother was fanatical about anything that smacked of Hitler. She always told me --"Hitler Burned books so people would never find or would forget the truth. Books must never be destroyed." This was such an integral part of my mother's very being that I used this to my advantage as a child because I knew as long as I was reading a book -even if on a topic not approved for discussion in our house my mother would let me keep reading. I was about 10 when I got my hands on my first Ian Fleming book. I was in a real racy part when My mom walked in the room. She asked what I was reading and had a look. She read teh scene and then said to me "do yo understand what this means" when I said "yes" she handed the book back to me and left the room. This attitude, ingrained in me since childhood--meant that "burn the Chaff "day was anathema to me and I never participated -
RENEW YOUR MIND Always a negative Always produced feelings of guilt and/or anger Because the reality was that if you were being told to renew your mind that meant you -per "Infallible" leadership-- 1) lacked believing 2) left your "spiritual Trapdoor" Open 3) Lack meekness to receive 4) were five senses orientated 5)Were listening to your "Old Man" 6) any combination of the above And the icing on the cake was that "leadership" usually never got really specific about which combination it was--They either were very generic, or harped on one "weakness". Then when you fixed that "weakness" they came back at you with something else that apparently was a long term problem that somehow never got mentioned until now--now when you were just starting to feel better about yourself
Okay this is LDS theology which, because I am LDS is my viewpoint. This is how it is explained to children so I figured it would be the easiest to follow Green references are the Bible, Red references from additional LDS scriptures 1. In the premortal life we were spirit children and lived with our heavenly parents (Hebrews 12:9) 2. Jesus was the firstborn spirit child of Heavenly Father (D&C 93:31) and is the older brother of our spirits. 3. Lucifer, who became Satan, was also a spirit child of Heavenly Father. 4. Heavenly Father called a meeting for all his spirit children. At this meeting he explained his plan for us to become like him. He told us that he wanted us to go to earth to get a physical body. He explained that on earth we would be tested to see if we would keep his commandments. 5. At this meeting Heavenly Father also explained that on earth we would all sin and we would all die. Heavenly Father needed someone to be the Savior, to suffer for our sins, and to die for us so that we could be resurrected. 6. Lucifer wanted Heavenly Father to change his plan. Lucifer said he would save everyone by taking away their freedom to choose, which would have made it impossible for us to make mistakes or be righteous. Lucifer also wanted all the honor (Moses4:1). 7. Because he loved us( John 5:13) Jesus volunteered to be our Savior. He wanted to follow Heavenly Father’s plan and give the glory to Heavenly Father (Moses4:2) 8. Heavenly Father chose Jesus to be our Savior. Lucifer was angry and rebelled against Heavenly Father (Revelation12:7-9; Moses(4:3-4). 9. Heavenly Father’s spirit children had to decide whether to follow Jesus or Lucifer. 10. One-third of Heavenly Father’s spirit children chose to follow Lucifer, and they were all cast out of heaven. Lucifer became Satan, and the spirits who followed him became evil spirits, who try to get us to do wrong things. These spirits who followed Satan did not receive physical bodies. 11. All the spirits who chose Heavenly Father’s plan and followed Jesus in the premortal life have been or will be born on earth with physical bodies of flesh and blood. 12. All the children in this classroom chose to follow Heavenly Father’s plan and have been born on earth with mortal bodies. http://library.lds.org/nxt/gateway.dll?f=t...r%3Bfield%3ARef This does not bar Satan from Heaven as a reading of the Book of JOB in the Old Testament quickly revels Secondly repentance is available to all of God's children. For God to deny Satan and those who followed him that chance would make God a liar which he isn't IMO the original Prodigal Son was Lucifer that is ,as I said My opinion--
I'll be there the good Lord Willin' and the creek don't rise! Tickets purchased Cat sitter arranged camera with film address book spare set of unmentionables extra socks nightgown toothbrush, makeup and comb (will have to borrow toothpaste since the airlines are afeerd that I will use my crest whitening gel to blow something up!) extra pair jeans money ID Think that about covers it
I think the reason I found this doctrine so seductive is that I had had it drilled into my head since childhood that I really wasn't good enough for God to do anything for me. I was even told in my teens by one minister that God was ignoring me because I couldn't accept the doctrine of the Trinity without question. So when this doctrine popped up on the radar It was like a a 100 foot high wall 2 miles thick made of titanium between me and God in terms of asking and receiving had been blasted to smithereens
Hey Guys and gals just PM'd with the poster "lori" Turns out we know each other from the Alaska days nice gal told her about the little get together So she might show up here looking for info It would be kewl seeing her again
even if you are never baptized in the hereafter by an LDS person dong baptisms that doesn't mean you won't get to heaven 'in my fathers house are many mansions....." Christ and God are the judges of mans heart, "Judge not least ye be judged..... that is the crux of the matter I cannot nor may I if i did know judge another--to state that someone else is going to hell because of their beliefs usurps the authority of God and places the declarer themselves in a perilous position
Allen I hate to be the one to tell you this -- That is LDS theology you are citing
Mr Rogers had a beautiful neighborhood Maybe it's a german thing you know Wunerful! Wunerful! ala Champagne music makers
And those who have no "BIlly Graham", Who nver meet a christian, see a tv, hear a radio, read a bible It is hard for us in our technological free society to realize just how many people in the world are still in this position So what awaits them?
YOU betcha I think I can be baptized for the dead Allen But it is much more than that LDS understand that God is the final judge of hearts Hypothetical example there is a man who is an Amazonian Native He lives deep in the jungles of Brazil He has never seen a non native maybe a glimpse of a neighboring tribe but his worlds is fifty square miles of forest and 10 miles of river This man is a good hunter and provider for his family they are well clothed they have a good house they are well fed his children are loved as is his wife he is kind and gentle he feeds the widow next door he helps the young men in the village hone their hunting skills he is honest he is fair others come to him for advice or to settle problems he is compassionate he shares what he has with those in need he helps others Your theology , and at one time mine, says this man will go to Hell because he never heard about Jesus Christ, never mind that he never saw a missionary, never mind that he has no way to ever obtain bible. And even if one should happen to find its way to him, he couldn't read it. But he is going to Hell because Jesus can't stand up for him before God because he never "Confessed Jesus Christ is Lord" This is why I am LDS This is why I converted I finally found a Christian Church that understands that Jesus Christ is the determiner of who Jesus Christ will speak up for in front of God Not me , not catholicism dogma,. not TWI, not christianity in all its sects, not Judaism, not Buddhism, But Jesus Christ period. All come to the father through Jesus Christ That means that all who come to the father come because Jesus Christ speaks up for them It DOES NOT mean that Jesus Christ can ONLY speak for those that some man made dogma deems acceptable
That's right God's clear plan is that whoever Christ claims as his own will be "saved" You are trying to dictate to Christ who HE can claim as his own That is where the problem lies